Zhui Xu

Vol 15 Chapter 699: Bloody Central Plains (below)

On March 11th, Wan Yanzong led the army to attack Suzhou, and Suzhou was able to resist tens of thousands of people to resist one day and night. Suzhou fell and the city was slaughtered. Three days later, the Suzhou fire burned half of the city into white.

On March 15th, silver surgery can lead the army to fight in Liaozhou. The former Liaozhou defender Huang Kaiqi rate the Warriors starry night attack, but the night attack can be seen by the silver technique, the army is defeated, the yellow Kaiqi rate guards can initiate the charge to the silver surgery. In the body, a dozen knives were forced to fight and died.

On March 26, Zong Fu and Zong Yi's army captured the Hejian government and returned to Shenzhou, Jingzhou and Zhangzhou.

From fifteen to twenty-seven, Luozhou, Zhangzhou, Xiangzhou, and Cizhou have successively returned.

On March 3 (10, Luzhou veteran Liu Dingwen rate more than 10,000 troops to attack the river, after a half-day battle with the Zongtang Pioneer Army, the army collapsed, Liu Dingwen was killed in the body. The Rebels were captured more than 3,000 people, suppressing the river outside the city All killed, the head of the building built Jingguan, the corpse spread, the stench is said to have disappeared after a while.

On the first day of April, the eight-character army Wang Yan and Zonghan troops fought in Zhangzhou and lost to defeat.

On the sixth day of April, Zong Han attacked Pingyang, could not, and went to the east. In the early tenth, Xi Yin led the army to hit Pingyang again and smashed down.

On the eighth day of April, Zong Fu was trapped in Zhangzhou and forced to Jinan.

At the beginning of April, the Central Road Army general 讹里多 attacked the state, five days without grams, after which the Zonghan army came, 21, Xiangzhou fell, due to the intense resistance of the people in the city, the Jurchens killed the people in the city.

On April 25th, Liu Yu, a prefect of Jinan, slinged out of the city and surrendered to Zongfu. After that, he opened the city gate for the Jurchen army. After the army entered the city, all the generals, bureaucrats, their families, and ethnic groups who were determined to resist in the city were more than 8,000. In the following month, he was slaughtered.

On April 27, I went to the East Road Army Camp to say that Zong Fu and Zong Yi’s Daru, the great Confucius, had made a generous statement before the accounts of the two female princes. After that, he was stunned into a wrath of the wrath, and the corpse was thrown out of the military camp. This Daru revered the message of the Ancestral Hall and later passed it on in the Shilin.

On April 29th, Daguangming taught a total of 170,000 people. In the southern part of Ganzhou, the country wanted to encircle the silver and the army, and the 170,000 people were defeated. Tens of thousands of people were chased by the Jurchen cavalry to the banks of the Yellow River. At that time, the crowds embraced and a few were killed and killed. Most of them were trampled and squeezed into the river, and countless people were killed.

At the beginning of May, the East Road Army led by Zong Fu Zongxi forced the land in Tokyo and other places.

On May 15th, the Zongfu Middle Road Army crossed the Yellow River.

In mid-May, the generals led nearly 200,000 people in Wuma Mountain to kill, and Zongsuke and others went around for nearly a month.

May 23rd. Zhou Weinan is in Yangzhou.

In June, Ma Kui captured the small town Qingping, which was in the hands of Zonghan and others. This is the main place on the way of the Middle Road and the East Road.

In early June, Zong Han’s attack was unsuccessful. At the beginning of June, the Zongfu army again attacked Qingping, Qingping fell, and 200,000 people collapsed, killing tens of thousands of people on the way. Ma Zhu led a small number of remaining south.

On June 22nd, the Zonghan Middle Road Army fought again with the Suiliang Shoujun. No results.

At the end of June, Zong Fubing forced the day...

The eighth day of July...

July thirteen...

The wind in the late summer will bring all kinds of tastes, and the smell is so hot that the weather is too hot, and the dead will soon give off a rancid smell. In addition to the stench of carrion, the unpleasant smell and the body odor that people have not bathed for a long time. The smell of the note...

Lin Zongwu sat on the stone table and spoke on the stone platform. The people sitting underneath were countless old clothes, poor eyes, and fanatical believers. The men and women were poor people.

People occasionally make cheers.

Lin Zongwu finished the scripture. Turn around. He returned to the rear of the house, his eyes had a slight fluctuation, his eyes closed, and when he opened it, the eyes returned to calm.

Occasionally, he will remember the things on the battlefield in Zhangzhou. People rushed to the Jurchen army, and they were fanatical and fearless. However, soon after, the army collapsed. The Jurchens came from every direction of vision, and the bones became mountains and blood flowed into the river. These believers also began to turn around, headless flies, and he did not command.

He does not care about the dead, Lin Zongwu's life, the people who have personally killed, have already piled up. What he cares about is more of that failure, and the only thing that makes people better is that this is not his failure.

The whole world is defeating. The army of the dynasty, the Rebels, and the mountains that started the assault on the Jurchens, all of them were defeated all over the summer, and the Jewish people killed a few bones. In the case of 100,000 or even millions, people are dead, their homes are broken, old children are starved to death, and their houses are burned to ash. And those who have not lost, have already announced the surrender of Jurchen, those who are so savage.

The world is collapsing. Those believers, they are the most obvious manifestation. In the past, most people still wear these decent clothes, and there are many large and wealthy households. Nowadays, the more they dare to wear those clothes. The less the number of women, the more women have caused the increase in refugees, the famine and the disease are said to have appeared north of the Yellow River. Even though he is still in the unoccupied area on the south bank of the Yellow River, people have become more fearful and embarrassed. In Zhangzhou, he lost more than a hundred thousand people. After he returned, very many people gathered together.

At this time, some of the forest lords who have always been stable and angry have not known whether this is good or not. Xiongxiong is eager for troubles in the world, because in times of trouble, people can gather, but when they look at the public, Lin Zongwu thinks that it may not be a good thing.

The enemy is really... too strong.

He thought for a moment in this silence, and then spit out a breath: Yeah.

This seat will eventually find a way to save the world!

After a while, someone came towards this side. Lin Zongwu closed his eyes. The man was outside the door and whispered the message. The city was broken.

Hearing the news, he opened his eyes, and for a moment, the people outside the door heard the leader sigh like a rumor.

"The group of devils dance, the world... is going to die..."

The world is peeling off, the ancient capital should be heaven, the flames and blood are full of the city, and the massacres and looting that once happened in the city of Yongliang once again appeared in this ancient city that has temporarily become a capital. The leaves of the tree were burnt, and the plaques of the trees fell, and people shouted, screamed, and begged, and the woman continued to run, and the man was stabbed to the tip of the gun. The child was thrown to the ground...

Resistance is there. From north to south, above and above this road, resistance of large and small is constantly appearing, and then constantly annihilated in the collision. The folk heroes organized and set up a team to kill and kill the single soldiers. People who are ruined or who are at risk of breaking their homes are afraid of eating gold and sleeping on the golden people. However, this is the most intense hedge between the two countries.

After Yingtian, the two roads of the army went south again, and countless Jiangnan troops that had come up were defeated.

Yangzhou, this ancient city of grace is also a feeling of utter disorientation. Chaotang moved to Zhou with Zhou, but the Jurchen’s footsteps did not stop. At this point, Zhou Hao has continuously lowered his stance and sent a few letters of mercy to the Jurchen army - he has already seen it. This time, the Jurchen is ironic to arrest him to the north. He may have regretted the emperor's case - but it has no effect.

The former Wuchao Hall gathered all the elites of the world, the adults who were arrogant, pointing to the mountains, and the adults who were active outside the hall. No one could turn the tide this time.

"I have prepared some people, there are several teams..." Looking at the palace over there. Jun Wu, who stood on the wall of the palace, said to his sister, "If the Jurchen is called, you can protect us."

"Where are you going?"

Zhou Pei’s eyes were empty and he asked, and Jun Wu screamed: “How about going northwest?”

Zhou Pei closed his eyes and did not want to see him when he was awkward. Jun Wu smiled and said: "Just kidding."

"We go south, then to the south, and to the south. He has hundreds of thousands of people who can catch up with it. In any case, save yourself and get a chance. Master is doing this in the northwest." Suddenly, "I am in Wushu this time... I am afraid..."

Jun Wu said that he did not continue to talk about it. Zhou Pei closed her eyes and let the evening wind blow from her hair. For a long time, this was the first time she had not refuted when Jun Wu said the title of "Master." Prior to this, she had already learned in detail the experiences of the noble women captured in the sorrow of Jingping.

Being raped, abused, and went to the north, being deported as a slave, swearing, and not being freed from life. Next, if she encounters the fate of being captured, the only way out is to commit suicide.

I don’t speak first in the spring, which insects dare to make a sound.

This time, be prepared, the Jurchen who has been killed all the way, overwhelming the whole world!

In the northwest, in this place where there are not many people who have come to look at it, the whole situation is no better than the land of the Central Plains, which has become a hell.

In May, taking advantage of the Jurchen Middle East and the East Road Army to attract the attention of the world, the Yanyan Dian room led more than 10,000 gold soldiers to the Yellow River. Soon, Yu Chaoyu broke the Fan to the 600,000 army, and later Breaking the same straits, breaking tens of thousands of heavy soldiers in Shaoguan.

In June, he was trapped in Jingzhao, and he was assisted by the surrounding area. In Changlepo and other places, the tens of thousands of troops who had assisted Jingzhao were all defeated and annihilated, and then they took over and seized Jingzhaofu. The live capture system made Fu Liang, and then he served Feng Xiang and Zhangzhou. The pressure has really been pushed to the northwest.

In July, in Yanzhou and other places, preparations are actively going on. Not long ago, the scorpion had rejected the persuasion of the Jurchen ambassador, planted in the northwest of the town. Now, although the ancestral graves have been planed, for the kind of straightforward traits, the gold drop is still not in his choice.

Since the recovery of Yanzhou and other places, there has not been much time for him to develop. Not long ago, he had repaired Xiao Canghe, hoping to join forces with the Huaxia Army, which claimed to not vote for the Gentiles, but the other party confessed confessingly.

The Huaxia Army is the rebellious force of Jun Jun. Although the enemy is the same, the position is still different. Everyone has no experience in cooperation. Who knows if you will suddenly turn against each other? It is better not to join hands before you see the situation.

There is a reason for the refusal of the other party, and it is impossible to think about it. On the day of July 23, in the city of Yanzhou, he was waiting for news from the south.

Not long ago, he sent 30,000 troops to support Feng Xiang.

Perhaps this war that has already erupted in Fengxiang, perhaps the entire west of the Wu Dynasty, faces the biggest attack launched by this tens of thousands of Jurchen West Road Army. This is the result of the discussion of the party that Feng Xiang, who was in the hands of the Jurchen, will soon be rebellious, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~. Among them, the Wuwei Army sent troops of 150,000, the Jinning Army 100,000, the Western Army 30,000, and then several of the Rebels will also send their own troops, and agreed on the time to attack Fengxiang at the same time.

In the afternoon, the news came.

At the moment when I got the news, I was dizzy in the seat. He put down the message and knew that it was redundant but still difficult to ask: "Is the message true?"

The knight who had wounded on the servant of the dust gave him the answer.

On July 21st, Wanyan’s room was assisted by Fengxiang City, and the Jinning Army broke through 100,000 yuan. On July 22nd, more than 10,000 Jurchen main divisions divided the road. In the morning, the 30,000 troops were killed in martial arts. At noon, the 30,000 troops were defeated in the near future. At night, the end of the Yanyan chamber was counted directly by thousands of troops. Wan Wuwei army is in Weinan.

- Wugong and Weinan are separated by nearly two hundred miles.

Go out and go out.

At this time, various preparations for work in Yanzhou City should still be carried out, but the city government can not see the work scene outside, the autumn outside the yard is high, but he only feels that it is difficult to breathe, and the darkness is over.

"This is the world... is it over..."

Xiao Cang River, the sun slanted into the house, the light and dust flying in the air, a group of officers after receiving the news, the same silence.

"...Your mother." Someone sighed softly. "...What is the use of this person?"

In August, the main army of the Yanyan chamber was pushed to Yanzhou... (to be continued.)

Ps: The last three days of this month, who has a monthly pass? ^_^

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