Zhui Xu

: 31st birthday symphony

Talk about the city where I live. The place where I settled today is called Wangcheng, the hometown of Lei Feng. In the early years, it was a county near Changsha, and later merged into Changsha and became a district. Many years ago, the city was very sparsely populated. Based on the development of several military enterprises that had been relocated, there are not many places where people gather. Compared with the large areas of land here, the people who live there are really few.

The best done is urban planning, spacious and straight roads, not too many cars, the city's roads are straight and straight, are regular field type. Due to the sheer amount of land, the government has invested in large-scale investment on the one hand, creating parks on a large scale, building small roads around the lake, planting various trees, and building public toilets that are more beautiful than villas.

When I had not settled here in the early years, I went to the lake to watch the night scene. I saw a neon-lit building across the lake. I thought it was a villa of Dafu’s house. It turned out to be a public toilet. This story I have been in for a few years. I mentioned it in the previous essay. This public toilet is now a bit old, and thinking about it is one of the reasons why I decided to settle here. Half a year ago, I went to another lake next to my wife. The lake was bigger and just built. My wife pointed to a beautiful building by the lake and said, "If there is a chance in the future, you can contract it and do it. Into a studio or an art gallery..."

Why is it above? I have looked at it for a long while: I got it, it’s the place...

If you come by car from Changsha, most of the places are modern and desolate. One is a beautifully restored community. Even if the group still looks lonely, it will be separated by large fields, orchards and construction sites. If there is a relative in front of you, The lively streets mostly mean that this is the former village. Most of the factories passing through are famous. The names on the outer walls of the construction site are: Zhongjian, Hutchison Whampoa and so on.

There are also beautiful business districts like towns. Most of the brands in the business district are world famous brands. There are also tens of thousands of handbags, and many brands are also discounted. A complete range of food and beverage outlets and cinemas are available. There are not many guests. My wife and I occasionally watched a big-screen 3D movie. We had a two-person meal plan that only cost tens of dollars in a beautifully decorated Korean barbecue restaurant with only a few guests. The villa area with a low sales price of less than 3,000 and one flat but no occupancy rate. The heart is really a wonderful feeling of the world.

This is a city that is developing too fast. In the early years, I often stayed up late. The biggest problem with sleeping during the day was that there were always all kinds of sounds outside the window. There were firecrackers every day and the shops opened. Construction site, the building is capped, and the bang is booming. In such a city, facing a straight road, one by one clear field character, occasionally feels a little less people's breath, now only in the most dense old streets of the city, the original army Near the old family area of ​​the factory, you can find such a breath, relatively narrow streets, roads are trees of some years. At the time of school, the students came out of the campus and the car was restricted. One house, such as a Japanese-style community, had a courtyard wall and a yard. The old walls were covered with vines. When the wife just met We walked the dog here, the branches and leaves of the eucalyptus came out of the courtyard wall, and the stupid dog ran around and ran. There was an electric motorcycle on the road.

Then one day the stupid dog ran on the road. Let the car crash to death. Unfortunately, I am not very familiar with it.

I have a lot to say about this world, and vice versa for life. The world is too simple. And life is too complicated.

In the early years, I liked to listen to the symphony for the first time, Tchaikovsky's Violin Concerto in D major. Before that, I couldn't understand the charm of this pure music, but one day - probably After watching the movie "The Symphonic Life" - I suddenly liked this song, and listened to it many times. I started listening to other songs.

In this process of repeated iterations, one day I suddenly realized that the symphony expressed the most complicated emotions. Some people have experienced many things, the joys and sorrows of a lifetime, and even the ecstasy of anger and anger. Complex things - just like you are old, one day memories of the past, everything in the past, not in the joys and sorrows, this time, extract a piece of your mind, make music, people with similar complex mood, will appear Resonance, it is such a complicated thing.

I don't know what the textbook explanation for the meaning of the symphony is, but I think that all high-level art, the corresponding mood, may be such a complicated thing. It is difficult to describe the words. If the words are written, it will take millions of words. It is convenient for the reader to go through all the things. It is more convenient to describe the vagueness, the painting, and extract the inspiration. Of course, the text also has a place where words are easy to express.

Perhaps this complicated thing is life.

In the world, talk about something.


Let me talk about the things about piracy. This is something that happened in the early days. It should have been the theme of this birthday essay.

The reason why I banned the piracy a few years ago is not detailed.

Probably at the beginning of April, I was still sweeping the grave at home. An old intern reporter named Wu Rongkui in the Southern Metropolis suddenly asked me to say that I wanted to know to me about the plagiarism that happened a few years ago. I was outside. All sorts of delays, tired to death, said to give him an answer after returning, but later the other party collected the information, sent some to me, asked whether it is true, I roughly looked at it, said yes. Soon after, due to the arrival of World Copyright Day, the news about the status of Baidu Post Bar has become the headline of the Southern Metropolis Daily.

When the news was published, I was busy with other things in Changsha. On that day, Wu Rongkui sent a message to me. It was Baidu’s fame that it would rectify the content of the pirated stickers within 12 hours. I looked at it and suddenly did not know. How to answer, and later replied a sentence: "Standing on the follow-up, I don't know why, when it comes to piracy, I always feel that there will be a very ironic end, but as for how, thank you for sending such a news. ”

Later, of course, Baidu did not rectify, they pretend to be rectified, and the piracy was cancelled. I told people that as an essayist, this is really an interesting result.

then. There are people who have pirated arrogance, they come to my Weibo, or privately believe me, or @我. The screenshot shows me: "I have stolen your book again." This is also very interesting. However, compared with five years ago, three years ago, such a person is really much less. They probably won't think of it either. I don't expect to be able to get rid of piracy within ten years. They have been stealing before, and now they are stealing. How much loss can I have? They sneaked ten copies at a time. Didn't I earn a dime?

But in those few days, I suddenly wanted to talk to some readers in the past few years and say something very emotional.

Five years ago, the ban on piracy was banned by many people. Three years ago, Baidu came out as a pirate station and took the initiative to jump into the 赘婿 DT bar. Three years later, they issued an apology and rectification statement, they did not rectify, but the trend is slowly changing. it is good. Although it is slow.

Back five years ago, these people frantically supported the readers of genuine, simple, NT, and everyone posted it. Outside, I confessed to private beliefs and said that they violated their democratic rights. Baidu shot three years ago, the readers in the bar to appeal. The end result is not good, many people are very depressed. How many people have left here after three years? Five years, because I read a book, because a small thing came out to speak, and later because of jealousy. Because of depression, even the people who have been squandered in their hearts, how many?

Every innocence is resisting a countercurrent in the world. During this five-year period, in this small area, in the small scope of piracy, the trend is slowly getting better. Not because of my reasons, it is because many people talk. Although its changes are not as tiring as the YY novels, most of the changes in the world are nothing more than this trend. Even so, on that day I suddenly felt that the loss of those "naive" and the appearance of those frustrations were really a pity.

I really want all frustrated people to see such changes.

After five years, I have not seen the possibility that piracy may disappear in the near future. One thing that is very interesting is that no matter whether it was five years ago or five years later, I don’t hate piracy at all - I must stand on the opposite side of it, I must promote genuine, but I don’t hate it, I almost I have not been angry with the existence of such things - we live in an age of piracy, a country and society that has greatly benefited from piracy, and it is really common practice. But I can't see a world that is ugly and proud, and I have seen many people like this a few years ago. Even now, if you go to a post called "赘婿DT", Can see such people.

After five years of writing, the readers went to stay, and new people often appeared. Recently, because of the reports of the southern cities, the book review area was fired again. Some readers came over and asked, the author would actually swear? Will be a mother-in-law. There are also some who look at pirated intentional pretending to be ignorant readers to ask. Here is a confirmation, yes, I am so horrible.

Things started five years ago. When they started to ban piracy five years ago, they brought out a large number of unscrupulous people to defend their "rights." I am a person who likes to debate. I occasionally write a book about it, participate in the debate, and write hundreds of thousands of words. There were a few things that happened at the time. One of them was: Someone posted a post, and a friend died in the whole family. It is probably that you are not an author. What qualifications are there to fight against theft? I came out and said, I am here now, can you please die for the whole family? They cut off the map - of course, it's just my words - spread around, saying that the author was swearing as evidence of their legitimate piracy.

The second thing is that there is a reader at the time, saying that banana is such a person, don't give me free reading, I have been looking at you wrong, and then said that he has always bought, my pirated books, burned - He burned my pirated book, of course I haha, and then it was a screenshot, saying that bananas do not pay attention to readers.

It was only recently that I suddenly heard someone breaking the news. It was very interesting. Although I have been hearing about what update group is very arrogant, I have never seen it in the past. It has only recently been said that the original post of burning pirated books was deliberately made by the Dawning Update Group. They were deliberately trying to steal, and finally, there was no success.

The third thing is that one day I argued with a pirate supporter for a long time. This person suddenly said that I certainly know that I have no logic. I just deliberately squandered it and wasted your time. Hahahaha. I thought at the time, yes, this simple logic, people with normal IQ. How do you really feel that piracy is their benefit? Taking advantage of the logic of ignorance, saying that such a thing, their purpose is nothing more than one, I want to see your piracy, I have to be safe.

Since. I won’t argue for a long time, especially in the past few years, writing time is getting more and more. If someone takes a very simple question of right or wrong, and turns 18 bends, my hospitality is four words. My seriousness cannot be wasted on idiots and bad guys.

The so-called quality refers to the quality of a person, the truth. Knowing right and wrong, having a position, can insist that these things are qualities. Not swearing, never.

I am not angry with piracy. It exists in the mountains and plains. I even banned piracy in my book for ten or twenty years. Then I got great benefits and I never expected it. In the past few years, someone has asked me to speak for the pirated version. Some I promised, some I refused, it is not what I am pursuing.

Many of us think the world is very complicated: "If you want to downplay piracy. You should..." "This thing has to be done, it depends on the country..." "The core of this matter lies in the country XXOO..." Everyone said it was like a leader. I have experienced this kind of time, but then I suddenly discovered it one day. The world is not working like this.

We, as everyone puts it, are ordinary people, and even the strength of each of us is one, and the upper level of decisive power, his influence may be 100 million. Suppose a leader wants to do something, he will listen to it. He never said it. How to do it, he only looks at people’s awareness and urgency about this matter. If there are many people who really need it. This, he will add strength, and then, how to do it, it is an expert thing.

When I was young, I always wanted to change the world, thinking that I could do something by finding a certain key point. Later, I realized that I was only one, one-fourth of a billion, and the changes in the world can only look at the one-on-one "one" to pile up. Piracy is not important, but right or wrong.

Suppose a person is watching pirated copies. Today, the state or any organization has destroyed a pirated website. They silently go to the next one. Such people have no moral deficiencies. When the state or any organization knocks out one, ran out to speak, and argued in various ways that the piracy is correct, it should be morally absent.

In the next decade or two, as long as you want to see it, pirated websites may exist, but as long as you know that piracy is wrong, perhaps twenty years later, our next generation will live in a society that respects intellectual property rights. And just for the trouble of searching or searching twice, there is no hope for those who are distorted.

The world is of course complicated, but it is simple. Everyone’s speech, everyone’s right or wrong, does not necessarily make the world better, but if you want to have this good possibility, so-called, you can only have your own One-four thousandth of a billion is put up.

This has never been inspiring, and it is hard to be impassioned. This is just the only way for us to magnify the power of most people to the extreme. It is only one in 1.4 billion. We cannot clearly see the change, but The world will definitely count it.

I occasionally spoke on Weibo and commented on some things. Some people said that bananas should become known. I sent pictures or stories of my family life. Some readers also said, "How much is it, I don’t know how to do it." Some people say that it is not easy for bananas to persist for so many years. In fact, such a thing is what I want to say. I have never violated my heart. What is "not easy"?


I used to want to write a book because the gorgeous words can make the dull things become generous, make the boring things vivid, and think of writing an essay at the age of thirty-one, suddenly becoming dull. Because looking back at one day, the world is so simple. An effort to gain a harvest, no shortcuts, serious to win, those embarrassing stories in the book, the film, the unspeakable excitement, have to walk from the footsteps.

However, life is complicated, and those laws and principles will always be beyond our expectations. You can adapt to it when you are embarrassed. On a certain day, you will become a proud talker. If you are satisfied, you will occasionally feel empty. I used to be a child, and in the twinkling of an eye I have been over thirty years old.

At noon at the end of April, my wife and I went for a walk along the lake. The sun was very good, the wind was very strong, the warm, the waves slammed the shore of the lake. My wife and I rested on the bench under the tree, not far from the front. A girl who stepped on the boat was blown by the wind from time to time, and the two went to the heart of the lake. www.wuxiaspot.com~ I wrote a book and had a headache. My wife asked me to lie down and help me to press the head. I took my eyes and a group of children came from not far away, and played for a while in the nearby lake, going further afield.

My wife and I didn't talk at the same time. When I opened my eyes, the wind was blowing on the body. The sun was shining from the top of the tree, and it was vague, far and near, and it was not a humming voice. I suddenly remembered my summer vacation in my teens. I just graduated from junior high school. I borrowed a full set of Sanmao from my classmates and read books at home every day. At that time, I lived on the second floor of a house with the bed facing the big window. There is a banyan tree outside the window. Besides, I can see a large expanse of clouds floating in the sky. I read the "Saharan Story", lying on the bed, watching the clouds outside, and slouching through the room. ......

Since then, I have been exposed to complex things in society. When I saw a more complicated world, I tried hard to see all of this in the 1920s, to see the laws of social operations, and to see what kind of things are possible. It is right. I have never had a moment in my mind that I don’t want anything.

That is when I want to stop.

I can't tell you the feeling of the moment very well, I will record it first, it may be the most complicated thing in the symphony. A few years ago I would imitate Haruki Murakami’s sentence: “As long as XXXXXXX, people may be saved.” I don’t understand them well, but perhaps – even in such a chaotic and complex world – in the future At some point, we still have the possibility to go back.

Don't rush to destroy yourself.

Sincerely, salute.

May 3, 2016. Angry bananas.

PS: Even if I used to live in a pit, I didn't want to work hard to become a clam shell.

Sharing with all the kings

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