Zhui Xu

Vol 11 Chapter 512: Proverbs are like a snowy silence (on)

Since the beginning of the expansion of the bamboo in the shackles, the life of Ning Yi has changed a lot compared to Jiangning.

Although after saying that he has experienced so many things in his previous life, his character still tends to be quiet and not happy, but after the opening of the bamboo, the circle of life and socialization is actually slowly expanding. Friends in the business field pay a hand, occasionally there are poetry gatherings, in the first half of Jinghan eleven years, he will also go to participate, take a look. Therefore, after the disaster has started, in addition to the uninvolved nobles and business partners, there are occasionally talented scholars who are self-proclaimed "friends" come over to persuade him. These people, Ning Yi, are too lazy to see, and they only saw a taiji effort to push back.

A successful person can have many qualities, but definitely does not include the soft roots. Some people are said to be humbly accepting opinions, and they all have a set of methods for their own inductive analysis. More often, they are thoroughly understanding the other's ideas, feel reasonable, close, feel that the other is an idiot, will not be revealed on the face, will smile at any time to say thank you. This is a kind of humbly person. As for anyone who thinks that everything is kind and reasonable, it is not a guilty conscience, but only its own three views are unstable. Of course, goodwill is always right, but goodwill, Superficial and stupid, the three often do not contradict each other.

For Ning Yi, when the average person opens his mouth, he can see the deep thoughts of the other party and pretend to be good intentions. It is meaningless to him. Most of the time, perfunctory, if necessary, he will even lead the other party in a completely different direction in the same goodwill. of course. There are not many people who need him to do this. However, the one who had greeted him with the smell of people yesterday still has such a necessity.

At the beginning, in order to relieve the disaster, I originally thought about asking the teacher to shoot some people. Later, the other party was always busy. He didn't have much space. He had to think too much, and the division was delayed.

Yesterday, I heard that people had to pay back the news after Zuo Jilan. Ning Yi thought that someone might be looking for her as a lobbyist. However, Li Shishi is not difficult to settle. She longs for sincerity. And knowing and knowing, belongs to the kind of person I ask you for a request, you are slightly embarrassed, the other party will automatically withdraw. This kind of personality comes from the sincerity of being able to understand others. on the other hand. From the awake that keeps the distance.

"But I think. The teacher teacher is coming over, it should not be Zuo Jilan, and certainly not Zuo Jilan asked her to come." Lunch time. Speaking of people, holding chopsticks to talk about this, "after all, yesterday, the teacher did not mention his business."

"It was too busy some time ago. Now I suddenly said that something came to me. It is such a thing that I can't run away. However, Master Li is a very knowledgeable person. When she runs this, it may be that Li Yun let her run."

After Ning Yi finished, he nodded and smelled his fingers. The fingers shook in the air: "Someone found Li Yun, Li Yun didn't want to come to talk to you personally, so the teacher came over... So, This Li mother seems to understand your character."

"This shows that she doesn't want to tear my face with me. I just got a request, and just reminded me." Ning Yi shook his head with a smile. "It's okay, other people can tear their faces and cooperate with the tower." Still have to go on."

"Then you are ready... perfunctory?"

"Let's cover the water, I want to see if I can reverse the division of Master Li."

"I found Li Heng, when you talked about the teacher, you always took the name with your name, and made you look like you are not familiar..."

"Although I was acquainted with my childhood, in this circle, the power of interest is finally visible and tangible. The teacher is a friend... it is more sincere, but keeping distance is a good thing. She is now a squad, after a while Married as a woman, can you still be friends? Take a step back and say, can you still marry her?"

I heard the thoughts and thoughts: "Oh, but the teacher girl looks really good."

"When you smell people, you seem to have a good impression on her."

"Beautiful, and temperament, she can become the first squad of Liangcheng, it is not unreasonable."

"Oh, marry her."

"Haha, my family has a bad wife and mother, and I still want to live a few more years, or forget it. You can do it."

"I already have four... and I want to live a few more years."

Both of them laughed. Ning Yi thought, now four, plus red and watermelon, he is now six ... he did not want to be a fancy person, how to become like this. The man really couldn’t help himself... so thinking, he couldn’t help but sigh and sigh.

Most of the students and aides of Qin Yuyuan are seven-minded, and they are always very accurate. Talking and chatting on weekdays, speculating on the situation, not leaving ten. At this time, Ning Yi chatted with the people for a while, and probably organized the outline of the teacher after he came over. However, after the afternoon teacher came over, the two sides said for a while, Ning Yi discovered that he had made a mistake about this matter.

Shortly after the lunch, the teacher has already come over. Hospitality is one of the hospitality halls in Xiangfu. The courtyard is small. There are small rockeries, flowers and trees in the courtyard. Since winter has arrived, most of the flowers and plants have already fallen. After a little chilling, the teacher first talked about the young people who were received two days earlier and said the situation in the disaster area they heard from them. Ning Yi thought about it.

"At home, I remember. After the business was settled, it should have already started this morning. They went to my house and went to see me, but I was in Dufu, and Taner received them."

"What about the situation in the disaster area today?"

"Not very good to say..." Ning Yi hesitated for a moment before he smiled and said, "All aspects have been tried. We can only keep the price of food not falling, it is cold, and now it is already dead. But really waiting It was the first snow, and we were preparing on both sides."

"Those food merchants..." The teacher said with a grin, and for a moment, "That... can I help do something?".

"Of course." Ning Yi smiled. "I originally wanted to find you. There are many people you know in the capital. Some people have food at home, can help with things, or have a relationship, I want you to go. I lobbied. I originally listed a list. I want to ask you to see who has something to do with it.

The teacher bowed his head and thought, and there was quite a look in his eyes: "I have a number in my heart..."

"Oh, but you were busy at the time, and I have a lot of things here..."

"Oh, at that time..." The teacher thought about it. Showing a blank smile. "All are concerned about Tong Shuer."

"I know, I heard that, the guy is three thousand miles away."

"Yeah." The teacher smiled happily, after a while. I just watched Ning Yi say. "Not too late?".

"It's not too late."

"That's good." The teacher thought about it. "I still have some sisters, sisters who have been involved in Tong Shuer's incident. They can also help... I know some people's homes. The relationship between the government and the government is unmoving. We should be able to speak them. Then, Liheng, how much can we let the profiteers lose? How much food is there now?"

"Debt..." Both of them are standing in front of the window of the living room. Ning Yi’s look is a little complicated. "How could it be a loss..."

"Oh..." The teacher stunned.

Ning Yi looked out the window and looked serious. After a while, he spit out a sigh of relief: "They will not lose money. They only have to earn more and earn less. Master, you said these people are paying for food. Their purpose is What are you doing?"

"Hey, they are..." The teacher had the answer in his mind, but listening to Ning Yi’s thoughts, he felt that it would not be so simple, and he could not help but hesitate.

Ning Yi turned his eyes to the window: "The grain of two and a half stone, just sold now, is already ten times better. Although the power of money is very big, everyone wants it, but once the government is pressed down, is it really true? More than enough people? I feel ten times less profit... they are not for money, for the land..."

The teacher looked at him.

Ning Yi shook his head: "Only the food for small households is for money. They think that food prices will continue to soar and they will buy. As for the big households, they have food in their own homes, and then they eat a lot and keep food. The high price is not to sell at the highest time, but to reduce the food on the market, so that people can use their homes and land for food. Only the land is what they feel is the most affordable, which is the main reason why they are fighting against the government. As for making money, they earn ten times when they are thirty-two. Even if they hit ten or two, they are four times more profitable. Teacher, what we are expecting now is to hit ten or two..."

"But... that... those people..."

“The government is not without disaster. But in order to merge the land, they will be desperate. The higher the temptation, the greater their investment, and then the temptation of profiteering, the officials will also participate, they will directly deal with the disaster. When you want to fight disasters, you have to work harder and harder. The more people sell the land, the more people need to be relieved, and the more people will need to be relieved. In this way, it will become dead. We used to carry the grain and fight their greed. The heart, the greed in the hearts of these upper-level people is beaten by one point. Below, there will be 100 people and thousands of people who will benefit, and you can live so many people."

The teacher listened quietly, Ning Yi smiled and said: "But let them lose, how is it possible, only a small part can't stop the greed in the heart, how much food is swallowed, and the big ones who will burst themselves will lose money. These people are stupid. Otherwise, they are earning anyway..."

He paused: "Now we are waiting for the snow, the official government is now propagating with them, we have enough food, even if at any time, everyone has to eat. They will not believe, the government said to fight the disaster, many of the following food vendors I don’t believe it. Only when it rains, the government can supply the food far and wide. The first batch of waiters will determine the intensity of the disaster, and they will start selling when the food price is high. When the liquidation comes out, the price of food will really collapse. When we transport the grain, we have already reserved a large part of it in the warehouse, which is waiting for the snow, but I am afraid that it is not enough. , only as many as possible."

The room was silent for a long time, and the teacher finally said: "I understand." She grinned and her eyes showed a firm expression. "I, I will do this immediately, and I will have it before I get snow." A good result. Also... I hope it will snow later."

Ning Yi also smiled: "I hope it will snow later."

The two have not said much about it since then, just chatting a few words around. Then Ning Yi sent her out to the government. After the carriage drove out and the side door of Xiangfu was closed, Ning Yi stood there thinking for a while, and his fingers hit the side of the thigh. For the teacher, he also corrected some perceptions.

In the following days, the division ran back and forth inside and outside the capital, and also called some sisters to jointly present the food prices on both sides. Their behavior is quite effective, in the big capital of Beijing, such as Xiangfu, Ningyi and others. Also moved several young people. Start large-scale transshipment of food. After a few days, she met Ning Yi again and told him about the progress of the matter and asked what else she needed to help. Then he said that he had already made an appointment with several sisters, the son of the capital, and the big and the young. I have to transport the food myself. Go north to one line.

Although she told Ning Yi this sound, but in my heart, it is already ready. Ning Yi nodded and only told her if there was any inconvenience. Just contact the local government.

In November, the grain transportation fleet organized by the big family of the capital city left the capital and went north to Hedong. A few days later, the fleet entered the hinterland of Hedong Road...

At the same time, after a few days in the capital, Wang Zhixuan returned to the left home.

Nanxia Jingcheng, originally wanted to launch various relationships, pressured the government, and also gave a warning to Ning Liheng who was in the trade. Who knows that the response was like a good drink, and Wang Zhixuan had no idea at the time.

Although he was told that he was "the depth of the capital", he first stayed in the capital, asked Zuo Houwen to help, and also visited the original visits, and wanted to take out Zuo Jilan. However, although these people promised to exert pressure on the matter, they heard that after the incident, they also expressed the inconvenience of Qin Yuyuan. After Zuo Houwen came back to Xiangfu, he lost his temper. Obviously, the other party did not give him face. Some other people went to Xiangfu to tell the story, knowing that Qin Yuyuan wrote a letter to Zuo Duanyou. "In this case, Mr. Wang should go back earlier, don't delay the big thing." For them, although this incident is somewhat chaotic, since Qin and the left can talk directly, they also manage other people. what's up.

In terms of the level of Qin Yuyuan and Zuo Duanyou, their communication is indeed a real big event. Wang Zhizheng has already understood that he can't do anything in this place, but he has to worry about all kinds of uneasiness and go back to Hedong.

On the afternoon of returning to the left home, he went to see Zuo Duanyou. Although it is said that the young masters squandered the grain, the young master went to Beijing. After he went to Beijing, he still lost the young man back. He must not give the left end a good impression. However, it is a knife to stretch his head. He only hopes that Zuo Duanyou and Qin Yuyuan The gap between the suspicions is far deeper than most people think. When I saw the letter from Qin Yuyuan, I lost my temper and I forgot my fault.

The left end is living in a yard deep in the left family. There is a small piece of bamboo forest that is not lush in the yard. The flowers and plants in the courtyard are basically left-handed and several old people take care of themselves. This respected old man has been nearly seventy years old and must be white, but his eyes are sharp, his body is neat and simple, and he is meticulous. He did not accuse Wang Zhizhen of anything. Because Wang Zhixuan was a Fuzhong Xixi and not a student, the other party only called him "Mr. Wang" and let him sit next to him. After Wang Zhizhen said that he saw the capital, he asked him to come to Qin. That letter.

The old man squinted at the desk and read the letter written by Qin Yuyuan.

He put his finger on the stationery and didn't look up. After a while, he asked: "I know that the food shortage outside is starving. How much is my left family involved in this?"

"This..." Wang Zhixuan had some difficulties opening. Zuo Duanyou didn't like this thing, and Zuo Jilan led the grain, and it was his direct operation. If he said that he would pull down the water from the left, the other would think.

However, Zuo Duanyou also waved his hand: "No need to say, I understand, this is a good opportunity, how can they miss it." He said, "...not afraid of life."

The old man sighed and then took out a piece of rice paper and took out a brush. After thinking about it, he took a look at Wang Zhizhen: "Mr. Wang, you grind ink for me."

Wang Zhizhen quickly went over and watched the old man carry a cup of tea. He went to the platform to get some tea, and he began to grind. The old man said: "I know that the government is under pressure. I can't control other people. The food in my room is all released. Mr. Wang, this is what you do, and you have to deal with it."

Wang Zhizhen nodded quickly: "Yes."

The ink in the ring is getting thicker and thicker. The old man is holding a writing brush: "I am a book, you... um. No, let him go to the second brother and go to the capital to pick him up." Wang Zhixuan’s hand almost trembled, and suddenly realized that moment, Zuo Jilan The inheritance qualification is gone. They went to Beijing to give Qin Qinyuan trouble. Qin Yuyuan was just a letter. Zuo Duanyou received the successor status of Zuo Jilan. After that, the owner will only be Zuo Jiyu and Zuo Jilan will have the opportunity to retaliate. Have been completely lost.

There was chaos in his mind. The whole person is sinking, and the left end of the chaos hears: "The troublesome Mr. Wang will do something about putting food." He slyly agreed, and did not know when to go out, just when going out. I faintly heard the sigh of Zuo Duanyou: "...nothing. This ten-footed bustling, flowering world. When you come to the north, you can't stay..."

Wang Zhizhen could not understand the meaning of the words, that night. He couldn't sleep in the room, and he got up in the morning and walked into the yard. The coldness of the winter night gave him a little calm, and he knew that many of the things he had pressed were gone. The words that Zuo Duanyou finally said were ringing in his mind. He thought about the meaning behind it, like a deep and dark proverb. He shook his head and wanted to take the words away from his mind. He suddenly widened his eyes and extended his hand to the front...

Awkwardly, the brazier on the shelf flew out, and the flame exploded in the darkness, followed by screams and noise.

In the cold wind of winter, this is a stockade of Shuanglian Mountain in Hedong Road. There are more than one hundred people in the stockade, and about 300 people live in this family. Soon after the riots sounded, the entire stockade was already lit.

On the side of Hedong Road, there are many places where the people are not at peace and the world is not peaceful. If you can't be a citizen, you should be a way out. The stockade of Shuanglian Mountain is called Dahu Village, only because the name of the owner is Peng Dahu. Although his name is not good, he is also one of the best in the rivers and lakes. For a time, Hebei Tiger Wang Tianhu came over to recruit him to justice. He directly refused, saying that Tianhu is a tiger in the field. I am not only a tiger, but also a big tiger. Why should I listen to you? The martial arts high-powered messenger sent by the other party was defeated on the spot. Since it was still far away on both sides, Tian Hu did not know how to treat him.

As the owner of one party, the party is safe, as a mountain, Peng Dahu is still good for the men in the stockade. In the past two years, it has been a worry. But at this time, the neck of the martial artist who was strong in the martial arts was being caught in a big hand like a steel tongs. He was half-squatting on the ground, his face was flushed, but his hand was behind his hand. They waved and said awkwardly: "Don't... don't do it... don't do it..."

In the middle of the night, only three people in the district were headed by a tall, old-fashioned robes. Another man and a woman seemed to be in their 40s and 50s, and they were confronting a group of monks gathered together. The sound of the voice is endless.

Peng Dahu’s difficult movements swayed everyone’s words. He is called the Big Tiger, and he is also a tiger claw in his hand. However, he only played against the darkness, but after three moves, he was defeated and then dragged out of the room. At this time, the opponent's palm was buckled on his throat. Peng Dahu did not doubt that the other party would tear his throat directly into the blood mud as long as he used force.

"Old people, old people... I admit defeat, I admit defeat, I know... you are..."

"Old man Zhou Wei."

As soon as this sentence came out, almost half of the people in the stockade took a sigh of relief, and some even subconsciously retreated. Peng Dahu raised his hand and said in a difficult voice: "I know, I know... I know the old hero's intentions... I promised, I promised."

“Hmmm?” Zhou Wei looked at him, “Really?”

Peng Dahu said: "Leave the winter rations, and the rest will be released... In the stockade, the granary is over there... the books and accounts are in the room..."

Zhou Wei slightly released his hand. On the other side, the woman named Zuo Wenying jumped into the room. Peng Dahu pointed to one side and taught her to find the account book. Zhou Yidao said: "When I came, I also checked it. If you remove the ration, you can take out more than two hundred stones of food..."

"Two hundred and sixteen stones, two hundred and sixteen stones, I have counted and divided, I have counted."

Zuo Wenying turned to look at the books, for a moment, nodded toward Zhou Hao. Since they had been investigated when they came, they didn't have to go to the granary specifically. Zhou Weidao: "The day after tomorrow, the grain was transported to the Fangcun official road, and someone came to pick it up. Peng Zhaizhu, now you have to bother you to send us out."

Although he has confirmed this, the person in his hand still has no neck to the other side. Peng Dahu just said: "No problem, no problem, you spread, you spread!" The neck was caught, he was walking backwards, but his eyes looked at Zhou Wei, but there was not much resentment, along the way. Talk to Zhou Wei.

"Zhou Laoxiong, Zhou Zongshi, I know your business, I understand that you will come to me. So I have already been good. I have nothing to say to Peng Dahu. Zhou hero, how do you see me martial arts, I practice tiger claws Why? Why? I just shot it. You don’t need to block it. No. Just now... Zhou Hero, you point me two tricks, you point me out..."

Zhou Yan frowned. "You will not be detained one day. I will teach you."

"I can't help, Zhou hero, I can't help, look at you..."

"...I will teach you when I have a way."

A group of people went out from the gate of the cottage. After going out, Zhou Wei let go of Peng Dahu and said this. When the figure of the three people went away in the darkness, Peng Dahu performed a courtesy in the rear. The brothers in the rear stockade rushed over: "Big brother, do you want to chase the past, now we have more people..." was pushed away by Peng Dahu.

"Chasing? What are you doing! Do you know who it is? It is the hero of Zhou Yuzhou, the first person in the world. People are arrogant, and in order to save people, we should not be robbed! He did not let you Hungry! Going to your mother, this is a good thing! Can you remember what Zhou hero said? Go to the food and prepare to ship it out, tell you, 216 stone is good, if you are less, I will deduct you. The rations are filled..."

The mountain wind whistling, in the darkness, Zhou Wei, Fu Lu, Zuo Wenying walked between the rocks. After walking for a while, I heard Zuo Wenying said: "There are more than two hundred stones."

Fu Ludao: "You can live more people." In the speech, it is a little relaxed.

Zhou Yan sighed: "Unfortunately... I can only use these methods to save people..." Although this is said, even if this sighs, it does not appear heavy. There are two hundred stones, and there are always two hundred stones.

After the food shortage, this is not the first stockade they visited. Zhou Yi martial arts high-strength, for disaster relief, after all, there is no specific way, he is impossible to kill the corrupt officials, killing big grain, the last thought, can only be this method. During the two months, three people from Hexi West Road to Hedong Road, specializing in picking two or three hundred people to start. The three martial arts are absolutely high. It is impossible to kill the stockade. In the middle of the night, it is more important to catch the owner. However, it is a matter of grasping the standard, and then threatening the other party to leave the winter rations and release other food.

The people in these stockades dare not agree, do not follow the instructions. The old man touches in again every few nights, and the person who loses is the head.

Although Zhou Wei does not know the official of the ranks of Qin Yuyuan, there are still many relationships on the rivers and lakes. He scored in and the other person's food was shipped out. Here, some friends who have trusted in the rivers and lakes helped him. During this period of time, Zhou Wei also saw the fact that Zhu Ji launched a businessman to transport grain to the disaster area. He did not understand this. Later, he saw those people doing their best, not only selling, but also freely applying porridge to make Fu Lu and Zuo Wenying went to find out. The reason that the two brought back the bamboo propaganda propaganda made him think for a long time, and finally admitted: "The Ning Liheng is still very good."

After going through a city and seeing a conflict between the grain merchants and the local big family, he also helped to kill the servants of the big families.

However, the food on his side is still free.

Along the way, the three masters and servants talked about saving people nearby. Suddenly, Zhou Hao’s palms raised and stopped, and Fu Lu and Zuo Wenying stopped and looked up.

In the palm of my hand, a little bit of coldness is fleeting...

In early November, the fleet sailed in the river in the early morning. The teacher woke up from his sleep, opened the window, and looked at the river and the lead gray scenery.

On the big ship headed by the fleet, not only the division, but also several sons and literati in the capital, and the other three sisters of the brothel, because they are all talented women, they are not too light. On the contrary, this trip is also considered to be some kind of elegant.

These literati sons from the capital city are mostly wealthy and talented. This time, the disaster in the north, mixed with men and women, the daily programs are actually eating, drinking and having fun. Or look at the performances of someone who is in the mood, or gather together to chat, play bamboo and double land, the whole atmosphere is also said to be harmonious. For these, no one can blame, even Ning Yi may only praise them, only the teacher's heart, more or less some repression and urgency. This makes her get up very early every day.

However, naturally there will be earlier than her, the sky is already lit, and on the lower deck, the servants have actually been sorted and cleaned. In the night, the teacher faintly heard a sound outside, like it was raining. At this time, the deck was really wet.

She wore clothes and the coldness of the bow on the bow was surprising. The gas came out white~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The teacher tightened the clothes and stood there, suddenly, what she saw, shivering slightly Holding out a hand.

At that moment, she understood that it was not rain that came down last night.

On the night before the snow fell, two smoothies were dropped.

The fleet is moving forward, the river is spreading in front of the river, and the forests and peaks of lead, green, lead and green are expanding on both sides of the river. The white goose feathers fell on her delicate palm and turned into a moist feeling. In the sky ahead, on the river, in the mountains, the snow of the goose falls from the sky and falls to every place in the field of vision.

Tears flowed out, she used her other hand and covered her lips...

In the following three days, Huainan, Jinghu and other places have successively lowered heavy snow. Ning Yi was in the capital and knew the news. This is something that has already been expected.

When the silver is wrapped up in this heaven and earth, when it comes to seeing the blood, it is also... (to be continued...)

Ps: This chapter has more than 8,000 words. It takes a lot of brains, a lot of effort, and it is also very good. You, this month, there is no double, if you have a monthly pass, just throw it out, thank you all. ^_^

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