Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 484: Yu Wei (4)

During the heavy rain, the rushing river rushed toward the sharp bend ahead, and the waves surged. The huge body plunged into the water like a winter bear, and after a while, the figure rushed ashore.

The figure named Lin Weichan rushed forward along the river bank and looked at the river. While running, he continued to grab the stone and threw it out, hitting the water column on the river and flying high. After so many times, I stopped using the stones and ran out of a few steps and slowed down.

"Haha." It seemed to be a mocking smile, but the girl who fell in the river had no obvious trace.

Experts have to resort to the tricks, and the omissions between several tricks, I am afraid to pay the price. This battle between the two, although Lin Wei Zen has been playing watermelon has not been able to fight back, but only to repair, watermelon, Chen Fan, these young people have also touched a certain threshold, Lin The water of the evil meditation is only normal, but it is not clear how the ability of watermelon in this respect. If the watermelon is watery, it is not impossible to give him a few knives in the water.

He has just returned to the rivers and lakes, and at this time he has gained the upper hand. Before facing Zhou Wei, everything is still safe. In addition, if it is really possible that the other party's water is very good, it is not likely to be really hard in such water because of serious injuries. Under the rain, his figure walked along the river, staring at the sides of the river like an eagle.

The time is already in the evening. In the rain, the mountains are gray. The river is a layer of lead-blue trees across the wide river. It is blurred and low, and when the river roars, the heavens and the earth move forward because of the fat figure. Still a piece of murder.


Among the big waters, the girl clenched her short knife and tried to keep her last awake. But in the river, the undercurrent rushed, and her body slammed into the sand at the bottom of the river in a silent way. In a blink of an eye, the body had already circulated and could not tell the direction.

The light is dim and the water is turbid. Only the flow rate is astonishing, and the sand and algae are wrapped around the body. Just when the next corner suddenly arrived. She tried to adjust her figure and open her eyes with the only remaining consciousness.

In front of me, the reef on the bottom of the river slammed into the head!

Black shadow zoom -


The rain turned small in the evening. But the sky is still dark in advance. Wind and rain in the mountains and hills. A little bit of light.

In the mountainous area near Sipinggang, there was already a muddy camp in the camp. When Zong Feixiao entered the camp. It was during dinner time that the flames were burning in the wet shacks. Several teams were arranging the ditches in the periphery. The guards of the day shifts and night shifts were wearing robes and changing their posts. Seeing him came, the rules were enforced. It is strict.

The work of the criminal department is convened by the local fast-track servants. From the resources used, it still depends on the local government. In this year, there is nothing in the government office that does not disturb the people. But this time things are different from the past.

The green forest is a good man. It is said that this group of people is the elite of the elite. If you rely on the facilities of the villages and counties to establish camps, after all, you can’t be able to drive away the surrounding people and others. A loophole. For the expedient, Zong Feixiao and Tie Tianying chose to build their own camps according to the marching style, and strive to make everyone under the opponent clear and avoid being infiltrated by outsiders.

The vast criminal department, the national criminal, a total of seven headhunters, all are outstanding. Tie Tianying is savvy and competent, sitting in the town, Zong Feixiao, although it looks burly tall, looks fierce and hot, in fact, is also a thoughtful generation. In the past few days, he led the arresters to lay down the nets outside, and occasionally there were singles who were thrown out and concentrated in prisoners.

Although the top players such as Fang Baihua still have to use the power of Lin Qichan and others, it is also the layout of Zong Feixiao, which effectively compresses the escape space of the other party.

The camp has been in Sipinggang for several days. In a few days, the collapsed monks are being captured, and some are considered famous figures in the past. But for those in the criminal department, it is not enough to have these people.

This time, the party was escorted to the north of the seven Buddhas. On the plain side of the iron and the ancestors, the party was only safely taken to Beijing for trial. But in the eyes of both of them, if you only do one such thing, anyone can do it. Defeat Fang La is the credit of Tong Guan. The defeat of Fang Qi Buddha is Xin Xingzong. The military has taken all these credits. There is nothing wrong with it. But in the case of two people, you can seize the opportunity to come out, naturally, take the flowers underneath. Empty all the rest of the music.

The head of the criminal department always has a lot of power to speak, but in reality, they belong to a transition from the local to the central. These people are often from the bottom up, familiar with specific matters, they are wise and martial arts, but in the imperial court, such people are only cool, and can not be officially large. In other words, they are “artisans” rather than “executors” and “brothers” rather than “generals”.

The span between the two is enormous, and many can only sit for a lifetime in the total capture position. However, if you can cross this hurdle and enter the center of the criminal department, even if you have completed the transformation, you can have a better name in the future.

The acquisition of Wenwu martial arts is sold with the emperor's family, but the difference between Wen and Wu is so great. Of course, the world is so, for them, they will not feel that something is wrong. The total arrest status is not too big, but only for the central officials. For ordinary people, it is always a big official.

All the way into the new shack in the middle of the camp, Tie Tianying is eating wine at the table. The living conditions are not very good, but the food and drink is full of food, Zong Feixiao is quite large, but do not drink, took the leftovers of the sea bowl, and snorted and ate a large bowl before they spoke.

"I only caught three people today. We have lost seven brothers and injured thirteen people. They have nine people who are unwilling to let go and are dead."

Iron Tianying took a sip of wine and sneered: "I can escape to this time, and it is difficult to be fortunate to go to the capital. They understand that they naturally do not want to bind."

"There is a trace of Fang Baihua and others who found the side of Yuzhen. Some people have handed over with the knife. They should change places. But I am going to see it tonight."

"Notify the side of the forest?"

"That Lin Zongwu is weird, we told them that they are not willing to disclose anything, it is really uncomfortable..." Zong Feixiao shook his head, "but it is still said to them." ”

Tie Tianying smiled and said: "They use us, we also use them. These people are mysterious and secret, it is commonplace, first of them, the rest, to find the square flowers and then say ..." The two are not stupid He said this words casually. It is not what I explained to Zong Feixiao. Slightly paused, but whispered: "The magic Buddha is dying of Zen... It was also very powerful..."

"That fat man..." Zong Feixiao thought about it and nodded. "It’s really not to be underestimated. He said that he wants to challenge Zhou Wei. It’s not a false statement."

"Ha." Iron Tianying smiled. Sneering at it, "Let's watch it, the name of the first master of the boxing gymnasium that day. You can just type it out."

The two talked a few words about this, Zong Feixiao had quickly eaten two bowls of rice, and then it was slow to chew. While eating the dishes and remembering something, he said casually: "In these few days, the people of the Secret Investigation Division are asking the surrounding officials about this matter."

Tie Tianying blinked his eyes. After a while, he looked as usual: "The things are so big, there is some movement there, and it is inevitable."

"The name is not right, this group of people is tossing something."

"In an extraordinary time, use the expediency." Tie Tianying smiled. "Only look at the attitude above, I know that the Holy Spirit is not at ease to them. They are only qualified to watch now. When they go to the north, they will take a break. What kind of gang is the end of the game. At the beginning, Cai Xiang did not have such power, and above the hall, he could make one faction stand out."

Zong Feixiao nodded and then lowered his voice: "Not long ago, Liu Qinghe talked privately with me. There is this secret investigation department. Maybe it is to fight against Cai Xiang. On the court, Li Xiang is just In the name of the straight, I can resist Cai Xiang. After all, the real one is Qin Xiangye. If he had not retired, he was afraid that he would really be able to compete with Cai.

"These things are what you and I can know." Tie Tianying also whispered. "But speaking, in the cases you have done before, think about how much you have to do with Cai." Cai Xiangyi Party, the family is big, and the business with the Liao people in that year, how many people they participated in. If no one can resist with Cai, this Northern Expedition can not be played."

"Cai Xiang is also trying to promote the Northern Expedition."

"Cai Xiang, Tong Jian Mi these people, which one is not trying to promote the Northern Expedition ... they want to be named after the future." Tie Tianying said, "The people who can be behind them may not, if there is a Qin phase suddenly come out For many years, Zhishi has no concern, taking advantage of the gang’s slap in the face, and who is willing to make concessions here and withdraw from the business with Liao. Cai Xiang is also happy to see Qin Qin, they are big, Qin Xiang is amazing, He can push the boat and say to the family that the Holy Spirit is going to the Northern Expedition, and Qin’s face is not given, and can’t afford it...”

When he finished, he sighed again: "But ah, in the extraordinary period, people who have used such fierce means, have you seen a few good endes? Qin Xiangyi, now afraid of being more than Li Xiang People hate."

Zong Feixiao also shook his head. They are talking about national affairs at this time. In fact, they are still unhappy with the involvement of the Secret Investigation Department. In the past, in this piece, they are the authority, and the upper management of the Ministry of Punishment is nothing more than a small-scale trick that has only been established for a few years, and it is not a large scale.

"But this time the Secret Investigation Department found it a bit thin." After a long silence, Zong Feixiao said.

Iron Tianying frowned: "fine?"

"A lot of things have been transferred from the nearby county, and they all seem to be intrigued. I don't want to get our attention, but the nearby servitude, the quick transfer, the injury, these are all. Some people mentioned that they also went to the nearby medical center to check After the visit... the people who do this are well-organized, like a veteran."

"Let's get things done right now..." Shen Yan and a half, Tie Tianying said, "They checked what they wanted to do?"

"Sikongan, Lin Zongwu, Wang Nantuo..." Zong Feixiao whispered.

Iron Tianying's eyes are blurred and contemplative for a moment, and Zong Feixiao is together: "They can't get it?"

"Since the incident of Liangshan last year, the secret investigation has strengthened the emphasis on the green forest. They are no one in the past, and the book business is arrogant. The original is not in charge of this, but now I am afraid that someone is there... that my heart is Ning Yi. ”

"Oh..." Iron Tianying laughed, but after all, he did not make an evaluation.

"Don't be too young, after Liangshan's case, the name of the demon spread throughout the northern green forest. Just last year, Liu Qing and there knew that there were five or six people who went to the capital and wanted to assassinate him to become famous. It is."

Among the seven general arrests of the Ministry of Justice, Liu Qinghe was responsible for the head of the Gyeonggi area and said something. Nature is weighty. Iron Tianying shook his head: "There is a right-handed force. The average person goes to the capital city. Naturally, this is the end of the game. It has little to do with the ability of Ning Yi. I am watching the things of Liangshan, although this person is fierce. But acting on its own. Or manipulating the style of the scholars of others, fearing that it is only a counselor from the government. Now the parties here intervene, the situation is already chaotic. If he is a book business, he does not know how to intervene in the sky... I don't know what it will be."

Tie Tianying said this in his mouth. Although he was quite dissatisfied with the devil in his speech, he still understood that he could not despise the other side. He has been in the public for many years, but he understands the sorrow of Confucianism.

On the green forest road, the days of **** knives and bloodshed, many times, but still pay attention to morality, it is really a Confucian student to do things, full of morality, but the actual means will be omnipotent. In particular, they read more books, know more things, act unscrupulously, and the means are endless, and they are hard to prevent. The case of Liangshan is evidence, and tens of thousands of people have been directly crushed by a series of schemes. Although the Ministry of Secret Investigation is responsible for the incident, there are not many criminal interventions, but Tie Tianying and others occasionally know about it and can also know the benefits. Many survivors still had a lingering after the incident. Later, the green forest vibrated, and the name of the demon was spread. Unlike the ordinary Greenwood people, the name was played, and the other party was completely reputed with human life.

Although the Criminal Department is also an official, there is no one who dares to take tens of thousands of people to fight. Those who can manipulate so many people are either the military's shots on the battlefield, or the Confucian students who are doing things.

At this time, in this place near Sipinggang, the two criminals involved in the total arrest, which is the power of any green forest forces to be shocked. However, Sikong Nan is the former saint of the demon religion, and his character is re-emerged. The height of martial arts is difficult to estimate, and there is a shadow of a big family who does not dare to move. While Fang Baihua is a system, although it is now in a dilemma, it is also the ember of this rebellion that shakes Tiannan. At the beginning, it can incite the power of the court. Even if it is a dead end, it cannot be underestimated.

In such a situation, if the demons insert a foot with an uncomfortable eccentric mind, it is also extremely unpredictable for them. Although the Department of Secret Investigation has only the power of supervision and does not have the power to command, but who knows what is in the mind of the other party. Confucianism bends and bends, and it’s hard to know what it’s like to do.

Most of all, he also hates the feeling that he is being stared, not cited. Especially when the other party is the existence of the demons.

After talking about it for a while, Zong Feixiao took a break for a while, and then went out to investigate the things of Fang Baihua~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Suddenly, someone came over and reported: "There are people who claim to be secret agents. The disc is looking outside."

Iron Tianying and Zong Feixiao looked at each other and frowned. They all thought, "Is it really coming?"

They thought that the Secret Investigation Department would stare at everything in secret, but did not expect that the other party would suddenly come to see.

The Secret Investigation Department does not have much compulsory power in the local area. Tie Tianying and Zong Feixiao can certainly prevent the other party from coming in, but they would rather sin the gentleman than sin the villain, acting with the secret investigation department, the leader of the demons, It’s not good to refuse it. Zong Feixiao took the paper and asked: "Who is coming?"

Take a closer look before handing it to Tie Tianying: "You should deal with it first, I am going out."

Looked at the name, the other party is a Xiangfu Xi Xi, named Cheng Zhouhai. They are only talking about Ning Yi, the next person is stunned to report, can not help but think of it is not the demons? At this time, if you look at it, you haven’t treated it as a big deal. In fact, it’s strange. Even if Ning Yi really comes, they won’t really feel serious.

When the next sect went out, Tie Tianying ordered his men to clean up the shack and pass on the people. (To be continued...)

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