Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 492: Suspicion of the cloud is hard to come by

The thin mist lingers in the top of the mountain forest. In the cool air, there are unknown insects screaming gently. When the morning dew drops, the early bird flies out of the woods and walks through the forest.

The night is full of dawn.

When the early peasant opened the door, the officers and soldiers of the nearby counties and the hunters were coming out of the Dabie Mountains. A lot of Greenwood people secretly chose to flee in the direction of fewer people.

After a night of riots, the side of the Dabie Mountain was still not calm. The Seven Buddhas gave the first prize, and the Fangbaihuafufu--the corpse that had broken her and returned from the cliff. The primary goal of the round-up was disappeared. The situation has become subtle. The Manichean department led by Si Kongan and others did not dare to contact the criminals again. Who knows if the gang of the Secret Investigations has really shaken several total catches. As for a group of greenwood people who came to join in the fun, this time the identity is even more subtle.

Some of them originally had status status, and the martial arts tycoon who had a good relationship with the government may still have some contacts with the officers and soldiers. As for the monks who had been wanted for the crimes, the criminal department began to close one eye at the beginning. At this time, there is no need to be scrupulous, and there will be politeness. When the knife was facing each other, the sweeping of the mountains and plains began.

This time, the layout lasted for dozens of days, and the round-up of several days ended up killing Fang Baihua, but lost the living Seven Buddhas, even under the eyes of the Secret Investigation Division. After careful calculation, the laborers moved to the public and finally suffered a loss. Several of them were arrested in anger, and they could only find some help in the thieves and thieves. During the time, many people fell down.

In the wilderness of the mountains and the wild, for Chen Fan and others who have already fled, only a small number of people sent by the Ministry of Criminal Affairs are routinely pursued. The main force in the pursuit is still a division of Sikong Nan. Ning Yi and members of the Secret Investigation Department After harassing for a while in the rear, seeing the strength of the surrounding criminal department weakening, he gave up the provocation and quickly retreated.

Later, during the night in the mountains, several fierce but weird battles broke out. They are all around a few accounts of Deng Yuanjue's body. It is difficult for participants to tell which party they sent. They know each other or don't know each other, and even insiders from the criminal department are involved. One of the accounts was torn down, and several residual pages were flowed out, but it was difficult to distinguish between the true and false of all the accounts.

For this matter. Everyone has the ambition to adopt an awkward attitude. There is no such thing in the report above. The parties involved will not be able to mention it again. Ning Yi did not involve this matter, he naturally understood that these books fell into the hands of those families. What triggered was only guilt, but if it fell to the right side, it caused the siege and hatred in the dark. Although Qin Yiyuan had mentioned that he wanted to check and balance these families with accounts, Ning Yi chose to stay out of the way, but not The task that must be done is to say that the action has failed.

As for the Secret Investigation Division and the Criminal Department, the distance has also begun to be maintained. Among the three general catchers, Fan Zhong, who has not dealt with Ning Yi, has come and is old, wanting to return to the head, but Ning Yi will naturally not allow the two sides to disappoint. But in general, the official situation, turning face complex is an ordinary, as long as it is not to force people to die, Ning Yi does not matter with a few total catch tears.

When the white belly appeared on the horizon, the five carriages and the famous knights slowly followed the ramp. This morning breeze is refreshing, the pedestrians appearing on the ramp are slightly more than in the past, although the three or two figures seen before and after the talk are mostly dressed up by farmers, there is not much rivers and lakes, but the knights still keep alert.

Ning Yi sat in the second carriage, looking through the gap of the curtain, slantingly looking towards the fields, rivers and gently turning waterwheels. I wish to sit in the position of the frontier, although my eyes are still vigilant, but I have already relaxed a lot when I am in the mountains.

The Secret Investigation Department is now defending not only the criminal department who may come to steal the heads of the seven Buddhas, but also to guard against the smuggling of the smugglers who have already offended. I heard the name of Lin Zongwu two days earlier. Ning Yi and others also laughed and said that they would fight each other. Now it seems that there are two masters of the master class who can’t fight and can keep it. Life is fine. On this point, Ning Yi recalled, some wanted to laugh.

Fortunately, more than 20 弩 bows, plus the eucalyptus guns, have just smashed the prestige, and the other party is not clear about the bottom of the situation, there should be no swaying.

On the other hand, after this campaign, if you really want to publicize it, the name of the demons may not be comparable to the masters like the iron arms, even in the case of background, the horror is still over.

"I really didn't think of it. At that time...Ning Big Brother, you really got it."

The carriage went forward, and the sigh of the car curtain sighed, and then looked at it. Ning Yi’s side is the box with the head of Fang Qiu Buddha. Just Ning Yi is thinking about things, after a while, will come to mind.

"I am killing the Seven Buddhas, isn't the best result..."


Ning Yi looked out the window: "The action of the Secret Investigation Division against Maniism is justified, but it is still not well-known and unsatisfactory. The penalty department lost the life of the Seven Buddhas. In fact, there is nothing big. If the head is gone, it is the most troublesome. So I forced the Ministry to confess that I received a mess for them. They only admitted that things were qualitative. I don't mind acknowledging that this is the result of the cooperation between the two sides..."

He paused, and then looked at the outside, and his tone was not ups and downs and said: "The criminals bow their heads and they can separate their relationship with Sikongan... things are not limited to this, but no matter from that direction, Fang Qifo The head of the person falls on my hand, it is the best result... It is a good opportunity..."

Zhu Xi sat there and snorted: "I mean... I never thought about Ning Big Brother, you can move your hand..."

With this sentence, Ning Yi can naturally understand the meaning of the other party, turn around and smile.

I wish Zhen Zhenzheng Zhenmao whip: "But no matter what, Ning Big Brother, you are really a man! I admire you... Hey, you said. You smart people, can you think of so many things at once?"

"Of course not, it’s just the intuition brought by experience." Ning Yi smiled and then remembered one thing. "Speaking, when I started firing, I seemed to see the swallowing monk... How was he? ?do you died?"

"I saw it too." I wish you a happily laugh. "The guy was beaten a bit, but he didn't die. Then he didn't know if he ran away. It was too messy. I didn't pay attention."

"This bastard, if you really kill him, you can be killed for the people..." Ning Yi also laughed, for a moment, reached out and rubbed his forehead. Anyway. "But let's just say it. One thing is a bit strange."


"Chen Fan, the kid, how did you save the Seven Buddhas..."

He was only slightly confused and said this sentence casually. But after all, because there is not much intelligence, there is no way to think about it.


The wind is moving, and the sun rises into the sky and gradually becomes bigger. In the afternoon, in the room of the town inn, Zuo Houwen flipped the account book that he got in his hand and nodded indifferently. After a moment, he whispered: "So, the devil is willing to intervene." Something..."

On the other side of the room, Fan nodded and nodded: "Yes."

"Nan Yi, very powerful?"

Fan seriously considered it for a moment and finally nodded: "Some... terrible."

"Oh?" Zuo Houwen picked up his eyebrows. "I heard that he is a trick, but the scholar who is more powerful, it is difficult to be a blow, he has martial arts?"

"I heard that martial arts is very high, I am afraid that it is enough to be compared with Sikongan, Linqi Zen, Wang Nanda and others..."

"Oh? How good are these people?"

"Under the iron arm, Zhou Zongshi, I am afraid that it is not worse than anyone I have seen before."

Fan Zhong said this sentence, the room was quiet for a moment, Zuo Houwen looked at him, after a while, realized a word: "Then you said ... I heard? You can see his shot?"

"The lower official has never seen it. This news is only from the subordinates of the Iron Eagle. It is said that..."

Fan Zhong quickly explained it, Zuo Houwen waited for him to finish, only smiled and waved his hand: "Well, I don't understand the martial arts, just ask casually, Fan does not have to take it seriously. I have been arrested by labor. Going to the city in the same day, I also asked the general arrester to make a fuss over the government and let the old man formally say thank you."

After saying a few words to each other, Fan Zhong finally said goodbye. Zuo Houwen sat there, took the account and flipped a few pages, and threw it to the table: "If it is such a character, how can he enter?" Shaking his head, "Looking at the wind and rain..."

Soon after, the darkness of the night fell, it was a very good, calm day, as if no one could detect what happened the night before. The weather was still fine the next day, and there were more than ten figures on the foothills of the Dabie Mountains.

The sun shone, and the woman named watermelon raised her head slightly and still walked forward without saying a word. At this point the team marched, the members of the team were injured, most of them have no state, but occasionally they will say a few words to each other. Only watermelon has not been opened for more than a day. Several members of the tyrant whispered a few words, and Luo Bingren followed up from the side.

As she walked for a while, Luo Bingren appeared to seem unintentionally: "I think... he has no way..."

Watermelon is still moving forward, leaning over his head to look at him, his eyes are like dead. The next moment, because she didn't look at the road, her body bumped a bit, raised her hand and supported her forehead, but she had not touched it. The body fell to the front...

The crowd exclaimed and rushed over.

Although it is a woman's body, the foundation that watermelon was personally laid down by Liu Dazhao was very stable, and the physical quality was actually better than most people in the team. When some people in the team think that her body is weak, only a few people who know her can understand. If it is because the mood is not up to the extreme, and the blood becomes disordered, she will not lose consciousness at this time. .

This kind of thing happened only a little more than a year ago when she was "married" with a man. However, when time passes, it makes people feel like they are, how can they feel when they think about it again, and they can’t tell who they are...


"I gotta go."


"Go back, something to do."

Among the mountains, vaguely, there was a dialogue between Chen Fan and Luo Bingren. Not long ago, I saw that the Seven Buddhas, who are like fathers, died in front of their eyes. In more than a day, Chen Fan did not open many times, but at this time, it was only a faint decision.

On the other side of the mountain, the watermelon opened his eyes and looked coldly at the sky above. When the members of the tyrant approached, she lay on the boulder, turned her head to one side, and looked at the mountain wall, preventing everyone from seeing her expression.

Chen Fan came from afar, and everyone in the knives consciously retreated a little.

After the death of Fang Qi Buddha, this was the first conversation between the two.

"I have something to go back. You take them back to Miaojiang. Things are handled well, I will pass and fulfill my promise."

Watermelon didn't look at him, quiet for a moment, and the voice was indifferent: "If you go to revenge... don't worry about me, kill him."

"I will."

Chen Fan simply replied, slightly bent down to see the face of watermelon. At this time, the watermelon lay down, he stood, and this position was somewhat bad. Only after a glance, the watermelon turned back and stared sharply at Chen Fan, expressing anger, but only in the next moment, Chen Fan looked serious and waved. Just listening to the bang, the watermelon was slap in the back.

This slap in the face ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Several people in the vicinity of the knife battalion were somewhat scared, a little further, not a few people in the tyrant system are also confused. Watermelon looked at Chen Fan, but did not immediately counterattack, she slowly got up, slowly stood there, looking at Chen Fan condescendingly, in the eyes, is waiting for the other party to explain.

Chen Fan pointed at her and shook a few times in the air, whispering: "You are his woman, hitting you is hitting him!"

After all, more than half of the people in the group have a deep relationship with the tyrant. Chen Fan’s sentence is so low that only two people can hear each other. However, after hearing this sentence, the watermelon's gaze suddenly became fierce, and the lips were bitten, and the left hand was a fist, and Chen Fan's right hand punched her fist and smashed it!

The martial arts of the two men is absolutely high. This battle of life and death has made breakthroughs in rumors, and the two fists intersect, which is a muffled sound of "砰". Watermelon makes the left fist, withdrawing two steps, Chen Fan's body just swayed.

He waved his hand indifferently and turned away in the direction of coming. The sun was warm and pleasant, and after a short time, he disappeared between the mountains of the spring.

Watermelon pouted, eyes complex, indifferent, but sad. In the end, I didn’t talk anymore... (to be continued.)

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