Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 731: Zhongchong (on)

The rain is coming.

In Shibinxia Village near Zezhou City, the villagers gathered on the threshing floor and watched the soldiers enter the big house on the hillside. The noisy voice was not stopped for a while, and the wife of the landlord was crying.

"...you are a good person! You are a dirty climber-"

"... Shen Jia Shen Ling in the private school for the black flag rebellious Zhang, private possession, distinct and rebellious! This family is suspect, they are all arrested, ask clearly -"

The actions of the army caused a large-scale cry. In a few days, it was not the first similar incident near Zezhou. The villagers on the threshing floor were uneasy, but the big ones involved, and for a while, they did not cause too much panic.

"The situation in Zezhou is not fair! The monks are gathering. In recent days, it is likely that there will be troubles. The township parties should not be afraid. I will arrest people in order to stabilize the situation. In recent days, there have been major events that have caused inconvenience to your life, but General Sun assured all of you that only the thief Wang Shitong was given the first prize, and the situation would be peaceful!"

The soldier in charge of the propaganda spoke loudly in front of the threshing floor, and then exemplified the evidence of Shen’s family. Shen’s son, Shen Ling, was originally responsible for the private school in the village. He loved to talk about politics. He occasionally said a few words about the black flag army. It’s not surprising that the villagers heard it, but in the recent period, the calm of Zezhou. For the hungry ghosts to break, the hungry ghost forces are said to be related to the black flag. The soldiers arrested the black flag, and everyone accepted it. Although there is a good impression on Sun Ling on weekdays, who will let you go against it.

The villagers' psychology is simple, and the Jurchen is a Jurchen, but they only want to live their own lives. The Black Flag Army wants to burn the fire here. It is naturally a bad guy.

The soldiers took the family of the Shen family and pushed all the way to Zezhou City. The villagers looked at this scene, but no one would realize that they might not come back.

Two days later, when the ghost king gave the first prize, as long as two days passed, everything will be fine...

Among the houses of Zezhou, Lu Anmin walked across the promenade in a complex and anxious way. When he stepped down the steps, he almost fell.

He held a roll of rice paper file in his hand and was anxious inside. All the way to the outside of the main hall of Sun Qi's office, I saw that there were many officials waiting for the place in the state government lobby. Some were generals in the army, some were civilians in the state government, and noisy waiting for the generals to meet. Seeing Lu Anmin coming over, civilian officials flocked to him and told him about the Zezhou affairs at this time.

Sun Qi is now sitting in the state government, taking all the things, but it is the priority to call the army generals, the civilian office in the state is stopped for a long time, many urgent things on hand, can not be dealt with, in the middle, there are many requirements Investigating the wrong case and pleading for others, often there is no Sun Qi seen here. The army in the army has already dealt with it, perhaps to the prison, or has begun to use the prison near the military camp - many of them, two days later It is going to be awkward.

When the Wu Dynasty also controlled the Central Plains, many things have always come to the top with Wenchen. Lu Anmin grazing in one place, this time is the highest civil servant in the local area, but at one time it was still blocked outside the gate. He has been running back and forth in these days, and the cold reception has not been repeated twice. Even though the situation is stronger than the people, the resentment in his heart has already accumulated. After a while, seeing a few dials and leading in and out, he hurriedly got up and walked abruptly forward. The soldier wanted to stop him and was pushed away by him.

"Don't stop me! The official is Zezhou Zhizhou - it is to see the tiger king! Not even so despised -"

In the lobby, Sun Qi was talking with a few generals, and the ears heard it, stopped talking, and chilled his face. He is tall and thin, his arms are long and powerful, his eyes are narrow and long, and his long-term military career makes this general appear extremely dangerous. Ordinary people dare not approach. The first time he saw Lu Anmin, he rang the table.

"Let's relax! Now the army has moved, this place is the Chinese army camp! Lu Daren, you are so ignorant!?"

"Sun General, the official has not been dismissed, and now is the governor of Zezhou. I have to see you, and I have been notified three times and five times. Who the **** are you and I don't know!"

His eyes were congested, and in a few days of suffering, he was already stunned and temporarily ignored the fact that the army is actually the biggest. Seeing that he had disregarded the consequences, Sun Qi also waved his hand: "You go down!" The man has not gone yet, looking to Lu Anmin: "Lu Daren, the act is the Tiger King personally ordered, you only need to cooperate with me, I don't have to explain too much to you!"

"Rather, after this incident, Zezhou will not want it!"

"Lu Anmin, you know what is going on today!"

"You don't have to do this!"

"What kind of person will you wait for? The 70,000 army! You think that you will wait for the 10,000 people who will die outside the city!?"

“You don’t have to be like this!” Lu Anmin loudly emphasized, “So many people, 90% of them are innocent! There are family members behind them. The family is broken!”

"This will 50,000 troops will have dispersed 400,000 hungry ghosts! But now in this Zezhou city is 70,000 people! Lu! Big! People!" Sun Qi's voice pressed over and over the wind under the gloomy sky outside the lobby. Hey, "You! To! Bottom! Know! Road! No! Know!? Who are we waiting for?"

Lu Anmin looked at him slyly, and then a word: "Home! Broken! People! Dead! Ah!"

"After ten years of fighting! The family is broken!" Lu Anmin pointed to the outside. "How many people are ruined, Sun General, I know that you have the means to kill the tens of thousands of people outside the city, you can't resist, The people in the city still feel at ease. I am a civilian, but I know that after things are done, Zezhou City is going to be awkward. It’s going to be chaotic. For ten years, it’s hard to have such a place. You have to mess with him. ""

"You know what to do, I know, you think that I don't know what to expect, but I don't have to do this." Lu Anmin waved his hand. "Less die, you can kill fewer people. You have to collect money, you have to take power. You can do this, and you have nothing to take in the future..."

"What are you talking about!" Sun Qi slammed and reached over the table. His eyes fixed on Lu Anmin, like a cobra, "You tell me again, what is called wealth! Take power!"

Lu Anmin said that by then, he was already somewhat scared. For a time, he took the courage to face Sun Qi, and his brain was stunned, but he said something that could not be said. I saw Sun Qi sticking out his hand:

"Ninety percent innocent? You say no innocent, you are innocent? You guarantee them! Make sure they are not black flags!? Let them go, you are responsible, can you afford it?? I thought I told you, you will understand, I The 70,000-strong army is waiting in Zezhou. You have become a child---I see you are fainting. Is it 90% innocent? When I came out, the Tiger King said, against the black flag, I would rather kill it! Never let go!"

"Hey! You, this person, also be a parent of a state! Do you think that you are only a small district? It is a waste of your heart to see you. Come on, take him out, and dare to make trouble in front of the general." , killing you!"

Sun Qi said that his vice-president has brought in people and set up Lu Anmin’s arms to go outside. Lu Anmin looked at Sun Qi and finally couldn’t help but struggled: "You are a big problem! General Sun! You--"

At this time, he was pulled to the door and struggled. The two soldiers did not want to hurt him too much. He just took his hand and let him go back. Then he heard a bang, and Lu Anmin suddenly flew. Retreat and roll down the ground outside the lobby.

This sudden sound came from a lot of people outside, and the reaction was not over. The nearby Langyuan was quiet. After a while, people realized that it was just in the moment that the deputy in the army had a slap in the face of Lu Anmin, and he almost flew out.

Lu Anmin’s moment has already collapsed. He sat down in the ground and sat up, only to feel the burning pain on his face, and even more embarrassing, I am afraid it is still surrounded by many people around.

When all the order collapses, such a thing is not surprising. In the vicinity of Zezhou, I experienced and experienced such a period of time. It was only the peace of the past few years that diluted the memory of everyone. Only this slap at this time made people remember again.

Even in the past few years, the most stable place in the Central Plains, Tiger Wang Tianhu, once was only a rebel hunter. This is a troubled world, not a martial art...

Lu Anmin sat there, and he didn't know what to think. It only took a long time to climb up from the ground. The humiliation and anger made him tremble. However, he did not go back and entangled. In the most chaotic time of this land, the big official residence was once rushed in by the chaotic people. Even the family of the Zhizhou prefects had been ruined by the people. What is it? ? The royal family of this country has also experienced such a thing, the women who were captured in the north, including the empress, the noble, the princess, the minister and the noble woman...

In fact, nothing has changed...

The deputy will return to the lobby. Sun Qi looked at the outside and gnashed his teeth. "If he can do something, let him do something! If not, pick his hat-"

In the city of Zezhou, most people have a stable mood. They only thought that they were trying to kill Wang Shitong, and Sun Qi’s control over the situation outside the city also allowed the civilians to temporarily find the superiority of Taiping. Some people went back and forth because they were affected by their homes. In the first days, they didn't get the sympathy of everyone. On the cusp of the wind, don't add chaos. Kill Wang Shitong, and things will be fine.

The military camps outside the city, the checkpoints, the streets in the city, the high walls, and the 70,000-strong army strictly guarded everything, while constantly cleaning up the possible alien parties, waiting for the enemies that might come or not. In fact, most of the cities under the King of Tigers are now in such a tense atmosphere. The cleaning has already started, but the core is still to kill Wang Shi’s Weizhou and Tiger King’s prestige. .

In the prison, Yu Hongzhuo sat in the grass, quietly feeling the chaos around him, the ever-increasing "prisoners". He had too many assumptions about the next thing, and the situation outside the prison. Not much is known. He was still wondering: In the night before, did he really see Mr. Zhao, why did he become a doctor to enter this prison? Is he a tiger king? If he comes in, why not save himself?

Maybe it’s fake...

He finally thought about it like this. If this big prison, the four brothers Wen Wenbai can reach into the tentacles, Mr. Zhao can also come in at will, this thing, it is not too playful...

The experience in these days, the tragedy he saw, made him somewhat disheartened. If not, his brain might turn faster and realize something else.

In the increasingly tense city of Zezhou, the Greenwood people also gathered in various ways. Some of the nearby green forests have already found organizations, some are free, and many have been surrounded by officers and soldiers in the conflicts in the past few days. However, there have been more articles in the past few days, and people have been secretly working around the prison.

It was already late in the evening, the weather was not good, and there was no sign of rain for the time being. In the lane of the back door of the prison, there were several figures supporting each other from the door. Several carriages were waiting here, seeing everyone coming out. There is also a monk who brought a dozen people and greeted him.

The people who were released were young and old, but they all had the atmosphere of the military. Many of them were even used for punishment and injuries. The welcoming monks and entourages greeted the rivers and lakes with their greetings – they also brought a few doctors.

"Tang Hero, Zheng Hero, seniors, brothers, suffered, this rush has been rushed, the government is treacherous, I can’t save it, it’s a big mistake..."

The monk’s words are respectful. Among the Greenwooders who were rescued, the old man waved his hand: "It is not necessary to say, it is not necessary to say that this matter has to be found. The light teaches the benevolence and morality, and I have already recorded it in my heart. You are not what it is. Bad things, in this big prison, we are also clearing the number of roads, and we have touched it..."

"The words of the predecessors of the Tang Dynasty are extremely..." The people echoed.

"We still leave and say this..."

"Exactly, leave first..."

In the discussion, everyone got on the carriage and stayed away. The roadway was empty, and soon after, there was another carriage coming over and another greenwood man to leave.

Not far away, in a quiet small building, the masters of Daguangmingjiao gathered. At the beginning, Hang Hongzhuo was waiting for a few days. He was one of them. He was very knowledgeable and kept quietly in front of the window. After all this, I turned around and whispered some messages to the man in the room, like a Maitreya man: "'Inspiring Soul' Tang Jian, 'Dragon Boxing' Zheng Wu, some friends of Chaimen Boxing... ...was rescued, and there should be a hero of the five phoenixes, a hero of Leimen..."

Due to the arrival of the Maitreya-like nobles, such things have been going on for a while - there were other small crickets making records here. After listening to Tan Zheng’s return several times, Lin Zongwu put down the teacup and nodded. He said to the outside: “Go.” After a moment of his speech, someone came knocking at the door.

Tan Zheng opened the door in the past and listened to the subordinates' return to the situation. This turned back: "The leader, the previous people's way to find out."

"Yeah." Lin Zongwu nodded.

"I heard that it is a party of the 'eight-armed dragon king'. He can't do it in Chifeng Mountain, but he can't think of coming to Zezhou. He has to wait for me to be embarrassed. He listened to the Japanese hero meeting and he planned to wait with me."

"He had previously run Chifeng Mountain. This seat thought that he had some income. He couldn’t think of coming back to the rivers and lakes. It’s really... the pattern is limited."

Lin Zongwu said faintly, taking a sip of tea. These days, Daguang Mingjiao is operating a large chess game in Zezhou City, gathering a lot of green forest heroes, but naturally there are many people who are not willing to go with them. In the past two days, a bunch of people have emerged. Privately lobbied the parties, and broke the big light to teach a lot of good things. After the investigation, Tan Zheng was investigating, and now he knows that it is the eight-armed dragon king.

In the past few years, the Eight-armed Dragon King was originally regarded as the most powerful column in the Central Plains. The Chifeng Mountain Group was the most prosperous when it gathered 100,000 heroes. However, in the past six months, the news about the Chifeng Mountain guilt was frequent, probably in the past Not long before the hungry ghost was broken by Sun Qi, the power of General Li Ting, the general of Pingdong, broke the Chifeng Mountain, and the Eight-armed Dragon King fell to the rivers and lakes, and he did not intend to appear here.

Tan Zheng looked at the collected information: "This 'eight-armed dragon king' Shi Jin, is said to have been Liangshan, the number nine dragon, Liangshan lost after the trace, these years only known as the Eight-armed Dragon King, he In private, killing the gold man spares no effort~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Hearing people, martial arts is quite high-powered. There is private news that the iron arm was stabbed to kill Gu, and Shi Jin once walked with him. For the week, I will teach the clothes..."

"Haha..." Listening to Tan Zheng’s speech, Lin Zongwu laughed. He got up and went to the window and carried his hands. "Eight arm dragon king, nine dragons, his martial arts, this seat was heard earlier. In the past, when I was trying to test the world, I thought about meeting with one of them. I was worried that he was a hero, and I was afraid of damaging his position in the subordinates. This was skipped. So, Zhou Wei’s last teaching... Haha Haha..."

Lin Zongwu smiled happily, and Tan Zheng came up: "Would you like to visit him tonight?"

"Why is this? I am waiting for Zezhou. What is the matter? The history of the district, can not be taken forward, how to face the enemy behind this pool? Just prepare as usual, tomorrow's hero will be on, this seat will be With a pair of fists, he will personally meet his octagonal mixed copper stick and pull out his dragon skin dragon ribs! Right to do-"

"——The appetizer of this trip!"

The wind blew through the city, and countless different wills are coming together.

Wu Jianyu eight years, June 28th. The night falls. (To be continued.)()

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