Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 728: Wind up the clouds to gather in the world of Zezhou (7)

The moon crossed the sky in the night of Anzhen. In the city above the earth, the lights gradually went out, and the deepest night passed, and the white belly was slightly revealed from the winter sky.

The chicken sang three times, and the city of Zezhou began to be full of excitement. The early hawkers rushed into the city, but today they did not have the feeling of screaming loudly. Most of them looked blank and uneasy. The patrol of the servants, the fast-paced growth from the streets of the city, Yu Hongzhuo has risen, watching a small group of soldiers smothered on the streets, and then escorted the squad of soldiers.

The monks who were escorted by the soldiers in the city were mostly injured, and some were even bloody. They were different from those who were seen yesterday after being shouted for 18 years. They were occasionally opened and brought a touch of Desperate chilling atmosphere. If those who were sunburned yesterday want to express that "grandfather is a good man", today's **** are more like ghosts crawling out of the miserable desperation, angry, but also make people feel desolate.

"You look at it - there is retribution -" A blood-stained man was **** by a rope, slammed in a prison car, and suddenly shouted out, and the soldier next to him waved his handle. He went down and was kneeling on his mouth. The man fell down and was full of blood. It was estimated that half of his teeth were taken off.

There is a voice of discussion in the crowd, and you are uneasy: "Hungry ghosts... are hungry ghosts..."

"Hundreds of thousands of people have been scattered on the banks of the Yellow River... this morning..."

"Can't get to the south... Come and eat us..."


This morning, thousands of hungry ghosts have come from the south. As everyone said, they can't pass the Yellow River, they have to go back to eat people, Zezhou, it is the cusp.

In the discussion among the people, You Hongzhuo looked at the team and the past. Suddenly, what happened in front of him, a soldier and a big drink. You Hongzhuo turned to look at it, but saw a prisoner above, a person stretched out his arm and raised a black cloth high. The officer next to him saw it and shouted. A soldier rushed up and waved the steel knife and broke the arm with a knife.

In the noisy voice, the injured people screamed: "You can't live, people who want to go to the south do something wrong, do something wrong - you have to starve them..."

His violent screams were filled with the pain of broken hands, mixed in the exclamation of the crowd, especially stunned, and the surrounding soldiers and officers were also violently drunk, and a person waved a long knife and stabbed him into his mouth. At this time, some people in the crowd reacted and thought of another thing. They only heard someone whispering: "Black flag, black flag..." This voice is as wide as the crowd, and Yu Hongzhuo is a little far apart. I can't see it clearly, but I have already understood it at this time. The person holding it in the hand is probably the flag of a black flag army.

When the crowd talked for a while, they heard someone shouting: "How about the black flag!"

It was the leader of the team leader. He got Malay and grabbed the black cloth on the ground and lifted it high.

"No matter what other people are, my people in Zezhou, living and working in peace, have never been arguing with others. Hundreds of thousands of hungry ghosts are going south, even the number of cities and the spirits are smeared, and my army is only dispatched for the heavens! Now I am waiting for Wang Shitong. The party’s evil leader, never spread to others, what else to say! Brothers and sisters, I am waiting for the military, to protect the country and protect the country, to protect the people, today, Zezhou, whether it is a hungry ghost, or what black flag, as long as the trouble I will wait for my life to defend Zezhou. It is absolutely unambiguous! You only need to live a good life, such as the usual day, the law is law-abiding, and the Zezhou Taiping, no one can move -"

The generals were so impassioned and vocal, and when they finished speaking, they pulled out the steel knife and brushed the black flag into pieces. In the crowd, a sudden burst of violence: "Good--"

Someone sipped up: "That's right -"

"I am waiting for Zezhou people, but I have never provoked you-"

"If you are going to starve to death, you will come to chaos, and what will happen to those who have been killed by you-"

"Hey - you, these beasts, if you dare to come, I will kill you -",


Everyone's emotions were exported. In the snoring, some people picked up the stones and went to the prisoner. They snorted and snorted on the streets, and they kept ringing like rain.

Outside the city of Zezhou, the army moved like a long dragon to the south of the city, guarding the main road outside the city, waiting for the arrival of the hungry ghosts who are still dozens of miles away. Even in this situation, the gates of Zezhou have not yet closed, and the army has calmed the hearts of the people on the one hand, and has strengthened its defense throughout the city on the one hand. General Sun Qi led the guards to the state, and began to sit in the real center.

The wealthy and big families in the city were even more flustered. They only visited Lu Anmin, who talked relatively well last night. Today, watching the army, it is obviously not willing to be forced to close the city by the people. The family has strengthened their defense and they are worried. In tandem, we will discuss whether we should make up the money, ask the general to take it seriously, or strengthen the soldiers in the home.

When the Wu Dynasty flourished, there were occasional floods and hunger tides in the winter. Whether the big cities at that time were closed or not was discretionary. Even if the city gates were not closed, there would be no chaos under the relief of the disaster. But now the situation is different. These hungry people have also been killed in the battlefield and even slaughtered the city. If they are shackled, even if the army can be depressed, they themselves will not be accustomed to being buried.

Among the hustle and bustle of the people, the local civilians in the city have become more and more crowded, and the foreigners are not friendly. On the afternoon of this day, in the south of the city, the chaotic beggars and the migration team approached the soldiers’ blockades in twos and threes. Then they saw the corpses and heads inserted in the front flagpoles. This is the body of Gu Dahao and Tang Side. There is also the body of Li Guifang, who has been blown up in the dark and smashed - everyone can't recognize him, but more or less can recognize the remaining one or two.

The crowds are getting more and more gathered. They are tattered, thin, and sloppy. Some people push the wheelbarrow. Some people carry the baggage behind them. Most of them look desperate. They are many It’s not awkward. Some of them even have a good family when they set off south, but now they have become almost the same.

This crowd began to become helpless in the face of the army and the body. After a long time, the old man with white hair and a large group of people squatted in front of the army, bowed his head and bowed, and the crowd burst into tears. The wall of the army was not moved. In the evening, the army official who led the team waved, and the car with porridge and steamed bread was pushed out before the hungry people began to line up for food.

With the eating, a large expanse of hungry people began to follow the command of the army. The officers in front looked at it all, and they were smug--in fact, without the leader, most of them were civilians who could not produce too much harm. .

Threats, incitement, blows, and divisions... In the night, the military’s actions outside the city were introduced into the city of Zezhou. The city’s passion was so intense that Sun Qi’s actions were relished. Without the tens of thousands of emigrants, even if there are bad people, they have already despised the storms. They originally thought that Sun Qi’s army should not scatter the hungry ghosts on the Yellow River, and the people who came to the north of the water would feel the sun. The generals are really the resurrection of Wuhou.

On this day, even in the temple of Daguangmingjiao, You Hongzhuo clearly felt the irritating emotion in the crowd. People stared at the hungry ghosts, squatting at the black flag army, glaring at the world, and humming the Jurchen, balancing the mood in this form. A number of people were found out of the city by the army, and various small-scale killings occurred. One of them was in the vicinity of the Daguangming Temple. You Hongzhuo also quietly watched the excitement. The monks who confronted the officers and men were blocked in the room. In the middle, let the army shoot all the bows and arrows.

You Hongzhuo’s heart is also worried about it. In such a situation, the individual is powerless. The old rivers and lakes that have been used for a long time have many means of hiding, and there are also various ways of dealing with underground and green forest forces. You Hongzhuo is not familiar with them at this time. In the small mountain village, his family was forced to die by the great light. He could climb out of the dead and kill all the men and women in a small temple. At that time, he would die of life and death, and he could fight for it. Take a win.

However, it is meaningless to fight desperately with these troops. The outcome is only death.

When he entered Zezhou City, Mr. Zhao had made a road guide for him, but at this time, You Hongzhuo did not know whether this road sign was really useful. If it was fake, it was recognized - Maybe he should leave here earlier.

He pondered this matter and felt that this emotion was too timid. Not yet decided, this night there will be an army to Liangan Inn, one to start the inspection, Yu Hongzhuo is ready to fight, but fortunately, the road leads to play a role, the other side asked a few words, and finally still go It is.

After this episode, he felt that he didn't have to leave immediately.

This day is June 27th in the eight years of Jianye. There are still four days from the day when Wang Shitong is asked to be asked. In the daytime, You Hongzhuo continued to go to the Great Guangming Temple, waiting for the appearance of Tan Zheng and others. He listened to the news in the crowd and knew that someone was arrested last night and there were several waves of chaos. The east of the city even died. In the afternoon, Tan Zheng and others still did not appear. He looked at the west and leaned forward. He knew that there might be no result today, so he left the temple.

After walking through several streets, he found himself stared.

In the evening, there were not many pedestrians on the street. When a man with a back knife was forced to come over, there were two people in the back, and Yu Hongzhuo was forced into the side lane. These three martial arts do not seem to be low, Yu Hongzhuo took a deep breath, thinking about how to talk, the roadway, a figure reflected in his eyes ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ four brothers. "Yu Hongzhuo whispered a whisper, opposite, it is the "four brothers" of his former Wen Kebo, who is dressed in white, carrying a single whip, watching Yu Hongzhuo, there is a smug look in the eyes.

You Hongzhuo set his mind and smiled: "Four brother, how did you find me?"

"The five brothers taught me a truth. There is only a thousand days to be a thief. There is no one-day thief. I have done the same thing and ran you again. I can’t go to drink wine and look for powder at the moment without worry. So, in order to wait for you, I also spent a lot of time."

I did the following thing... Listening to this sentence, You Hongzhuo’s heart has already sighed.

"That... Four brothers..." He was heavy in his heart. At this time, his mouth was a bit difficult. "Several brothers and sisters, still alive?"

Kuang Wenbo looked at him, silent for a long time, and suddenly smiled: "You think, how is it possible." He reached out and touched the single whip. "You left today, I am really relieved."

"Well... why is this?" You Hongzhuo said loudly: "We have been worshipped!" (To be continued.)

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