Zhui Xu

Vol 4 Chapter 54: Shock (on)

Chapter 54 shocks)

With a bang, the fireworks lit up in the sky near Egret Island. In the crowds below, Xiao Yan looked up at Ning Yi's clothes and looked up. Sometimes he was smashed by the stones and his head hit Ning Yi's back.

The venue of the Huakui contest is said to be in Bailuzhou. It is actually near a station between Bailuzhou and Jiangning. This place is backed by mountains and the green space is vast. The huge gathering place has been surrounded by the nearby river. The paintings of the buildings are connected in one piece. With the 6th arrival of the floats, the green space on the outside is now crowded, and various snacks are played in the grass, and the fire is very lively.

It is actually simple to see the performance in the venue. The cost is a flower. When you go in and see the girl you like, you can offer it up, and a flower is a pair of silver, remembering a thousand words. Despite the wealthy areas in Jiangning and Jiangning, it is already a huge sum for ordinary people. The number of people coming over this time is nearly 10,000. The number of people who can go in is about 3,000. The rest will probably have fun outside the venue, waiting for the end of the test, or going home to sleep.

If we deconstructed according to Ning Yi's vision, this is a society with a large gap between the rich and the poor, which is actually much larger than the millennium. However, although some people complained about dissatisfaction, everyone has become accustomed to too many things. In the mind, this kind of situation is taken for granted. If you are dragging your family, you can enjoy the cool and leisure with your family on the grassy fields and river beaches outside. It’s extravagant to draw dozens of articles on the text. There are also no money. Just look at the juggling performances and listen to the music that came out of the venue. After a girl got the squad, it was also joyful.

Most of the 3,000 people who entered were not rich people. The poorer talents wanted to be accommodating, knowing some people, and many people who don’t want to miss such things. The real rich people are probably the top hundreds of people. It is estimated that within a day, they will contribute more than 90% of the income of this event, ranging from tens of two, hundreds of two, thousands of dollars, and even There are also tens of thousands of people, and people often talk about it for a while. In Yangzhou and Tokyo, when the game is played every time, it is said that the grand event is unprecedented and Jiangning is still to be passed.

At the time of arrival, the floats had already entered, and the entrance to the door was accompanied by bills. The crowds were bustling and blocked. Ning Yi and Xiao Yan ran to the grass next to them, looking for a little free spot to eat a bowl of beancurd, watching the grand occasion there. Among the crowds, the voices of acquaintances waving and greetings sounded from time to time. Occasionally, people who secretly wanted to enter were driven out. Both sides wanted to go in. It took about a while to get in. Xiaoxiao sat next to the small table to buy. I didn’t eat the beancurd, and I took a few plums from my arms and put them in the bean bowl. Ning Yi looked helpless.

\"Can you eat this?"

\"Good-looking." Xiaoxuan said, taking a spoon and digging a spoonful of tofu brain with plum particles into the mouth, with a long aftertaste, some intoxicated. Ning Yi admire her such a spoonful of tofu brain can eat so long, inadvertently think of a long time ago, it seems that there has been a cotton candy can take an hour. Can't help but look at Xiao Yan's expression, smiled, put down the ridicule, watching the leisurely waiting around.

For him, leisure is actually a patience in most cases. After coming to the Wu Dynasty, most of the same is true. More is the habit of patience, and the Taishan Mountain that has been cultivated for many years is a kind of force. However, in this crowd, he and Otaru are sitting here, and what they feel may be really leisurely. After a while, Xiao Yan pointed to the crowd: \"Hey, my grandfather, Wending young master and the young master of the text."

The people in the crowd really are Su Wending Su Wenfang and others in the Su family. They also have several of their friends. Ning Yi also heard it before. It is probably a little talented talent. When I look over here, I have already seen it over there. I can see Ning Yi and Xiao Yan, but it is slightly embarrassing.

These people have nothing to do with Ning Yi on weekdays, and occasionally a few words in Sujiahan. When they recently returned to Su Tan’s money, Ning Yi was there. The reason was to do all kinds of business, all kinds of excitement. For the reason of the upside, Su Taner has been swearing for a long time, and he also pointed out some opinions and opinions about doing business. Although they may also understand that this cousin is well aware of what they are doing, it is a bit embarrassing to meet Ning Yi at this time.

In Su Wending, Su Wenfang and others, on the one hand, Ning Yi is a singer. On the other hand, he is really talented. He has spread in the Su family. No one dares to really swear at him. Even if there is no such thing, they have to give Su Taner a face. At this time, they may hesitate for a while. Consider whether they should come over and say hello. Ning Yi just screamed at them and smiled. They solved their troubles and stopped coming.

Then I saw the ceremonial sorrow of Kang Xian's family. After a while, there was Yu Yu at the door, and the flow of people was slightly reduced. Ning Yi and the sluggish little cockroach had already finished eating the bean Beans and went over there. Later, it happened to meet Li frequency, and there were two talented people who accompanied Li frequency. The two sides introduced each other, and Xiao Xiao also happened to rush to see them after they met the ceremony.

The venue of the third day of this day is actually quite wide. After all, the performance of more than one hundred girls, if they are taking turns on a stage, it is almost tomorrow until tomorrow.

Participants came in from the doorway, and the first thing they would see was a new shop, restaurant, etc. Most buildings were originally available. There are also drinks and teas, a variety of places to rest, nearby rock, water beach, circular stage and other places are different, it is like a theme park.

There are five places on the stage, such as the water tanks of the building, the teahouse dance floor, the small building of the river bay, the small stack of the backing, and the circular drum of the center. Which girl will be arranged when and where to perform. Usually the order is scratched, but there are also some deliberate adjustments, such as the four major lines or some of the more recognized girls, the performance time will be staggered, try to avoid the four major performances at the same time, people do not know to see Whose situation.

The paintings on the floor and the boat are naturally the place where the girls rest. There are also various large and small sheds around the venue. It is also the site of each brothel. It is invited to enter and meet the performers. A few restaurants around the world are mostly fragrant, and better poetry will hang out to cheer for a certain girl. It is not on the spot to throw flowers on the stage. Someone is naturally registered next to them.

\"This time I can be favored by my brother, the four major deeds, the girl wants to enter the undoubtedly. The last time the brothers made a poem for the girl, it is like a delicious dish. After reading it, stay for a few days. Gu Shaoshi is admirable, come and respect his brother."

The sky has entered the night, the fireworks have passed, and the performances on the various stages have actually begun. The crowds in the venue are gathering and going to the stage of the Chinese side to see the performance. On the next Wenmo floor, Gu Yanzhen is temporarily resting with a few people. Among these people, Gu Yanwei is mainly a girl named Luo Wei. The girl is not long after her debut, but her reputation is already high. There are many people who pursue it. This time, the first sixteen thoughts are no suspense. It is a popular candidate for the four major banks. Gu Yanxi made several poems in the past few days to help him.

At this time, several people touted each other a few words, and after a while, a beautiful woman came over to say hello. Gu Yanxi had previously written poems for her. Her performance was over. At this time, she came to thank her and accompanied two glasses of wine. She obviously has some meaning for Gu Yanxi, but she also knows that the other party is now pursuing Luo Wei. After a moment of self-satisfaction, there is no hope, and there are other things to do, and she has to quit.

On the upstairs of this ink, there was occasional Mama Sang accompanied by the girl to thank him. It was also a lively event. After the first wave of enthusiasm, the friend poured down the wine: "The envy is envious, the geese are there. The beauty favors."

Gu Yanxiao smiled: "How do you like the beautiful people, my favorite beauty, I have never favored me."

The person next to him thought that he was talking about Luo Wei. When he asked with interest, Gu Yanzhen was also open-minded. He talked about pursuing a woman some time ago. He wanted to be a sly, and went to Leping, but he was slap in the face. . He said this thing naturally, and others admire it and praise it for being able to afford it. Sinking is knowing his character, and after a moment he smiles and says: "You don't say that in your heart."

\"How can it be?" Gu Yanyan touched him with a cup of indifference and finished drinking.

\"When does Nie girl like it, but who knows?"

\"Absolutely can't find out what."

\"Isn’t it true that Nie is really indifferent, don’t want to marry?”

\"Which is this possible?" Gu Yanqi slightly frowns, lowers the voice, and the words turn to the block. "When the song is in the egg, there must be someone behind the hateful... Unfortunately, I asked Dexin, Dexin to protect the man, the tone I don’t want to know anything. Oh, I also want to know where this person is sacred. If it’s really amazing, my Gu Yanyi is naturally convinced.”

\"Other people can't ask?"

\"As you know, it’s just that the person made a joke with a friend, made a bet, so he was looking for someone through Dexin, and asked that he couldn’t use his reputation. This person is also a famous talent... Hey, Yunzhu heart The nature that I like is also such a character. On that day, Yunzhu’s niece Walnut once hinted that I was pursuing her lady, faintly revealing that her family seemed to have a favorite person, but at this time the entanglement was not deep, and the other party was also very young. Not suitable. Later, when she came out of the incident, she knew that I was hopeless with her young lady. She was no longer aware of her identity and no longer revealed her identity..." Gu Yanxi shook her head, "If I want to come, I am afraid of the cloud." Bamboo likes to be famous for the old and old, and loves his talents. He is stunned by his mind... Yunzhu is not a snobbish person, but with her indifferent heart, it is not without such possibility."

Jiangning area, there are many celebrities, if Nie Yunzhu really likes the famous old man, it is counted that he has money and now has an official, I am afraid there is no way. Most of these old men are very open-minded, and if Yunzhu really wants it, it is not something that a young talent like him can deal with. At this point, the two talked about it, faintly, the other side of the restaurant came a loud noise, it seems that something is happening.

Looking at it from here, it is a gesture of ridicule and arguing with each other. A girl who came upstairs to thank her is also a little busy at this time. I want to persuade me to have no effect. One of the young people seems to have been ridiculed. It’s quite embarrassing to have a red face.

Then someone on his side smiled and took a piece of paper in his hand, indicating that the original committee: \"Haha, the girl is the Tang Jing of Liu Yelou, the song and dance has been completed, and the reputation is also good. This side When the son had a hundred flowers, she came up to thank him. Later, she wrote a poem, but it was ugly. Oh, everyone, what is this poem?"

Most of the students who were with Gu Yanxi were famous talents. The scholars were not comparable to the average person. At this time, the poems were taken over, and then they laughed. The poems were really not good. They should only be flat. The axes were too heavy, but if they were almost I am afraid that I have to become a poem, and I am trying to make up my talents. Gu Yanxi smiled and smiled: "This poem... Oh, this person is afraid to be from the merchant's house."

In fact, there are many people who write poetry in this year but they have a lot of arty styles. They just have to look at the right place. Some merchants write some oil poems. Some people are touted on fixed occasions. But if you don’t have the self-knowledge, go to the place where the old and famous places gather, then you can’t be fooled. Laughed. At this time, the man was laughed enough. Gu Yanyi also laughed at this side: \"Yan Yan really has an eye, this person's home business is called Su Wending, only learning is nothing, the other person is afraid of having a grudge with him, at this time let him not come to Taiwan ""

\"Oh, Wending, difficult." Gu Yanxi shook his head, smiled and watched the drama, \"don't care, let them go."

It was Su Wenfang Su Wending and others who were ridiculed over there. The girl that Su Wenfang loves today is that Tang Jing. This time, the money came over to support Tang Jing, and then wrote the poem, which is also from the heart. Unfortunately, the literary talent is not enough. At that time, people were caught and laughed, but he also learned to be slightly higher than him. He immediately said: "You can write any poems."

There was a smile over there: \"Being better than you."

The two sides immediately began to fight poetry, but only two past, Su Wenfang immediately stretched on the side, the other side, there is a poem is better, at this time only wrote a praise that Tang Jing, immediately overwhelmed everyone. Although Tang Jing has an art industry, he is not well known on weekdays, and he has not handled such a jealousy for a while. Later, some people came over and smiled and told Su Wenfang and others about Gu Yanqi’s evaluation of these people, and pointed at Gu Yan’s side.

Although Gu Yanxi didn't want to participate in this matter, the evaluation of several people on this side was passed down. It was normal, and he was watching the movie here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Su Wenfang Su Wending and others were even more embarrassed. It is simply to pursue Tang Jing on the spot with poetry, but they are still unable to fight back.

There was a smile over there: \"Qi asked the brother's poetry, you can meet it, you can get the water poetry meeting Lichuan poetry meeting, everyone has to praise a good word, then the party does not say Poetry is gone, and these poems dare to offer ugliness. Let me teach you to write poetry."

Saying, writing one, it is also quite satisfactory, and then someone wrote one, and the time was full of emotions. That Chen Ji asked poetry is not bad, Gu Yanyi probably heard the name, watching the lively there, casually guessing whether the fight will be played, and most of the words played here will be driven out. Then, turn your eyes downstairs.

An acquaintance is coming over here.

It was Li Pin Li Dexin. In the past, the two were familiar, but after Nie Yunzhu was slap in the face, he went to the other side and asked the news of the man behind Nie Yunzhu. Although he was an understatement, Li frequency was not willing to say the identity of the other party. He even said: "I know your character, don't talk more about it at this time." In a sense, the two have already broken.

Therefore, he frowned slightly.

Along with Li Feng, there was a young man who never knew. The two sides were talking about something. Behind them, a beautiful girl wearing a floral white dress was following, thinking of coming with the man who didn’t know. ......

The second is more complete, ask for a monthly ticket ^_^

Next next morning.

(www.. Lang Lang Book)

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