Zhui Xu

Vol 12 Chapter 544: Master of the Masters Lu Liangfeng (1)

Time to push back a little, in the afternoon, Aoki outside.

Chen Jiaqu’s second-person Chen went into the room and saw the man who was waiting for him in the room. He bowed his hand.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a long time. How dare you come in person?"

At the end of the field of vision, it is a middle-aged man who is still wearing shackles and scattered hair on a hot day. He held a string of nearly black rosary in his hand. At this time, he stood up from the darkness over there. The rosary was engraved with a sly pattern. It seems that this person is tall and taller than Chen. It is also higher than a head. It is the "black king" of Wei Zhen Lu Liang.

"I don't come in person, who can talk for me." His voice is hoarse, although his body is tall, but in his speech, it always feels like a breath of yin measurement. This is a bad injury in his early years. Meridian, caused by sequelae. Today's Luliangshan, he is considered one of the most powerful martial arts people, as compared to the blood bodhisattva - they have never played before.

Chen smiled and said: "I am not afraid of the direct face of the surname Lu, a net to play?"

"I have been in the three wolves for so many years, and the negotiations have never been afraid. The blood bodhisattva will not be able to directly take the world."

"That is also true, the black king is bold enough. Then, the purpose of going up the mountain, everyone has a consensus?"

“What is the situation in this village?”

"It’s very troublesome. I heard that people from the mountains have come."

"Oh, people outside the mountains..."

"It's really amazing..."

Part of the glimpse, Lu Liangshan people basically look down on foreigners. But at the same time, in fact, in the bones, they are afraid of outsiders. To say that the ordinary traders who do business, the residents near Luliang, each time they mobilized and robbed these people. However, every time you hit the grass valley, or the invasion of the Wu Dynasty side army, it always makes Lu Liangshan burned and bitter. The three wolves are also good, Chen Zhenhai is also good, usually no matter how much horizontal. Meet these regular troops. They belong to the official forces, and they can only hide in the mountains and suffer.

Therefore, at this time, I talked about people outside the mountain. The tone of the three wolves. It is also extremely complicated. The two talked for a while. When they said that the Fangyiyang brothers were there, they heard the voice.

Pei’s voice of worshipping the mountains, the time enveloped the entire Qingmu Village. The atmosphere is changed in the whole episode. There are countless commotions and whispers. Then there is the voice of the blood bodhisattva. The three wolves took a group of younger brothers and Chen out of the room, and they heard someone talking next: "This skill is unfathomable..."

"I don't think that blood bodhisattva is also..."

"Who is Lin Zongwu..."

"The Great Light teaches the Lord." The three wolves stood on the side of the railing and looked at the group of people at the end of their eyes. "I have heard this person..."

"I also know..." Chen whispered. "This person was hit by the South Road to the north. I heard that martial arts has been ruined. I have not lost. He is a real master. In the early days of Qingmu Village. Shawan Stone, although known as playing in the Central Plains, is actually not the same as this person... He also came to Luliang..."

At this time, almost everyone is in the wrong place, this big master will actually come to Luliang, and the three wolves whispered: "He wants to fight against the **** Bodhisattva..." The expression on the face, I don’t know whether it’s happiness or not. .

The most solid foundation of the military's skill is still from internal strength. Luliangshan has always been turbulent, so outside the internal strength, the fierceness of actual combat also takes up a lot of ingredients, but if the internal power is too much, it will be useless. In the voice that echoed the Qingmu Village, the power contained in it was far above the three wolves, and he only had the sigh and fear in his heart. Although the response of the Blood Bodhisattva is already a high point.

Originally thought that I was right with the blood bodhisattva, the winners and losers are also in the number of five or five, who knows that the other party has reached this level, and knows that when she reaches this level, the big master who really hits the world obviously wants to come. The blood bodhisattva is in trouble. Things on the rivers and lakes level, suddenly pulled up to this extent, became the two masters in Lu Liang's war, at the same time, the three wolves really do not know what to think.

After a while, he thought of one thing, and asked: "Is it previously said, who is coming into the mountains from outside? What is it?"

"I heard it today, and now on the mountain, there is another one called Ning Yi. The outsider calls him a demon..."

"My heart is Ning Yi, I seem to have heard this name."

The three wolves thought for a moment, and there were companions next to them: "Isn't that the broken Liangshan?"

"In the Liangshan Shuibo vs. Songjiang Brothers?" The three wolves frowned. "I heard that, in time, the Songjiang martial arts is not high, but the heroes are one of the best heroes in the world. With one person's strength, losing more than ten masters, and finally smashing Liangshan?"

Chen whispered: "He has a court background, and it is the most powerful running dog of the Emperor of the Wu Dynasty. He specializes in dealing with the people of the rivers and lakes, not only Liangshan, but also heard that the holy priest in the south was attacked. If you have done too much, it is very likely that you have had a fight with the Sangong Fangla, Yunlong, and the Nine Seven Buddhas.

The three wolves were silent for a long time, and took a breath: "His mother, things have become so chaotic... I want to marry, I should call my brothers and see what happens..."

In the mouth, they said that the team of the great Guangming taught there went to the gate of Qingmu Village. Lin Zongwu, the leader of the great Guangming religion, is like Maitreya. He is a majestic, big-sleeve fluttering, and he is the strongest master of the mountain. In a twinkling of an eye, Qingmu Village, which had been in Luliang for so long, seems to have become unfathomable, and there are some atmospheres of Longtan Tiger Cave...

Lin Zongwu’s sudden appearance, the people on the Qingmu Village, each time, each has its own response.

The fame of the great Guangming leader has been very fast in the north in the past year. First, because his martial arts is really strong, and second, because for most of the people who lost in his hands, his attitude is very kind and sincere, and later. Many people are also willing to make a name for him. Over the past year or so, many of the martial arts and old people who have really dealt with him believe that this new master who appeared on the rivers and lakes is unfathomable, almost the best in the world, and unparalleled. It is the ability to fight with Zhou Wei and even defeat Zhou Wei.

It is a pity that after leaving the post in the Imperial Boxing Hall, Zhou Wei will run around and the dragon will not see the end. And for this type of military singled out the fame. He no longer cares. In the last six months. Zhou Wei touched the past one village in the north, forcing people to release food and disasters. Lin Zongwu searched for him in the north, but he did not meet it from beginning to end. Honestly. This is still very regrettable.

Some people even said. Lin Zongwu, this person is doing what he is doing. When Zhou Wei is really there, he simply does not dare to go - of course, no one will think that Zhou Wei will really fight - this is passed to Lin Zongwu. What will happen to his emotions, then you can't tell.

Of course, only a very small number of people know that Daguangming can be released by the imperial court. It is not like the Manichaeism. The backing behind it is one of the great Confucianism. Qi family, Qi Qi.

This time on the Luliang Mountain, everyone sent people to talk about it. Who knows that halfway through the process of killing a bite, everyone is a good guy and eats a dumb loss. There are two reasons for them to suffer losses. One is that Ning Yi’s identity in Xiangfu is really impressive, but if only this is the case, everyone can only do business in a proper manner and be equal to each other. Who knows that the Secret Investigation Department announced that they In Qingmu Village, it has been in operation for two years. Under this reason, Qingmu Village has cooperated, and everyone has nothing to say.

Wu Chengjun’s Xiao Cheng chose to take the money strangely; Dong Pan’s side, Shawan Stone was very faceless when he was defeated. The messenger he sent out also received a bribe. Dumb; He Shuyuan knows that things can't be done, and some other scattered businesses have mostly chosen to face the reality. But the only thing that makes them feel that things may be variable is the atmosphere of the mountain in the past few days. If the other hills of Luliang Mountain really came to tear down the Qingmu Village, you may be able to fish in the water, so there are not many people who will leave immediately. Therefore, many people have waited for this drama. .

Dong Pang Er was originally trying to make Sha Wanshi challenge the blood bodhisattva, but the weight of Sha Wanshi is obviously not enough. But now it is different. The coming person is the great Guangming leader who is close to the world. On the other hand, as a local snake, the **** Bodhisattva seems to be not low in martial arts. With these two masters, everyone naturally thinks The third place of this strong: the heart of the devil.

Under this time, Qingmu Village became a gathering and collapse of the masters. Next, the situation will develop to the next place. The three people in this green forest are close to the highest. One person represents the sect, one represents the village, and one represents the court. If it is a fire, it will hit. In what it was, everyone was almost looking forward to the first moment.

Among them, Lou Shuzhen also began to look forward to the change of events...

The tense atmosphere began after the two conversations began, and the air began to shrink inward. Here, He Shuyuan, who is behind Lin Zongwu, is elated and embarks on the mountain. He wants to take advantage of the situation and the two men on the mountain to have a match. On the mountainside, when she found the red, she was sitting on a big rock, her body slightly reclining, her hand pressing the ancient sword, and her eyes closed to feel the mountain hunting. Ning Yi knows that this may be because Lin Zongwu’s arrival or warfare has inspired some of her feelings. It is the kind of inspiration that belongs to the martial arts master, but he does not understand.

"He will come over to challenge you, I don't want you to accept his challenge. I will settle this person."

Red lifted his eyes and glanced at him, revealing a smile. Although Ning Yi, the highest number of martial artists on the mountain, may not be ranked, but he can be said that he can settle Lin Zongwu and truly understand him. No one will doubt this.

"I know you can level him." She smiled. "But he wants to challenge me."

Ning Yi stood there and looked at her. After a while, she said: "...There is Qi Qi behind the big Guangming religion. Qi family has a deal with Xiangfu. For the time being, Daguangming teaches and does not commit river water with the secret investigation. I can try to stop this. Lin Zongwu came too fast, it should not be recruited by He Shuyuan, he may simply want to play a game, but there is a tree, it is difficult to say."

"Liheng is coming over." Red looked at him and waved, and Ning Yi walked over and took her hand. The two sat side by side on the stone, and the red one leaned on his shoulder. "Lv Liangshan has some rules very straightforward. You have said before that I don't have to go to kill people everywhere, but I can play one or two games a year. It will do. Others can't play, this game will not be played, it will be very faceless. This is when I should shoot, isn't it?"

The mountain wind blows over, Ning Yi looks at the following, then pulls the red hand and puts it in his arms: "The Secret Investigation Department has investigated the information of many people, especially the Lin evil Zen - well, he used to call Lin Evil Zen - his current skill is very high, very high, unfathomable. For a while I had expected him to come to the capital to find me trouble, the plan at that time was 150 to 200 miles. As long as he appears, no matter what the reason, I will do my best to kill him. Because the government has a tacit understanding with the Qi family, this plan is invalid. He is very likely ... has really been able to compare with Zhou Wei. ”

"You are afraid that I will lose to him." Red smiled.

Ning Yi glanced at her, then reached out and hugged her up. The red figure was tall, but for Ning Yi, it did not appear heavy. At this time he held the woman in his arms, and the red licked his neck and curled up his legs.

"You have concerns now." Ning Yi whispered, "You have to marry me, you have concerns, I have concerns, I don't want you to take risks."

"I understand." Red lifted his hand tightly and his voice was soft. "But Liheng, you see, what is Luliangshan?"


"I lived here," she whispered. "Some people have to worry about doing things badly, and some people have to worry about doing better. Liheng, it’s hard to survive, but in Luliangshan. This kind of place has been around for a long time, and you will understand that the more you want to live, the more you can't be afraid, the more you can't live, the more you can't live. I told you before, you are a man, I can't do it, I can only do it. I can do hundreds of people, even if it is sometimes your master, I also like to be held by you, and I want to be around you, do something that can be done, and this is what I can do."

"Wu art to a certain extent, either ruthless or affectionate, I am concerned about you, in martial arts, this is my most powerful time. I am not afraid of this person who came here." She smiled and whispered, " Even if it is Zhou Wei, this time, I also beat him to show you."

Ning Yi was silent for a long while, and he was suspicious: "You don't lie to me..." Then he whispered, "Don't watch you beat me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ dare to lie to me... let you kneel in bed 揍You..." He said this, and when he thought about it, he felt very happy, but after all, there was a trace of anxiety in his heart that could not be erased.

The red face was slightly hot and hugged his neck. After a while, he whispered: "If you lie to you... you will be fined."

When she was so shy, she was not really like a master of martial arts. The two strongest people on the mountain seemed to blow the mountain wind here for a while before they got up and went down the mountain.

"That's great! Let's kill them back and forth."


Qingmu Village, the setting sun is falling, and the wind is rolling.

Under the mountain, Luliang Pirates began to assemble.

Countless eyes cast on this chaotic stage... (to be continued)

Ps: Dangdang, ask for a monthly ticket, by the way, publicize Sina Weibo, the name is "angry banana - starting point", interested can add one plus. That's it. ^_^u

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