Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 476: Family, pen pal (on)

The green field stretched, and the sunset gradually turned into orange-red between the mountains. On the hillside, several carriages stopped at the side of the road not far away, and there were people who followed, Ning Yi and Su Taner sat between the grass slopes. Next, look at the little 婵 and Juan's apricots playing around Ning Yi.

"You... think clearly?"

"I don't want to be clear, I don't want to put you here. I have planned well before, and after the performance of the two buildings, I will come over."

"How about Yongping?"

"You should be ready for the exam."

"I... I thought you wouldn't come so early. Because the secret newspaper said that Gao Muen was looking for trouble."

"It's all a trivial matter. Mr. Ji of Xiangfu helped solve it. The rest of the soldiers will block the water and cover it. It won't be too big."

"Who is the small frequency?"


"Remember that Xiaochai first saw, two hearts and hearts Luoyi..."

The woman’s word is a word, Ning Yi is full of doubts, as if I thought of this at this time.

"That... is the small frequency referring to people?"


"I thought it was something else. In the whole word, I think these two sentences are the most unintentional..."

"...you are too rogue to be a public."

"There is no such thing as a small frequency..."

The couple joked for this word for a while, Su Taner pinched Ning Yi's palm, after all, did not say Li Pin's name, otherwise Ning Yi's face may have to be green. So for a while, Ning Yi only mentioned the matter back to Jiangning.

"I brought a few people over and stayed on the side of Muhara for a while, can help you do something, it is an experiment... If you go back to Jiangning, worship the father-in-law. It’s time, in fact, this time south, there may be another Things... Two days in the capital, Chen Fan came over to find me."

"Chen Fan..." Su Taner naturally remembers the name and repeats it at this time. After a while, the brow slammed. "He... this time..."

"The things of the Seven Seven Buddhas." Ning Yi looked at the distant sunset, whispered, "He hopes I can help..."

After saying this, look at the wife's face hesitating. Shaking his head again and smiling: "I certainly can't help anything."

Su Tan's worries looked a little relieved, bowed his head and thought about it, still frowning: "But... can you push it off? You... want to push it off?"

"It's not a question of pushing or pushing. People want to pay back, but this thing, almost who touched who died. I told Chen Fan clearly about the background. Chen Fan can understand."

"But... you are still planning to do something, right?"

Su Taner stared at him, Ning Yi sighed and reached over her shoulder: "I hope... even if things don't work, they can at least leave a life, Chen Fan, and this time... Liu watermelon I won't consider going to meet them. Fang Baihua's gangs don't have to wait to see me, I don't want to contact them, maybe at most... See if there is any possibility to see the side of the Seven Buddhas, if To do this, I will do my best."

He looked at the child who was screaming in the distance, and paused: "This family has half of you, so I want you to know about it... We have children now, I won't mess around. ”

"I don't want to...repress you from human feelings, if I have to pay back... But I am always worried about such a big thing." Su Taner leaned on Ning Yi's shoulder. Reluctantly smiled, these things, women think, there will always be more than men, but after a while. She also calmed down: "Can there be any way besides dismissing them?"

"In the south of the Yangtze River, there are a few accounts, maybe you can make a fuss. I don't know the specific situation, but I can inform Chen Fan that they know." Ning Yi said the accounts and the rumors of Fang La's legacy treasure with his wife. "These accounts can't be sinned now, but in many things, there is no need to get a court case. If the people behind the operation are Fang Lai, Chen Fan, they can find a way to find accounts, there is always room for some."

Su Taner nodded.

Soon after, the setting sun burned through the mountains and the night fell. The carriage ignited the torch, and the light shone from the hillside to the small county not far away, and then gathered together with the sparse lights in the county. Due to the arrival of Ning Yi and others, the original small yard is now difficult to arrange housing. Taner arranged the female nieces in the yard, and he and Ning Yi lived in the inn on the county seat. There are always a lot of things to say when there are reunions between husband and wife. There are many things to do. These things are not enough for outsiders.

In the same night, there are lights lit up between the mountains hundreds of miles south of Muhara. This piece is not a barren area. There are large and small towns and villages between the mountains and hills. The official roads and rivers are interspersed among them. Many villages are also relatively wealthy. In the recent period, due to the news of Fang Layu's work as a beggar, the surrounding villages and towns have been slightly stricter, and they have also used their minds for the green forests and rivers and lakes. But after all, it is quite a peaceful place on weekdays. Even so, the surrounding form will not be as nervous as Shandong. For ordinary people, it may not be able to detect the change of atmosphere in the living area.

Located near a large mansion between the remote mountains, Chen Fan, who was a servant of the original army, passed through several whistle under the leadership of the original Yijun companions. Only then did he see the tiredness of the injury, but his eyes still had the gods. The two did not say too much. After a little greeting, Fang Baihua looked at him. Chen Fan shook his head and the middle-aged woman nodded indifferently. For her, such a result was originally expected.

She has heard about Ning Yi’s things. She also met people at the beginning. It is one thing that Chen Fan, watermelon and others are entangled with him, but if the other side of the Seven Buddhas can solve the problem, then It’s too much to say that Ning Yi is too god. At this moment, she did not want to pursue something for Ning Yi’s original things, and it didn’t make sense.

"...I went to inquire about it. The matter about Master is not simple. The first thing that wants Master's life is Wang Hao. Then there are several big families in the capital and everywhere."

Chen Fan whispered about this, but Fang Baihua interrupted him with a light hand: "I know."

"That thing at the moment..." Chen Fan himself could die to save the Seven Buddhas, but he did not want too many people to bury, but the discourse export was difficult. The lips are sharpened and the eyelids have a blood red. Fang Baihua looked at him and shook his head.

"Chen Fan, your master... In fact, I don't want you to be involved in such things. You think it is right. If you take someone away, no one will blame you..."

Chen Fan looked at her with a squint.

Although he was a disciple of the Fangqi Buddha, in the past, Fang Fangjun also had the distinction of superiority and subordination. Chen Fan did not hold a very important position and had a relationship with Fang Baihua. It is not as close as Liu watermelon. Therefore, Fang Baihua’s gaze at this time is also indifferent. It is to put his life and death on the side, and no one needs to understand his indifference.

"Go down, go see the watermelon. These days, her temper is a little big. You young people, let's talk a little. Other things, don't have to mention more."

Chen Fan nodded and then left.

In the recent period, the watermelon side is facing the once-killing father and enemies. The other side as a companion may not understand the slashing battalion of Hangzhou City when it is broken. The temper is bigger. When Chen Fan found her. She was sitting on a large rock on the hillside outside the Zhuangyuan. She was holding her big knife in her arms and saw Chen Fan coming. Her eyes moved slightly, but then it became colder.

"I saw him." Chen Fan said, "But he can't do anything."

The watermelon's gaze was originally moved, and then it returned to the cold. Chen Fandao: "He can't come to see you, but he hopes that you can take care of the big picture and leave here."

The girl with the giant blade turned her head and looked at the moonlight in the sky. For a moment, he said: "He knows that even if he comes over, he can't persuade me."

"He asked me to bring you a letter." Chen Fan took a letter from his arms, originally wanted to hand to the girl, but look at each other's look, and finally just placed on the stone around her. In fact. For the current situation, neither of them may feel good. Chen Fan hopes to go to Beijing to find Ning Yi. After returning, he has to say that Fang Baihua, watermelon and others will leave. While Chen Fan went to Beijing to find Ning Yi, there may be a slight expectation in the heart of watermelon. There is no way at this time. Although she is psychologically prepared, the mood is of course sad and disappointing.

After Chen Fan left, the girl sat there, and she ignored the letter next to her. She held the big knife and put her cheek on the handle. The moment the letter was blown away until the mountain winds, she caught it.

The moonlight above the mountainside is clear, but such light can't be used to read the letter. The girl sat for a while and took the big knife behind her, heading for a small house outside the manor. These days, many of the people of the Seven Buddhas of the Savior did not want to see her. She did not want to see those people. Today, when Fang Baihua used the power to place those people in the manor, she was too lazy to go, only with the killing and other people. Choose to stay around.

She went to the door of the dilapidated room~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I put in a half-burning torch, then clicked it, and sat on the floor under the threshold with a big knife. When I took the letter out of the envelope, the paper It was a word on the top, which made her feel a little angry.

She studied martial arts since childhood, and although she is literate, the basics of writing are not enough. Sometimes reading some literati scholars' letters will feel a headache. Ning Yi's writing skills are very high. Write such an article to show off, do not understand, and what is the meaning. However, after seeing a few words, such emotions disappeared without a trace.

"Agua, see the words like face. It’s been a year since the south. I don’t know what the family around you is now. I don’t know if you are as self-willed as before... I am very I want to come over to see you, but the situation does not allow..."

The title of the head is a kind that she didn't like very much before, but the unpleasant emotion just raised the moment, because the next sentence is a quirky vernacular that she can easily understand, even before. . Under the fire, holding a big knife, it seems that the girl’s lips are slightly curled up, and then she smiles unconsciously, because through the paper, she seems to see the men of last year, he is Over there, casually and gently talking to her, this feeling, let her feel the warmth that has not been felt for many days, she followed the paper, has been watching it ... (to be continued. .)

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