Zhui Xu

Vol 10 Chapter 427: Xiaohua’s dream of the world’s enemy

On the eve of dawn, Liangshan Shuibo east bank, north coast of the state, county, village, the atmosphere is uneasy and instigated, the state and county closed the city gate, above the city wall, the soldiers responsible for defending, catching up have been up, looking into the darkness everything of. In the villages without walls, the stockades, and the crowds, some Lizheng and Baojia were awakened by the couriers. They woke up the villagers and the villagers and took out the weapons of the swords and guns. Many people were awakened, lit up, and then urged to blow out, light for a while, then everyone is in the dark to guard everything outside, in the night wind, only the dog bark, occasionally passed Come.

Liangshan has been broken, and the monks have begun to flee. Such news spread around as quickly as possible in the early hours of the morning. Before this, even the most well-informed people knew that Wurui Camp began to attack Liangshan on June 20, and Liangshan broke in two days.

The distance is too far, and the ordinary villagers around may not completely make the Qingliang Mountain strong. For most people, the news of the return of officers and soldiers to the feathers is not surprising. It seems that the message of the collapse of Liangshan’s monks is taken for granted. The two existences are not self-assessment. Only the monks who fled after the war have a closely related relationship for everyone's life.

In fact, in the east of the water, the mountains and the shores that stretched out in the north, the collapsed Liangshan people are indeed landing in different directions and fleeing. In the meantime, there are large-cap stocks, and they are also friends and relatives. On the north bank of the water, the night wind encouraged the fire, and the three big ships chased by the officers and men's warships were already burning. Finally, one of them hit the reef not far from the shore and could no longer move forward.

In the rear, the officers and men's ships chased and killed, arrow rain, javelin, fishing nets, leading the tie soldiers to kill and disembark, and smashed into a piece of wood between the shoal and the shore. Liangshan over there. Several heads struggled to kill, shouting everyone into the woods, glaring at the night, hundreds of people fled to the surrounding fields, villages, wild forests.

In some places, some people stopped by the boat on the weedy shore, carrying the burdened wife or family, holding the knife in their hands, or throwing weapons into it. In the water, I looked back at the night and finally left. I pray in my heart that I can not be caught on the next road.

On the east bank of the water, the dilapidated small fishing village is still immersed in the darkness of the night. The young girl born in the fishermen's house has already got up. She took the wooden barrel and went to the small pier on the side of the village to take water. When the night wind blows. She was kneeling there, closed her eyes and sucked in the cool morning air, and the strange waves passed over.

She widened her eyes and looked forward, but she couldn't see too much. Until the huge silhouette of the wave of waves, suddenly appeared in front of the eyes.

The girl bowed and turned and ran, then slammed. The ship crashed into a small wooden pier and pushed it ashore, breaking the silence of the night.

After one ship, there was another ship, two ships, three ships... The turbulent air began to appear in the fire, and the crowd came down from the ship. Start to drown this dilapidated small fishing village. Some houses lit up with fire, the dog was squatting, and the rear arrow shot from the boat and shot through the dog's throat accurately. In the first boat pushed under the big ship on the shore. The girl who took the water was broken and her legs were pressed against a broken ruin. While still crying, he still trembled. Looked at the head from the boat, hesitated for a moment, but also shook his head.

"Girl, I am free for you." He pulled out the knife and pricked it in from the girl's neck. After the blood spurted out, the girl finally stopped moving.

The one-on-one man was on the boat and there were countless squeaking noises. The soldiers drove the villagers who were awakened, and let some family members and leaders go to the room to take a rest. After several family members who died of the girl came out of the house, her father cried under the push of Liangshan soldiers, and then picked up the wooden fork on the side to fight with the people. Suddenly, he was smashed with a fork. Then kicked him in the nearby debris and the blood was soaked.

"A bunch of chop! I want to hurt my brother!" The head angered and sipped, then stared at the remaining people and the villagers who were being driven around. "Grandpa stayed in the same life, and he waited for it to be entangled. Grandpa will kill like him!"

A total of nearly 4,000 people gathered in the vicinity of the fishing village, and then assembled according to the new heads. The dawn of the dawn was toward the sound of Song Jiang.

"...I am a Song and Song dynasty, I have tried my best to make friends and value loyalty in my life. Every brother is in trouble. From beginning to end, I have to help each other. I also had the ambition to report to the country. Unfortunately, the imperial court was a traitor, and I was trapped by people. I wish to leave a pure land in Liangshan, so that I can wait for the children of the rivers and lakes to live here. I can have a living road... But the situation above Liangshan, everyone has seen that the people are forced to wait for me to wait for a living... ...I am swearing by Song Jiang, and in my lifetime, I will not wear it with this person..."

"...I am in Liangshan, I am together with all the brothers. I am here to come and go. It is also true today... Liangshan is here today, one is my Songjiang incompetence, and it is no wonder that those brothers on the mountain are turning They are the things of life and death, for the devil's head, there is no way... But now the brothers here are the most trustworthy brothers around Songjiang, I can't repeat the same mistakes... I will assure you, I will assure you, Will surely kill a **** road with the brothers in this dilemma, and go to the devil who manipulates the hearts of the people to recover this justice..."

The words were submerged in the wind for a while. Soon after, dozens of captured officers and men were brought to the stage. The people went up and killed one by one. They took guns, smashed, blood filled the ground, and almost all the bodies were All mashed. The fishing boats along the fishing village and the fishing village are burning with raging fire. The villagers who were gathered aside were crying, and some people were shouting.

"...blame! You will blame the officers and men! I have been forced to go nowhere! But even so, I am Liangshan Renyi, today I only take the money and wait for life, and do not take life like you! As for the rest, you go to the government. I want to have fish in the water, the rice in the field will be cooked, and I have left a way to live. I will wait for it to be self-contained, and don’t want to collude with the government. Otherwise, the day when I’m Liangshan’s hero will come back. That day!"

On June 22nd, Liangshan, which was originally between Juyishuibo and nearly 60,000 people, has been completely disbanded. But even the killings on the top of Liangshan are horrendous. In addition to the 4,000 people who escaped from Liangshan in an organized way, including Songjiang, thousands of people also chose to flee in the rout. Among them, Lin Chong and other leaders organized the escape of the people around them, and there were various kinds of zeros. The collapse of the leader of the scattered size leader, in a few days, pushed the atmosphere of riots and nervous chilling toward the land near the mooring.

This strange and grand victory, from a certain degree of temptation, is inspiring after all. There is this fact to make a base. The people in the surrounding counties and counties also felt the horror of the young man from the capital. No matter who it is, leading a group of people to come over here and play a plot to let Liangshan crash, can give people the feeling of this mountain, not to mention the fact that he still carries the trust of the right. Can only be regarded as the best big man in the capital. Under this influence, several surrounding counties and counties did not dare to swear by the yin. In a few days, they searched and surrounded the surrounding areas and seized a lot of Liangshan defeated soldiers.

In addition to the power of the government, the village cottages in Shandong here have the power of self-protection, and for their own safety considerations. Secondly, the wall was pushed by everyone, although there were many conflicts after the collapse of Liangshan, and many people were left behind, but the ability to withstand it. On the contrary, it is the highest. It is not that the knife can be used to steal the melons in the village, and it is necessary to be prepared to be killed. During this period, there were only a few large-scale defeat forces. Caused the troubles of the surrounding, the most influential. Still more than 3,000 people led by Song Jiang.

In two or three days, the three thousand people fled at a rapid speed. When they passed away, they robbed the money and burned the houses. The number of people killed was not much. Then they publicized that they were forced to go to the army by the government and began to move toward the officers and men. Apply pressure on this side. During this period, they were also blocked by officers and men. However, there were only 20,000 people in the Wurui camp. Under the state of division, the power of interception was not enough. After some killings, they were finally killed by more than 3,000 people who had been forced to die. People break through.

At noon on the third day of the ravages of Song Jiang and others, on the hills of a wild mountain, Lin Chong was also taking the gun and bidding farewell to the more than 200 people around him.

"Lin a certain student... I only know that the dance guns are good. In fact, both the heart and the talents are insufficient. Only after being killed, the family was forced to go to Liangshan. The brothers looked at Lin’s eyes and Lin Chong’s heart was awkward. Liangshan has been scattered, and it is no match for the brothers to go up the mountain. It is only before this that there are still some things to do. He can only go one step ahead. If he gets back from the forest, if he can get news from all the brothers, he will come again to meet with the brothers... ..."

In the last few days of Liangshan, the calculations of Song Jiang and Wu used, the division of the whole Liangshan, like the big head of Lin Chong, the heart is more or less known. The other party did not call him, it was because of the jealousy of Ning Yi’s sentence, he could understand, in fact, even if he was called, he would not follow the past. This time, with the brothers who have been trusted, they broke out. At this time, the disaster was temporarily solved, but he had to leave. Everyone actually understood why, he went to the Su family, and the other party would not let him go. He also I don't want to be tired of these brothers.

This time he went to the firm and decided to stay for a while, then he said goodbye.

With the collapse of Liangshan and the proliferation of troubles, there are also some things that are spreading out. That is after the early morning of June 22, with the mouths of people who still intend to leave, the words are spread out. .

"...Song Jiang's life, no matter whether he is a friend or a friend, he is bright and upright, and he can be honest and treat others. It is an enemy, and he can also fight against people on the battlefield. I am waiting for a meal in the green forest. Nothing, but the rules are moral, we must say... Today, this **** man, Tu Ning Liheng, only knows the haze, killing people unscrupulous, making the poisonous and spicy. My Liangshan brothers, originally gathered for loyalty, but in this design and Under the coercion, the brothers on Liangshan were disfigured, and the hands and feet were opposite. It was the worst thing in the world... But without this man’s haze design, it would never have been like this! This person manipulated and incited people so much, in the long run, In my green forest, how can there be morality..."

"...Song Jiang does not know whether he can defeat this person. You have brothers and family members. At this time, Song Jiang also understands that he is entangled in this, but he only hopes to borrow the mouth of this person and say this to the evil. The matter is said. If this person is there, there is no morality in the green forest, everyone can be jealous for him. This matter... you have to guard against it."

This discourse does not contain any "judgment order", but in the name of "Hu Baoyi" Song Jiang, from this day, it is passed down to the green forest and rivers and lakes. His name in the entire Wuchao rivers and lakes may not be as good as the holy Gongfang, but the reputation of Renheyi, such as "Hu Baoyi" and "Timely Rain", still has a great weight. In a few days, the news is only spreading a little bit, and the waves that are about to be picked up are still quietly brewing. Only some people can understand the power contained in these rumors.

"Since we have made a move to make him feel uncomfortable, of course, there must be psychological preparations for him to make a move." The first time to learn these messages, Ning Yi was silent for a long while, then a smile, "' heart Devil 'Ning Liheng, um, this nickname is quite pulling the wind, I don’t know if I will become a big devil like Fang La in the future..."

In fact, it is time to deal with Song Jiang and other people wholeheartedly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Whether it is him or Song Jiang, in fact, some have underestimated the wave that this event will eventually cause. If you look at the past in the opposite direction of Ning Yi, this is almost the beginning of a "martial holocaust" that has lasted for more than ten years.

Nowadays, all of this is still quietly brewing in a little bit of a slogan, and the end of the World War II. In such a day, there were also some guests who came from Luliangshan. At this time, they arrived quietly in Shandong, and then...

"...I am - why don't you die! Come to hell! Why don't you say that you want to kidnap this kind of person! I have been with you for so long, you guys are all **** tired." Come over and die! Tie people!? 60,000 people are dead in front of him! I am fucking... I don’t want to count, I will buy coffins! I will go back to Luliangshan and laugh at you with everyone. You are a bastard! I want to go home to my family -"

This kind of voice does not know where it sounds. Under the same sky, entering the Xiaohe River in Shandong, a figure stands on the boat, and goes down the water. The figure is wearing a red dress, wearing a bucket, and an ancient sword. It is like a fairy Lingbo, wearing a dawn and a twilight.

Ou also, as I agreed, updated ^_^

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