Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 477: Family, pen pal (below)

Under the light of the swaying light, the letter is like this:

"...It’s been a year since the south, I don’t know what the family around you is like now. I don’t know if you are still as self-willed. I can only occasionally get some news afterwards. I know what's going on there, but the details don't understand. I don't have a good position to ask you more. It will cause trouble. Of course, I know you can always understand. What is the overall situation.

The road ahead is not easy. This is our long-standing consensus, so even if you go hard, I will not comfort you. After I came home, the development of various things was not as smooth as I imagined. I had some troubles, big and small, but I don’t have to worry, I have settled one by one, and many enemies are already dead in my hands. I am afraid that you have heard about something so good about me. Anyway, you know it early, right? ”

When I saw the phrase "will not comfort you", the girl under the fire wrinkled her nose, she did not need comfort, but in fact, this sentence "I will not comfort you" in a sense, But it also seems that the man is gently touching her head, giving her a feeling of comfort, letting her feel that something has entered the heart. To see that the narcissistic "is right" later, she couldn't help but laugh out, much like laughing at each other.

"I don't know..." she whispered.

"...I’ve just got a foothold here, I think you too. The friend from the north brought me your message, what you are doing now. Your father’s business many years ago. I want to come see you. You, but the situation is not allowed. Now he may have told me what I think. I also know that even if you finish listening, you will not leave. So I just want to tell you what I expect.

I am as timid as I know that there are times when life is not retreat. At the moment, when you feel that you cannot retreat, I agree. Agua, morality, faith, and determination are all good things. Many times, even if we are in great danger, we should not leave them. I am not going to let you leave them. That is what I first knew. I just want to remind you, keep in mind what you are doing, and think about the difference between danger and death.

I really want to know. Your career in the south has developed into something, even if they are just getting started, I am looking forward to seeing what they are today.

I can remember when you talked about these things in those days, you look very happy. Now I want to admit to you that my heart was guilty at the time. You are a smart person, maybe you will notice when we are separated, and my enthusiasm for this matter is actually not enough. The reason is not because it is deceiving. But because I understand the hardships.

Whatever you want, everyone can be independent and confident, and everyone can have the ability and the opportunity to seize the world of Datong in their own destiny. It may be there. But before I reach that step, what may be needed is a generation, a generation or even a dozen generations of unimaginable pay. I don't have much hope for it, but you choose to do it, even if you know it smartly. How hard is it.

This is what you are going to do, but please forgive me for being out of the way. Equally powerful, I have chosen another important thing to deal with. I have conceived your failures countless times. For such reasons, I only left you with a trace of luck in my heart. Maybe there is a chance of one in ten thousand. After many years, you have ruled out many difficulties. I can I saw that the seeds you planted began to germinate, and that was the most likely thing I wanted to see.

That may, like the change you are facing now, I want to remind you of the difference between danger and death. You are very smart, but after all, young, have a strong spirit and anger, you will remember what your father has experienced, you will see the horrors of those who lost, you will see the enemy you want to kill anyway, you can Rushing past adventures, but you can't rush to death, don't be impulsive.

Taking the risk of dying, to fight for the most triumphant victory, this is the attitude of doing things. But at the risk of dying, and trying to make himself die, it is only a coward's act.

There may be a lot of such people around you, including the friend who came up from the north. I am afraid that I have already prepared for this. I am as smart as you can clearly see this. I have no intention of accusing these people of being brave enough. Life is alive. Sometimes, I feel very tired and feel powerless. Sometimes, people who feel that they are alive will be accused by others and will be despised by others or themselves. They will feel alive. More humiliating, they would rather die, 18 years later is a hero, these people have more courage than ordinary people, but not enough.

An immature person will die bravely for a great thing. A mature person will live humiliatingly for great things. What matters is not the meaning of survival, but the end of the matter, whether it is done well.

I am so embarrassed to say so much, I don't know if you understand it, but the last few sentences I want to say are actually not great things. In the whole matter, what I said is actually more for my selfishness. This is a good thing. If you want to do something in the future, you can take risks, try hard, and do your best to find the best. machine. But you will definitely experience failure. If you fail, you will live for me.

At that time, please live.

Come to me.

This is what I really want to say in my private heart. What I want to say is: Don't think that this statement makes your head hot. This is a cold reality. All the big things are not something that one can do. If I fail, I will go to you and ask for yours. Help, we have worshipped the world, you are my person, and even if I lied to you, we are also partners, this is not shameful. ”

The payment is a very arrogant fork.

Then there is a postscript: "Look at that friend, don't let him die, let the people who are worth living alive."


The mountain wind blew over, and the girl sitting in the fire looked at the letter. Look again, the expression on the face changes occasionally. But in the end. The irritating lingering around her was quiet. She looked at the writing on the stationery, sometimes she wanted to laugh, but her eyes were still calm. The letter was like the knife in her arms. Even with the cold breath, she felt peace, and the flame burned hotly in her heart, but it did not spread to her mind.

I read the letter over and over again many times. She sat for a while before she slowly stood up. The scenery under the mountain, the rolling hills in the night, the spreading roads and the rivers were all shrouded in the clearing of a star-moon. She smiled and smiled involuntarily. Road: "Dead man ... Ning Yi..." The letter did not write his name, which is what she feels regret.

But she finally returned to the hut. Take out the long box, put the big knife in, and then tied it to the back, not far away, find the kill. Chen Fan is also here, talking to Fang Shuchang and others. When the watermelon came, everyone relied on it.

"Duo Shu, the map is taken out, I want to see this around... We are now passing the Yangtze River, this is the official site. The more you go, the harder it is to get out. Whether you can save the Buddha. Can you kill? When the Iron Eagle and Zong Feixiao are both down, they must first think about the road..." She said that she paused here and added, "I want to be clear."

In the past few days, Fang Baihua and others have been escorting the party to the Seventh Buddha and going to Beijing. Although they have not encountered too much crisis, no one knows that the situation is not optimistic.

The plans of Tie Tianying and Zong Feixiao, the two heads of the criminal department, are obvious. Although they have never been to the people of Fang Baihua, every step to the north, the deeper the area where the government and the family are concentrated. Once the other party is shot, the harder it is to get out. They also used a conspiracy to show their attitude. Before going to Beijing, although you are coming to save, the more difficult you are, the harder it will be.

The Fangqi Buddha had a wide range of friends in the past, and now they can gather together the martial arts who used to be the Fangla 嫡 or the affiliation with the Fangqi Buddha. For them, even if they hope, the Seven Buddhas of the Savior are all moral. Some of them are straightforward and big. "After 18 years, they are a good man." Fang Baihua hopes that he can really find a chance from the other side's battle, eat the bait, throw the hook back, and let himself get deeper and deeper.

Liu watermelon and others can naturally see these, but the friendship between the Seven Seven Buddhas and the Barracks Camp is enough for them. At this time, watermelon can find a little calm, and everyone can think more. Over there, Chen Fan hugged his hands on his chest. At this time, he could laugh. He looked at the girl with a strange look. The watermelon looked back at the past.

After all, the two did not fight here. The killing took the map, and everyone studied it. After some thoughts, the watermelon made Fang Shu often find some ink and paper. When she left, Chen Fan came over: "I was really curious, what I wrote in Ning Yi's letter."

"Go away! Or else fight one!" Watermelon raised the chin, but Chen Fan knows that this gaze has already become familiar and cordial in the past. He stopped and folded his hands in front of him. The head smiled. Watermelon knows that he is laughing at himself and is unwilling to leave.

Chen Fan stood there for a while, watching the back of the watermelon heading towards the side of the mountain road. He looked up at the light and shadow in the sky, then looked at the light and shadow of the mountain, and smiled and said to himself: "I should peek."

After a moment, I sighed and whispered it again and again: "The peek..."


Go back to the dilapidated hut~www.wuxiaspot.com~Watermelon found a place to sit down, then set up the raft of the knife as a table, after studying the ink, she looked out the door: "After waiting for things to mess up Cried and cried, ask me for help..."

Then I thought about it for a while with a brush.


For Ning Yi that Agua's name is quite resentful, she thought for a long time, called A fork obviously some cheaper ... I do not know when, she wrote down on paper.

"A stupid." She wrote the name, and then took a letter from Ning Yi and took a look.

"See words like..."

The starry night is cold, just at the moment when the girl is writing at the desk as a member of the fool duo. The huge and silent black curtain, the people who are facing this small world, are overwhelming.

A few days later, Ning Yi first received the letter from the girl in Muyuan County, but the team that led by Fang Baihua and the last of the Yongle Dynasty finally got into the news of the killing... (to be continued). ..)

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