Zhui Xu

: I am guilty, I owe one recommendation...

The situation is like this.

At the end of August, Reagan suddenly sent a message to me, saying that I had a new book, "The Emperor", and gave me a recommendation. I was in Calvin, saying that I had been in Calvin for half a month. Then... stuck all the way to September 20, of course I forgot.

In October, in the middle of October, Reagan Giant came running to me and said that it was recommended. I said it is good. Today, I recommend it as you can see it. It has been a month since mid-October... ...now at the end of November.

I suddenly remembered this thing today. I was really sinful, so even though I was a little late, I still sent a single chapter. This... that... Reagan’s new book, "The Emperor", was sent... It’s not too new. ...you go see it...

Well, probably like this, flash people. ^_^ (To be continued.)

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