Zhui Xu

Vol 15 Chapter 665: Qinyin old 10 ambush (1)

Gyeongju State City.

The smoke and chaos are still continuing, and the towering walls have changed the banner of the Xixia people.

On the southeast side of the city, the smog is still filling the sky. On the third day of the broken city, the southeast side of the city does not seal the knife. At this time, the active Xixia soldiers are carrying out the final madness. For the sake of future rule, Xixia Wang Li Ganshun did not let the army's madness continue unrestricted, but of course, even if there were orders, the other directions of the city at this time were not called peace.

For this kind of city that has resisted, the anger accumulated by the army is also huge. The active army is slaughtering and looting and ill-treating on the southeast side of the plan. Other teams that have not been assigned to the sweetness often robbed and humiliated the local people in other places. The people in the northwest are often swaying, and they often stand up and resist. Was killed by the hand. In such a war, one can leave a life, and in the eyes of the massacres, it is already a great gift.

Once a hospital in Gyeongju, the city of Yangju, it became the temporary palace of the Xixia King. The Han Ming Lin Houxuan and Xi Xia Mingu Nuo's Wen Chen are waiting for Li Ganshun's interview in the courtyard of the courtyard. He looks at the people across the room from time to time and guesses the origin of this group of people.

There are six people in that line, and the person headed by is very strange. Is a woman dressed in a lady's dress, the woman looks beautiful, the dress is blue and white, bright but not bright. When Lin Houxuan came in, she had politely got up and smiled at him. After that, she had been sitting in a chair and meditating on something, her eyes were calm, and she did not talk to the surrounding entourage.

This woman's temperament is very much like the Han Chinese who read many books, but on the other hand, her kind of low-headed meditation is like a person who has taken care of a lot of things - five men are occasionally low Speaking, but never dare to ignore her attitude also proves this.

This is the room waiting for the emperor to meet. The team led by a Han woman looks really intriguing.

His career is positioned on the tongue and the way of the vertical and horizontal. It is habitual for people's temperament and observation. In my heart, I thought about the origins of the women’s group. Some officials came in from outside the door and waved him to the side. This official is his father, Qu Li, who is also the leader of the party aristocracy. In the Xixia court, he served as a doctor in the province of Zhongshu. For the return of this son, the Wushou army that failed to persuade the Xiao Cang River, the old man is not happy, this is certainly no fault, but on the other hand. There is no credit for it.

"Your Majesty will see you soon."


"You can't make a difference this time, see your majesty, don't swear, don't shirk your responsibility. What's going on in the mountains, what's going on, what to do, have their own decisions."


Slightly a few words, the old official nodded and left. After a while, someone came to announce that he officially entered, and once again saw the emperor of the Xixia Party. Li Ganshun.

Compared with the Wu dynasty that has turned sharply in these years, the Xixia emperor Li Ganshun at the time was forty-four years old, and it was the time when the year was strong and the spring and autumn flourished.

Xixia is the real Wu Liguo. Among these countries west of the Wu Dynasty, Dali is located in Tiannan, with rugged terrain and numerous mountains. The country is a pacifist who is uncompromising. Because of the geographical location, although the foreign country is weak, the Wu Dynasty and Tubo are next to each other. Not to bully it. Tubo is currently a smashing king and has a lot of power. The people are not good people, but there is not much possibility of expansion. In the early years, they took advantage of the martial arts's thighs and occasionally helped defend against Xixia. In the past few years, the Wu Dynasty has weakened and Tubo has no longer helped the DPRK.

Only Xixia, for many years since its establishment, has fought with the Wu Dynasty and fought against Tubo. Fighting with the Liao Kingdom, the battles of big and small are endless. If it is not the kind of teacher who has encountered the talents of the past few decades, and there is a strong support of the economic strength of the Wu Dynasty after the teacher, it will not be driven out of the Hengshan area.

The barrier to the south disappeared, and the impermanence was imminent. The middle and upper subjects of Xixia had more or less urgency. Under such an atmosphere, Li Ganshun, as the king of a country, seized the opportunity of the Jurchen's south invasion and alliance with it, and then pushed the army across Hengshan. In a half-year period, he successively connected several large cities, and the ancestral graves of the Western military families in Qinglan City. They all gave plans, and at the beginning of the year, the rest of the family army was broken up. After that, it was already a great achievement for ZTE’s owner. The king of a country broke ground and the power is at an unprecedented peak.

When Lin Houxuan was called in, the hall of the main hall was being debated, and several great leaders in the party’s clan, such as Ye Lichong, the raccoon, the scorpion mother, and several generals in the army, such as Xiaole and Nadu All are here. At the moment, in the wartime, the generals who are known for their fierce and good wars are full of blood, and I don’t know where to kill them. When Li Ganshun, who was in front of the front and kept his short hair, and asked the eyes of Lin Houxuan to explain the affairs of Xiao Cang River, the other party asked: "Where is that?"

"East to Yanzhou, a small valley." Li Ganshun pointed to the map behind him.

The great leader, Nori, said: "There is a martial art rebel army in the middle of it. About 10,000 people are considered to be available. I went to the slain to go down and be rejected. Therefore, I want to hear it."

That Duhan nodded slightly, Lin Houxuan went to the crowd and said that he had to go to the Xiao Cang River. He can also see at this time that for the big strategy in these people's chests, what Xiao Canghe is just one of the unimportant mustards, he dare not add oil and vinegar, just this one will be small The beginning and end of the trip to Canghe came out. Everyone just listened. When they learned that the other party refused to see people for a few days, they were already in no interest. The general sister Le was coldly snorted. Lin Houxuan went on and said that no one was surprised when he talked about the conversations that the two sides met.

After he finished speaking, Li Ganshun frowned and waved his hand. He was not angry, but his voice became a little low: "If this is the case, let him go in this small place." He swept over 100,000 troops. In the northwest, Ken’s recruitment is to give the right side. If the other party refuses, then it will be wiped out.

Fu Li Chongdao: "Quu slave said it is good, I want to repair the book of the Golden State, Marshal Han, and resign the general, so that it will block the Luliang North line. In addition, the order is sent to the spicy Seiler, and it is ordered to block the direction of Luliang. Those who have come and gone from the mountains have killed them. There is no food in this mountain. I am waiting for the stability of the southwestern situation. I will be able to trap them in the mountains and ignore them."

At this time, whispers in the hall. Some people have said the origin of this Xiao Canghe army with people around them. The emperor of the Wu Dynasty was killed last year, and everyone knows it, but Jun Jun’s is actually the team in front of him, such as that of Duhan. Still have not understood. At this point, take a hard look at the map, and then shake your head and smile.

"Rebels killed the emperor of the Wu Dynasty ... a group of madmen. Look at these people, at first or have the power, but even the land of a state and a county do not dare to take up, just dare to go into the mountains and die. It is really foolish. They both If I don't drop me, I will starve to death in the mountains, and I will be trapped to death. When the situation in the south is certain, I can also send them a ride."

"Qing and so on don't have to worry about it, but it can't be ignored." Li Ganshun waved his hand and looked at the wild profit. "The matter was decided by the leader of the wild, and he also needed to be a hot Sile. He guarded the Northeast, and he was in the army. It is necessary to be cautious in this mountain. But this group of **** in the mountains killed the emperors of the Wu Dynasty, and there is no possibility of an alliance with the family. I will wait until the southwest and go northeast.

Xiaole said: "It was the people who were dispersed in the army. Now they are roaming around and need to be prevented from forming alliances with the mountains."

"Clearing this line of family rafts is an important task, but if they flee in the mountains, I don't have to worry about it. There is no food in the mountains. The more they accept foreigners, the harder it is to feed."

"The species is now fleeing to the ring, the original two states, I have already won the Gyeongju, and I can consider attacking the original state. When he retreats to the ring state, our army can break the road..."

For the Xixia army at this time, the real affliction is still the Western Army. If you go to the northeast, the army of the family has been keeping a low profile during this time. Nowadays, the Fuzhou, which is located in the northeast, can not be sent to rescue families, but it is always a threat to the Xixia army. Nowadays, in the vicinity of Yanzhou, the general of the 30,000-strong army guards the spicy Seiler, the main task is to beware of the collapse of the family suddenly south.

On the west side, after the last defeat, the scorpion led thousands of families of direct troops to fight around, trying to recruit, or save the fire. For the Xixia people, there is no suspense in siege, but to say that sweeping the northwest of the Wu Dynasty is inevitably based on the complete destruction of the Western Army.

As for the Xiao Cang River - the northwest folk customs, now the northwestern land is full of uprising mountains, which is just a little more than a number of people, like a snake locked in the scorpion, you reach in and take It may have been bitten to kill it, but it was sealed, and after a while, it naturally died.

Those who rule a country, who will treat a group of monks really look too heavy.

As everyone said, the topic had already ran away and reached a larger strategic level. Ye Li Chong rushed to Lin Houxuan and waved his hand. Li Ganshun at the top said: "Quu Shouqing has made a contribution to this trip, and he will go to rest. There is still a place where you are out of the way." Lin Houxuan said that he was out. ”

Gyeongju City is still in a huge chaos. For Xiao Canghe, the people in the hall are just a few words, but Lin Houxuan understands that the fate of the valley has been decided. Once the situation is fixed, if it is not trapped, it will be swept away by its own army. In his heart, he was still wondering about the attitude of the leader of the Ning surname in the valley. At this time, he was really left behind.

He has more things to do and he doesn't have to worry about the dead.

On the way out from the courtyard, he saw a group of six people who had previously been with him in the room, led by the woman, and was called in by the emperor.


Lou Shuzhen walked through the courtyard of this Xixia temporary palace, turning the expression of indifference on the face into a soft and confident smile. Later, I walked into the hall of the Xixia Emperor's deliberation.

She came with a letter from Tian Hu and a list of many businessmen along the way.

Not long after, she saw the same thing inadvertently on the map in front of the Chamber. That is the location where the mind is Ning Yi and others, and a new fork is drawn.


Li Xishun, the emperor of Xixia, and several princes and ministers also heard about the rebel army and Xiao Cang River.

His eyes looked seriously at the beautiful woman headed by the church, frowning: "I wait, is there someone old with this place?"

In the case of the Wu Dynasty, the Tiger King was also a judgment for the rise of the soldiers. He is thousands of miles away and wants to come and cooperate. Li Ganshun does not reject it. This Xiao Cang River's rogue, he does not value, but the heart has just been sentenced to death here, in the hearts of the emperor, but it is very taboo to let him change his mind.

The woman below bowed her head: "The heart of the devil is the most deviant person. He has personally killed Shu Wei's father, long brother, and the family and him... don't share the enemy!"

"Oh." Li Ganshun waved his hand, and then he laughed. "Kill the Father's Revenge... Don't worry too much. It's dead."

When Lou Shuzhen walked out of this courtyard, the documents to go to the Golden State had been issued. The summer sun is shining, she suddenly has a sense of dizziness.

When she came over from the tiger king, she had analyzed the intention of Xiao Canghe. Understand the other party's efforts to open the business road. She rushed around and lobbied around, confusing a group of businessmen, and first attached to Xixia for peace, which was to disrupt the layout of Xiao Cang River to the utmost extent.

She does not know if her efforts will succeed, and she is looking forward to her own efforts. The other party will fall into a huge mud and difficulties. She also looked forward to Xiao Canghe dying in difficulties. The man named Ning Yi died painfully. However, when Li Ganshun casually said "that is dead", she suddenly felt that something was not true.

This is too simple. However, Li Ganshun will not lie. He does not need it at all. One hundred thousand Xixia troops swept the northwest, and Xixia was in the country. More troops are coming to build this place. More than 10,000 people hiding in the poor mountains and hardships were hostile to Xixia. The blockade by the Golden State and the sin of the great rebellion they committed in the Wu Dynasty are really against the world. They cannot have any chance. But it is still too simple, as if it is light, everything seems to be fake.

Sometimes the operation of the overall situation is like this. Many things will happen without real feelings. In her fantasy, she naturally had the death of Ning Yi. At that time, he should beg for mercy in front of her - no. He may not beg for mercy, but at least he will die in agony in front of her.

But now it seems that she will only get a message suddenly on a certain day. Tell her: Ning Yi is dead, there will never be such a person in the world. Think about it at this time, it is suffocating.

"What do you do..." she whispered, walking through the chaotic city.


"Wow, wow-"

"Hey, hey...sister, don't cry, look here to see here..."

"Have she been woken up by me? Sister and sister..."

Mixed with the crying of the child, noon in the small courtyard. A chaotic and noisy scene.

This is after the lunch, Luoye, who was left to eat, also left. In the room of Yunzhu, the baby who was just born for a month cried out without warning after drinking milk. Ning Wei, who is five years old, is holding a rattle next to her and wants to marry her. I would rather stand there and bite her fingers. I thought I woke up my sister, and I looked at her, and then went to marry her, a white single. The cloud bamboo sits on the bed and hugs the child and gently shakes.

"What happened?"

Ning Yi came in from the door, followed by Jin Er. Ning Yu shook his head: "My brother and I are watching the little book next to me, no quarreling sister." He turned the rattle in one hand and held a small book with Ning Yi and Yun Zhu in one hand. Ning Yi laughed. I touched his head and looked at the child crying in Yunzhu’s arms: "I look." She took her and hugged her arms.

Into Ning Yi's arms, the crying of the little baby has become smaller.

As the third child of Ning Yi, after the birth of this little girl, it was a little difficult. She is weak and has a hard time breathing. She was born a month and the wind has been twice. As the mother's cloud bamboo almost died in the difficult birth, lying on the bed for more than half a month, finally managed to stabilize. Previously, Ning Yi was looking for a milking lady in the valley to feed the child, let the milk girl drink the medicine and turn it into the milk to treat the child. Yunzhu is a little better, she insists on feeding her own children and taking medicine herself, so that she is only sitting in this month. If Ning Yi insists on her behavior many times, she will give her a feeling of discomfort, I am afraid that because of the distressed child The body recovery of Yunzhu will be slower.

These days, the situation outside the valley is not optimistic, Ning Yi will be asked to ask almost every day of daily affairs in the valley, but Lei is not moving, he will come here every night to take care of children and his wife. The weak and sick baby is very uncomfortable crying every night. Yunzhu is weak, and the child will be more anxious. Ning Yi came over and took the child and told her to fall asleep. At this time, he is more than how to marry this little girl. Yunzhu is better at it.

"I look... there is no diaper pants, just finished drinking milk. Ning Hao, don't knock the drums, you will scream at your sister. And Ning Bo, don't worry, not you wake her up... Estimated to be a bit in the room Bored, we went outside to sit. Well, there is really no wind today."

He took the child to the outside, Yunzhu smashed the embroidered shoes, took a scarf and covered the child's face slightly. Afternoon hours. There was a slight humming in the yard, the sun shone, and the warm light sprinkled between the gaps, only the breeze, and the swing under the tree shook slightly.

really. When I came to this number, the children in my arms no longer cried. Jiner sat on the swing and shook it. Ning Yi and Yun Zhu also sat next to each other. Ning Yu and Ning Ji saw that my sister was quiet, and then ran to the side to read the book, this time running far. After Yunzhu took over the child, he looked at the sleeping face of the child under the scarf: "I am not a good mother."

"You gave birth to her, half of my life was lost. Who said you are not good, I beat him." Ning Yi chuckled.

Yunzhu bowed her head, and she was quiet, and her appearance did not change much. The beautiful face is just a lot of weight loss. Ning Yi reached out and touched her cheek, recalling the thrilling feelings of having a child a month ago, and the mood was still difficult.

There have been many major events in his years. It is not difficult for the two children to be born in the previous years. It is difficult to give birth to two children. The fluctuation of his mood is more intense than that of the Jin Yu Temple. I heard Yunzhu hurt in the middle of the night, and he was quiet. He even got up and rushed into the delivery room. To force the doctor, if not, simply kill the child and protect the mother.

Perhaps because of this, he is somewhat guilty about this difficult child, plus the girl, the care he puts in his heart. In fact, there are more. Of course, on this point, he is unkind on the surface.

Yunzhu knows his thoughts and smiles at this time: "My sister is also thin. If you have something, you don't have to sit with us. The burden on you and your sister is heavy."

Her age is bigger than Tan. But when it comes to Tan, most of them are called sisters, sometimes called Tan children. Ning Yi nodded, sitting next to the sun with her for a little while, then turned and left.

He still has a lot of things to deal with. After leaving this courtyard, he went to the Chamber of Deputies with Chen Fan. This afternoon, I met many people and made a boring summary of the work, and dinner failed to catch up. Jin Er and Chen Fan’s wife, Ji Qianer, took the food box and after they finished the matter, they watched the sunset in the hills and had dinner. After that, there was some free time, and the group was on the hill. Take a walk slowly.

The sky is already dark, and Jin Er whispers something interesting that happened today, and occasionally made a few trivial ideas. When she stopped on the grass slope, she put up her legs and let Ning Yi lie down on her head and reach for his massage. In a soft whisper, Jin Er, who can't help but talk, occasionally asks about things in the valley. When she was eating today, she saw that Tan was also a little thin, and things were very busy, but the situation may not be good. The food in the valley was somewhat reluctant to eat in June and July. At this time, it has gradually begun to bottom out, but people who went out did not seem to have good news.

"... Listening to Duan Shanhua said, there is some urgency in Qingmu Village, I will advise her that there will be no problem... Well, I don’t understand this, but I know that Liheng is so calm, there will be nothing. ...... However, I sometimes have some concerns. Liheng, is there really so much food that can be shipped in from the mountains? We have more than 10,000 people, plus Qingmu Village, 40,000 people, and we have to eat every day... Hey, how many things to eat..."

On the one hand, Ning Yi massaged her head, and whispered softly. When she reacted, she saw Ning Yi open her eyes and looked at her from below.

"What, uncomfortable?"

"You said that I am falling asleep." Ning Yi smiled.

"That's not good, then take a break."

In the voice of Jin Er, Ning Yi has sat up cross-legged, the night has come, and the mountain wind is still warm. Jiner will be close to the past and press his shoulders.

"...you handle so many things every day, big things are caught in your hands, very tired...not to say to the people below to do it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I look at the former treasurers, still There are Zhuo Xiaofeng children, they are very reliable... You work so late every day, my sister and I are very worried, let you sleep, you don’t sleep..."

This kind of whistle continued, and until a moment, she heard Ning Yi whisper.

"It's hard, but it's not without a chance..."


The hand in front grabbed the hand on the shoulder, and Jiner was pulled over. She squatted behind Ning Yi and wrapped his neck from the back. I saw Ning Yi looking at the valley below. After a while, it was slow. Whispered: "Look, what is the current Xiao Cang River?"


Jin Er’s eyes widened and he smashed. She is actually a smart woman. She knows that Ning Yi’s speech at this time is mostly a mystery. Although she does not need to consider this, she will certainly be interested in it.

Looking down from here, in the riverside and settlement areas of Xiaocang River, the lights are gathered together, and you can see the crowds of people gathered or scattered. This small valley is surrounded by the darkness of the distant mountains, which is lively and lonely.

What is it like?

However, this night, Jiner has not been able to guess the answer...

It was also on this night that a figure cautiously avoided the outposts of the Xiao Cang River and quietly went to the mountains in the east. Due to the acceptance of some refugees in the winter, the spies of other forces mixed in the refugees were not many. But after all, it cannot be eliminated. At the same time, the Western Xia documents that required the Golden State to block the smuggling road in the north of Luliang flew on the road.

In the turbulent world, the vicious situation of ambush around the Xiao Cang River and Qingmu Village has gradually begun.

Maliciousness will be crushed... (to be continued.)

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