Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 762: The sound of blood rain and the sound of the clouds in the evening are poor (mi

"Under the bed, on the other side of the Tianhui, Zong Fu, Zong Yi want to gather the army, and plot Jiangnan... According to the return, Alu Budda is training troops southward, and has already moved to the big camp in Hebei, Zongtang, Zongtang and others. The new army trained by the Tianjin government has also prepared for the war. The military requirements that the Yan Yanchang handed over yesterday were twice that of last year. Iron cannons, ammunition, etc. accounted for 70% of the large hospitals, and it was very urgent. Things have been used to print..."

"Hurry, how to get rid of?"

“The people said that Gu Shen’s adult had deducted the fine iron used by the Ancestral Master’s Iron Float...

Heavy rain poured, in the room of the Marshal House, with the seating of the people, the first thing that sounded was the scream of the singer, and the Gaoqing singer then sneered, and when he finished, he returned to the other side.

Although the year is based on spring, but the snow melts in the north is relatively late, and there is a big event in which Wu Hao bought a stroke. The coordination of the regimes on both sides of the east and the west has continued this spring and summer. On the one hand, it is external. The finalization of the strategy, on the other hand, the old emperor's stroke means that the superiority of the prince will become a major event. During this period of time, the game in the Ming and Qing dynasties and the station team are all going on. There is a big strategy about the south. Because of these years, there are people who mention it. At this time, the informal meeting, the people seem to be casual.

"The words can not be said indiscriminately, the character of the four emperors is strong, it is the blessing of my golden country. It is not a day or two to plot the south, this year is not a bad thing if it is really a trip."

"So, I will wait to be the way to smooth the Central Plains."

"In the Central Plains last year, the black flag was just around the corner. Tian Hu’s big chaos, we suppressed it and never did it. Now it seems that it’s time to move, and this kind of great work can’t be handed over to the Western House. ”

In the room, if you say a word, for example, silver surgery can wait for the military, then simply talk about the focus of the south. Nanzheng has been discussing every year. Everyone is satisfied with these thoughts. However, in this atmosphere of casual talk, the words in every population also contain some unclear and cautious taste. Zong Han summoned everyone to come. This informal meeting was just a smile. The Yan Yan Yin, who was on the side, looked down and waited until the scene was a little cold before he reached out and knocked on the table.

"It is never difficult to send troops to the south. How to accept the Central Plains is never difficult. Qi, this is my big metal country, Liu Yu is unbearable, and he is taken back. It is only the Central Plains, it is not easy to collect it in the hands. For more than ten years, my number of Jurchens has not grown much. I once said that my Jurchen is dissatisfied with tens of thousands, and that I can’t be invincible. But for more than a decade, the juniors have enjoyed themselves, and how many of my Jurchen’s names are. I have it in my family, I have said it many times, I have to be vigilant!"

Xi Yin’s eyes swept over the crowds, and the veterans who came out in the **** seas, even the Han Chinese, had more courage to do so. Xi Yinton paused: "Because I don't have many female real people, I will divide the people under the rule into five categories, and I will be stable at the same time. Governing the territory of the former Liao Kingdom has not yet appeared to be stretched, but if I want to swallow the Central Plains These rules must be strictly fixed and used up. The Central Plains is vast, the southern population is more than 10 million, and it is really necessary to withdraw power from Liu Yu. In these few years, it has to start to promote people to move south. My Jurchen, The Bohai people, the Khitans, and the Han people need at least a few hundred thousand or even a million people to have an effect. These things have to be done, but Zong Fuzong has great ambitions, I can only... Paving the way."

His eyes were serious. When he finally said it, he took a look at Zonghan. Most of them looked at Zong Han. Gao Qingshi stood up and shook hands: "Gu Shen is justified."

The rest of the people have also expressed their opinions.

Zong Han looked at Xi Yin, then smiled and arched his hand: "Gu Shen is the old saying that he is seeking a country." Looking around, "Yes, squatting, the situation is uncertain, the South levy ... labor and wealth, this time, If you don’t do it, you’ll have to call the army in the next few days to discuss it clearly. Today, let’s just ask everyone to casually pull and see the idea. Don’t leave today, there are two new cooks at home, and the sheep are well roasted. I will have a meal together. I still have military affairs. I will deal with it first."

He reached out to manage things, tea, songs and dances, and Xi Yin stood up: "I have some things to do, and dinner is not needed."

Zong Han raised his hand: "I sent Xi Yin."

Zong Han is wearing a big fashion, Hao Mai Kui, Xi Yin is also a strong figure, only a little taller and thinner. The two came together, and everyone knew that they had something to say and did not follow. When the road came out, there was a matter of waving the front and the middle of the house. The two passed through the hall and the promenade. On the contrary, they seemed to be quiet. They are now the second most powerful people in the world, but they are killed when they are weak. The ruthless friendship has not been diluted too much by these powers.

I talked a little gossip along the way, Zonghan talked about the new chef: "The sea people, Da Yuanzhen sent it, the shelf is high, the big feet, the bed is very rough, the food is burning, I heard that I want it. They, Da Yuanzhen is very happy, come and thank you. If you are interested in Xi Yin, I will send one to you."

"The handsome man laughed." Xi Yin shook his head, and after a moment, he said: "The attitude of the public, the handsome man also saw it today. People are harmless, the tiger is hurtful, the Central Plains, the coach has to Be serious."

"I am a real man, why have you been afraid of Xionghu?" Zonghan took his hands and didn't care. He took a few steps before he turned back slightly. "Gu Shen, these years, the South has been battling the North, and the gluttons have been in love with the stack?"

"The handsome coach has never loved the stack."

"Only because I don't have to love the stack power." Zong Han waved, "I am, it is power!"

The rain is screaming.

"In the past, you, me, Agu, and so on, thousands of people have been involved. Zongfu Zongyi is still a child of Huangkou. He has been playing for many years..." He looked serious, and when he said this, he sighed a little and shook hands. Fist, "I promised to fight, I am optimistic about the Jurchen family. What do the children know about! Without this handsome house, the Golden State will be in chaos. The Central Plains will be in chaos! I will give him the Central Plains and he will not eat it!"

"I know that the coach has this idea."

"The Central Plains is small, falling in the eyes of others, fighting for power with the young, shame!" Zong Han slammed his hand and turned and walked forward. "If ten years ago, I would kill the ancestors!"

There is anger in his voice.

Since the establishment of the Golden State, although it is invincible, the biggest problem encountered has always been that the female real population is too small. Many policies also come from this premise.

The emergence of the East-West political center stems from this. The huge territory, the lack of the ruling class, if only controlled by one core, many problems can't be reacted at this time. At this time, Zonghan's talents and strong attitude make up for this shortcoming. The Shuaifu government not only controls the west of the country. It also manages a large number of transactions in the Central Plains. It seems that the tail cannot be lost. But if it is not, the original regime of the Jurchen, not to mention the remote control of the Central Plains, I am afraid that even within the territory of the Golden State, it will be turbulent.

Beyond this, Jin Guo’s current national policy is also designed to compensate for the scarcity of Jurchens in these years. In the territories of the Golden State, the first class is naturally a Jurchen, and the second class is a Bohai people who have made good relations with Jurchen. This is the dynasty established by Tang Shidai, and was later destroyed by the Liao Kingdom. Some of the survivors resisted the Khitan, tried to re-establish the country, moved to Korea, and the other part was still oppressed by the Khitan. After the founding of the Golden State, they gave preferential treatment to these people, and the chef who gave the cook to Zonghan’s Dayuanyu is now The Red Sea in the Bohai Sea in the Golden Circle.

The third person in the middle is the Khitan who is now brave enough to be destroyed. The fourth-class Han Chinese are Han Chinese residents who once lived in the Liao Kingdom. However, the Han people are smart, and some of them are quite good in the Jinguo regime. For example, Gao Qing, Shi Li Ai, etc., are also the bones that Zonghan relies heavily on. Minister. As for the Central Plains people south of Yanmen Pass, for the Jin State, it is not a Han Chinese. It is generally called the Southern People. This is the fifth class. In the territory of the Golden State, most of them are slaves.

Dividing the hierarchy and giving privileges, so that the regime of the Golden State can be maintained, and once the Jurchen is to officially conquer the Central Plains and the Jiangnan, the difficulty between the two will be multiplied, even though Kim’s rule in Wusong’s purchase After ten years of rest, the number of Jurchens is still insufficient.

Now Wu Hao buys a disease, Zong Fu and others on the one hand to clarify the power of the Han Marshal, and on the other hand, has been secretly brewing the South, this is to take military merit, to build momentum for themselves, thinking of buying a guest in Wusong Before pressing the Marshal House.

The Marshal House wants to deal with it, and the method is simple. It is just a lifetime of Zong Han’s life. He is proud of his life. Even if he is alive, he is second only to the other person. Now he is provocatively challenged by several children, but his heart is very angry.

On the one hand, the other side takes the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a gentleman, and guesses himself with the mind of the monk.

On the other hand, even if there are more children, you can get me! ?

He was touched by these things and then he was always silent about his subordinate reminder. Xi Yin and others knocked on the side. On the one hand, it was a suggestion that he chose the most rational response. On the other hand, only Xi Yin and several other closest people were afraid that the coach would make a radical move in anger. The alternation of the regime of the Golden State is now at least not a father-in-law. There may not be some other possibilities in the future, but the more so, the more cautious it is. Of course, these are things that cannot be said at all.

Now talking for a while, Zong Han has some anger, but in front of Xi Yin, it is not a statement, Xi Yin smiled: "There are countless people in the heart, the beauty is late, the hero will be old, the younger is the tiger wolf age. . . . If it is Zong Fu, his temperament is a bit more lenient, and Zong Yi is suspicious and self-contained since childhood. After the ancestors went, it was difficult for others to make it. Ten years ago, I beat him screaming, but after ten years, I had to Something in my heart, one day, you and I will go, and our juniors in our family may be chased by him."

"Xi Yin, you have a lot of books, and you have more troubles. You can accept it yourself." Zong Han smiled and waved. "Zong can't afford the wind, but they have to do something, how can I not look after some of them? It’s getting old, and the temper is a bit big. It’s still possible to figure it out.”

This time, it has gradually approached the periphery of the handsome house. Xi Yin nodded and said a few words of chattering, and hesitated slightly: "Actually, there is one thing to come today, to plead guilty to the Grand Master."

Zonghan turned around and Xi Yin had already bowed his hand and went on. Zong Han’s eyes were serious and he reached out and held him: “What’s the big thing going on?”

"There is no Jing at home, there are some things to deal with, and there are some relations with the coach... I am going to deal with it at this time."

Zong Han took a serious look at him for a moment and raised his hand: "What is in your home, you have to deal with it yourself. How do you and me, to say this... related to me? But to deal with some handsome People?"

"That doesn't need to..."

"Then you will go, this handsome man has a lot of time, how can I listen to your Xi Yin family's parents short."

He sent it to the government office and said: "Rain is big, I don't send it." Seeing Xi Yin wearing a cloak, hanging a long sword, riding a carriage, and handing it aside, Zong Han's gaze was serious again.

Xi Yin’s wife is a Han Chinese. This matter is occasionally discussed in the upper Jurchen. Is it something that has happened now? That is really a headache. Marshal Yan Zhanhan shook his head and turned and walked toward the house.

In the dim light, the sound of heavy rain drowned everything.

The cave was filled with damp and rancid smell, and the **** smell was also filled. With this heavy rain, he woke up from the drowsiness. With a slight skylight, he knew that he was still not dead.

Since ten years ago, the death of this thing has become more difficult than imagined.

Perhaps because of the assassination of ten years ago, everyone went, and only they survived. Therefore, the heroes are always with them, so let them survive.

However, it is not only oneself. Over the years, I have heard of the news. On the same day, I stabbed the sorcerer. I was lucky enough to survive. There is still the former Fulu predecessor around Zhou Zongshi who brought out the head of Zhou Zongshi from that battle. Later he will The head was buried and the location of the burial was later told to the heart of the gods. It is said that after the world is settled, the Black Flag Army will publicize the buried bones of Zhou Zongshi, so that future generations can be sacrificed.

I don't know the truth, but in the past few years, with the heart and mind of the demons, he felt that the other party would not lie on these things. Even though the King of the Spurs is a bogey for the world, even those who hate the demons again have to admit that the other side is indeed in a certain position.

I can't get it myself, so I can only run over to the business.

I don't know where the predecessors of Fulu are now, ten years have passed, and he still lives in this world.

He was entangled in his injury, tired of feelings, thinking for a while, and wondering if he would not die in the future. He had assassinated him twice. After this time, he had to kill it for the third time.

Leaving a life and even stabbing five times, this feat, you have to scare everyone's chin!

I was thinking about it, and in the rain outside, suddenly some shrill sounds sounded.

Shi Jin took the copper stick and stood up. Then, someone knocked outside the hole.

is her? Shi Jin frowned.

Then the man came in slowly. Shi Jin relied on the past, and the hand was pressed on the man's neck. He did not press the truth, because the other party is the woman's body, but if the other party wants to be comfortable, Shi Jin can also twist the other's neck in an instant.

"...English, hero...you are really here." The woman was shocked first and then calmed down.

"How did you find it?"

"The little girl said that she would give medicine to the hero."

This strange woman was seen on the day he was stabbed for the second time. The other is a Han Chinese, wearing a veil, and is very familiar with the environment outside Datong. After Shi Jin’s death from the city, he fled all the way and was later found by the woman. I wanted to kill, but the other party actually gave him some wound medicine, and pointed out two places to hide. Shi Jinxin was not the identity of the other party. After taking the wound medicine, he also discerned it with great care, but he did not choose the hiding place of the other side to hide. I thought that after two days, the other party actually found it.

"I was the daughter of the official residence of the Wu Dynasty. I was sent to the north, and I was saved by the Jurchen big man before I could live here. Over the years, I have saved many Han Chinese slaves and sent them back to the South. I know. Heroes don’t know who are born, but you are seriously injured. If you don’t deal with them, you will have a hard time. These wounds are good in color and simple in configuration. The hero has been walking for a long time. I want to have some experience. I can adjust it after watching it...”

The woman brought the golden sore medicine raw materials, the quality is good, the identification is not difficult, Shi Jin let the other party eat a variety of herbs, only to match their own, when the medicine is applied, the woman can not help but say The news inside and outside Datong also made some suggestions. Sticky guards are very strict, and it is quite difficult to kill. It is better to help collect intelligence and help to do other things more beneficial to Wucha and so on.

Shi Jin listened to her noise for a while and asked: "Black flag?"

"The little girl is not a black flag."

The woman shook her head and then talked about hiding. She pointed out two new hiding places for Shi Jin: "If the hero believes me, I will not be able to see you again in the future. If the hero believes in a small woman, we will talk about other things on the day of goodbye. The north is sinister, and the people from the south are not easy to live, and the heroes are precious."

The woman got up and left, Shi Jin used the medicine, and her mind was slightly fixed. Seeing that the woman gradually disappeared into the rain screen, Shi Jin would have to sleep again. It’s just that he has been in and out of the game for many years. Even in the most relaxed situation, the vigilance has never been put down, and soon after, the outside forest is faintly confusing.

Shi Jin wore a camouflage made of leaves, left the cave, quietly sneaked for a moment, and saw the searchers coming over the mountains.


In his heart, he snorted subconsciously, his body was like water, and he didn’t fall into the heavy rain...


The heavy rain continued, this early summer evening, the darkness was early, and there was already a torch in the jail of the suburbs of Datong.

The torture is going on, the whip flies in the air, and every time there is a piece of flesh and blood, the woman tied to the shelf screams and asks for mercy. Her original clothes have been drawn into a cloth strip by the whip. The person in charge of the torture will simply tear off her underwear. The woman’s body shape is good. In these tortures, it is common, but at least At the moment, the torturer is anxious to ask something, not putting himself in the first place.

They occasionally stopped to torture and asked for the other party's words. The woman shook her head in tears and continued to beg for mercy, but when she got there, she did not even have the strength to ask for mercy.

The threshold was pushed open, and the tall figure came in with the front and back entourage. The figure was covered with a black cloak, and the waist was dark and long, and the pace was strong. The torturers in the cell quickly went down.

"The government catches the head and leaves, the irrelevant people go out!" Looking at the woman's **** body in front, Wan Yanxi Yin waved and sent away a large number of followers. The torturer was left behind. He was previously sentenced in the city. Mandu Daru, who was in charge of the assassination, and the rest of the heads were left behind, and he looked at it all at the rear.

After Yan Yanxi looked at the woman for a moment, she slowly went forward: "Autumn... Wu Qiuhe, you are a relative of the Wu Dynasty Kaifeng Fu Yin, came to Jinguo, saved by his wife, so that you can Avoiding the sinister things outside, Wan Yan Xi Yin is a Jurchen, you can not tolerate me in your heart, but I can tolerate it, but if you still have a conscience, I ask you... How is my wife waiting for you? She can be ill-treated Are you one and a half?"

The woman named Wu Qiuhe was originally the maid of Xi Yin’s wife Chen Wenjun. Over the years, Xi Yin and Chen Wenjun have deep feelings, and Wu Qihe naturally meets daily. At this time, Wu Qiu’s mouth was carrying blood, and he shook his head: "No... no treatment..."

"Then why do you do this?" Xi Yin said a word, "I'm an assassin who knows how much trouble this move will bring to me...?"

Wu Qiu looked at Xi Yin for a while. She opened her **** mouth and suddenly gave a hoarse laughter: "No, no matter what the lady..."

After she finished the sentence, she paused and said: "I, I recruited, recruited... Yes... Gaoqing is a tall man..."

"You shut up." Gao Qing’s three words came out. Xi Yin suddenly spoke, his voice was like a thunder, and he wanted to interrupt her words.

The voice of the woman is mixed in the middle: "...he pity me to love me, and to kill the handsome man, he can become a handsome man, can you swear..."


"Adults can't"

At this moment, the deputy around Mandudaru subconsciously shouted out, and Mandudaru reached out and grabbed the other's neck, breaking the voice of the deputy. The fire in the cell swayed, and Xi Yinyin pulled out the sword and slammed it.

The blood fluttered, the fire swayed for a while, and the smell spread.

That Wu Qiuhe died and could not die anymore.

"I have buried her!" Xi Yin took the blood-stained sword and turned away.

Waiting for the other party to stay away from this side~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mandu Daru and others stood up, he quietly let go of the neck of the deputy, and everyone looked at the bodies in the room, each of them was speechless.

"Big, adults..."

"This woman is very smart. She knows that she can name a tall man, and she can't live anymore." Mandudaru frowned and whispered, "Why, you can know that Gu Shen is willing to let She is alive. The big man's things, don't participate too much, afraid that you are not a good one to die. OK, let people collect the dead body..."

Outside, the search for the mountain in the heavy rain is still going on, perhaps because the search for the Tianluo network in the afternoon was unsuccessful, and the several leaders responsible for the team had a contradiction, and a small one had a quarrel. In a distant valley, Tang Minjie, who had been drenched by heavy rain, squatted on the ground, watching the figures and sticks falling down in the mud.

"Chen Wenjun, Wu Qiuhe... Really, you are really a local snake, you can find someone..." He whispered in his mouth. "Unfortunately, I made it a cheaper..."

In the early years, the intelligence network of Black Flag in the Northland was established under the efforts of Lu Yannian, Lu Mingfang and his sons. After Lu Yannian's death, Lu Mingfang and Chen Wenjun took up the relationship, and the development of the Northland Intelligence Network really went smoothly. However, Chen Wenjun was originally the most secretive and most advanced informant in the Secret Investigation Department. Qin Yuyuan died, Ning Yijun Jun, Chen Wenjun also helped the black flag, but the interests of both sides were actually separate. As a Wu Dynasty person, Chen Wenjun preferred It is a large group of the entire Han people. The exchanges between the two sides are always a cooperative mode, not an integrated system.

This is why Tang Minjie called Chen Wenjun and her younger Wu Qiuhe as the "head snake".

"Stupid." There is a chance to turn back, to laugh at Wu Qiuhe.

He thought about it like this.

At this time, Wu Qiuhe has been buried under the dark soil.

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