Zhui Xu

Vol 12 Chapter 525: The crowd is in front of Luliang Mountain

After leaving Zhending, the mountain gradually became rugged, and the land conditions became more and more barren. Although the mountains were still green, the trees were not dense and the pine trees were growing. Sometimes I look far away, and the mountains are like only a layer of lichens. For Lou Shuzhen, who is used to Jiangnan Luye, this kind of scenery makes her feel a bit desolate and barbaric - of course, since the field After the tiger, her heart has always felt that security and practicality, the tension in the heart, the illusion that people will be betrayed at any time, consistent, no time to solve.

“How long does it take to leave Yixian?”

"It takes about half a day." When Lou Shuzhen immediately asked, the burly man next to him came close, and he answered with respect. This man surnamed Qiu, the famous ancient saying, is the master of Tian Hu's majesty. Lou Shuzhen showed his financial management and management skills. After Tian Hu trusted, he transferred Qiu Guyan to her as a guard and deputy. In the past few months, Qiu Guyan’s character has been calm and quiet, and there is no contradiction to Lou Shu’s command. When the two sides get along, they are also harmonious.

"Since it is not far away, people go to Pixian County first, and arrange accommodation and food. The three Princes and the generals don't know when it will arrive. We probably have to stay for a few days."

"Yes." Lou Shuzhen ordered, and Qiu Guyan immediately sent people. Looking back, the line of the mountain is a team of more than 100 people, carrying a few cars all the way forward. These people are all soldiers of Tian Hu, and as the leader, Lou Shuzhen is riding in a gray-yellow cloak at this moment. Although she is not easy to stand in the Tianhu Army in the body of a woman, she is in charge of some of the power of goods at this time. If she wants to ride a big car comfortably, others will not say anything. However, since her position in the Tianhu Army has gradually stabilized, she has gradually abandoned the habit of riding a car, once she goes out. No matter how far or near, it is necessary to ride a horse, and at the same time, the waist is the easiest place to go, and a dagger is taken day and night.

She does not have martial arts, and her own strength has a certain amount of exercise. Also better than ordinary men. Bring a dagger. Not to hurt, just when necessary. Can be used to commit suicide - the matter is dare to dare to do it and say two, but this is indeed the original intention of her to bring a dagger, and occasionally make a decision when touching the dagger sheath, it will feel a little more strength.

In fact, of course it is an illusion. Really sheltered her from being bullied in Tian Hujun. It is the influence of Jin Wang Tianhu himself.

When she had just flown into the sphere of Tianhu’s army, she and the fugitive Lou Shuheng had reached the point where the man’s Lou Shuheng had collapsed. She clenched her teeth and seized an opportunity to appear in Tian Hu. In front of him, Mao said his own ideas for the other side - Tian Hu was originally an Orion, and later fell to occupy a considerable site. Ability is there, but knowledge is ultimately limited. After the bandits occupied the land, talents were scarce in the transition from land occupation to governance. Lou Shuzhen was therefore taken seriously, and it was similar to the fact that Fang Jia was considered by Fang La in Hangzhou City.

At the same time of her ability, she looks good, this is the woman who is beautiful, and the education and knowledge are not comparable to some local bandits. Tian Hu’s original idea was to want to accept her into the harem. This is the most reassuring. However, Lou Shuzhen made a rejection several times and his attitude was firm. Tian Hu was unwilling to show his open-mindedness and was also unwilling to lose a talent to help him. It is not used strong - in fact, Tian Hu does not understand, in the heart of Lou Shuzhen, if you really can't avoid it, you have to push half a half. After she experienced those things, she had a great sense of disgust towards men and felt that they were ugly, but this disgust was not able to protect her chastity. After all, she was lost, both physically and psychologically. .

Tian Hu did not use strong. After that, Shu Shu was in the Tian Hujun. Therefore, he was greatly facilitated. Sometimes he used the tiger skin as a banner and put out the identity of "Tian Hu Mi Fu" to suggest that other interested in her. Men, they all converge. Therefore, over the past year, her life in Tian Hujun has basically been smooth. In addition to the whole day in the brothel, the second brother, what she really cares about, is only the Hu Wang accounted for, all kinds of things at hand.

After staying away from men, she suddenly found that the feeling of women doing things is also very good. Although some people often look at her with the eyes that want to strip her clothes, she doesn't care, what about peeling off, the same thrusting, and then the two eyes turn white like death, Poor thing dominated by the lower body. It was like the few people who were killed after doing those things on her, and that's the way... After they vented, she found the dagger and killed them all. For that moment, the two eyes turned white, and there was no life. The men were stupid pigs. Do you really lose something? She occasionally thinks like this, and then she can't help but laugh and shed tears.

Only when the occasional midnight dreams come back, she will think of a certain figure, like a nightmare - the figure called Ning Liheng, her feelings for him, even if there is a certain obsession, can not talk much, However, everything that happened later left too much branding on her memory. The death of the father and the brother, the destruction of the family, and the tragic loss of the road all the way came from the figure. When she thought of him, it was difficult to think of revenge in the first place.

She knew that he had died in Liangshan, but he did not know what he was doing now, so there was no concept of wanting revenge. I’m going to do it all the time, and maybe one day, I will face him face to face, but even if I think about it, I can’t think of it. Only some whimsy that can't be said by people can be clear, she thinks of those tragic experiences, thinks of the man who is pumping in her, and then she can kill him, thinking of the triumph in front of him when he succeeds, think of After the failure, he was all kinds of abuses - every time, the delusion became more and more fascinating. When I wake up, it is mostly in the early hours of the morning. When I sweat, the quilt will be soaked and blazing. The lower body is as soft as the mud, and then only one person can lie on the side to dawn.

Maybe one day, she will kill him, or he will kill her. This is the only attribution of the two.

Of course, this time going to Luliangshan does not involve such complicated emotions.

Regarding Lu Liang’s piece, Tian Hu had the heart to extend his power at the beginning. The place is no worse than the Central Plains. It is located on the border line. The land that has been washed by blood for many years has been crowded with people. There are also many scattered forces. The general green forest law is difficult to apply here. After all, this kind of thing is in order to let everyone not be driven by the same, but in this land. Most of the people who can survive are desperate, and they can die at any time, regardless of their rules. It is not big.

The reasons for this phenomenon are complex. But the most direct reason is the grassy valley on both sides. The Liao people regarded the people in this place as pigs and dogs, and the martial arts regarded the residents here as savage and untouchables who could not rule. Occasionally, some bigger forces will be raised here, but most of these forces are hateful on both sides, relatively closed, and then easily broken up. Because your power is bigger, it is better than the two sides of the army. After Tian Hu’s tentacles came out, he also took some effort and wanted to draw a lot of companions here, but his power was great for a single cottage, but for Lu Liang this piece was originally broken and scattered. In the sand, it is really hard to say where to go. Therefore, there is nothing to say about progress.

Of course, extending the forces to the northwest of Luliang has always been a icing on the cake for Tian Hu. It doesn't matter if the progress is not big. However, in the past year or so, the situation of Luliangshan has changed a lot compared with the previous ones, which made Tian Hu unable to put his attention on it.

A stockade named Qingmuzhai has been growing and growing in Luliang for the past two years. He even tried to get through the smuggling business on both sides and gained huge benefits. This is really coveted. At the beginning of the development of Qingmu Village, Cao Hong of Tian Hu’s men had noticed here that he incited the split of Qingmu Village and tried to take the opportunity to seize the Qingmu Village. Later, he was killed by the martial artist who was a strong martial artist.

This kind of thing was originally enough for the two sides to make a difference, but Tian Hu felt that it was very troublesome to avenge Lu Liang for such a thing. He is still a relatively single bachelor. Everyone came out and mixed up. If you made a mistake, you must recognize it. You beat it upright. You will be led to rebel in the past. If you have not succeeded in being killed, you have to swallow it. However, after such a long time, the development of Luliangshan was still expanding. From a original toon, he couldn’t help but make up his mind.

It is said that the female village owner of Qingmu Village martial arts high school is older, and there is no marriage in the 20s. Then the marriage is different. The marriage is not the same as before. The chip prepared by Tian Hu is called the military. For the three princes of Tian Shi. Tian Hu family has three brothers, Tian Hu, Tian Bao, Tian Hao, and Tian Tian is the son of Tian Hao. The martial arts is good, and he looks good and looks like a talent. Once married, both sides are a family. Moreover, Tian Hu is sincerely full of talents. Tian Shi is not a wife in the past. As long as the other party nods, Tian Shi is admitted to Qingmu Village, and it is not for the other party to marry.

Beyond this, everyone has studied the model of the birth of Qingmu Village. Generally speaking, once the forces of Luliangshan are formed, they are often bitter and deep, and they are extremely exclusive. Therefore, they are not pleased. However, after the development of Qingmu Village, it is very popular. The nearby Wuchao military often receives the other's diversion, and there are quite a few sweets. For some insatiable guys, Qingmuzhai is also a combination of vertical and horizontal, splitting, and even It is likely that there will be a clear understanding of the details of many of the generals of the military, so that they can gradually stand on their heels.

Such a village owner, although a woman, is obviously very powerful in controlling the interests. Simply sending a man, I am afraid I can't meet each other. Therefore, in addition to Tian Shi, Lou Shuzhen is a lobbyist in the past. Both sides are capable women, and this aspect should be better.

If the situation is difficult today, the imperial court is busy with the various mountain forces in the north of the city. It is clear that the internal control of the Wu Dynasty has reached its limit. With the strength of Tiger King, once they join hands with Qingmu Village, with this and the financial resources of the North and the South, we will be able to make a big business in the future.

This kind of rhetoric, Lou Shuzheng has been prepared before, and these days are still constantly improving, of course, everything is still subject to the name of the owner named Lu Hongti.

This evening, she and the caravan with the bridegroom stopped in front of the county, waiting for the arrival of the three princes Tian Shi and Tian Hu’s Malay will be Yulin’s arrival – although Tian Hujun’s middle and high-level officials made the decision, Tian Shi himself It is also arrogant. He is not very reluctant to enter the shackles. He basically came to investigate the situation of Lu Hongti in the first step of running away from home. As for Yu Lin, it was Tian Hu sent out to arrest him. I want to press him to the person in charge of Lu Liang and the pro.

At this time, the place is already close to Luliang, and Jixian is a big county. Although in the eyes of the Shunan people in the Shunan, everything seems to be desolate, but people are indeed quite a lot. This is a diversion point to the north, after this passage. People must choose to go to Yanmenguan for normal customs clearance. Or smuggle out to Luliangshan. Before the smuggling passage of Luliang flourished, the county was probably only half the size of today. In other words, its prosperity has suddenly expanded in the last one or two years.

Because of this reason. Everything in the county is still full of barbaric atmosphere. Pedestrians are three-minded, and most of them have knives. It seems that no one is a good class. Even the merchants in the past are murderous and bloody. The emergence of smuggling roads has prospered goods, but the security guarantees have not improved too much. Some people take the liberty. Without specific channel guidance, most of them can't find a way to get through. The most prosperous places are often the brothels and knives. One of the forces has its own concentrated area. Only the military and the daring dare to squat in various places. But basically, it will not touch local forces. The government’s power is extremely small—because there are not many people who dare to come here to take office. In the early years, even the arrests were killed and hung on the flagpole. The forces here have the same characteristics, high-profile, and publicity. And crazy, then a batch of rises, looting around, eating incense and spicy, and then a batch of quiet...

Lou Shuzhen stayed in the county for the fifth day, and Tian Shi and Yu Yulin came here with more than two hundred soldiers. During this time, Lou Shuzheng has also heard a lot about the female village owner of Qingmu Village. It is said that her martial arts is strong and strong, and she is already in the position of the master. At present, she has a very high degree of control over the stockade. It is impossible to split the stockade. In addition, she is said to be very beautiful. Therefore, there have been many people who have been dating the Qingmu Village in the recent period, and even faintly said that the other side has the idea of ​​recruiting relatives - outside There are many rumors, that is, I don’t know if it’s true or not.

In Tian Hujun, there have been people who have seen Lu Hongti, but this time Lou Shuzhen can not find anyone. Tian Shi’s route is different. Obviously, he asked a familiar person to ask about it. After learning that Lu Hong’s martial arts was strong and beautiful, he came to interest. He is 25 years old this year, martial arts is good, handsome and handsome, ordinary women are tired of playing early, Tian Hu occupies a place, those who cry and cry, he also played a lot, and it seems to have conquered that Lu Hongti The idea - this world is dominated by men after all, although in the name of the past, but by their own skills, may not be able to conquer her, once on the bed, the strong woman is not compliant with herself...

In the evening, the two people met and met each other. That Yu Yu is a great tycoon who relies heavily on Tian Hu. He is also a very heroic person. He is in his thirties, martial arts is strong and his character is calm. If the other side is not in the field, probably he is also interested in starting. Lou Shuzhen and they were not the first time to see them. On the second day after the reunion, the crowds set off for the camp, and more than 300 people marched in the direction of Luliangshan.

On the other hand, after Lou Shuzhen and others left, Ning Yi’s fleet of more than 100 people was also close to Jixian.

"After the previous one, the official is useless." At dusk, the team camped, wishing to point to the mountain in the north, and turned back to say to Ning Yi and others, "Lv Liang here, than our Dulonggang that The side is still chaotic, can talk, either the army, or the thief, the people are not without, but if there is no power, the land can not be planted. In the past, you have to be careful, people can not be single, this person is black ""

"... Although this is not very good, but it is better to deal with the literati, it is better to deal with the martial arts here." Ning Yi stood on the stone and looked at his eyebrows. "The literati, this time, many times The words are ambiguous, and the money is still confusing with you. If you turn your head, you will not recognize it. The martial arts are much better. Although they are greedy, they will do things when they collect money. I am very bachelor. I still like it." He finished, sighed. : "But it looks really a bit desolate... Shanxi..."

"The land of the predecessors is here, I always think... it’s not easy."

I wish you so sighed ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there are several warriors in charge of the team also showed a similar look. Half of the warriors who followed Ning Yi were originally Liangshan people who were trained in the camp at Dulonggang. When Lu Hongti was still there, he played against them in the camp and beat them. At this time, many people have repented, their mentality has changed greatly, and Lu Hongti’s status as a master has been respected by her. She has been taught by her and she feels that she has the honor and is regarded as half a proprietress and half a master. However, for the sympathy of everyone, Ning Yi snorted and sneered.

"What is not easy, although it sounds like a rumor, but even the rumors of the martial arts have come out. When I am gone, I have to criticize her."

When the sun sets, the mouth says something like this, but when I think of Lu Hong’s look, my heart still feels warm like the sunshine on my face. If I really ran to say her, she would not Still like a little wife, sitting on the bed and letting yourself say. Just think about it, calm down like him, and I can’t help but look forward to it. As he said, the army has collected the money and started to do things - as long as it is not fighting with the Liao people - basically the heart is still, and now the Liao country has been destroyed, the next Luliangshan will have a rare, several years The chance of rest, in a few years, to what extent can it develop? Everything is ahead.

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