Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 486: Yu Wei (6)

The blade pierced the night rain.

When the blood flower splashed, under the eaves in the rain, the figure rushed out of the long street like a ghost, the brush in the hand brushed the brush, and pierced the back of the person in front or the chest, not far from the street. On, it is already a mess.


This is a messy town, the chaos that has been going on for a while, but the momentum is not big. Most of the towns are short houses and deep alleys. More than a dozen officers and men who came from the team quickly found two suspicious people. The other party also found them in turn, and then they were chasing each other in the lanes and between the houses. .

At this time, the officers and men who can be arranged to hunt down are all good players, but the two who escaped to this point are the elite generals of the Fangla Army. In the pursuit of the lanes, several officers and men were caught in chaos and killed. When the seemingly calm streets caught up with one of the fugitives inadvertently, they suddenly saw each other and the nearby residents were alarmed. For a moment, the scene was chaotic.

When another four arrested, another fugitive was killed from the shadows and several people were injured.

‘Go ‘--’

Here the knives shouted and rushed, but suddenly someone jumped upstairs from the street, smashed the dilapidated shack on the side of the road, wielded a steel knife to kill him, further away, a hook with a chain The rifle smashed the rain curtain. The other side is still killing, but it is a man who makes a copper hammer. He has already knocked down two people on the street, but he has already got a knife on his shoulder. Although the two are masters, but in this way of escaping, the new injuries and old problems have accumulated, and it is really exhausting and the skills are greatly reduced. Not long after, the knife man's arm was cut by a sickle. The two were forced into the same direction by the siege.

The chaos on the streets, the warnings of the fast-trackers, and the publics left behind in the town, some of them rushed over and several people took the nets. Go straight over here. The man who made the knife suddenly rose up and took the other side back, but the two had already been forced to the corner, so that the person above the copper hammer was also smashed, and there was blood between the mouth and nose. It seems horrible. Judah will wave the copper hammer on his hand, but a dozen people will come around and the fishing net will rush forward again and head down towards them.

At this time, in the roadway not far from the side, a figure suddenly rushed out. The hurricane whistling in the rain. The fishing net was kicked out together with a few people who had come. This sudden reinforcement of the figure can not be seen clearly, the rear catching a knife and slashing up, the second, a few steel knives were cut off at the same time, flying.

The figure leaps and bounds, and the catching people also rushed to each other. The puppies, the hooks, the rifles, and the iron bars rushed together. The next moment was actually arrested and quickly repelled. Flying out on the long streets, some of them were able to take back the body shape and were forced to retreat a few steps. The arm holding the weapon was shaken and trembled. The Sanskrit sang, and a scepter fell on the ground. In the rain, the other side was burly and not angry.

‘Who, who...’

‘Deng, Deng Yuanjue...’

‘Baoguang thief...’

‘He is not dead...’

Regarding the opposite of Fang Lazao, this time, the aftermath of the family was very big, and most of the mobilized catchings had information about the deaf people. Before everyone thought that Bao Guangru came to Deng Yuanjue and died in the war. Some of them did not care. Some people recognized it. At this time, there were a dozen officers and men on the Long Street, but in the face of this fierce dagger, they still could not help but fear. Above the long street, the battle is smashing.

'go! ‘

The rain came down, on the street. Deng Yuanjue sang low to the two. He took a scepter, and his tall figure walked two steps forward. The crowd caught the weapon and subconsciously retreated. After listening to Deng Yuanjue's words, the two men turned and ran into the lane, and then saw several figures waiting there. There were even horses underneath, it was the black defensive blessing: ‘Hurry up! ‘

Flying quickly here, on the street, Deng Yuanjue also suddenly sighed and then turned and rushed into the lane on the other side. The only ones who were arrested were hesitating, and then they bit their teeth and chased them in the direction of the town...

The field of view is pulled up, under the heavy rain, the time is still in the afternoon. When Lin Qichan chased Liu watermelon into the river, on the other side of the mountain, an amazing battle of boxing to meat was unfolding. The seven or eight people led by Chen Fan and Wang Nantuo met in this mountain, and they ran away and ran away. At this time, the two men had stopped, attacking each other, dismantling, and the blood was mixed with blood. Half a column of incense time.

Several people under the hands of Wang Nanda were armed with weapons and guarded with fear.

Both of them were born with great power. Wang Nantuo became famous as early as a dozen years ago, and today is still a super-class master who is close to Lin and Zen. And Chen Fanshi from the Seven Seven Buddhas, proficient in eighteen weapons, the fists and hands are also very amazing, the fists on the claws of the rumors deep, assassination of Baodao B in the battle, he once clawed claws, directly tore a few The hands of famous masters who have been rumored for ten years can only say that genius has always been difficult for ordinary people.

At this time, the fight between the two people is like a storm, the collision between the fist and the arm, it sounds like a cowhide drum. Wang Nantuo is not easy to meet these opponents. He is not willing to win more. He has already told his neighbors not to go forward. Chen Fan is also willing to give up his fight and fight hard.

The collapse of the boxing, the cannon hammer, the fingertips, the picking, and even the collision of the body, the hard head of the head, the two hands to fight for a moment, the surrounding turf to the end, countless mud splashes, sometimes a mountain hits the side of the boulder Even the ground is moving. Splashing water on the face of the onlookers made people feel faint.

In fact, Wang Nantuo ordered that others not be allowed to intervene, and the people who accompanied him were relieved. The martial arts repairs of these two people have already left the rest of the world. If these people intervene in the siege, Wang Nantuo may find more chances, but Chen Fan initiated and smashed his life. Ann was spared.

Therefore, they just kept the siege and surrounded it. They are certainly not comparable to Wang Nanda and Chen Fan, but after all, there are people who have certain martial arts. It is a great advantage for them to be able to watch such a fight. It’s just that both of them are so powerful that they are crazy and they are not so much a chapter. It's better to say that both of them have the magical power of the hand.

At this time, Wang Niantu, after all, waited for the work, and the whole body was in good condition. Before Chen Fan, he guarded Ji Qianer and fled all the way, full of old injuries. In his battle with Wang Nanda, he actually fell to the bottom, but he still refused to accept defeat. The young man in his twenties is fighting for his life. It is really amazing, even though he is half-blooded, he punches every punch. It is as fast as lightning and thunder, and the bottom is calm, but in the fight, it is the foot out of the chain, Wang Nanda is fighting with him for a long time, although it is the upper hand. But the clothes on the arms and calves, and the trouser legs have all been broken. The arms and fists are full of blushing colors, some are Chen Fan’s blood, and some are because the capillaries in the arms have been broken and are seeping out. Blood comes.

This kind of injury is not a big problem for the warrior. Wang Nantuo made a mess and made a fierce star. After playing dozens of fists, he slammed into Chen Fan’s arms. Chen Fan’s arm sank and split, and he grabbed it back. The lower leg kicked out and the two calves hit the air in the air. Next, Wang Nantuo slammed his head and Chen Fan avoided it. Wang Nantuo hit him on the shoulder. He also took Wang Niantuo and suddenly slammed it on the side of the boulder. Then he fell down on the monument and slammed it down. Wang Nanda avoided it. It was a stormy offensive and a punch, forcing Chen Fanfei to retreat quickly.

This kind of mutual offensive and defensive has been repeated several times, and the people around him were shocked. Then, Chen Fan’s round and sturdy cannon hammer, Wang Nanda’s ah-- Chen Fan rushed to the ground, his elbows swayed, his knees slammed, and Wang Nantuo counterattacked. The white mist exploded in the air, and Chen Fan pressed the other side down, still being the 'ah--'. Wang Nantuo had numerous punches in his upper body, and he was kicked in the chest by a kick, and his body flew a few feet away.

A few people on the crowd were stunned, and because the two of them were playing too hard. At that moment, they did not even understand what Chen Fan had done. However, when Wang Nanda was beaten, the creaking voice gave them a wrong answer. It was only at this time that they could not think too much. Chen Fan turned almost at the first time, his eyes. Scarlet blood rushed toward one of them!


‘stone, lime...’


Wang Nanda's incredible pain and violent sorrow, the people here have been difficult to react, and the first time the knife was pulled out, Chen Fan has already reached the front, then brushed it, the knife and blood shine!

The people around shouted and swooped over, and for a moment, the knife and the light were like a dragon. One of them went to Chen Fan’s back and took a knife. However, when Wang Nantuo had lime and blood on his face, he rushed. When he came over, Chen Fan had injured three people, and even one of them was not adult, and he went far away.

‘Despicable villain--shameless--‘

The voice of Wang Nanda was spread in pain and anger and anger in the rain.


Bypassing a hill, Chen Fan's face turned to a small half-soil kiln not far away. He has a lot of trauma and consumes a lot of physical strength. But at this moment, these are not the problems he cares about. They open the weeds outside the earthen kiln and appear inside, which is Jiqian, who is in a very bad situation. She lay there, her face was blue, her lips were blue and her body was trembled.

Most of the warriors are also good doctors. At this time, Chen Fan’s body is actually more traumatic. Ji Qianer is a serious internal injury. He glanced at Ji Qianer and sat down next to him. He took out two bags of things on his body. One of the bags was the medicine he took to risk nearby. In a hurry, he might not have any effect. He knew it himself. Belly. The other bag is a carry-on package that is easily touched from the body of Wang Niantuo.

In such a pursuit, most of the participating warriors will bring some drugs to spare, and he will take the risk and fight this idea. At this point, the parcel searched and found out a few porcelain bottles. He sniffed at the tip of his nose and recognized it, but suddenly got up and rushed out of the rain. Soon after, Chen Fan came back from the rain and had already raised a big dog in his hand.

He slapped the big dog seriously, and fed it to take the powder, before putting it aside and sitting back to see Jiqian.

However, in all the circumstances, Chen Fan himself understands. He reached out and actually didn't dare to put it on Ji Qian's hand or body. But finally she was checked as usual, and she sat next to her legs and closed her eyes slightly painfully.

At this time, the internal strength of the military practitioners is actually the method of blood and blood transportation. For the warriors of this level, Chen Fan and Ji Qianer, the physical potential and vitality are several times stronger than others. A little bit of trauma can be easily healed by yourself. Like Chen Fan, if only the non-critical parts are cut by a knife, the muscles will immediately contract, and even the blood will be less. In order to ensure that their own moments are at their peak. For example, Lu Hongti once gave Ning Yi the push of the palace, but in fact, it is the external force to stimulate the body's potential. But now, these methods are no longer available to Ji Qianer. If she can't be treated in a stable environment, she's probably only a bad ending.

It is a pity that the stable environment is for them now. It is the most missing thing.

I have been rushing and fighting all the time. Even Chen Fan, the body has been forced to the edge of collapse. However, although it is only more than 20 years old, in fact, in these years of fighting, he has also experienced many deaths. At this time the figure of the young man. Sitting cross-legged in the darkness of the earthen kiln, closed his eyes, and it was as quiet as a silent stone sculpture.

The layout of Zong Feixiao and Tie Tianying, the disintegration of the large forces, the appearance of Sikongan, Linqi Zen, Wang Nanda and others, coupled with the huge shadow hidden behind this... I once said that the power that the other party wants to use this time is unlimited. How strong is the resistance here, and how much power the other party can move. Listening to the first thing is one thing, and even if you have psychological preparations, it will be another kind of mood when things come to an end. Ji Qianer... Maybe he will die by his side, Master is already difficult to save. Not only the Yongle Dynasty, but these people, I am afraid that it is already the end of the road...

Ning Yi... The view on the current situation is the most accurate. Even if he is there, I am afraid I will not be able to recover this situation...

He sat in the darkness. One hand was originally placed on Ji Qian's wrist, and the cold wrist was gently held at this time. After a while, Ji Qianer woke up and opened his eyes for a long time before he whispered: "Xiaofan..."


Also at this time. On the other side of the ground, the big dog that was humming because of the injury suddenly screamed loudly. Chen Fan turned his head and saw that the big dog was violently twitching, and after a while, the mouth continued to overflow with blood. As a result, the earth kiln became noisy, and Ji Qianer was looking at it. Chen Fan raised his left hand and took a picture of his palm, killing the big dog.

"Qianer sister, don't talk." Chen Fan whispered, he looked at the pack of medicine he got, for a moment, sighed, put it in his arms and stood up, "I take you Go to the doctor."

If he had a little discouragement before, but Ji Qianer opened his eyes, the figure of the young man became burly and firm again. In his words, he had the power to calm the hearts of the people.

However, all of this may not be effective enough for Ji Qianer. She was silent for a moment, and Chen Fan was hard and careful to let her sit up and tied it to her back.

"I don't care if I can live, but... Xiaofan, I don't want to be insulted..."

Chen Fan’s figure was fixed: “I know that when necessary, I will kill you.”

There is a slight pause between "I will" and "killing you", and I can hardly hear it. Ji Qianer did not speak any more and put her head on his back.

Soon, the figure in the robes came out of the rain curtain, and in the dim skylight, it passed in the most densely packed direction of the crowd...

no way no money……


When the time was deep, Lin Qichan returned to the place where Sikongan and others were temporarily living. He heard Wang Nantuo’s screaming in the distance. He went to see the face of Wang Nanda’s face burned with lime. The reason, after a slight mistake, but suddenly could not help but laughed.

When the time was a little deeper, Ning Yi entered the camp near Sipinggang, and soon after, he quickly came out.

This evening, Zong Feixiao led people to sweep to Yuzhen. Fang Baihua and others had left first. Only Fang Shuchang and Qian Luoning did not have watermelon news. Staying here, there was a fight between the two sides. The two men were injured and fled.

The number of people involved in the incident of Fang Qifo was so many that in the first few days, no one could fully see the whole face of the incident. It’s just that the Ministry of Justice and Si Kongan and others are still grasping the direction of the overall situation.

As for Ning Yi, at least in the first day or two of the first arrival, the information and intelligence obtained are actually very few. Only a few people have been killed, and they have been confirmed one after another. One of the most valuable information in the day. The rest are often some trivial and confusing noises that make it difficult to pay attention to the mood. For example, some unseen little crickets are famous for their fame, preaching the world, challenging things like Zhou Wei, in this serious situation. It sounds very weak.

"What I want to know is the detailed situation of Sipinggang now. This boring martial arts gossip can be put aside first, and then be a joke later. Whoever classifies it, who is Lin Zongwu... I saw it later. Let him play a slap in the face! Come on, next..."

The anxiety of the mood stems from the slowness of the aggregation of intelligence news. Due to the lack of manpower and the original focus, the temporary data collection of the Secret Investigation Department has always lagged behind the development of the situation. In fact, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Although there is not much contact with such things, in Ning Yi’s mind, it has also vaguely predicted that the development of the whole situation will not last long.

Just outside the tentacles of the Secret Investigation Division, in a short period of one or two days, the development of the whole situation has actually reached its limit. Originally, with the collapse of Fang Baihua and others, the change of the situation has been a one-sided situation, and the killing of An Fufu, Deng Yuanjue and others has temporarily attracted the attention of Zong Feixiao and Si Kongan, belonging to the Yongle Dynasty. Yu Yu sent out the last light, trying to stir up the crisis, so that Fang Baihua and others who were caught in it could get out of it, but in the overall situation, it is already on the tight limit of the iron rope, or there is hope, but as long as there is If you step on the wrong step, everything will be completely extinguished.

In this situation, not only is Iron Tianying, but after learning that the Secret Investigation Department came, Lin and Zen and others have also set their sights on this side for a moment, just after understanding the number and the names of the leaders. I took my eyes back.

"I heard that after the Liangshan incident, the enemy is all over the world, and the enemy will not go out of the world easily. Since there are only 20 people coming, they are still obeying the rules. For the time being, they will leave it alone, wait until things are settled, and then do care. ”

Soon after, the whole situation finally turned to the node. Sikongan, Tie Tianying and others seized the opportunity and began to close everything. Fang Baihua and others were fighting for the final hope, and they all fell behind.

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