Zhui Xu

Vol 13 Chapter 586: Zeguo Jiangshan Battle Map (5)

The fierce battle on the wall continued for a day, and the second day, at noon on September 15th, stopped.

When Xue Changgong retired from the wall, his body was already injured. He had an arrow in his body, and the rest were all bruised by arrows. I don't know why, he felt that this time the Jurchen attacking degree was not as strong as the above, but it still caused tremendous pressure on the soldiers in the city.

When the subordinates began to count the wounded soldiers, there was a flag, which appeared far from the northwest side of the beam.

The wall slammed down, and everyone was desperately running to the position of the defender. Xue Changgong looked at the side with his eyes open, not far from the front of the gate, his Shangguan was holding a long tubular thing. Look far away. After a while, there was an excited voice that rang loudly -


On the afternoon of September 14, Li Wei left the Liangliang from the west gate that had never been fought. Two battlefields came to the Jurchen military camp. After the briefing, the war on the wall continued. Wan Yan Zongwang and a group of Jurchen generals met him, in the big account, a chilling atmosphere.

Unlike the generosity and death in the Golden Temple, in the big camp, Li Wei barely talked about conditions with Zongwang. All the conditions were promised. It seems that he still wants to scare his Jurchen with black face. Quite a bit boring, the two sides signed a peace treaty and listed them in accordance with the requirements put forward by Zongwang.

This evening, Li Wei was left in the Jurchen military camp, but the Jurchen did not give up the siege. On the one hand, the people sent the covenant back to the city of Liangliang. On the one hand, they were still attacking the wall of the Liangliang.

Early in the morning. Zhou Hao used the seal on the contract and sent it out of the city. When the next day was near noon, Zongwang picked an hour and Li Hao officially submitted the peace treaty.

They do not worry that the Wu Dynasty people do not accept the account, however. When they put back Li Wei, the variables did happen...


"There is a kind of handsome! The Western Army is coming! The Western Army is a million troops..."

"Old-fashioned general! Kind of less-guarded military diligent king, has been under the Liangcheng city! The Jurchen army is swept away -"

A lot of news, in the half day, flooded the entire capital. The scorpion beam boiled up, and the division also came out of the tower. Join in the fun to see the family army into the city.

Zhou Wei was also shocked by the unexpected news. At this time, Li Wei had already taken the peace and returned. He hesitated for a while, took the dragon out of the palace and greeted him at the gate. Seeing the excitement of the city. Also recruited Cai Jing.

"It’s a matter of reconsideration, it’s a remorse, and it’s self-confessing. Now it seems that this matter is a sigh of hope. After such a humiliating covenant, what is the face to see the ancestors? You see this peace. I want to go back. Is it still too late?"

Cai Jing looked down at the moment with a low eyebrow: "The Holy One can think clearly, and the cliffs are very happy." He said half. Suddenly reacted, knees and knees, "The old minister was excited, saying that this is a big rebellion, please sin on the holy!"

Zhou Wei generously waved his hand: "It may be no problem, you are thinking about it. I missed the wrong thing. Taishi can have this statement, indicating that you did not agree with you from the beginning. You sit and watch the difference, this is the time." Guilty! Taishi. Is there such a gap between you and you? In the heart of the Taishi, you have become unable to listen to your words!?"

At this time, he was sternly worded. Cai Jing was more sincere and fearful. Zhou Hao then sighed: "It may be no problem. It is wrong with this teacher. It is too late to be clear. It is not too late, it is the world.苍生计, even if there is a ruined name, you have to back it up, oh... the teacher is getting up, come, come and help you, you are the veteran of the three dynasties, although the courtiers are also the elders of the ancestors, if there is a mistake later You should be blunt..."

The emperor's drive has been to the city gate, and he received the reputation of the Western military veteran at this time.

Over the years, the Western Army has been resisting the invasion of the Western Xia in the northwest. As a military commander, because of its power, it is actually quite jealous of the court. Among the several families of the Western Army, in fact, the strength of the family is the strongest. Although the power of the old masters is less than the capital, in Shaanxi, it is the northwestern king.

In the years when Wu Dianlian Jin resisted Liao, the cultivar had always given the capital a discount, and raised opposing opinions, but the impact was not great. However, because of this positional problem, the teacher’s sinful sin, Wang Hao and others are very deep. In the early two years, the Liao Kingdom was destroyed, and the child’s recovery of Yanyun Six States, the momentum is no longer two, the kind of teacher’s road is also in the northwest. Zhishi, since then has lived a life of seclusion.

The Jinren went south and came to the forefront. The imperial court made a strategy to activate the Western Army. After the commander received the order, he immediately set off to meet with Yao Ping’s Yao Pingzhong and led the Yao family to ride seven thousand steps. After Luoyang, the troops were replenished. To more than 15,000, and then went south with great fanfare. The arrival of Beijing this time is indeed because of his fame, which has made the city boiling...

The unusual atmosphere enveloped the capital, and at the same time, it also shrouded the military units of several majors such as Wurui, Wuwei and Wusheng. The news of the court and the Jinren’s reconciliation has already been heard, but at the same time, there are still many messages. Among them, the kind of teacher's road plus seal school Xiaofu, Tongzhi Privy Council, Jingyi two rivers Xuanfu, all the soldiers and horses are commanded by their commander, Yao Pingzhong is the system of control, and on the day of the teacher's road promotion, Qin Yuyuan regained his right, then re-elected The position of the job.

The mid-century changes in the capital, the Jurchens have once again pressed the soldiers, but sent the messengers into the city, so that the Wu Dynasty quickly fulfilled the peace treaty, the Wu Dynasty began to delay. In the various military camps outside the city, the atmosphere began to become more and more chilling.

During this time, Zhou Wei became a little embarrassed, and the thing he discussed was that he nodded, and the covenant had already signed. On the surface, he does not care about breaking the contract. However, the wording of the Jurchen messenger in the court has become more and more ugly. He cannot clearly express the breach of contract, and he must not accept it. At this moment, he felt that many people below might have been jealous of him. He could not even defend his argument.

Therefore, he is strong in his desire to play a beautiful victory.

At the beginning of the sect, Yao Ping Zhong Jing, he received these people cordially. After all, the teacher’s road is old and has been physically weak when he entered Beijing. But the thoughts are extremely clear. When you talk to him, Zhou Yi knows that this person really has the ability. Yao Pingzhong, who is a younger member of the Western Army, has not disappointed him. His body is arrogant and arrogant. Let Zhou Yi feel that these military commanders with the DPRK are not the same thing at all.

Although he usually has jealousy, at this time he can see the situation clearly. The top of the dynasty, only the Western Army can play.

but. After handing over the unified command of hundreds of thousands of troops outside the city to the teacher, the old man seems to be too cautious. At this time, the various departments of the Western Army were gathering, and at the beginning of the division of the sect of the sect, the cultivators gathered in the middle of the cultivator, and at this time they were on their way. The veteran of the disease believes that when all the troops are assembled. After completing all the work, it is the right way. In this regard, Yao Pingzhong has different views. He feels that at this time, the Wu Dynasty has been procrastinating repeatedly, and there have been embarrassment, and then dragged on, I am afraid that the Jurchens have already prepared. In this regard, Zhou Wei is also recognized.

He talked to Yao Pingzhong and the class teacher for several times. Soon after, Yao Pingzhong’s father, Yao Gu, led a 30,000-strong army, which made Zhou’s heart warmer. Constantly urging the fight. In the process, he also saw through some other things.

When he played chess with the empress in the palace for several nights, he also said this.

"Queen, oh, you see it clearly. Everyone has their own desires. No matter how old you are, where you are. It is hard to avoid customs."

"Where is this?"

"When the old species entered Beijing, the city cheered. He said that he is a northwest king. It is not an exaggeration. In this battle, he has given the command of hundreds of thousands of troops outside the city to him. Li Xiang will also With him, and there are Yao’s elite soldiers, he is not moving, the Queen knows what is going on?”

The Queen hesitated for a moment: "This war is the martial arts of the DPRK, and it is inevitable to plant a small amount of insurance, and it is inevitable."

"There is indeed this consideration." Zhou Xiao smiled, but he already saw everything in his heart, and paused a little. "But he also considered that he did not want Yao Jiajun to rob this feat, and the class teacher came over, but Three or four thousand people, at this time, outside the city, the army has nearly 400,000. Even if many people are unbearable, they can still fight. They all say that the soldiers are a bear, and the bears are a nest. The teacher, Yao Gu, These people, Yao Pingzhong, are indeed world-famous. They...may not be afraid to fight, actually...hey, they are all fighting for merit."

The emperor sighed and fell. The Queen was silent for a moment: "So... what about the plan?"

"He has talked with them many times, and there are hints in the words. I only hope that they can work together, regardless of each other, so..." The emperor who recently experienced various major events paused and looked at the moon. Color, the sound has turned slightly lower, "So... is the blessing of the Wu Dynasty, the blessing of the community..."

The chaotic situation, the speculation of the people. The changes in the city outside the city gathered in the sky, and the weather began to turn cold. Near Jixian County, on September 23, during the changing times of the day, Ning Yi also felt the change of atmosphere. The situation in Beijing was also tightened.

As one of the traders of the Secret Investigation Division, he has the ability to grasp first-hand intelligence. On the other hand, Qin Shaoqian has also received first-hand news from the military. In the afternoon, the two gathered together and exchanged messages.

"Tonight, Yao Pingzhong wants to leave the city and discuss with us the issue of sending troops. I think, I am afraid that it is not the kind of confession..." Qin Shaoqian is somewhat worried.

Ning Yi nodded. "The kind of teacher's voice is too strong. When I entered Beijing, the whole city vibrated. Tong Guan and Wang Wei were forced to pay tribute to him. Now he is afraid of him. Moreover, there are some people on the other side of the holy. Taboo. You know... St. Shang was originally afraid of the Western Army."

"My father has a relationship with him, but if I really want to fight, I think he is more reliable than the Yao family..."

In the past, Lianjin resisted Liao, Qin Yuyuan was a firm main war faction, and it was a direct behind-the-scenes pusher, and the kind of teacher who opposed this action would not deal with it. It’s just that the teacher’s school is the military system, so it’s directly related to Tong Guan and others. But at this time, Qin Shaoqian still has more trust in this famous old-fashioned family.

However, as for him, even if he is the highest military commander of the Wurui camp, these things are not what he can decide and choose.

In the evening, Yao Pingzhong came over and discussed things with the leaders of several military forces...

On September 24, the sun sets.

The whole piece of land has quietly moved.

The sun is not strong, and the late autumn is also dying. The grass is flying and the sky is coming, and winter is coming.

"Yue brothers!"

When he walked near the courtyard, Ning Yi waved to him over there, Yue Fei walked over, some big cars parked nearby, and many people followed.

Ning Yi gave him a military order.

"Yue brothers, you are going with us tonight, we want to... protect the things in the car." Ning Yi looked at the sky, "However, the weather may be a little bad tonight."

"Ning Gongzi, are you going to fight?"

"...It's possible." Ning Yi frowned, and paused. "It's possible."

The night begins to come...

In the Camelback, the Jurchen Camp, everything went as usual. After the night, it gradually became silent from the noise. Gradually, people slept.

The martial arts high-powered scouts avoided the patrolling Jurchen ride and went back in the direction of the trip. And in all the usual Jurchen camps, most of the soldiers of the armor have already walked out of the camp, silently arrayed and launched.

In the dark colors, Zongwang rides on his battle, perhaps feeling some unusual atmosphere. The horse swayed slightly, and Zongwang leaned down and rubbed his neck: "Call..." He was low Said the voice.

"You said, why did the Wu Dynasty people think that the king would avoid the old man who called the teacher?"

He whispered a word, and a large number of generals around did not speak.

-- On September 15th, after the teacher arrived in Beijing, the Jurchens who were attacking the city quickly withdrew their troops. On the one hand, because the negotiations had been completed, on the other hand, there was indeed a consideration that they did not want to fight at both ends. However, this normal tactical idea seems to make the Wu Dynasty people feel extremely excited. Since then, there has been a biography, and the Jurchen retreats because of the arrival of the teacher. Soon after, when the Jurchen Messenger entered the shackles, under the inspiration of Yan Zongwang, he was arrogant to other people, and he was very respectful to the teacher.

However, as many people present – ​​even Guo Yao Pharmacists – could not understand the reasons for the self-confidence of the Wu dynasty, saying that the day was broken, the cultivar was only defending the Western Xia in the west, and Xi Xia spoke very well, in front of the Liao Kingdom. It is just a dead dog, and the Jurchen’s record has destroyed the entire Liao Kingdom in a few years.

But it doesn't matter.

After a while, Zongwang whispered a sentence: "Why are the Wu Dynasty people so slow..."


The army wrapped in the horse's foot went on the wilderness in the darkness~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The infantry also mostly wrapped up the boots, carrying weapons, and moving in silence.

The wind blew over and Yao Pingzhong raised his head.

In a different direction, there is a total of 220,000 troops, and in this night, encircle the Camelback!


Zong Wangmao glared at the horse's neck and looked at the spies who were in front of the news. The Jurchen god's face is rough and tall, and his eyes are dim in the dark, but they are extraordinarily bright and deep. There are thousands of bones in it.

"The order is all over the army." He took the reins of the horse and his words were low. "Spout...kill them!"


Soon after, the horseshoes turned into thunder, and the waves smashed in the dark! (To be continued)

Ps:ok, the prelude is finished and the dance begins.

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