Zhui Xu

Vol 12 Chapter 542: Reunion, seeing what to say (on)

Relative to Lou Shuzhen, the other forces on the Qingmu Village came to know that Ning Yi’s intelligence would be slightly earlier. The earliest one was He Shuyuan, who had a background in Qi. In the afternoon after seeing the blood bodhisattva, someone secretly invited him to the courtyard above the mountainside to talk.

This insignificant small courtyard above the mountainside, he had visited Hong Bingfu twice before, and he understood that this courtyard is the true core of Qingmu Village compared to the Qingmuzhai lobby. The other party can call him, it is likely that a decision has been made to secretly finalize the sale with him.

He Shuyuan is not surprised by this result. Among the various forces coming over this time, Qi is the most comprehensive. As long as it can be combined with the forces of Qi, the role that Luliang can play is the most profitable. Running this trick, He Heyuan is also a face to the foot of the Qingmu Village.

Once Qingmu Village cooperated with Qi, it was recruited and entered the military system. Although it is said that it does not interfere with Qingmu Village, on the practical level, if you enter the military, you will always have to be supervised. You can insert people into it. Under the impact of various interests such as money and rights, these villagers and leaders of Luliangshan will also become part of the interests of the family. After seeing the needles, whoever has the final say in Qingmu Village after a few years is really hard to say.

Thinking in my heart, after entering the room in the courtyard, what he saw was a young man who was writing at the desk. The other person’s expression was focused and indifferent. The pen in his hand did not stop, but he raised his left hand and did not have a head. lift it up.

"Let's wait a second, just right. What's outside. Sit."

He Shuyuan, who was full of joy, frowned, standing at the door, carrying his hands and staring at the young man. In his mind, he thought about what the people in Qingmu Village had sold, and they were already serious and angry.

The other party ignored him and continued to write on the paper. When he finished writing it, he took it and took a look. He folded it and put it in his sleeve. Stop the brush. Then he looked at the eyes of the middle-aged man at the door. Standing up, he picked up the teacup on the table.

"He Shuyuan, outside of the staff, know about it, in Ning Yi. Ning Liheng. Have you heard of the Secret Investigation Division?" The young man took a sip of tea. Walk out from the back of the desk. There was a little smile on the face, but it also brought coldness. "If the people of Qijia have told you about it, last year, we still have a hand in hand. During the period of the grain disaster, no one earned anything outside. Less?"

Just at the moment when I heard the words "Mission", He Shuyuan’s heart was a sinking. There was a feeling that the criminals of later generations were doing bad things and suddenly met the connector. Of course, his feelings are not so specific, but immediately, he realized that the meaning of the name Ning Liheng is totally unclear. Why did this person appear in Luliang?

"Ning Liheng... You are the one in charge of the food and disaster relief in the government..."

From last year to this year, in order to calm the damage of the grain disaster, the right Xiangfu almost fought against the Wushu in the north and the south. The responsible for mobilizing food to suppress the food prices of the north and south roads is the young man in front of him. Some intelligence is also consistent. This is called Ning Liheng in Xiangfu. It can do this kind of thing. Even if it can't be said that it is a national sect, it is at least a drug lord who can't be swayed by the prime minister. Even if you rely on the relationship of Qi, you can order one place. In front of such a person who represents the authority of the prime minister, it is not enough to see. His words are difficult, but the other party has already come.

"Well, it is under. In the place of Luliang, there are people on the rivers and lakes who send nicknames to the **** hands, and there are also rumors of rumors. They are all rumors. Like the outsiders, they are a businessperson. Even if there is some friction before, it is just money. Let's not hurt the relationship between individuals. What do you say outside?"

He has a smile on his face. He Shuyuan is not a person who has never seen the world. He knows that things must change, but he has calmed down. "Yes. It’s just that He didn’t know why Mr. Ning is here. ”

"In fact, it is very simple. It is similar to the idea of ​​the outsider." Ning Yi smiled and patted his arm and took the lead to go out. "Let's go out and walk and say."

The atmosphere of the conversation at the moment was taken away by Ning Yi from the beginning. It’s just that He Shuyuan has no way. The other party is not only the core aides of Xiangfu, but also related to those who are extremely wicked and green. The name of the devil is a gang of gangsters. If it’s not speculative, let’s not say People, the other party will probably kill themselves here. He followed and went out, and went out to the place overlooking the Qingmuzhai Valley before he stopped.

"Who is outside." The young man turned his head. "You look at Qingmu Village. It has developed quite well. It was not like this two years ago. You think it’s because the villagers here suddenly suddenly I suddenly made it bigger here? I started to start a border trade?"

He Shuyuan looked at the scene below and hesitated for a moment: "You mean, have you been involved in the government?"

"No such thing, Xiangfu does not recognize this, and we will never cooperate with the monks." Ning Yi smiled. "Today's things are out of my mouth, and your ears have never happened. You know, you know that the Xiangfu family is big, and like you, what you do is also asking for money. We have some business, such as helping people plan their business, who needs what, we know where to, help People lead a match, sometimes how much money is earned, how much money is spent, rough people do not know how to manage accounts, we will help to do a book, and then try to give good income and expenditure advice. They are all small win-win businesses. Everyone makes money to make money. Everyone is really good. Are you saying yes?"

Ning Yi said that one side has already stepped forward, and He Shuyuan followed his face with entanglement.

"Doing business, in fact, the most important thing is not to sell anything to buy, the important thing is to make friends. It is like the grain disaster last year to this year, we also know a lot of friends, as long as there are friends, the relationship can be connected. What is needed? What to produce, what to sell, how to sell, every person on the link, you can quickly turn it up, and then everyone can make money, things can get bigger and bigger. During this period, even if you have a little friction with people. As I said, it’s all money. People can still know each other. This is a good thing. If you don’t know, I can’t talk to you anyway, so you can’t talk so well. In business, it’s a predecessor. You said, can I make sense?”

He Shuyuan: "Ha ha... right..."

Ning Yi continued: "As I said, the Secret Investigation Division just took the account and made comments. Lu Liang is a piece of this. A long time ago, it was a heart disease at the border. We have always wanted to solve its problems before we have Today's pattern. However, it can't be done by a single big one. In the past, it was to open the door to do business. It just took a fraction of it. It is more affordable than other places. And Qingmu Village has long been admired. In the future, they will all be their own people. Anyone can rest assured that they will open the door to do business. When it does not change, we will have preferential treatment for such a big deal. This is Ningmou. In the recent survey, these things are the most profitable, and we will receive less than usual, so look outside."

He said, put the paper he had written in the hands of He Shuyuan. He Shuyuan took the paper, but did not open it. He just looked at Ning Yi: "In this way, it is also the opinion of Qin Xiangye?"

"It's not a specific opinion. It's just a matter of borders. It's always a big problem. How to control it, there are rules. We can't just fish and fish. We can't just see it for a year or two. These things are the consideration of the above people. Li Xiangqin and their Consider, I am not very clear."

Ning Yi said, laughing at the sun. But the point is: this is the result of our consideration, not at your level. He Shuyuan frowned. He didn't know how much the Secret Investigation Division had done to the end, but he understood that it was useless to roll the sprinkle in front of this person. After thinking about it, he said, "What about the army? They came over, can you tell me something about the food?"

The part of border trade in the Wu Dynasty taxation is very important, but the intervention is also varied, and the government is certainly not clean here. However, such interest division is like a political struggle, there is friction between each other, but it will not tear the face. Once the distribution of interests is determined, everyone will also keep tacit understanding. If it is said that Xiangfu is opening a smuggling port here, things can be big or small, but of course, there are so many interests in the border, and everyone can sneak in and grab the place where Lu Liang can not get the benefits in the past. A mouth can also be regarded as a skill. As long as it does not affect too much, and does not eat a single food, there is still a way to do it.

Ning Yi also shook his head: "These things, we naturally have arrangements. I said, Qingmu Village, the fact that the government did not intervene, at most, we lobbied here, made a suggestion. To say Xiangfu is interested in the fact that it is the charcoal mine of Luliang Mountain. I don’t know if anyone has heard of it. There are several open-air charcoal mines here, which are very good for mining. We have done some business in Beijing, called... We need this thing. So we also hope that Lu Liang can be long-term and long-term."

He Shuyuan said: "I heard about the stove. However, the price of charcoal is so good that it is not too troublesome to transport it from here?"

"The business is going to be big, there is charcoal here, we can develop the business of the coal stove to the north, and the stove is still very good."

He Shuyuan nodded and smiled after a while: "If you want to do this business, Hemou is very willing to participate in stocks, and enjoy the things that Beijing people like."

"Haha, what is a foreign language, the strong dragon does not press the head of the snake, to do business in the north, when I must be the first to find someone, I am out of technology, you are a man, how. As for Luliangshan..."

What kind of charcoal business, Yancoal business, for Hejia is nothing but a small business, but this is to say, close the distance, He Shuyuan laughed and interrupted Ning Yi: "Liang Liangshan's business, I understand the brothers of Ning Meaning, however, there is still a family behind the brothers. What do they think of them? I can’t say it. But no matter what, like the Ning brothers, it’s just buying and selling, not hurting, how?”

Ning Yi reached out and patted the hand he was holding the paper: "Well, everyone is doing things, friction is inevitable, follow the rules, not hurt."

The two said with a smile, Ning Yi sent He Shuyuan to the mountain crossing, waving his hand. Just after turning around, the smiles of the two men converge instantly. Ning Yi frowned and walked back boring. He Shuyuan was a bit of a gnashing of teeth. It’s hard for the Secret Detective to intervene in this, but this kind of thing is indeed Speaking first come later. Everyone sneaks and manages their own interests. If the Secret Investigation Division really started to control Lu Liang two years ago. Others want to intervene, that is, the real tiger mouth to eat, he is angry and how.

On the afternoon of this afternoon, Ning Yi met Xiao Cheng, the deputy of Wu Shengjun. As a member of the army, this deputy was the easiest to settle. After carrying out the background of Qin Yuyuan, Qin Shaoqian and Miria, he promised one. With a lot of money, the other party immediately became Ning Yi’s iron brother. For Wu Shengjun to fix Lu Liang this kind of thing, even if it is done. How much can he earn? Only the money in your pocket. It’s real money...

Just like Ning Yi said, people who do business will not tear their faces casually, even if they can tear their faces with Qingmu Village. There is nothing to be willing to tear the face with the Secret Investigation Department and Qin Yuyuan. However under such rules. Holding the luck of luck. It is still a choice to make small moves or wait for changes and deterioration. After Ning Yi probably greeted these people, the grass on the hill near Qingmu Village. Also began to gather here, first spies, spies, and then some people sent large and small leaders, ready to visit the blood bodhisattva.

At the beginning, this was considered to be a great pain to the people around him. Once someone on the hills believed it, they could not help but start private negotiations and concatenation. As for Qingmu Village, it is possible to be recruited, and everyone feels a huge crisis. In this way, the Qingmu Village collection, which was already full of people, seems to be more crowded and confused. In the interior of Qingmu Village, people who became somewhat flustered at the beginning because of so many outsiders appeared to calm down and silently began to shrink the line of defense and consolidate the stockade.

Qingmuzhai has developed business in the past two years, and has absorbed most of the foreign population. Now it seems even a bit confusing in this expansion process. Once it is up, the business and the stockade must be affected. On the other hand, this time it seems that the combination of Luliangshan and Qingmuzhai is the most powerful force. Anyone seems to know that Qingmu Village will not want to fight this. However, if Qingmuzhai is unwilling to see the war, the current phenomenon of consolidating the line of defense can only be said to be the most passive defense.

The whole situation began to tighten in such an atmosphere. On the night after three days, the host of the blood bodhisattva hosted a banquet for the guests who went up the mountain. Everyone went to participate. In the banquet of the hall, Lou Shuzhen was waiting for a figure of a guest to appear in a trembling mood, but until the beginning of the banquet, Ning Yi and others did not appear in the guests. Halfway through the banquet, she almost stood up and tried to explore the blood bodhisattva, asking her where the ups and downs of the mountain are now, and at this time, Qiu Guyan came in from outside the temple, whispering behind her ear. Some news.

"... I heard some rumors from the mountain people. I don't know if it is true for the time being. The blood bodhisattva has no match, but... she already has a sweetheart. I heard that the insider already knows, and that person is Ning Li. Heng, he is going to be a relative to the blood bodhisattva... So this business, he is not a guest, he is the main family..."

Not far from the position of the Zhai main, the woman with the nickname Blood Bodhisattva smiles and speaks with the guests in a distance. Lou Shuyu pinched the glass, and there was a "beep" in his head. The light left for a moment, then he trembled back into his eyes. She found her hand shaking slightly, and the picture in her eyes was shaking.

"...even if he is the main house." She found that her voice was hoarse, so she repeated it again. "Even if he is the main house... the people outside the mountain are going to be surrounded, why is he not moving, he is waiting Are you dead, he knows how many people are going to die..."

"This...is clear..."

"It’s going to kill a lot of people...he knows...he is thinking..."

That night, she didn't know how she got out of the hall, walked on the mountain road, the night wind was cold, the mountains were lonely, and the lights in the far yard seemed to laugh at her. She returned to her yard and room, sat for a long time, and went out with a cloak, went to the gate of the courtyard where Zhu Xi and others lived, and went inside, someone stopped him. Qiu Guyan, who is responsible for protecting her, also came to block the man.

"I want to see Ning Yi!"

She said so. However, after experiencing the small-sounding horse, everyone knows that the Tianhu forces she represents are enemies~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The blocker does not intend to give him a good look.

"Girl, no one wants to see you."

"I want to see Ning Yi!" She yelled out loud. "I know him! I know he saw me too! Let him come out to see me-"

In the courtyard of Shawanshi in the rear, Dong Pang’s men were alarmed and watched the fun. The blocker was also shocked. The woman sounded familiar with the boss... I didn’t know what to do at the moment. In the rear room, Zhu Xi had already ran out: “Ah, you...”

"Call Ning Yi to come out to see me! Just say that the enemy of the family came over to find him -"

"Hey, you wait." I wished you a thought, then disappeared behind the courtyard.

Lou Shuyu passed the cloak, stood at the door of the courtyard and closed his eyes. After a long time, I wished that I would come down from the mountain and say to her: "He can see you tomorrow morning."

Lou Shuyu took a breath with his eyes closed and turned away.

The next morning, she saw Ning Yi. (To be continued.)

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