Zhui Xu

Vol 14 Chapter 611: Beyond the Blade (9)

"The Art of War" says: The soldiers have no regularity and the water is inconstant.

The situation on the battlefield is complex and changing rapidly. Although there is a certain way to deal with it, it is only a general rule. It is extremely difficult to apply the law flexibly to the details. The generals of the lower class often only know how to array, the infantry encounters the horse team, the intensive gunman, the archer shoots the arrow, and raises the shield. The general of Zhongpin can know why these things are done in this way, understand most of the changes, and know why such changes occur. From this, you can know under what circumstances, the infantry can hedge with the cavalry, how to fight with the gunmen. Dense bows...

As a person grows up, when people are young, people always pursue a certain reason between heaven and earth, thinking that I understand a truth, know a meaningful word, my life can find a direction. But in fact, human growth does not occur in such a pattern. You can find countless sentences that seem to make sense, and even every sentence, there are equally meaningful words that are contrary to its meaning.

Then people began to look at what kind of past experience, what kind of environment existed when others said this sentence, when people finally can feel empathy, can understand the words of the predecessors because of what reason Wisdom is truly passed down. When the learner finally understands the core of many people's thinking, he can only compare and give in the opposite direction. He may have just had the ability to think independently, and he has left a few books and can only be sold with famous words...

The reason is to say this.

In most cases, stereotypes still have power. Especially in the battlefield of this year, the two sides of the war, the strength and morale are often very different, and the situation of many battlefields is basically crushing, if it is a little more restraint. It is often a good situation.

Most of the world is mediocre. As in later generations, there are many people in the world who only know the famous sayings and soul chicken soup. Even the famous sayings and soul chicken soup will not be backed up, and they can live and even feel good. But above it. Having the direction, the purpose, and the discretion to pay ten times the effort to learn and refer to the wisdom of others, and finally form the self-logic system, can be able to cope with all the novel conditions, and to be honest, can truly stand on the top and top of the society. People, except the second generation, must have a complete system of self-logic. Without exception.

The original Chaobai River battle, the need to use, is only a skilled operation of the military law. This time, the battle of Xia Cun, in a sense, is tested by wisdom.

After the rowing blockade of the eucalyptus guns, the harvesting of the bows and arrows, and the heavy riding and rolling, Zhang Linghui and Liu Yuren were able to organize a long-distance turn attack, indicating that they are still capable. But that's it, if it's just like this. Their 10,000 people are simply not enough to spend this piece in Xia Cun. Especially under the threat of artillery fire and heavy riding, the inferiority of the personnel and the warfare may not be overwhelming. Once you hit it hard, you are afraid that it will all be buried here.

It was also Guo Pharmacist who came too fast to change this situation. In the third day of December, his sudden shots showed the quality of the other side as a famous star. In a short period of time, he recognized the limitations of the firearms, suppressed the rockets, and then let the soldiers of the charge pull away from each other. Got under the wooden wall. Only then did a strong attack, not a round. Retire immediately, in a short time. The party actually ordered the Xia Village side, and some of them left and right, and they were in a hurry.

But no one's war wisdom is designed to deal with things other than common sense. When the garrison of Xia Cun adjusted the placement and launch of the eucalyptus gun, the launch of the artillery, especially the volley of the rebel army in the siege state, the violent sound and light effect will still produce the extreme The big influence, the several powerful attacks under the command of Guo Pharmacist, even in the case of rocket suppression, was still broken by the launch of the Xia Cun 榆 wood guns to the hard time.

He then changed his strategy and began a large-scale single-point breakthrough on the eastern wall. The chosen position was the one where 800 people were killed.

In order to induce the offensive army to choose to make a breakthrough here, the defense around this camp wall is slightly weak. However, under the assembly of the 30,000-strong army, Guo Pharmacist has not considered the threat of more than one hundred heavy rides, and this has become a real breakthrough.

On the afternoon of the fourth day of December, a large number of Changsheng soldiers began to attack on the heads and bodies of their companions. The surrounding camp walls began to be attacked by a round of rockets. The defenders of Xia Cun also used bows and arrows to The color, when the attack was most intense in the evening, the side door of the battalion wall suddenly opened, and more than a hundred heavy rides lined up neatly. A moment later, more than 20 eucalyptus guns were fired at the same time on the south side of the camp wall. A large number of bows and arrows were matched, and a counterattack against the attacking army was made. The heavy ride was only a sham, and soon it was closed.

Since then, the convenience of double is always fighting. The strength of the soldiers of Chang Shengjun is indeed higher than that of the Xia Cun garrison, and the number is as many as 36,000. This is a huge advantage, but relatively speaking, the change of the art of war is influenced by the north, Guo Pharmacist The strengths of the tactics are mainly solid and not changeable.

On the Xia Village side, due to the prosperity of the Wu Dynasty style, various military books are also rampant in the war. These military books are often not useless. Once they are read, they can always integrate some wise men's thinking systems. Although Qin Shaoqian is rough, in fact, he is considered to be a Confucian scholar. He is influenced by his father and is also familiar with a large number of military books. He is not obsessed with rules in the tactics. However, no matter how flexible the tactics are, the soldiers under his command cannot use them. This time in Xia Cun, the situation is quite different.

A large number of truly available soldiers replaced the once-frozen and bloated system of the Wurui camp, with solid support in the defensive arrangements. Even though the strength of the individual soldier is slightly inferior to that of the rebel soldier, he still played the first time in this battlefield to learn all his life, the counterattacks, the support, the prejudgment of the battlefield situation, and the use of the scheme. The defense of Xia Village is like an unbreakable iron prison. When Guo Pharmacist rushed up, it was indeed a broken bone.

In contrast to Guo’s pharmacist’s emotions in the Chaobai River, he was able to open his hands and feet in the battlefield, and he had a great battle with the heroes of the world, especially in the past, and he was never tied up. Fighting down. Qin Shaoqian’s chest is so easy to say. However, in such a situation, the hearts of both sides. There is also a lot of pressure accumulating.

If the situation in Beijing is dangerous, it will continue in the case of the battle of the Yongliang. For many people, it is a sudden battle of Xia Cun, but it must have a huge impact on the situation in Beijing. This battle is fierce from the very beginning. If it is to end, it will never be the end of a certain battle until the last soldier.

After all, Guo Pharmacist is a descendant. The strength of the grievance army itself is the foundation of his foundation. He made a decisive decision and made every effort to attack Xia Cun. This is the way to go. But there must be a psychological expectation of war damage that he can't afford. For Qin Shaoqian, Ning Yi and others, waiting is such a psychological expectation. On this battlefield, once Guo Pharmacist troops are broken, Zongwang may have to withdraw troops and seek peace no matter how strong he is.

On the side of Guo Pharmacist, the garrison of Xia Cun is more powerful than many of the troops of the Wu dynasty, but after all, it is only the army of the Wu dynasty. This army will also have a psychological expectation of war damage. Once the tragic extent of the war has really crossed the line, the army will surely collapse, and once it collapses. There was chaos, and what Xia Cun faced was slaughter and crushing.

Almost both sides are waiting for the other party's collapse point.

But this time, both sides seem to be beyond the imagination.

On the fifth day of December, the first eucalyptus gun was bombed in the launch on the battlefield. Guo Pharmacist launched a larger-scale offensive attack. He has sufficient strength to squeeze the coffin with more consumption. The launch limit of the gun. And because of the sudden accident. On the Xia Village side, the use of eucalyptus guns had to be reduced. For a time, the war began to tilt toward the rebel army.

The sixth day of December. For the first time, the rebel army broke into the camp wall. Yue Fei led the elite to join the battle. At the same time, he let more than a hundred heavy cavalry dismount and use the advantage of the armor to launch a massacre of the Jurchen soldiers who broke into the camp.

On the seventh day of December, Ning Yi and others have already started running on the battlefield...

At this time, the defense system of Xia Cun is basically divided into five sections. According to the practice of the Wu Dynasty, it is the main entrance of the company. Liu Chengzong of the A section of the camp wall has more than two thousand people. The second section of the camp is called Pang Luan, and his men are 3,500. Mao Yishan and his boss Xu Lingming are also on the wall of this camp. In the middle section, Li Yi led two thousand people. In addition, He Zhicheng leads 3,000 people, and Sun Ye has two thousand people, who are in charge of the second section of Bing Ding.

The war damage rate among the 3,000 people has reached two to three percent by the eighth day of December. In particular, the eastern wall responsible for He Zhicheng was attacked. In the eighth day of this year, people who died or seriously injured and withdrew from the battle may have broken through one-third. This is also the case that Ning Yi will complain after the wall is broken. the reason. At this time, the reserve team and the new force army were basically put in. In the southeast side, the rest of the other people were able to squeeze out the living forces, and almost all of them gathered here.

There are also some things that cannot be accurately estimated, but Ning Yi and others are somewhat speculative. The casualties of the resentful army have reached nearly 20% at this time. More than 6,000 people have died or been seriously injured. At this time, they have been unable to participate in the fighting. Guo’s meat pain is imaginable, but how much he is willing to pay for this victory is still difficult to understand.

"What tricks are there, let it come out..."

On the edge of the battlefield, watching the fierce battle in the distant wall of the camp, Guo Pharmacist almost uttered this sentence subconsciously. In the battle circle inside the camp wall, Ning Yi listened to the earth-shattering shouting and seeing the distance. A figure on the lookout tower finally bite his teeth: "Yes." From the arms, fireworks were thrown at the arrows.

At this time, the red mention had already been killed to the front. An arrow passed through the crowd, and the brushed Ning Yi shot it. Then a figure came over and hit Ning Yi’s side...

Awkwardly, far away, Guo Yaoshi, Zhang Linghui and others looked at a beam of light and ascended into the sky. Their scalp was numb, and Zhang Linghui immediately said: "Let them withdraw!"

Guo Pharmacist swiftly waved: "The archer is pressed! The cavalry is pressed! The attack is strong -"

He did not give an order to evacuate, but of course, such a reaction is already late. Just outside the battalion wall, the shock suddenly came from the ground. The heat wave and the ray rolling over the ground layer were like boiling the earth. It was a land area wide and a few feet long. It was already full. The crowd that rushed inside.

The explosion flew blood, mud and limbs in the sky, forming a sturdy curtain like a barrier. The shovel flew in all directions with broken meat. This is the effect of a simultaneous explosion of minefields arranged in three rows outside the breach. They have been quietly buried in this underground for a few days. Ning Yi and others have probably lost their lead, but it is good. Time research on firearms is ultimately fruitful.

This sudden explosion caused 20 or 30 casualties on the battlefield. But most importantly, it blocks the back of the attackers who enter the defensive circle. When a huge explosion spread, nearly two hundred soldiers who rushed into the crack of the camp wall looked back. The muddy plasma of the pick-up is like a high curtain, cutting off their connection with their peers.

Even though it may be only a moment. The psychological pressure caused is also large enough.

Guo Pharmacist looked at it all at a distance, his face trembled, and Zhang Linghui was already stunned.

"Kill them..." In the camp wall, Ning Yi was half-skinned and bloody, and his face was fierce. He supported a soldier who was also half-blooded in blood. He was screaming at the knife: "Kill them and kill them and kill them." ”

Under the sky. Knife light and blood waves rushed over...


汴梁城, time is approaching the evening, this afternoon, because the time of an attack is not quite right, after the Jurchen is blocked, there is no further attack. For the defenders of the squadron, this is to clean up the battlefield. It's time.

Several regular defenders were still defending on the wall, and some of the soldiers who were in danger went to the wall and carried the bodies. Occasionally someone speaks. Loudly shouting, in addition to this, the voice of screams is the mainstream of the city. This voice is all sent by the injured. The pain is not for everyone to bear.

When you cry, you can hide in a no-man's place.

The battalion fire battalion carried the porridge rice dumplings early, some went to the wall to send, some started to distribute in a few fixed places, the carts carrying the bodies stopped at the edge of the city wall, one car, try to be careful Come and go.

The wall is not very far away. On the side of the wounded battalion, the table has been laid, and the torch is also lit. Many soldiers have gathered here and there are many wounded soldiers. There are also those who are tired of holding porridge rice, and find a place to sit nearby.

Although it is wartime. There are many things in the vicinity of the city wall, but the situation is a bit looser, and it may have been approved by the military. As an ordinary person, if you can really walk in here, the situation you see is mostly chaotic and noisy. At this point, there were a few figures coming towards this side. Because they wore the costumes of the military generals and did not do anything special, they did not stop them.

For the first step, the pace is steady, the face is firm, and it is quite powerful. As he walked, he looked at the situation around him, nodded occasionally, or whispered a few words with the people around him.

If the military squad who recognizes his identity is here, the first reaction may be to squat.

"Du Chengxi, I know your worries, but I have received your thoughts. In these few days, the Jurchens will attack the city until dark, oh... I thought about it before, just look at it. You see, those wounded soldiers... I don’t want to preach, just take a look, and I’ll know what’s going on.”

At this time, quietly installed, it is Jing Handi Zhou Wei. With his mastery of power, he was bent on seeing that Du Chengxi could not stop it. In a certain sense, come to see this battlefield, do not want to preach, in Zhou Xin’s heart, it is precisely to remember the characters of these heroes. Although he is pampered, he smells **** at this time, and even sees a variety of **** scenes, but he does not feel uncomfortable. At most, he is occasionally frowning.

As a person standing at the top of the mountain, his mood is indeed not intimidated by a little bloody, even if it is the first time to see such a serious scene, but this is still the quality of an emperor.

"But... what is this station for the wounded battalion? Is it a big show?"

"The slaves think, will it be the adult who wants to talk, but it is not like..." Du Chengxi looked at it, "Slave to ask."

Du Chengxi trotting forward, Zhou Wei went straight to the crowd there. At this time, the crowd was still a noisy voice. After a while, Du Chengxi ran back and found Zhou Wei and others in the crowd.

"Dragon... Long Gongzi, the girl in the tower is going to give them a performance and reward their hard work. It seems that there are teachers and girls in them..."

"Performance? It's a child's play." Zhou Yan frowned and whispered. "The soldiers are in danger, and the city wall is looking for a prostitute. Who is going to do this..."

He didn't think that he would see this kind of thing when he ran. At this time, someone knocked on the table, and almost all of them were quiet in the moment. Some people shouted: "Don't be noisy! Don't quarrel!" The teacher teacher is here!"

"Would you like to let the teacher girl take a break..."

"You don't quarrel -"

In such a voice, the surroundings finally calm down. Zhou Hao’s hands are frowning: “Let the teacher’s girl take a break, she can’t pick up the guest...” Because the tablet is simple, people go up and it’s simple, Zhou Wei sees it. It’s a woman who looks like a plain clothes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that I’m just busy with something, my hair is still a little messy, my clothes are plain, it seems to have just been replaced, holding a guzheng. The woman put down the guzheng and took a nap.

"Brothers, everyone, I am Master Li. I just ran over when I was busy. It may be a little lacking in spirit. Everyone has to bear with me. I have washed my face." The woman smiled and everyone laughed... The voice was good. Most of the women who are only in the tower will not say hello to others in this way.

Zhou Yan walked forward, he was an officer's costume, and others did not dare to stop him. I heard the woman said: "In fact, I don't really know what you want to see. I wanted to turn somersaults, but I have no strength. Well, I won't talk, let's play a piano for everyone."

"It is a kite." Zhou Wei whispered, "However, the zither sound is in vain, and it is in the battlefield atmosphere. I would like to hear how she talks... It is a farce."

On the wooden table, the woman sat down. She turned her head and looked at it. Then she took a sigh of relief and dropped her fingers.

The first sound rang, Zhou Wei slightly looked up and licked his mouth.

"Lanling Kings into the Front". (To be continued) I580

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