Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 723: Wind and clouds gather in the world of Zezhou (2)

Returning to the inn room, You Hongzhuo was excited to report the information he had heard to Mr. Zhao, who was reading tea, but it was clear that the two predecessors had already known about these news.嫂 泺 泺 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说 说Slightly nodded, You Hongzhuo could not help but ask: "Was... the two predecessors went to Zezhou for the Wang Shi Tong Yishi?"

The other party just smiled and shook his head: "The things like Jianghu Juyi, our couple will not participate, passing through Zezhou, to see the excitement is still possible. You are so interested, you can also take a few eyes, just Zezhou Daguangming Teach the rudder, the rudder master is that Tan Zheng, if your fourth brother is really a betrayal of the brothers, maybe it will appear, you have to be careful one or two."

"Yeah." You Hongzhuo calmly calmed down and nodded. After a moment, his heart could not help but rush again: "The Black Flag Army had a few years ago, and only they could resist the Golden Dog without losing. It’s a big deal that the state can reappear..."

"The Xiao Cang River three years of war, the Central Plains lost the vitality, the Huaxia Army can be spared. Two years ago, the mental warfare died, the black flag was withdrawn south, and later the rest was rooted in Tubo, Sichuan and Sichuan, and the border with Dali, if you Interested, in the future, you can go there to see." Mr. Zhao said, turned over the pages of his hand, "As for Wang Shitong, whether he is still difficult to say the black flag remains, even if the Central Plains chaos is difficult, black It is not easy for the flag army to leave a little strength, and it should not be exposed for this matter."

"...why?" You Hongzhuo hesitated.

"How much benefit can it be exposed? The Wu Dynasty retreated to the south of the Yangtze River. The so-called Daqi of the Central Plains is just an empty shelf. The Jin people will come south again sooner or later. Two years ago, the black flag was defeated, and the rest of the people shrank in the corner of the southwest. The DPRK, Tubo, and Dali did not dare to touch it for a time. No one knows how much power it has. However, once it comes out, it must be a blow to the Golden Kingdom’s Bolang, and the power to stay in the Central Plains. It was only useful at that time. At this time, let alone some of the forces lurking, even if the black flag is big enough to occupy the Central Plains, it is nothing but a rush in the future war..."

Mr. Zhao said here, stopped the words, and shook his head: "These things are not necessarily, and then look at it... you go, practice the knife, and rest early."

You Hongzhuo left the room and he returned to his room, his eyes still a little dazed. This inn is not small, but it is already a bit worn out. There are voices from the upstairs and downstairs, the air is dull, and you can sit in the room for a while, and in the rest of the time, the heart is not very quiet.

In fact, what really made him feel suddenly touched was not Mr. Zhao’s words about the black flag, but a simple sentence, “The Jin people will come south again sooner or later”.

There are many things, he is still young, and he has never thought about it in the past. After the family broke, he killed the group of monks and stepped into the outside world. He could still look at the rivers and lakes with his novel eyes. He fancied that he would become a generation of heroes in the future, and he would admire the rivers and lakes. Later, he was chased and killed, and he was hungry. He naturally didn't have too many thoughts. It was only these two days of peers. Today, I heard the words of Mr. Zhao. Suddenly, his heart was somewhat illusory.

When the Golden Man returns on a large scale, his new conquest will arise.

- All of this will not be there in the future.

He is a martial artist. He is not jealous of killing and killing people, and even dead people. In the past, he saw people who died on the road, dry fields, and saw those nephews, even their own hungry, hungry. He did not have much feeling of death. This is the way the world is. Nothing surprising. However, when I think of these things in front of me, I will suddenly feel that it is already very miserable.

He thought about this. When he practiced the knife on the night, he gradually became more and more hard. He thought that if there was another chaos in the future, it would be nothing more than death. In the early morning of the second day, when the sky was bright, he got up early and practiced dozens of times in the inn yard.

On this day, I used breakfast, and the three of them set off again and set foot on the road to Zezhou. The summer is hot, and the official road that has been in disrepair for a long time is not good. The low grass and low trees around it, the low hills and the mountains, and the occasional seeing of the villages are also desolate and decadent. This is the usual atmosphere in the chaos. There are a lot of people on the road, and there are a lot more than yesterday. They are obviously travelers to Zezhou. Among them, there are some green foresters who carry swords, and some have special yellow cloth belts around their waists. It is the symbol of the Daguangming teaching disciple and the protection of the law.

On this day until noon, I saw a team of horses and horses and soldiers coming from the road.

The soldiers were about three or five hundred people, guarding the carriages of several Jinguo nobles. Wherever they went, they made the passers-by bow down. You Hongzhuo and other three people rested on the hillside near the ramp, but they looked at the scene from afar. When the team passed, they also saw that the carriage curtain in the center of the team was blown away by the wind. The girl with a gorgeous dress was fascinated by the gorgeous girl. Although it was a golden man, it did not look so bad.

"If I am underneath, it will be difficult to get rid of it at this time, and most of them can cut her dog's head with a knife..."

You Hongzhuo’s youthfulness is that people who have seen this horse in the past have been forced to bow down, and most of them are filled with indignation. Thinking so in my heart, I saw that there was a sudden explosion in the crowd, and a sleeve arrow shot at the woman in the car. The man got up and suddenly, many people have not yet reacted. The next moment, it was a horse-riding soldier on the carriage who slid onto the body and blocked the sleeve arrow. The soldier fell to the ground, and the people around him reacted and went to the assassin. Rushed over the past.

The assassin was not in the middle of the sleeve, and with the cover of the surrounding people, he fled and fled. The guardian soldiers rushed over, and as soon as the surrounding area exploded, the civilians lying there blocked the soldiers’ way and were rushed into the pool of blood. The assassin flew towards the hillside. Afterwards, a large number of soldiers took the bow and archery. The arrow shot two rounds, and several people were shot and killed. The assassin had two arrows in the back and fell on the gravel on the hillside. It’s dead.

The abrupt assassination made the atmosphere around the road change. The surrounding people were inevitably war-torn. The soldiers ran around, cutting off the head of the assassin, and hunted the assassin and the party among the surrounding green foresters. The soldier who was the golden man to stop the arrow did not die. After a little inspection, the surrounding soldiers cheered.

This team of soldiers, but all Han Chinese.

On this day's journey, I just gave birth to such a small episode. The three people have not been affected. When they arrived at the time of the application, in front of the official road, a khaki ancient city surrounded by a river appeared in the field of vision, and Zezhou arrived.

Zezhou is the geographical rush of the Taiyuan and Hehuang areas of the Central Plains. It is surrounded by the town of Minnan, surrounded by water and the city is strong. Since Tianhu’s occupation, he has been working carefully. At this time, it is already the corner of the Tiger King site. During this time, because Wang Shitong was taken over, Tian Hu’s army and surrounding green foresters were all gathered here. Zezhou City also strengthened the city defense and vigilance. For a time, the atmosphere outside the city seemed quite For the excitement.

It was quite troublesome to check the security of the gates of the soldiers. It took some time for the three people to enter the city. Zezhou has an important geographical location and a long history. The buildings in the city can be seen for some years. The market is dirty and old, but there are many pedestrians. At this time, the most people appear in front of them, but they still unloaded the armor but they are puzzled. Soldiers dressed up in groups of three and five, wandering around the city streets, loud and noisy.

A group of three people found a home in the city to stay in the hotel, and you can find out about the exhibition, but it was a bit silly.

——The anti-thief Wang Shitong and the Japanese party before the party were taken to Zezhou, and asked to ask after six days. Responsible for escorting the anti-thief came by Sun Qi, the great general of Tiger King. He led the 50,000-strong army under his command, together with the 20,000 troops originally stationed here. At this time, they were stationed in Zezhou and sat around the town.

Nowadays, it is just a Zezhou. There are already 70,000 troops under the command of the Tiger King. Although most of these troops are stationed in military camps outside the city, they have only passed the victory of the "hungry ghosts". Not much can be kept, there are a large number of soldiers entering the city every day, or squatting or drinking or making trouble. Even more so that Zezhou at this time added a bit of excitement.

However, the 70,000-strong army is sitting in the town, whether it is the gathering of the Greenwoods, or the rumored black flag, how many waves can be set up here?

As the sun sets, it shines on the earth building of Chen Pu, the small inn in Zezhou. For a time, the first visit to You Hongzhuo is slightly confused. Upstairs, the black winds and the Zhao couple pushed open the window, watching the quaint city pool hidden in a quiet **** afterglow.

The excitement in the city pool also represents a rare prosperity, which is a rare and peaceful moment.

Everything has its cause and effect. The birth and death of one thing must be accompanied by another cause of disturbance. If there is a supreme existence in this world, in his eyes, this world may be the lines of countless operations, they appear, show, collide. , dividing, twisting, annihilating, with time, continuous continuation...

In the eight years of the founding of the Wu Dynasty, the Central Plains in the sixth year of the Great Qi Dynasty was a land that was chaotic and lost most of its order. In this land, the rise and fall of power, the success and failure of the ambitious people, the gathering and dispersion of the crowd, No matter how bizarre and awkward, it is no longer a surprising thing.

Because of the inability to gather, all the big things, but they all seem unusual. Of course, perhaps only the participants in each gathering can feel the suffocating heavy and unforgettable pain.

The Central Plains, Wasion, is now a place of great importance in the Central Plains.

Because Jin Wang Tian Hu is here.

King Jin, also commonly known as the Tiger King, was originally born as an hunter. When the Wu Dynasty was still prosperous, it was crowned and occupied the land. In all fairness, his strategy is not deep. He has come all the way, whether it is rebellion, or encircling the land, and the emperor is not smart. However, the time is long, and in a blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed, and his contemporaries Both of them have already left the stage on the historical stage. The Tiger King has taken the opportunity of the invasion of the Golden State and relied on his awkwardness to move and forbear, and has made a big mountain, and the deeper the foundation.

For more than ten years, although the nominally old minister belongs to Daqi Liu Yu, the leaders of many forces in the Central Plains understand that the strength of the Tiger King’s account is already higher than that of the famous Qiqi court. A few years after the establishment of Daqi, he occupied a large area on the north bank of the Yellow River and buried his head. In this chaotic situation, he maintained the most peaceful area north of the Yellow River and even north of the Yangtze River. Liu Yu, a six-year-old in the Jianguo District, and many forces with less time to rise, are already the deepest "family-named family."

Of course, even so, Jin Wang’s dynasty will have a struggle.

In the ten years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Jin Wang's dynasty has experienced dozens or even dozens of political struggles, large and small. The rookies who have risen in the Tiger King system have fallen, and a group of dynasties have become popular. Losing power again, this is also a rough regime will inevitably have a test. In May of the 8th year of the establishment of the Wu Dynasty, Weisheng’s dynasty experienced another bump, and a “old man” who had been heavily used by the Tiger King fell. For everyone in the hall, this is not a big deal.

Parallel to this incident is the migration and sin of hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts outside the border of the King’s site. At the end of May, the Tiger King ordered the army to be dispatched – and now, this matter has already produced results.

Great victory.

The time will be late, and the entire Wasion City looks prosperous, but there is a team of soldiers who are constantly patrolling the streets of the city, and the law and order is extremely strict. The Tiger King, after more than ten years of construction of the palace "Tianji Palace", the same security. Quan Chen, Hu Jin, passed through the overlapping corridors of the celestial palace. After being notified by the guards, he saw the tiger Wang Tianhu in the palace.

He is here to report on the most important series of recent events, including the progress of Zezhou. "Ghost King" Wang Shitong is the most crucial part of the series of actions of Jin Wang.

"... It has been confirmed at the moment that this Wang Shitong was indeed the black flag of the Xiao Cang River. Now there is no obvious movement in the black flag of the Zezhou area. The Green Forest people have not passed the inspiration of the Daguang Mingjiao. Less, but not enough. The rest of the place has been closely monitored..."

Hu Ying 66 continued to report the situation. Tian Hu quietly listened to it over there. The strong body stood up. He looked at Hu Ying for a long time and finally slowly went to the window.

"Heart and Devil, it is indeed the devil in the heart, Hu Qing, I am preparing for this two years. ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Black flag is not removed, I am in the Central Plains, it is difficult to have big moves. This thing You are staring, you will not treat you badly."

"Chen for this matter, I have already prepared for two years, and I will be ruthless, and I will not be responsible for it!"

When Hu Yingbiao was loyal, Tian Hu looked at the scenery outside the window and looked fierce. Two years ago, the death of the devil and the nerves of the heart made the world wrong, but the many messages that followed also made the multi-party forces in the Central Plains retreat, such as squatting in the throat, the time of the past two years, although the Central Plains for the black flag Ning Yi and other things are not mentioned, but all the rising powers in this place are actually embarrassing. No one knows how many black flag pieces have infiltrated into every force since five years ago. internal.

However, it is clear that these things are not groundless. In the two years, both Liu Yu’s Daqi court and the Tiger King’s court, in fact, more or less, have captured or now the shadow of the black flag, as the king, for such a cup of snake shadow, How can it be tolerated.

After two years of peace and chaos, Jin Wang Tianhu, who is the most in control of his own strength, finally began to take out the poison sting that was plunged into his body!

The rain is coming. On the entire site of the Tiger King, the actual situation has become a stagnation and silence - (to be continued.)

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