Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 1: Abandoned and squid (on)

In the early ninth of August of the 11th year of Jinghan, Jinghan Emperor Zhou Yi passed several promotion appointments, including the decision of the former Nanhe County Li Feng Li Dexin to promote the water and land transshipment of Hedong Road. .

With the Wuyi Dynasty, all the way to the transshipment, when the power is the greatest, it is equivalent to the post of the governor of the next generation. In Beijing, the real direct mastery of the national transshipment power is usually the prime minister, showing its status.

Of course, the deputy of the transshipment is from the official of the five products, not a big one in the capital, and his position is the lowest among the officials who received the promotion because of the promotion. However, Li Feng was originally the county magistrate of the seven products. The term of the post was not full, and the position of the transfer authority was directly upgraded. This position is indeed the promotion of the third grade.

As a result, among the few officials who have soared, he is still highly regarded.

"...and among the scholars, there is a kind of ethos, it is very bad." After the early dynasty, when several courtiers were summoned, Zhou Wei said a few words about this matter. "I want to be an official, but I am afraid of being a foreign official." In particular, I am afraid of being a local official or a parent, and I am afraid of doing things. In the county magistrate’s post, the most serious, embarrassing, very sad."

"Jinghan three years, the national county magistrate lacks 135 people, to Jinghan seven years, there are still more than 90 people missing, especially in the area of ​​Guangnan, some people have gotten a shortage, but they are not willing to go to work, delay in Beijing Run all the way! I know."

"Of course, the county magistrate has a heavy responsibility and is strictly rigorous. When you go to work, you may not see your loved ones. These things are also understood. But parents! What are the parents? The so-called county magistrate is The most basic official of this country. It is the closest to the people! They said that they have been working for the country for ten years. In fact, they are picky and thin. Once they are hired, they want to be a Beijing official! To be honest, they have the county magistrate. Jobs, but not to take office, and then it is difficult to have an official! These. There is an account in my heart."

Because the serious early morning has passed. In order to show closeness, this summoning, Zhou Wei is arranged to walk around the Royal Garden, which is to make the atmosphere easier. But at this time, talk about these things. The temperamental emperor carries his hands. The tone becomes serious. The courtiers who followed the back were also step by step, sincere and fearful.

Zhou Hao raised his hand and motioned that they should not be so nervous. Still moving slowly.

"Hey, I said, but anyone who can be a good county magistrate can do anything. Since Jinghan three years ago, there have been more than one county magistrate, so you are the model of the county magistrate. This time you are promoted to be a transshipment deputy, many people speak, but after seeing your performance in Nanhe, you still decided to give you this seat. You go to Hedong, you must help Liu Congming's busy, do it well, don't let you down. The situation in Hedong is very tricky." Liu Congming in his mouth is the Shangguan of Li Feng and the transfer of Hedong Road.

Li Feng, who walked in the last side, bowed his head: "Chen will definitely go all out and live up to the hope of the Holy Spirit."

Zhou Yan’s face showed a slight smile, and he turned his head and waved his hand: “It’s not the hope of not being guilty, but not the local people’s expectations...” He pointed his finger at the other people behind him. “You, too. Now This is the world of Wushu, which seems to be a song and dance, and a piece of iron, in fact, internal and external troubles."

He said, stepping on an arch bridge in front: "Outside, the Liao people have gone, but you should not think that the golden people are good. They are also out of the poor mountains and waters, the wolf ambitions, difficult to domesticate. This war has not been completed. They will tear up the former alliance. If there is no childhood, General Guo and many people’s efforts, Yanyun Sixteen, that is not a place where one inch of the place can’t come back...”

"...More about the country, this time, the roads in the north and the south have been affected, and millions of people are in dire straits. At this time, there are still many ants and locusts that are rushing to destroy the roots of this country! These things, you I have to give it to my heart. Things are going to be done, I will not do you, and the thousands of people below will not let go of your parents. You...remember these words, this is yours. look forward to."

Zhou Wei said that the purpose of this recall has actually been reached. Later, there were a few more conversations between the monarchs and ministers. Zhou Wei even asked about the family affairs of several of the courtiers. Although he did not single out Li frequency alone, but in this call, he actually has a lot of limelight. After seeing it, everyone went out all the way. Several of them also expressed their closeness to Li Feng and had a meal at noon. When he arrived in the Imperial City, he saw that several carriages were waiting outside. The one headed by the carriage was the treasurer of Zhuji, apparently waiting for him.

Li Pin thought that Ning Yi would like to invite him to celebrate. In the past, he said hello and wanted the other party to go first. The meal with his colleagues must be eaten. However, the shopkeeper was smiling and said: "My family knows that Li Daren will have to gather with the adults at noon today, and talk about the friendship, so just let the villain wait here, where the adults are going, you can Let the villain help arrange it."

"Oh, Liheng..."

A total of eight soaring officials, regardless of the size of the official position, will be placed in the field. Their relationship in the capital is also very shallow, but in any case, the meal used to enhance the important relationship of the capital will be placed at night. At noon, eight people will have a meal. After listening to the arrangement of Ning Yi's help, Li Pin couldn't help but smile. It was just a smile, but there was not much joy.

This kind of thing can arrange a good businessman's behavior in advance, and after all, it makes him worry. Especially after saying the words on the holy, I immediately saw this kind of things related to wealth and power. After all, he could not afford a good impression in his heart.

However, seeing that Li frequency has these relationships, others are somewhat interested. For them, although Li Wei is still a small official, it is obvious that there are people in Beijing. For this kind of thing, everyone usually guesses. At this time, from Zhuji to Xiangfu, from the Xiangfu to Qin Yuyuan, Li Gang, this department, can get close, after all, is a good thing. The other two of these people, who are close to the government, are more likely to enjoy this because they are older and have more experience.

After the meal was finished at noon, the shopkeeper asked Li Fei about the place to go. By the way, I would like to convey the meaning of Ning Yi who wants to help him celebrate.

Li Fengcai has just been promoted. The first few nights are naturally related to some important figures. For example, as the source of Qin Yuyuan in his back, it is most important. Ning Yi is nothing more than a businessman in the capital. It is impossible to invite him to dinner and celebrate that evening. However, Li Feng thought for a moment and said: "I will trouble Li, the treasurer will send me to the right Xiangfu, I will promote this time. It is to thank the gods. But... also ask Li’s treasurer to return to Liheng. If the prince is not available tonight, I don’t know if Liheng has a flaw tonight, let me prepare a drink. Thank you.”

Then Li’s treasurer naturally nodded. Then let the big car send Li frequency to Xiangfu. I will reply to Ning Yi Li Pin’s words. When he came to Ningfu to find Ning Yi, Ning Yi was in the yard, holding Ning Yi to teach him one two three four. Su Taner sat on the pavilion not far away and embroidered and looked at their father and son. When Li was in the shopkeeper, Ning Yi let go of the child and let him wobble to the mother.

After listening to the words of Li’s treasurer, Ning Yi was somewhat puzzled: “Qin Xiang has a date with Cai Taishi tonight, there is no time, you have to prepare a good meal, by the way... call the above to settle them, as long as If you have time, you can go and join in the fun. Li Pin, this person, is still good, they have a relationship with Lara, and they are familiar with each other. I will call Qin Shaoyu again. Well, it should be almost the same."

Su Taner walked over with her children and waited until Li’s treasurer went out. He asked softly: “These things, is it that you have a meal in private, and Wen Dingwen’s past is not the opposite. Add mess?"

Ning Yi shook his head: "I know with Li Feng, the exchanges are bright and fair. He is now promoted, since he wants to ask, may wish to be a gathering among friends, to celebrate, but to be comfortable. Not to mention the former Yushan Academy, he occasionally helped. It’s okay to talk about the lesson and the text, and they don’t know it. I’m weird... how can he ask me today?”

Su Taner laughed: "It may be that he feels that he can be promoted by Qin Xiang, because it is because of your husband."

“Not necessarily.” Ning Yi smiled. “The officialdom is official, private friendship is private. He has just been promoted. This time, things are not easy to do. It’s time to pull the relationship around, so that the future road is better. These things, he won't understand..."

"It's the matter of your man." Su Taner learned that he shrugged and lifted the child up and laughed a few times. When she and Ning Yi became close, although gentle, but after all, there is a sharp-eyed girl, but at this time, the exposed edge has gradually converged, and Ning Yi has also been more in line, occasionally with Ning Yi jokes, also become More casual, no longer because of this thing "not dignified" and oysters. In fact, she is still 21 years old, young and beautiful, calm, and still full of delightful vitality.

At home, the relationship between two people is more clear in the eyes of others. Ning Yi is stable and reliable, and Su Tan, the master of this family, also has enough majesty and convincing ability. Almost anything, as long as it is reported to one of their husband and wife, there must be a way to deal with it. Although the style is slightly different, when both of them can handle the other side's affairs very well.

At this point, a few words, Su Taner does not care about Li frequency. On this evening, Ning Yi set up a banquet in Zhuji to invite Li Pin. During the period, Su Wending and Su Wenfang and other people accompanied by Qin Shaoyu and others, also called several beautiful women in the tower, and they were also the guests. Have fun. So until the banquet will be scattered, everyone and the woman have no image, Ning Yi went to the balcony of the box to see the night view outside, Li frequency walked over with the wine glass.

After Zhuji and the Diaolou cooperated with some businesses, the two sides had a close relationship. Su Wending and others and the several women who came here were also old-fashioned and had fun in the box. Li frequency looked at the pedestrians on the streets not far away. The merchants were selling hilarious scenes and chatting with Ning Yi casually. Anyway, they opened their mouths.

"Liheng, this time I went to Beijing, I have a lot of emotions in my brother's heart. I understand in my heart that I can help you in this position. Liheng is helping you in this. I remember this in my heart, but therefore, there are a few words. I have been lingering in my heart, not vomiting. But I also hope that Liheng will not misunderstand that I am the kind of villain who picks the wrong person after the promotion..."

Ning Yi glanced at him: "But it's fine."

"I want to know, what is Liheng doing?" Li Feng thought for a moment. Some of them opened their mouths in a dilemma. "You and I met in Pingwei. There are many things. I didn't need to turn around. Liheng knows that I have been studying hard since I was young. I wanted to make a career. At Jiangning, You and I met, I admire Li Heng’s knowledge, and I’ve been curious about Liheng’s people. Why did I go to the school. For this matter, Li Heng never answered positively, and I can only say that people are interested. Liheng didn't care about his identity at the time, but there were many positive thoughts in the lectures. You are willing to say to those students. I always believe in it. Liheng always wants to do something."

He paused: "For these, I have never had doubts in my heart. Liheng has profound knowledge and thoughts may be different from others. But the road is the same after all. Liheng has always been very capable of all kinds of things, including... Gu Yanxi’s business."

Ning Yi frowned. Li frequency smiled and laughed: "...including the things of the later Emperor, including your later distress in Hangzhou, including Liang Shanzhen, Li Heng's ability to do things, there is no doubt. But... and this I came to the capital and saw these things. I saw this bamboo, the big cars that you sent out, and saw the things you studied. I have to say that this business, you have done a very successful job, earned The money, fear is already a lot, this is your ability. But what are you doing?"

His voice gradually asked this sentence. Ning Yi’s finger tapped the railing on the terrace and nodded slightly. Li frequency paused for a moment and lowered his voice: “Liheng is a wise man. If you say it here, the dumb brother is not going to hide it. These days Sudden brothers are thinking, this is the road to making a fortune, but Liheng, what roads do you have to go? These wealthy businessmen, on the surface, seem to have more money, in fact, where can they be seen, they... ...is the rootless wood, the waterless Ping, even if it can help the financial management of the house, how can it be. Liheng is so smart, it is impossible to see it, this road will not be able to go to the end, Maybe even..."

He hesitated for a moment and finally pushed the voice to a minimum: "It might even be... the way to death."

The cockroaches in the distance and the cockroaches in the room were coming. Li Fan said this sentence, but it made the terrace quiet. Ning Yi gently tapped the railing, and his face smiled slightly. In fact, from the first sentence of export, Ning Yi probably understood the meaning of the other party, and also understood that if the heart of the two really regards the friendship between the two as a gentleman, Li frequency is impossible to say this sentence at this time. Moreover, he also wasted the time when he was promoted to the first day of this relationship.

It’s just the thoughts in my heart. Many of them can’t tell others. He nodded. At this time, he also considered it for a long time. When his finger stopped, he opened his mouth: “Dexin, ask you one thing, you think this I have arranged for you to be in the position of the transfer deputy. What do you want to do?"

Li frequency frowned. "At this time, both the north and the south are famine, and the situation is urgent. I know that Liu Congming Liu Daren is also a Qin Xiang person, but I am a raw face~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if you offend people, you must naturally ensure that the disaster-stricken grain roads are smooth and the disaster-hit foods can be smoothly distributed. I am mentally prepared for these things."

"...not so." Ning Yi smiled, for a moment, shook his head. "The biggest responsibility for you this time is not to ensure the smooth flow of the disaster relief, but to ensure the smooth flow of business. This matter, soon, you will Will understand."

"Shangdao?" Li frequency wondered.

However, I heard that Ning Yi said there: "The county magistrate, even the third grade to the transfer deputy, and the transfer of the job is a really important function, Dexin, this thing, the ability is a little bit worse For people, it is no different from arsenic, and even if it is for you, it can only be regarded as a big potion. The medicine of tiger wolf sometimes makes you struggle for 30 years, but if you are careless, it will be countered. Your own, you seem to have some psychological preparation, this is the best."

Listening to Ning Yi’s break through this incident, Li’s look was really serious. He suddenly understood that this matter, even the inside story of his promotion, the Ning Yi in front of him, is far more than he imagined. Learn much more. As a result, Ning Yi’s position in Xiangfu is probably far more than what he once thought...

He frowned and waited for Ning Yi to continue.

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