Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 491: Yu Hui scattered the old bridge head

February 17, early morning, near the Dabie Mountains.

The death of the Fangqi Buddha, for some people, actually has a certain prediction. But for his death at this time, most people's hearts also have unexpected emotions, more or less, mixed with anger, sadness, loss, mistakes, and so on.

In the case of Tie Tianying, Zong Feixiao, etc., the death of the Fangqi Buddha is the least likely to be missed in this whole layout. But in the end, Fang Qifo was rescued in the most unlikely circumstances. He was bitten in the middle of the battle. He still had a lucky feeling in his heart. At this time, everything is gone again. Unrecoverable. Ning Liheng suddenly shot at this time, in the hearts of the criminals, almost no preparation.

For them, the first thing is anger, the other side of the flower and others, the anger is actually second, it is only a conditional reflection driven by sadness. This kind of emotion is more complicated on the side of Lin Erchan, Sikongan, etc., and also includes Wang Hao, who is hiding in the distance and watching the development of the situation quietly. In a sense, their hearts are even faintly frustrated.

After the Seven Buddhas were rescued, they had said a few words to Chen Fan. One of them was to admit that he should not know about the three arrests with Manichaeism. He did not know, and Wang Hao may not be able to know it. In addition to the Fangla system, there is no other Manichaeism, and only Sikongnan is left.

Of course, the Manichaeo case is extensive, because the tentacles of religion also extend very long. Such a big sect, Fang Qifo and others can not fully grasp the details. The possibility is finally found by the mind-minded Wang Hao. Such speculations have not been confirmed many years later. However, the rescue of the Fangqi Buddha is not a good influence for everyone. This may have been clear in the moment when Fang Qifo left the cage.

He is really cumbersome. He will let Fang Baihua and others lose the opportunity to disperse and escape. It will let Fang Baihua, Chen Fan and others pull out the last strength to fight hard, and will let the power of the criminal department really play out. Chasing hard. No more chances for others to be lucky. On the other side, all the people he really cares about die in front of him, perhaps the best revenge in some people's hearts.

Fang Qifo’s head was suddenly squatted. Looking at the young man dressed up by the students at the top of the slope, Lin Wei and Sikong Nan’s head. How much is also empty. And among these people. Really complex and wrong mood. It’s not the outsiders, but the ones that are following Ning Yi’s side.

He really didn't even think about it, it would happen like this.

After playing against Chen Fan. All the way to Ning Yi South, he is the only one of all followers who know part of the situation. Ning Yi wants to save Chen Fan, wants to save the woman named watermelon, and even wants to talk to the Seven Buddhas. Finally, Chen Fan and others are obsessed with these things. He is probably aware of these things.

However, the situation is serious. The South Division of the Secret Investigation Division is too late. There are not many people available around Ning Yi. Although all kinds of trivial materials have been summarized, but in two days, the organization does not have a detailed outline. I wish you more than once to see Ning Yi sitting in the room and closing his eyes and meditating, the way his fingers beat. The last time he saw Ning Yi’s appearance was in Zhujiazhuang. After that, Liang Shan died directly or indirectly in Ning Yi. The number of people on hand is up to tens of thousands.

But I wish you are not a fool. Although he is very embarrassed, he can train martial arts to this level. After all, he is still a quick-minded person. In such a situation, there are many forces involved and there is little information. If it is him, there is no way to come up with any means. Even Ning Yi, Zhu Xi can also see that the anxiety that accumulates on him over time, and the meeting of the Seven Seven Buddhas, is not a success, and that Chen Fan and Liu watermelon can only escape from luck.

However, luck did not come after all. During these two days, Ning Yi ran around and calculated the changes. In the situation where the situation became more and more clear, he also had a detailed understanding of the terrain that led to the Dabie Mountains, but after all, due to time. Limited, failed to conduct on-site investigation. Later, I also sent several articles to the surrounding counties and counties, which seemed to be unintentional, but it did not work.

These things are to be seen in my heart. I know that when the night of things happened to the apex, he and Ning Yi and other groups of people are still rushing to the front of the team. Ning Yi once speculated on several places where ambushes might be taken. There are two calculation errors because it is always difficult to understand the details based on the terrain of others. One has missed the time, only the last mountain road, let them Hurry to arrive.

The launch of several rounds of eucalyptus guns disrupted the whole situation. Ning Yi’s gesture and momentum in the moment also really overwhelmed everyone present. But I wish you can understand that Ning Yi can use fewer chips than this strong support. The eight-door eucalyptus gun and more than 20 people could not decide the whole situation. Even Ning Yi’s shot had already taken great risks.

After all the way to catch up, the violent gesture is enough to shock many people around, but the limit is the limit. Ning Yi broke Liangshan, the whole layout is exquisite, every time I think, it is amazing, but also because I participated in the whole thing, I wish you also understand that the so-called singularity is not a castle in the air above the delusion, every step of Ning Yi, It is only to expand the power that you can use to the maximum, and ultimately cause a chain reaction. How can these people with the Seven Seven Buddhas escape, and at the moment, it has become a dead end. Only this time Ning Yi’s move was almost completely out of the expectation of Zhu Xi.

Even if the Seven Seven Buddhas will die tonight, in front of their friends and women, whether he is dead in the hands of the enemy or dead in his own hands is a completely different concept. When Ning Yi rushed up and slashed the knife, Zhu Xi’s heart was in the midst of a mistake, and it also flashed a hint of enlightenment.

Just... how can this guy get it...

The mountain wind whistling, on the rear suspension bridge, the woman shouted like a cry. Ning Yi stood in the slightest swaying light of the hill, holding a knife and carrying a human head. His eyes swept coldly over the Manichean and the criminals underneath. Then he turned and went down from the side up: "Kill them." Look for an opportunity to cut the suspension bridge!"

Fang Baihua and others stormed. I wish you a gun to block the other side, and the bow bowed out from behind. As Ning Yi said, “Looking for an opportunity to cut the suspension bridge”, Fang Baihua bit his teeth. After making two moves with Zhu Xi, he finally retired and led several people around him to the end of the suspension bridge. She knows that there is not much time. It is hard to be lucky to leave the people on the suspension bridge. He shouted at the other side: "Go!" On the suspension bridge, Luo Bingren and others pulled the watermelon's arm and ran towards it. past.

I wish you all the best in understanding the purpose of Ning Yi. Seeing each other retreat. Then he stopped the member of the Detective Division who was next to him and went to Ning Yi. The catching people below rushed up to the side, the fire swayed, and Fang Baihua led the four people around him to block the offensive from the front, in a blink of an eye. Become three people. Some catching fast tried to throw the torch on the suspension bridge. Fang Baihua tried to drop a few. But the bridge is still burning.

Over there, the watermelon that has been dragged backwards followed the figure of Ning Yi going down, and it took a long time. Finally shouted: "Heart! Ning Yi! You are even more fierce! I will find you! You give me waiting"

This sentence is full of threatening atmosphere. Far away, Ning Yi raised his knife here, and the cold words passed in the night: "I am waiting for you!"

The exchanges between the two sides have ended.

The threats on the rivers and lakes are commonplace, and no one regards these two sentences as one thing. Ning Yi went down the slope, Zhu Yu and others rushed back, Zong Feixiao and Tie Tianying, Fan Zhong have also chased over.

"Ning Yi, how dare you kill the Seven Seven Buddhas..."

Ning Yi looked up indifferently: "How about that?"

"You can know that his court appointed the prisoner. The criminal department had strict orders and asked him to live on Beijing..."

"You want this person's head?" Ning Yi lifted the head of the Fangqi Buddha and handed it to Zong Feixiao. Zong Feixiao said: "I want to do you..." The iron eagle next to it is reaching for it. Still not touched, Ning Yi threw the man's head to the back, wishing you a hand.

"Put this person's head with lime! Zong Feixiao! Tie Tianying! Fan Zhong! The task of escorting the Seven Buddhas on the Jinger, etc., you arbitrarily do the main establishment and finally fail to make a mess! I want to help you clean up this mess. Zong Fei, you dare to talk to me like this now??"

"Talk to you like this, I will kill you today."

Zong Feixiao was a look of anger. At this time, the fingers pointed over, and the rear catchers were suddenly arrogant. Here, members of the Secret Investigation Division also set up the bow in an instant. Ning Yi’s eyes squinted against the three people, but they did not fall under any imposing manner.

"Zhong Chuantou. If you are sure that the consequences of provoke me are that you can stand it, I will accompany you."

This sentence is not high-sounding, but it is a word, which makes people feel cold. In the past, Ning Yi may not verbally say this superficial threat, but at this time, it is difficult to tell how his mood is. So for a few seconds, Ning Yi’s eyes slowly swept over the three people, pointing his finger down.

"Go back and think clearly! Are you arrogant and arrogant? Plan your mistakes? Did you lose the Seven Buddhas in your hands? Is this mess, is it for me to collect it for you? The threat of the Seven Buddhas, you actually I really hesitated, where is the face of the imperial court, where are you going to be thrown away? I want to be clear, I will give it back to you! Also, Fang Qi Buddha is dead, and the dagger is still there, Fang Baihua, Sikong Nan, Lin Evil Zen, Wang Nanda, these Manichae demon, you have to wait until when"

In the latter half of the story, the tone has become more and more high. Lin and Zen, who are on the hillside, are expected to hear it, and I don’t know how they feel.

But no matter what kind of mood Lin Bian Chan, Si Kongan is, or what decisions Zong Feixiao, Tie Tianying and others will make. At one end of the suspension bridge, the hands of Fang Baihua are, after all, less and less. When the last companion fell, the woman’s body was already blood-stained, the wounds were everywhere, and even the face had been thrown with a horrible knife mark, but the woman wielded a red gun and still The offensive shrouded the front and tried to force the rushing rushers to the suspension bridge.

Finally, a sneak peek into her shoulders, several catching and rushing at the same time, pulling her to the ground, Fang Baihua shouted, a long gun waving, stabbing everyone, also entangled the chain, around Several more rushed up, and the two sides renewed their strength, and a group of blue things rose up in the air. At this moment, she did not know how much force she had made. She broke the chain and waved the attacked people. The body was also in the middle of it. The blood splashed and rolled back. When standing up, it would belong to one side. The old Qingqi of the Yongle Dynasty was set on a long gun.

The blood had to be covered, but her headless body of the last seven Buddhas looked at the catching fast and had already dragged the body away and then turned and rushed out!

Ning Yi here turned back, and Lin Bianchan, Sikongan and others on the other side turned back and saw that figure jumped out of the side of the suspension bridge in the air. The **** green flag spread in the air for a moment. The shadow of the person fell, and the last voice of Fang Baihua was faintly heard in the air:

"It is equality of law... nothing is high...going evil...for the people Yongle..."

That was the slogan that Fang La shouted when he was uprising. This voice and the green flag only stayed in the air for a moment, belonging to the last afterglow of the Jiangnan Lashi Uprising, which was scattered here.

The flame burned the suspension bridge ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ swaying the long, old suspension bridge to the side of the cliff. More than a dozen people who survived rushed into the distant forests, Lin and Zen, and others, still chasing from below...

In the last years of the Wu Dynasty, due to the intensification of land annexation, the imperial court increased the amount of taxation, the implementation of tyranny such as Huashi Gang, and the Manichaeism uprising led by Fang La, shaking half of Jiangnan. After being suppressed, Manichaeism still survived and developed at the bottom of the people. In the following years, there was an outbreak of the Manichaeism uprising, and all were suppressed.

At this time, due to the internal and external troubles of the Wu Dynasty, the serious illness used the idea of ​​a powerful drug, and the aftermath of dealing with the rebellion, most of them took large-scale killings and the demise of the Wu Dynasty, and the people who died under the knife in the Manichean case, more than two hundred. The number of thousands.

Because of the limitations of the peasant uprising at this time, although there are very few uprising leaders with relatively good and good thoughts, the peasants who gained rights in the riots became more brutal and inhuman than the previous court officials. , abound.

The oppressed are against the oppressors, and ultimately only to reverse the power to oppress others. It seems that only this theorem has never changed in all the chaotic turmoil.

No one is spared. (To be continued...)

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