Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 737: Dajiangdong does not wait for the flow of years (on)

At night, the wind blew through the sky of the city. The flame is in the distance and burns into pieces.

The woman in black is holding her hands and standing on the high roof. She looks at it all indifferently. When the wind blows, she blows her clothes and flies. In addition to the relatively soft round face slightly diluted her cold temperament, at first glance, there is a goddess overlooking the world.

Far away, there are still large smashes on the wall, and the rocket is like a flying scorpion in the night, throwing and falling.

The screams of screams came occasionally, and the chaos spread. Some people ran through the exclaimed crowds on the streets, and some streets were dark and quiet. I don’t know when the dead bodies fell here. The lonely heads were in the pool and occasionally lit up. In the flash, it suddenly appeared.

There are not many civilians running around in the streets near the courtyard. Shortly after the chaos, the army first controlled the situation of the film and ordered everyone not to get the door. Therefore, most of the civilians hid in the house, dug the ground, and even hid in the ground, waiting to see through this sudden occurrence. confusion. Of course, the more complicated reasons that can calm down nearby are more than that.

The interrogator occasionally came over, crossed the street and disappeared somewhere. Since many things have already been booked, the woman has not moved for it, just watching everything in the city.

The fragile and precious peace scene in Zee has finally passed away. Everything in front of me is not an exaggeration. Every exclamation and scream that appears in the city may mean that a life is turned upside down and life is broken. Everywhere the fire rises, there are incomprehensible stories. The woman just watched, and when a group of people came over, she jumped upstairs.

The light figure stepped on the prominent wooden beam in the middle of the house and cast it on the husband who walked into the hospital. The man reached out and picked her up. When others entered the door, she stood firmly on the ground and her eyes returned to cold. For subordinates, watermelon has always been majestic and cold. Everyone has a "respect" for her. For example, the party that came in later and so on. When the watermelon was ordered, it was always singular, but the warm feelings in the heart - ah, that Not very good to say.

Seeing some of the ashes on her husband's hands and other subordinates' hands, she stood in the yard and noticed the number of people coming in with the light. After a while, she said: "What's wrong?"

"There was a street burning up, just passing by, helping to save people. No one is hurt, don't worry."

"Yeah." Watermelon looked at it, but she also passed the age when she said "I haven't worried about this little thing." Ning Yi smiled: "Have you ever had dinner?"

"Eat." Her words have been mild, Ning Yi nodded, pointing to the side of the book often waited: "The street of the fire, there is a sauce shop, after saving his son, anyway, no hurry, grab some meat and salt The vegetable jar came out, it tasted good, and I bought some money. I will eat it late at night." He said here, paused and asked: "Will there be room?"

Watermelon Road: "I will do it."

Ning Yi smiled: "Let's have one."

Watermelon nodded. Her cooking was not good, and she rarely ate with her subordinates. It might not matter if she couldn't afford it. Her father, Liu Dazi, passed away too early. The strong girl had to take over Zhuangzi early. The understanding of many things was partial: I learned the voice of my father and learned the attitude of the grown-up. As a solemn, I have to arrange it. The lives of old and young in Zhuangzhong must also guarantee their majesty and ups and downs.

Many of these things are naturally supported by Liu Tiannan, but the girl’s concern for the people in Zhuangzhong is beyond doubt. In the majesty of the small adult, the others can see her heart. Later, many of the rules were consciously maintained by the people. Nowadays, the eyes of women who have become born have been widely seen, but these rules are still engraved in her heart and have not changed.

The two have been together for a long time, and their tacit understanding is deep. For the situation in the city, although Ning Yi did not ask, but since the watermelon is said to be free, it proves that all things are still in the predetermined procedure, and there is no possibility of a sudden turnaround. He and the watermelon returned to the room, and soon went upstairs, and said the story of Lin Zongwu and Shi Jin through the watermelon - the result of watermelon must be known, the process may not be.

"... From the results, it seems that the monk's martial arts have been degraded. Compared with the original Zhou Yulai, I am afraid that there will be more than that. He is afraid that it is the real world first. Hehe..." Ning Yi praises and yearns for a long time," It’s so beautiful... Shi Jin is also, some pity.”

The face of the watermelon is light: "It is not necessarily compared with Lu’s sister."

"I will let the red ones fight with him again. The red ones are people with children, and those who are concerned, after all, have to drop a grade."

"You are a second-rate fool, how do you know the realm of first-class masters." Watermelon said a word, but he smiled gently. "Lu sister was killed in the battlefield, and the world is cruel, she knows best, ordinary people will Hesitating, Lu’s sister will only be stronger.”

"I remember that you recently played with her every time. The red reminded me that she tried her best..."

The eyes of watermelon have been dangerously smashed into a line. She squatted for a while and finally turned her head and waved a few fists to the sky: "If you are not me, I, I, I, I will kill you." A pair of faces that are crying and laughing: "I am also a top-notch master! But... Lu’s sister is getting weaker and weaker in the face of people around me. If I fight, I am afraid of her.”

If it was the watermelon that was reunited at Xiao Canghe and Ning Yi, I am afraid that I would be singled out by such jokes and Ning Yi. At this time, she actually did not take this kind of joke as a thing, and the response was also a joke. After a while, the cooks below have started to stay up late - after all, many people have to stay up all night - the two have raised a small fire on the roof, ready to make two bowls of pickles, diced rice, busy. Occasionally speaking in the gap, the chaos in the city changed in such a scene. After a while, the watermelon stood on the edge of the earth building and looked up: "The western granary was taken."

"The food may not be expected to be much. Lou Shuyu has a headache, and here is going to be dead."

"Zezhou is a big city. No matter who takes over, it will stabilize. But the Central Plains food is not enough, it can only fight. The problem is only to Li Xizhi or Liu Yu."

"Jinwang site and Wang Juyun teamed up, playing Li Xizhi is more likely, so that Zhu Xi can take the opportunity to do something, Wang Shanyue and Yan Sanniang this pair may not miss this opportunity. If the action is not very big, Yue Fei will not let go of the opportunity, and there will be beatings in the south. Hey, Tian Hu, sacrifice him for the benefit of the world."

"... is suffering from the world." Watermelon Road.

"Yeah." Ning Yi smiled slightly, but his face was bitter. The watermelon frowned and opened the guide: "That is also the bitterness they have to suffer. What else can be done earlier than later?"

"Yeah." Ning Yi added rice, and he nodded more and more, and the watermelon comforted a few more words. The bottom of a woman's heart is actually not strong, but if the person around her is low, she will really be strong.

The couple are relying on each other like this. The watermelon actually understands it. When he said a few words, Ning Yi handed over the fried rice. She said: "I heard that you and Fang Chengye said the truth of the day."

The two sat down on the half of the wall at the edge of the earth building. Ning Yi nodded: "Ordinary people seek right and wrong, in essence, they shirk their responsibilities. Fang Chengye has begun to dominate the actions of one place, and he can talk to him about this."

"After Tang Minjie's business, you are very cautious."

These are all chats, no need to be serious, Ning Yi ate two fried rice, looked at the distance and said: "Existentialism itself... is the truth for pragmatic development, but it hurts a lot, for many people, once Really understanding it can easily lead to the collapse of the outlook on life. Originally this should be an area that has to be touched after a deep foundation, but we have no choice. The person who leads and decides things cannot be innocent, and one mistake is dead. People, look at the big waves and sand."

"This is what you were thinking about recently?"

"After Tang Minjie's affairs, I still have some reflections. When I realized the laws, I was confused for a while. In this world, the first contact is always right and wrong, right, Wrong to avoid..." Ning Yi sighed. "But actually, there is no right or wrong in the world. If it is a small matter, people can weave a frame and can take it up. If it is a big event..."

He paused: "In the past, people are looking for a way. In theory, if the computing power is strong, it is possible to find a way to open the peace in 10,000 years ago. This possibility must exist in the world. But no one found it, Confucius did not, then Confucianism did not, you and I could not find it. You asked Kong Qiu: You are sure that you are right? This question has no meaning at all. Just choose a sub-optimal solution to do it. However, after doing it, the results are all rejected, and all the wrong ones have been eliminated. In this concept, everything is not right and wrong, only the clear purpose and the clear rules make sense."

Watermelon eats big mouth and eats, Ning Yi also eats for a while.

"Aware that there is no right or wrong, people can only spend several times more efforts than usual, more than a few times or even ten times more sober to do things. So existentialism is suitable for leaders, because it really makes people fear To the extreme, the average person likes to ask right or wrong, because once someone tells him what is right, he believes, and will not think more. In fact, what is the truth of the world, does the person who knows understand it? He just sums up the experience. Therefore, right or wrong is the shirking of responsibility. If you insert a mistake, you can talk about right or wrong. Leaders go to fight to earn their lives. What experience is not enough. So only talk about rules and purposes. Objectively recognize the rules. Do as much as possible."

"Does Tang Minjie understand this?"

"When I gave a large group of people a class, he was the most sensitive. He first talked about right or wrong. He said that right and wrong may come from who he is. He said a big pass. I understand that you are a butt, not It’s right. He’s all wrong. I later told them about existentialism—the rule of heaven and earth, the principle that everything works, and he may...the first one understands. Then he cares more about himself, but Except for oneself, nothing else is human."

"This shows him, still believe that..." Watermelon smiled. "...what is it?"

Ning Yi shook his head: "It's not the ass. It's the real world. It's like this: If there is no right or wrong in the world, right now is the law of summing up human activities, then, human It doesn’t make sense in itself. If you are a person for a lifetime, it’s the right thing to do is wrong. It’s meaningless to live meaningfully. In fact, it’s gone for a lifetime, 10,000 years have passed, and There will be something to admit it, acknowledging your thoughts... This thing really understands that all ideas from small to large have to be rebuilt... and everything is the only breakthrough."

Ning Yi took a picture of watermelon being contemplative: "Don't think too deeply... The significance of all things is that human beings are also inherently inclined. This is the tendency given by the world. Admit this, it is not The truth of breaking. A person, because of the relationship of the environment, becomes evil again and then bad. One day, he feels affectionate love, or he will be addicted to it, and he does not want to leave. The robber who eats the murder will also want to go deep inside. Live well. People will say the opposite, but the essence is still the same. Therefore, although there is only objective law in heaven and earth, it is meaningless for us to deduct it in the direction of evil."

"One is the rule, the second is the purpose, and the purpose is good. In the future, one day, our hearts will be truly satisfied. It is like we are sitting together now."

Ning Yi’s shoulder leaned against the watermelon, and he laughed. The watermelon also hit him: “But some people always want to be bad guys.”

"Yeah, but this is usually because of pain, once bad, and distorted. This kind of person twists himself again. He can kill and destroy the world, but even if it is done, the dissatisfaction in the heart is essentially I can't make up for it. After all, it is a state of inconsistency. Because it is self-satisfying, it is positive..." Ning Yi smiled. "It’s like a bad thing happened around the world when the peace and prosperity, and the corrupt officials are rampant, wrong, and we are not comfortable. It’s awkward and angry, there are a lot of people who will do the same things as the bad guys, things will get worse, and we will only be more angry after all. When the rules work, we will only become more and more unhappy, why bother to come.”

"Then I will rebel!"

"Haha, yeah, so we rebel. That's because there is no other way than rebellion. If you don't rebel, it will only be worse." Ning Yi smiled for a while. "But if you haven't reached that level, let's go. We go." Being a good person may not be meaningful, or it may have only one effect, but this is the only way. After you understand the rules, try to push it. Only this direction is meaningful."

He looked at the city burning in front of him: "...other who would want to choose this result..."

Watermelon has been silent for a long time: "That Tommy..."

"The heavens and the earth are incompatible with all things. They are backward compatible. Even if everything is spiritual, it is a level of helplessness compared to the absolute meaning of absolute right and wrong. For those who can't figure out, it is more helpless. All things are our groping in this world, and everything is possible. It’s normal that all the people in the world are dead. The essence of this statement is too cold, so he is truly free and can do anything. Done……"

Ning Yi sighed: "The ideal situation is to let people read more and then touch these. It is also a good thing for ordinary people to believe in right and wrong. After all, let them decide the pioneering events together, and they are still very early. Tang Minjie ...somewhat awful."

He paused: "So I thought about it and sent him to the Golden State."

The night is still very long, the light and shadow in the city is floating, the couple sit on the roof and look at it all, talking about cruel things. However, this cruel world, if you can't understand everything about it, how can it make it really better? The two came over this way, bypassing Xixia, went to the northwest, and saw the real death. The hungry bones left only the poor people in the skeleton, but the war came and the enemy came. Will all these things change because of one's goodness, anger, and even madness?

People can only find their way carefully, and in order to prevent themselves from becoming mad, they can only rely on each other and support each other.

The night gradually deepened, and the chaos in Zezhou City finally began to stabilize. The two men squatted on the top of the building. For a while, the watermelon whispered in the darkness: "I originally thought that you would kill Lin and Zen. I went in the afternoon, I am a little worried."

Ning Yi gently tapped her shoulder: "He is a coward, but after all, it is very powerful. In that case, he actively kills him. The chance of his running is too high, and it will be very troublesome afterwards."

After a while, he said: "I thought, if he really killed me, he would not hesitate to leave him. If he didn't come, it would be a good thing... afraid of the dead, for the time being it is worthless, and he is afraid of him. Death Manichae substitution ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Watermelon arched on his chest: "Well. Uncle Wang Shu. ”

"Oh...haha." Ning Yi laughed softly, silent for a moment, muttering softly, "Hey, the world is the first... In fact, I am really envious..."

"Ning Yi." I don't know when, the watermelon whispered again. "When you were in Hangzhou, are you like that?"


"You understand everything, but you feel that there is no meaning in the world...so you are only guilty."

"Oh... you should be... almost."

He looked up at the deep night sky with only a few stars flashing, remembering so many things. It was a long time, a long time ago.

The sky is flowing, and the night is gradually passing. In the early hours of the morning, the water that has been transpiration due to the burning of the city has become a ripple in the air. When the first squid was white, the white mist was floating, and the ghost king Wang Shitong was on the edge of the ruins and saw the legendary demons. (To be continued.)

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