Zhui Xu

Vol 13 Chapter 583: Zeguo Jiangshan Battle Map (2)

The first is a slight vibration of the air.

The grass in the wilderness on the edge of the low forest was low, the particles of the earth trembled slightly in the grass, and then the sound gradually became larger. The slight horseshoe gradually became a rapid roar. Suddenly, the horse rushed from the side of the short forest. Out!

One ride, ten rides, hundred rides... Mercedes-Benz's horse team rushed to the wilderness like a torrent of conflict. The knight on the horseback was tall and rough, wearing a wide north robes and a foxtail cap, which came from the north. The Golden State Cavalry. In the fast Mercedes, the immediate knight is also skillfully bowing and arching.

The field of vision swept forward along the earth. More than 500 soldiers from the Wu Dynasty had already formed a close formation. A long gun was stabbed in front of the formation like a forest. The minister looked at Tang Zhenguang’s Jurchen ride, and held his fist in his hand. He lifted his head high and said loudly in his mouth: “Don’t panic! The formation is not chaotic! It’s tight! The bow and arrow are ready—”


A land of arrows.

The arrows rained into the sky, staggered in the air, and fell in different directions.

Hundreds of people's horses turned in Mercedes, and they made a huge arc in the roar. The arrows fell, some shot on the shield, some into the mud, and a small part of the blood.

Tang Shuguang pushed open the guards holding the shield, and stared at the female real cavalry. The roaring torrents drawn an arc in front and copied to the flank.

"Bow and arrow preparation! Pass me orders! The formation turns to the west - don't mess! As long as they don't mess, they take us without it-"

The formation of the long gun and the knife and shield in the front turned in one direction, and once again faced the female real cavalry.


The guns slowly moved forward, and in front of them, the torrent of the Jurchen cavalry rushed again. In front of the field of view, it turns into an arc.

At the same moment that the Jurchen cavalry shot the arrow, Tang Shuguang waved his hand.


The arrow rain was once again staggered, and the sparsely pulled down, the Jurchen side. There are also cavalry horses.

"Nothing to fear, give me the sight of them, push!"

The infantry array slammed into the front of the gun, and the archer pulled the bow again. The Jurchen cavalry opened the distance and then slammed back. Launched the third shot, this time after the shooting, the Jurchen cavalry separated from the middle, turned into two shares, cross-running for a moment. Wrap it in different directions. The formation of the infantry also began to change again, and it was tightened toward the middle. There is another round of volleys on both sides. After more than four hundred female cavalry rendezvous, a small turn, finally unwilling to go to the distance of vision.

In the front, the bodies of several Jurchen soldiers, injured horses, they have no time to converge.

Tang Shuguang clenched his boxer and looked at the other end. The palm of the hand was slightly sweating and trembling, and he was still confirming whether the Jurchen really left. A few rounds of confrontation, the loss of each other is not heavy. Coping and changing seems to be simple, but he knows that with a little difference, more than 500 of them will collapse in an instant, and they will be harvested like a flock in the wilderness.

"Adult, we won." Someone said with joy. "The golden dog was beaten by us!"

"Oh..." Tang Shuguang stunned, and originally wanted to subconsciously make a rebuttal. But then he nodded: "Look for someone to pack the spoils and bandage the wounded."

The soldier he walked to the front: "I saw no. The golden dog was beaten by us! They are nothing terrible. As long as they act according to the rules, these golden dogs dare not touch us! We train so much on weekdays, what are you afraid of? of--"

Even if someone screams: "Adult, we are not afraid!"

"Yes, it’s just an uncivilized female barbaric man, come one, let's cut him a pair-"

Someone laughed, and Tang Shuguang laughed too: "Good! That's it. After I go back, I will ask you for your help!"

Cheers in the military array.

Then scouts went to investigate the whereabouts of the Jurchen cavalry, and a group of soldiers towed away the Jurchens and horses that had fallen from the wilderness.

Within a hundred miles of the outer circle of the city, the large-scale army has gathered from all directions. The core areas of the army are as high as 170,000 people, mainly gathered in the areas of Lankao and Jixian, and confronted the Jinbing. The total strength in Shiliangliang City is between 70,000 and 90,000. On the other hand, there are tens of thousands of soldiers scattered around the Kaifeng government. They are responsible for guarding the place, evacuating the crowd, putting pressure on the Jewish people's grazing team and squeezing the living space of the Jurchen.

The five hundred people team, the thousand people team and the two thousand people team are scattered in various places in this area. Every day, the conflicts break out everywhere, and the Jewish people's grain-harvesting team meets and fights with them. One copy of the battle report is showing the fierce friction before the war...

"... On average, there are at least 20 conflicts between two hundred people each day. Eighty percent of ours are good news. I think Jurchens are surrendering."

The yellow leaves fell, and the small team drove forward in the woods. Ning Yi rode on the horse and frowned and whispered. Next to him was Su Wending of the Su family. There was also a calmness on the face at this time.

"Looking at the war, I think, the military also wants to cheer up morale."

"The problem is that these things don't really make much sense." Ning Yi said, "And you are too naive, the war is coming soon... but many people actually have no confidence, the military upper class, childhood, sorghum, these people have no such conviction, Li Xiang did not... Of course, it may not be possible to say that Li Xiang did not, but this time his pressure is too great. There are more than 80,000 troops in the capital, but none of them will be sent out, and now it is nearly 200,000. If the army is going to fight Yan Zongwang, no one has the confidence to win. What everyone really waits for is negotiations."

"Of course, we can't do too much with these things." Ning Yi did not continue to talk about the overall situation and sighed. "I have recently responded to the headache of the cavalry. The golden man's kidnapper, except for another cavalry, is actually doing it. It is very difficult to have a solution."

Su Wending thought for a moment: "It is not said in the military that if the infantry array is kept well, it is not impossible."

"That is good to say." Ning Yi shook his head. "The number of Jurchens here is less than us. And the war has not begun, they don't want to touch hard, they are all rounded to temptation, you can cope, He will leave. If you can't cope, he will sneak in, but you have to chase him, but he can't catch it anyway. So the current news is fake and meaningless."

"The Jurchen people are afraid of hard touch, is there any way to force them to touch hard..." Su Wen decided.

"Don't say how to force it. Even if it is really hard to touch, it is also looking for death. If the cavalry is on the battlefield, the front ranks are some dead and wounded, but the infantry squad is washed away. The formation is naturally chaotic. With the current military strength of the Wu dynasty The next step is harvesting. At that time, the real battle report is mostly fiasco. At the moment, it’s just because Jurchen doesn’t want to pay for this loss.”

Between the words, suddenly someone came from the front riding, it was a master recruited by Zhu Ji, at this time as a spy to explore the road ahead. He whispered a few words, and the face of Ning Yi changed slightly...

Outside the woods is a smooth hillside down the hill. A fierce pursuit and killing came to an end. The fleeing soldiers were chased by the cavalry that flew behind. The long knife cut the head, and a large number of tragic casualties spread in front of and behind the road.

This was a rushed Wu dynasty army. Some of the squadrons were chased and ran into a small village in front, but the people in the small villages had basically been evacuated. Some cavalry rushed in, not too long. Put a fire in the village.

Some cavalry searched the road outside for the oil on the body, but it moved quickly. The army’s little unpalatable dry food was quickly thrown away by them. It seems that these cavalry have something to do. After gathering, they ran in the direction of the back. In the afternoon sun, a female cavalry cheered and threw the head into the sky.

The team went away. After a while, Ning Yi and Qi Xinhan and other guards appeared on the edge of the forest. He knew that he was 20% outside of the good news.

Several people came down from the grass **** to see if there were survivors. When they finally found a dying wounded person in the grass on the side of the road, after hearing what he said, Ning Yi stunned and looked at him. The direction to the Jurchen cavalry.

But at this time, he has no way...

The female real cavalry rushed back a few miles away. A thousand people moved the team and were surrounded by some of them. At this time, the Jurchens forced them to hand over their baggage, property, rice and other things. It is nearing the end. What the people handed over piled up a hill in front of the array...


Tian Ashan felt that his hands and feet were cold and his body was shaking. He felt that he might be dead.

The wife held his hand beside him and kept whispering. She cried and did not dare to make a sound to alarm the Jurchen, so she was still shaking.

When the Jurchens drove them to hand over the grain, they used to throw the baggage and the gold and silver on the hill, and then heard what the Jurchen next said. He snorted and then repeated. Once again, he was quite clear that the other party was saying in Chinese: "You take off your clothes!"

"What, what..."

"Undressed, who knows if you are hiding something, and you, everyone, take off your clothes!"

Some Jurchens have dealt with each other: "Yes! That's right!"

Then there was a big laugh.

Tian Ashan was there, only shook his head subconsciously. The next moment, the Jurchen came over impatiently, pulling his wife to the side and slamming her clothes: "Undressing!"

"Ah--", the woman screamed insanely, Tian Ashan waved her hand subconsciously: "What are you doing, you don't want to..." Not far away, a Jurchen general has a sullen face and has come over, the brush is A knife, then kicked Tian Ashan with a heavy foot.

Tian Ashan saw his hands flying out, blood rushing, and the knife of the Jurchen general was pierced from behind his wife.

"What are you doing! Don't delay." That will be called in the Jurchen, "kill -"


More than 400 Jurchen Knights took a knife and slashed them into the crowd.


The fierce and boiling time lasted only a moment, and the sound gradually disappeared. The Jurchens each picked up the spoils and looked at the sun in the afternoon. Go back in the direction of Camelback. Soon after, on the way back, they met the thousands of people who had been in the Wu Dynasty. The two sides confronted each other for a moment. The Jurchens threw some heavy objects and several big cars, only with valuable and easy-to-carry goods and rice. Run away to the side.

Soon after, Ning Yi saw this news in a lot of intelligence. It is said that the Jurchens cruelly slaughtered a civilian team of thousands of people. After looting the property, they met a wing of the Wujieying. After the two sides fought, the Jurchens fled. This unit regained a lot of money.

This kind of victory and defeat, every day is fiercely staged.

Taiyuan, the autumn wind came.

When Qin Shaohe came out of the tower, he coughed a few times and wrapped his clothes.

The soldiers on the wall are all standing guards. Inside and outside, there are traces of countless battles, residual blood, traces of burning flames, and traces of stone bombs. Outside the city, the Jurchen’s camp is stretched out, and through the thick wooden walls, you can see the soldiers walking around. More than a month of offensive and defensive has ended for several days. It seems that Jurchens are already planning to stay in the long term and no longer attack. At this time, walk on the wall, between the soldiers. Qin Shaohe suddenly felt the feeling that the world was quiet.

Repeated offensive and defensive for more than a month, it is hard to imagine what a huge pressure, the wall was broken several times, and several times was taken back. On several occasions, Qin Shaohe thought that Taiyuan would fall. In the outside of the city, Yan Zonghan has already made the threat of not leaving the city's chickens and dogs after Taiyuan's broken city, but in the end. The wall is still firmly guarded here.

Although after the first time, Qin Shaohe did not really fight. But on the wall, he still suffered several injuries. At this time, the body is much slimmer, the body smells of medicine, and there is an illusion that the wind blows down. But only the eyes have become quieter and firmer than in the past. It is something that has accumulated because of "death" after many people have fallen down.

He is far away, quietly watching the direction of the Jurchen account, and at this moment, he actually understands the feeling that the heavens and the earth are quiet.

Taiyuan has become a lonely city.

In the second half of the siege war, on the Jurchen side, it was not Zong Han who commanded the war, but his silver sergeant, and Zong Han took some other troops and swayed all the nearby Taiyuan in half a month. The city has transformed Taiyuan into a lonely city.

But it is like a nail, nailing the Jurchen's West Route Army here, so that it can't feel at ease.

Someone beside him, is the same person with a medicinal taste, and the body shape is thin. Not long ago, Qin Shaohe once laughed at him, saying that the literati is cowardly, Li frequency is sick and sick, but even if he is sick, he is still responsible for his work accurately, but the body is not very good, There is also a boat sea that is responsible for inciting many people to go to the city wall.

"Qin Daren, the grain has been concentrated." Li Channel, "There is basically food in the storehouse for people in the city to eat for three months. If we start saving now, we will continue to drag it for half a year."

"Enough is enough." Qin Shaohe laughed. "When the outside news was cut off, I knew that hundreds of thousands of people were gathering in the Liangliang. As long as they could solve the Liangzhiwei, Taiyuan’s encirclement would naturally be solved. The Jurchen marched quickly. If the offensive is so strong, then you will win. As I see it, they can't drag this winter. Cough... You and me, you have to be in Taiyuan, and they have to spend a lot of money with them."

"There is a good fortune." Li frequency smiled.

"Do not know if you don't know." Qin Shaohe took his hands and looked at the sky, and he took a long sigh of relief. "If you don't defend the city, Qin doesn't know that someone can do so, even... can hold it. This city..."

His voice became a little lighter. Later, what he remembered was that he looked at many people who died on the wall. There were civilians and civilians in these people. The battle in a month was too intense. His body. I often get blood, often crossing a body between the running, and even falling into a pool of blood. At that time, he had no time to look at the dead, but now he remembered it.

The city ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ after all, they are holding...

When the autumn winds hit, the winter is coming. When the snow is closed, even the Jurchens who come out in the snow and ice will have a difficult siege war in such a weather. At that time, the situation in Taiyuan City may be A lot of relief, Qin Shao and his heart relaxed a little, he knows that as long as they pinned the Jurchen's West Road Army, it is enough to greatly ease the battle of the capital. All of this, in the city, whether it is Qin Shaohe, Li Pin, Cheng Zhouhai, or many generals, officials, can understand.

They will do a great job.

Because of the closure of the news, Qin Shaohe did not know that at this time, under the leadership of Liu Guangshi, as the strongest Western Army of the Wu Dynasty, he had already strangled in Tianmenguan and Yan Zonghan. He did not know that, at the same time, among the confrontations outside the capital, inside the court, the court was negotiating the conditions for the reconciliation of Taiyuan and other places proposed by Yan Zongwang.

He will not know that this brief calm and relaxation will be the beginning of a long hell... (to be continued)

Ps: Originally it can be updated before zero point...


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