Zhui Xu

: Still in Calvin, and a statement about one thing.

Originally, according to the previous practice, when I was in Kavin, I didn’t read the book review area. I decided to run it on Weibo after I decided that I couldn’t send it. Some people said that the book review area was chaotic, and there was a spray, and I rushed to delete the post. The result is that one person has been killed, which is very regrettable.

Since it is here, I will post a message to tell you, just as there are things that can be said, by the way.

For the method of writing books, the book has actually been said many times. In my case, thinking of a plot, the moment of inspiration is not trustworthy, I never record inspiration like other authors, I think a lot every day. Ideas, there are a lot of touches, they are not a book, not a subject, I will remember in my heart, after a few days or a few months, I will touch again, think again - if an inspiration can not be in my mind Staying for too long, they are usually not trustworthy, because it means that they are not enough for me to touch.

This book has a lot of great inspiration. It was brewed from the beginning of the book, and it has been brewing for several years. The end of the seventh episode is of course the most typical feeling. However, in the middle of a big node, many things are uncertain. When I finish a big plot and new clues start, I need to take the time to brew. I spend time thinking about the latest one. Often, after a week or a half of continuous brewing or longer, some plots have been thought through in various aspects for several days before they can be used - this is the main reason for the current Calvin.

For me, Calvin is a painful thing. It means that I wake up from the morning and work without interruption. This job is to use the brain, and my brain can't get a rest. I have said more than once that I am the hardest author of the starting point, because there are not a few people who can work longer than me, but when I can write a book, the time after the update, that belongs to My relaxation time, I really can get off work.

of course. There are all kinds of writing states in the world. Every time I connect, the popularity is coming up, and new people come. This is of course gratifying, but at this time, there will be people like this who say something like this, how others write, how others do... but no matter how others are. I wrote it like this.

Some authors have told me in some places that bananas I like your style and I want to imitate your article. I am very surprised: it is like playing the piano, the master's works abound, the perfect standard is so clear, why do you find a standard of half a bucket of water? Insufficient intentions and limited achievements. I have seen those near-perfect works, the foreign countries of China, Lu Yao’s Haruki Murakami’s Shi Tiesheng’s Hugo Balzac’s Tolstoy, the standard is there. For a long time, I couldn’t measure the distance between myself and them. I only knew that there was no distance. As I continue to write and think, try various expressions, and now I can know where I can exercise, I need to expand, compress, deepen, and refine several times to reach that line. Anyone can do anything, but that is not my business.

Writing books for me, there is not much money to make - of course, more than the average job, I am married now. There is not enough renovation fee for the wife’s new house. I sometimes tell her that I have been through hard times, not to understand the reality, but the current draft fee is enough. If one day is really not enough, I can turn to make money to write a book. I have this possibility and I don’t panic. Fortunately, my wife can always understand this.

Some people always say that Wen Qing is Wen Qing. For example, if you want to speed up the speed, you can become a big **** at any time. In fact, he is not quick, speeding up, and the quality is gone. Perhaps this is also possible, but to be honest, writing books for so many years, for YY, for everyone to want to see the cool point, mention these cool ways, I am really familiar can not be cooked again, if I give up the structure and expression, Just repeating them, it may not be difficult - at most, I am changing a group of readers. The possibility of earning ten or even 100 times of the current remuneration is actually at my fingertips and may be more accessible than anyone else. I have always been here.

To say this, it is not to show off, not to complain, just to explain a simple thing: When I give up such things, what else can I make my book concede?

Not long ago, an old bookmate who had read my book very long ago ran to speak. Banana started playing games all day from the time of stealth. Regardless of writing a book, he had a subscription. I directly banned him from posting. God testified that the biggest problem for me over the years is that I can no longer immerse myself in the game. The anxiety of writing a book makes me immersed in everything, and my mind can’t relax at all. People, run over and understand - it is not a big deal, but of course, it is better to delete the ban.

Going home to sweep the grave during the Ching Ming Festival, sitting on the green leather car, late, issued a status on Weibo, some people ran out to question, saying that I made excuses for breaking. Unfortunately, I never made an excuse to pull the blacklist directly.

Writing a book is too laborious. I was interested in debating in the early years. Now I have no energy to show open-mindedness.

So everyone saw, I am not a good author ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ On the Internet, I like to be friends with ideas, I like any thoughtful posts. But starting from a few years ago, I will no longer consider being a close friend on the Internet and in the mud. On the WeChat public platform, the only thing I will show is that some high school students say they don’t want to go to college. I will persuade for a while, but at other times, whoever acts in front of me like a stupid, or unscrupulous guy, I will directly ban the ban and blacklist, I will not be equal to such people. The response - here specifically refers to the guy who ran into the book review area, or the superficial guy in the book review area.

In the past few years, some people have said that I have any talent for writing articles. I have never had any talent. When I was studying, the worst talent was language. But if there is anything that really makes me proud over the years, frankly: I am so hard, I am working **** this matter, even I have never imagined myself! Writing this book, sometimes, I am very happy, more often, I am very painful.

But for now, this book can only be written like this. I am guilty of the readers who can understand me in such a process. I can't do anything about the complainers. Sometimes readers say that if you write a book for a lifetime, I will look at it for a lifetime. That may not be the case. Maybe at some point, if I can't go on, I will give up the bottom line and change a batch of readers to make more money. I can go this way now, just because I can still hold it, I am very happy that I can hold it, and I am sorry that I can hold it.

When the road is too narrow, take a step back, be a little wider, and have to squeeze forward. The so-called life, after all, is such a narrow slit.

Half of the chapters are available today, and may be updated tomorrow - but I am not sure. (To be continued.)

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