Zhui Xu

Vol 14 Chapter 619: Horror (2)

The sky is getting darker, the snow falls outside the door, and the pedestrians pass by the roadside. The top of the dome, Xiao Xiao said, x.

In the past few months, the materials in the capital have become extremely tense. The background of Wenhui Building is quite deep and will not go out of business, but at this time, there is not much business. Due to heavy snow, most of the doors and windows in the building were closed. In this weather, no matter whether it is black and white, it is not rich and expensive. The teacher also knows the boss of Wenhui Building, and he has to go upstairs. In the small room, I ordered a simple dish and waited quietly.

The two armies outside the city are still confrontational. As a high-ranking member of the Xia Cun Army, Ning Yi has secretly returned to the city. Whatever the matter, most of the teachers can guess one or two. However, she does not have any specific things at the moment. Roughly think about it, Ning Yi is doing something counterattack against the actions of others. He is not the countertop of the Xia Cun army. He does some concatenation in private, and he doesn't need to be too secret. He knows the nature of nature, and if he doesn't know, he is often not an insider.

She doesn't want to be an insider. The man's thing at this level, the woman is not blended in.

The snow and snow were quiet outside the house. Although it was a cold winter, the wind was not big, and the city seemed to whisper in a far place. The anxiety of the past few days has become somewhat calm. At this time, she ate something. After a while, she heard someone whispering, talking, going downstairs, and she didn’t go out to see it. After a while, the footsteps were again. Come up, the teacher opened the door in the past.

"Li Heng." She smiled.

"How come here, scare me."

The nature outside the door is Ning Yi. The last time the two met was a few months ago, and then going back and forth, every time I met and talked, most of them were easy and casual. But this time, Ning Yi went back to the city and saw people in the dark. Talking about some business, eyes and temperament, have complex weights, this may be his face when dealing with strangers, the teacher only saw in some big people, saying that it is not too murderous. But at this time, she did not feel that there was anything wrong with it, but she felt relieved.

Then he sneaked a small lie: "I was also shocked. It’s a coincidence. Liheng is here... to deal with those troubles?"

"Some people want to see, there are some things to talk about." Ning Yi nodded.

"Liheng... Have you eaten yet?" She leaned sideways.

"There are people coming soon."

"If there is anything that needs to be accompanied, the teacher can help the piano..."

"not too good."


When you talk, there are people coming over. Ning Yi nodded and said something in Ning Yi’s ear.

"It's not early, I am very busy today. I will visit the Diaolou on these two days. If the division wants to go back earlier... I am afraid I will not be able to come out and say hello."

"Don't go back, I am waiting for you here."

"I am afraid that it will be late at night."

"I have seen many people die on the battlefield these days, and I have seen many things later... I have something to say to you."

Ning Yi saw the woman in front of him looking at him. His eyes were clear and he grinned. It was a slight glimpse, then nodded: "Then I lost it first."

This time, nearly two hours, in the Wenhui Building, some people came and went, but the teacher did not go out to see.

When she was young, she went to the Faculty of the Faculty and grew up. In the middle of Beijing, the reputation has risen and I have witnessed many major events. In the battle of power in Beijing, the minister abdicated, Jing Han’s four-year prime minister He Chaoguang and Cai Jing beat the stage, and once rumors that the emperor wanted to kill Cai Jing. In the five years of Jinghan, the two Zhejiang salt cases, the richest man in Beijing, Wang Ren, together with many wealthy businessmen, were shackled, Jinghan seven years, the Beijing-China war and the two factions fought each other, and many officials dismounted. Living in Beijing, and close to the power circle, the mountain rain is coming to the wind, she sees more.

This kind of breath is just like walking outside the room. Even if you don't know who the other person is, you know that the identity of the other party must be important. She used to be curious about these shady scenes, but this time, she suddenly thought of the nights when her father was caught many years ago. She and her mother studied the chess and calligraphy in the inner court. The father and the aides were in the outer hall, and the lights reflected, and the people coming and going were filled with anxiety.

Over time, such an impression is actually not accurate. Think about it carefully. It is the experience she has accumulated over the years, and she has finished the memory that has gradually become thinner. After so many years, in that position, she is the person she really knows.

The exchanges on the wind and the moon are welcoming, and there is no real feelings. There are always some talents, talents, and keen minds - like Zhou Bangyan - she has never regarded each other as a private friend. What the other party wants, what she has, she has always been clearly clear. Even if she is a friend of Yu Hezhong, Chen Sifeng, etc., she can be clear about this.

For Ning Yi, after the reunion, it is not close, and it is not related to alienation, which is related to the attitude of the other party to maintain a sense of proportion. The teacher knew that when he was a relative, he was beaten and lost his past memories. This made her feel good at correcting her attitude. It was not his fault, but she could not He is considered a friend.

There have been many things in the past, including parents, who have fallen into the dust of memory. They can be related to the original one, that is, a few people here. Even if they know them, they have already entered the church. But still young, at least at the time, still have the breath of the past and the possibility of follow-up...

If Master Li wants to become a teacher of Li - she always feels - once she is, she cannot be discarded. These things, she can not keep it down, only from their body, can go back.

Today, Ning Yi has also entered the center of this storm.

And what she can do, there is nothing to think about. After all, Ning Yi is different from Yu and Chen. Since the beginning of the reunion, what the other party has done is an unimaginable event. Destroy the Liangshan Mountain, compete with the people of the rivers and lakes, and then go out this time, the wall is clear, and the summer village meets Resent the army, and the complex situation of this time. She also remembered those nights when her father was still there.

In the middle of the window, the wind and snow poured in from the window, blowing the lights and extinguishing the light, infiltrating the coolness of people. I don't know when she was asleep in the room, and only came knocking outside. The teacher opened the door in the past, and outside the door was Ning Yi’s slightly frowning figure. I just came to an end when I want to come.

"Not yet?"

"I want to wait for Li Heng to talk." The teacher stroked his hair, then smiled and invited him to come in. Ning Yi nodded and entered the room. The teacher opened the window and let the cold wind blow in. She held her body at the window and let the wind and snow blow for a while, and then closed her teeth, and came over to mention Ning Yi to move the stool and pour hot tea.

"It’s not easy to be a besieged city for so long. Although I’m outside the city, I’ve heard people talk about your affairs in the past few days, but I’m not in trouble.” Ning Yi took a sip of tea and smiled slightly. He didn't know what the other person was staying to say, and he spoke first.

"I think it's not easy to Liheng." The teacher sat down on the opposite side. "You have to fight outside, come back and have these things. After winning, you can't take it down..."

"The Jurchen has not gone yet, can't talk about winning." Ning Yi shook his head.

“The teachers have heard in the city that the negotiations are stable.”

"If there are other people who want us, we will give you what to give. There are also what we can get what we want, and what the teacher thinks. What will it be?"

Ning Yi smiled and looked at her, the teacher listened to this sentence, holding a teacup, his eyes slightly dimmed. After all, she is in the city, there are some things that can't be heard. But Ning Yi said that the weight is different. Although I was psychologically prepared, I was still happy when I heard this.

Ning Yi comforted two sentences: "We are also working hard, but ... things are very complicated. This negotiation, what can be saved, what benefits, whether it is immediate or long-term, is hard to say."

"I don't know much about this..." The teacher answered one sentence and immediately smiled. "Sometimes in the tower, I pretend to understand, but I don't understand. This is a man's business. Right, Li Hengjin Is there anything late?"

"There are things, but I am afraid that the next hour is very busy. The teacher is waiting specially. Is there anything?"

"I just want to talk to you." The teacher sat there and smiled. "When Li Heng left Beijing, I said something to me. I didn't understand it until the Jurchen came south, and began to besieged and attacked. City, what do I want to do, then went to the jujube door and saw...a lot of things..."

She said so, and then, talked about the experience of the jujube door. Although she is a woman, she is always awake and self-reliant in spirit. This conscious self-improvement is different from that of a man. The monks say that she is buddha, and she has seen many things. But it is said that a woman in her twenties and early 20s is growing up. After all, what she has seen since her heart, she can’t talk to people in her heart, but in the spiritual world, Ning Yi regarded it as a reflection. After the war stopped, more and more complicated things were surrounded by her, which made her physically and mentally exhausted. At this time, Ning Yi came back and found him, and revealed it one by one.

Ning Yi also never thought that she would talk about these experiences in the past, but then she listened. The woman who was slightly thin but still beautiful in front of her eyes talked about the things on the battlefield, the soldiers who had broken limbs and the tragic death, the battle of the jujube door. The teacher’s words were not high, and they did not seem too sad or Excited, occasionally a slight smile, said for a long time, said that she was taken care of after the death of the warrior, said that she was chased after the process of being protected, said those people before the death of a meager desire, and later said Xue Changgong He Leier and others...

Time passed gradually in this speech. Among them, she also talked about the joy after receiving the news of Xia Cun in the city. In the outside wind and snow, the louder snoring has already sounded.

"... These days in the tower, listening to people talking about things, are all fighting for power. I used to see a lot, used to it, but after attending the defending city, listen to those sons talking about negotiations, say I can't take it anyway when I win and lose outside the city. The Jurchens haven't left yet, and the adults in their homes are already fighting for these dirty things. Liheng is outside the city these days, I must have watched it. When I arrived, I heard that they were in privately trying to break up the Wurui camp. I was worried when I heard it. How can these people do this. But... there is no way..."

In the teacher's words, Ning Yi laughed: "I have come a few people and played a few..."

The teacher also laughed: "However, Liheng is back today, and naturally there is a way for them. In this way, I will be relieved. I don't want to ask Liheng what to do, but I want to come over time. I can hear those people who are sullen, and then I can sleep a few well..."

"Oh..." Ning Yi groaned a little, but knew she had guessed something wrong. "I am coming back tonight, not for this..."

"Ah..." The teacher hesitated. "I know that Liheng has more things, but... is there a trouble in Beijing, will Liheng have a way?"

Ning Yi was silent for a moment: "The trouble is very troublesome, but to say something... I haven't thought of what I can do..."

"..." The teacher looked at him.

"They want to start with Wurui. It's just a small matter." Ning Yi stood up. "The room is too stuffy. If the teacher still has the spirit, let's go out and have a place. I have an afternoon. I want to go."

The teacher nodded and the time was late at night, and there were no pedestrians on the outside road. The two men came downstairs and the guards followed quietly around. The wind and snow are filled, and the teacher can see that there is not much joy in the eyes of Ning Yi.

But in this snowstorm, Ning Yi still smiled: "In the afternoon, when I was upstairs, I saw something here. I was looking for someone to inquire. Oh... this is the house." They walked Not far away, it stopped in front of a small yard by the road. This is only a distance of more than ten feet from Wenhui Building. Across the street, the door of the small door was broken and the door was closed. The teacher recalled that when she arrived at Wenhui downstairs in the evening, Ning Yi sat by the window and seemed to be looking at it. But what happened on this side. She does not remember.

"This family is dead."

Ning Yi waved his hand, and the guard next to him came over and waved the knife to open the door. Ning Yi pushed in and the teacher followed, and there was a small courtyard with three rooms. In the darkness, it seems to be dead, as Ning Yi said, people are dead.

"The person who called the insured in the afternoon, lifted the body here, I looked upstairs and asked someone to inquire. There are three people here, and they have a good time." Ning Yi walked over to the room and spoke. "Grandma, father, a four-year-old daughter, when the Jurchen was attacking the city, there was nothing to eat at home, and there was not much money. The man went to the city, and the guardian took care of the two people who stayed here, and then the man was on the wall. When she died, the insurer couldn’t care. The old man, suffering from the cold, she was also afraid of the city chaos, someone entered the house to grab things, tied the door. Then... the old man was sick and cold and hungry, slowly died, The four-year-old girl is starving to death in the living..."

The room was filled with corpse smell, Ning Yi stood at the door, took the torch into it, the cold and messy ordinary people. Although the division has adapted to the stench on the battlefield, it still covers up the nostrils, but does not understand what Ning Yi said is so intentional. Such things have happened recently in the city every day. The people who died on the head of the city are even more miserable.

"I heard this thing upstairs, I was thinking, many years later, others talked about this Jurchen south, talking about the shackles. Saying that tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people, how cruel the Jurchens They started to be prostitutes, but in their hearts, there is actually no concept. They are embarrassed, and more often, they are very happy. They feel that they have repaid a responsibility to be a Han, even if they actually have nothing. Didn’t do it. When they talked about hundreds of thousands of people, all the weight would not be more than one in ten thousand of what happened in this house. An old man was sick, cold and hungry, and he died while he was dead. The little girl... no one is in charge, the stomach is getting hungry, first crying, then crying and crying, slowly stuffing the messy things into the mouth, then she is starving to death..."

Ning Yi said this calmly, the torch fell down and silenced for a moment.

"Into the city is not to hang out with those people, they want to dismantle, we will fight, take care of him... Qin Xiang runs for negotiations, not in the house during the day, I come to see some people, arrange some trivial things. A few months ago I got up and went north, I wanted to make some effort, and organized the Jurchen to go south. Now things are done, and the more troublesome things are coming. Unlike the last time, I haven’t thought about what I should do this time. There are a lot of things, but no matter how you do it, it’s hard to do things without opening the bow. If it is possible, I would like to retire and leave the best..."

The teacher was slightly confused. She stood on the side of Ning Yi at this time, and gently and carefully pulled his sleeves. Ning Yi squinted and sighed, then he smiled slightly. Laughed.

"You are on the wall, I am outside the city, I have seen people die like this, and they are cut off by the knife, chopping their hands and chopping their feet. Just like those who are starving to death in the city~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ They are dead, there is weight, this thing can't be thrown, it's hard to pick it up. It's a big problem after all."

He spoke of these words, and there was a difficult sigh in his eyes, but then he turned and waved his hand outside the door and walked over. The teacher asked hesitantly: "Liheng is not... I am also disheartened, want to go?"

"It's not the same as this, I am still thinking." Ning Yi shook his head. "I am not a murderer. So many people are dead in front of me. In fact, I think things are similar to you. It is more complicated inside." The things are not easy to say. The time is not early, I will go to the government in the future, I will send someone to send you back. No matter what you will do next, you should know. As for the troubles of looking for Wurui camp Help people, in fact, you don't have to worry, jump the beam clown, even if there are more than a hundred thousand people to follow, this kind of species is a kind."

The teacher also nodded. After a few months of reunion, for this night's Ning Yi, she still can't see clearly, which is different from the previous one.

The courtyard door was closed behind the back.

The wind and snow are still falling, the lanterns are lit with lanterns, and they are heading in different directions in the city. On the streets, the lanterns were carried by the patrolling soldiers. When the division's carriage entered the tower, several carriages of Ning Yi and others had already entered the right-hand house. He passed through a strip of the court and walked over to the Qin government study, which was still lit.

Dark nights, thin lights are moving... (to be continued.)

Ps: This chapter is a bit vague, and I haven't written the clues so vaguely for a long time, but in any case, it is a necessary chapter. The seventh episode will be closed, I think too long, and finally I have to pull back the update. I640

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