Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 764: Double front (on)

After the cold season, the body that was sore and painful finally stopped protesting.

Lin'an's summer is rainy and hot, and it is Li Feiping's best time. The old wounds in Taiyuan's defending city are no longer attacking. In the daytime, visitors and students are taught, and this weather has been facilitated. . In the courtyard of Mingtang, he often discussed with a group of students and friends until late at night, even when he was all night. During this period of Lin'an, it may be regarded as the most practical life he has ever lived.

In the literary world of the Wu Dynasty and even in the political arena, today's Li frequency is a complicated and eccentric existence.

When Li Pin was young, he could be regarded as a talented person in the world. With Jiang Ning's affluence, the first talent in the population of this place was placed in the capital, and it was considered to be a outstanding young talent. .

Of course, the people at the bottom of the story say that they are staying in these populations. For the real powers of this era, the poetry and the first talents are just a starting point. Although Li Feng has a talented name, in the initial period of time, the official transport was not good, and he went the wrong way. Soon after, this head is just a statement.

He entered the political arena, which originated from the favor of Qin Yuyuan, but during that time, he could not say that he entered the core circle of the Qin system. Later, he and Qin Shaohe defended Taiyuan, Qin Shaohe died, and he was seriously injured. After Qin Yuyuan went, Ning Yi Jun Jun, Li Pin has been in an awkward position. Although Jun Jun is a big rebellion, but for the death of Qin Yuyuan, everyone has some sympathy in private, and if it is about Taiyuan... At that time, people who chose to be silent or onlookers can say more or less that Qin Shaohe’s Strong.

Li Feng was deeply immersed in Taiyuan, and he was injured. In the first period of chaos, he had to protect himself, but his attitude toward him was cold.

The shame of Jingping, thousands of people have been displaced. Li Pinben was a civil servant, but he took the task in secret and went to kill Ning Yi. He thought that he would be sent to the dead in a "waste-utilizing" attitude.

Li Pin eventually broke with Ning Yi. In the great chaos of the Central Plains, he was the author of the scholarship. As the people flowed south, he went through the search for the mountains. At this time, Zhou Wei was in the upper position. Zhou Pei and Jun Wu both had the power. It was time to reuse him. However, Li Feng gave up the idea of ​​continuing to enter the DPRK. He founded the Mingtang Academy, opened a printing workshop, distributed "newspapers" every day, and produced some printed small story books. He sat down with everyone and explained the four books and five classics, but he did not get involved in the officialdom.

Everyone then "understood", this is to be raised.

In many past history, the scholars have great talents and are unwilling to be small officials for trivial affairs. Therefore, they will first be honored. In the future, one step to the sky and one for the sake of the slaughter will be a way. Li frequency entered the Qin Shiyuan source, but the fame came from his break with Ning Yi. However, due to Ning Yi’s attitude and several books he handed over to Li Feng, this fame is still on the ground. At this time, Nanwu, it is not a bad thing to have such a "near enemy" of Ning Yi. In public and private, Zhou Pei and Jun Wu both recognized him, and they also helped behind the scenes. Sound.

Of course, as for Li Yuan’s real thoughts and intentions, he is not willing to look at it, and he can understand it even more.

In this way, the Mingtang courtyard, located in the remote place of Lin'an in the northwest, has become the core of the literary world of the Wu Dynasty. In the past few years, the scholars of the literati have come to come, to contribute wisdom, or to argue with them. I can make a name for myself, and I have other intentions. I occasionally come over: This is the brave and wit-in person who wants to go to the northwest to demonize. See the country’s peril, come forward, and throw a pen. These scholars are rich and have a good life. The followers, the brave family, want to clean up and confuse the roots of the evils of the Wu Dynasty, so before coming to the place, come here and ask Li frequency about the message of the enemy, that is to know ourselves and know each other.

These people, at the beginning of this year, began to get more.

For these people, Li Feng will also make a polite hospitality as much as possible, and then it will be difficult... to tell some of their own ideas to them...

"...located in the southwest, Ning Yi's current power is mainly divided into three parts... The core is Hedeng and Blai three counties, and Qin Shaoqian is a soldier, which is the core of the black flag; the three, Miao Xinjiang Hey, the Miao people in the vicinity were originally a tyrants, Tiannan Bazhizhuang, and a residue after the Fangla Uprising. After the death of Baihua and others, this tyrants had been gathering Fangla And later gathered into a force..."

"Shameless! Before Ning Yi did the big reversal, he also advertised that he had made great achievements in the square of the wax! Now it seems that it is shameless!"

The sun fell through the leaves, sitting in the yard, the face of the young man named Qin Zheng, is the Qin family in Fuzhou. The Qin family is a local aristocrat, a scholarly family, and Qin Zheng is the eldest son at home. Since childhood, he has had some achievements. This time, he is going to kill the thief in the southwest and come to Li frequency to inquire.

"Yes." Li frequency took a sip of tea and nodded. "Ning Yi is a man, his heart is deep, and many things have his many years of layout. To say that the black flag forces, these three places are not the main ones, open These three elite soldiers, who really win the black flag battle, are the information systems that have been pervasive over the years. These systems originally made him a big advantage in the battle with the Greenwood people, just like in the early years. When you are in the beam..."


Li frequency talked about the various things that Ning Yi and the Greenwood people made in the early years. When Qin Zheng heard the arrangement, he couldn’t help but swear, and Li did nodded and continued.

"Over the years, there have been many people in the Green Forest who want to kill Ning Yi. Even in the two years that Ning Yi has disappeared, it seems that Qin Xiandi, such as the righteous person, or Wen or Wu, went to the northwest. However, at the beginning, everyone Based on righteous indignation, communication is not enough, and the encounter with the original Greenwood people is similar. If you have not yet arrived in Hedeng, your own people have a lot of guilt, or they have just arrived at the place, they found that the other party has been prepared, and their own line has been Staring. During this period, some people came back, some people were disheartened, and some people...so they died, it’s hard to say..."

"Shameless! Devil's head to kill!"

"Yeah." Li frequency nodded. "However, the person who reads is not like a coward. After a few years, everyone has painstakingly thought, and there are also some of them who have found a way to confront them. During this period, Hangzhou Longjia Long Qifei, Lingnan Li Xiannong, etc., also really threatened the survival of the black flag. Like Long Qifei, he once kissed and boarded, and argued with the black flag, and scorned everyone. He eloquently, black flag The people were quite embarrassed. Later, he lobbied all over the place. He once joined several state officers and soldiers and wanted to annihilate the black flag. At that time, the momentum was extremely strong. However, the black flag was stalked from it, and the warrior entered the city to persuade the war, and eventually fell short."

"As for Li Xiannong, his starting point is the southwestern Nymph. Xiaoliangshan is a place where the Nidians live. The Nepalese people are very popular and extremely savage. They live in the border between Wu and Dali all the year round. It is difficult for outsiders. In general, most Nigers still tend to be in Wushu. Li Xiannong lobbied in the various parts of the Nyg, so that these people sent troops to attack and board, and privately wanted to assassinate Ning Yi’s wife and wife, so that they could show their cards, and later In the Xiaoliang Mountain, several Niger tribes conquered each other, and the heads of the tribes were completely destroyed. The matter was said to be guilty, but in fact it was the black flag. The person responsible for this was the minion of Ning Yi’s man named Tang Minjie. Acting extremely vicious, if Qin Xiandi goes to the southwest, he must be careful of this person."

"Oh, sin should kill!" Qin Zheng sighed again.

"Black flag is in a small mountain in Xiaoliangshan, and 200,000 people gather. It is the enemy of the non-human husband. After the guilty of the Ni people, Li Xiannong was chased by the Tang Minjie. It is said that he almost killed his family, but he finally got help from everyone. If Qin Xiandi goes there, he may also contact Li Xiannong and Long Qifei, and there are many experiences and ideas that can be used for reference."

"There are these righteous people, how can Qin not go to see." Qin Zheng nodded, but for a moment, but said, "In fact, Mr. Li does not go out here, you can know these big things, why not go to the southwest, a total of The grand measure? The devil's head is reversed, but it is the cause of the disaster in Wu Dynasty. If Mr. Li can go to the southwest, in addition to this devil, it must be famous in the world, in the younger brother wants to come, with Mr. Li's fame, if it can go, southwestern people I will also look at my husband’s head..."

After he said this, he did not wait for Li Feng to answer. He said: "I know that when I was in the northwest, I had an experience of assassinating the devil. Was it so discouraged? Forgive the younger brother, this is a major event for the country, a failure. What is discouraged, from time to time, and then again, until the completion of things... Oh, the younger brother Meng Lang, also asked the gentleman to forgive."

Listening to his heart and straightforwardly speaking, Li frequency smiled and smiled slightly: "This thing thanked Qin Xiandi for his guidance, the northwest thing, I was really sick. Just after that, I have repeatedly thought about it. Killing Ning Yi, can I wait to defeat the Jurchen? I am waiting for the difference with the Black Flag Army. Where is the black flag? Today, the total number of zeros adds up, but the two or three thousand people are really The name of the world, why I am rich in the four dynasties, but will be beaten by the Jurchens south..."

"Hey, Mr. Li." Qin Zheng interrupted his speech. "My Wu Dynasty was weak for a while, and the country was in a difficult position. There was a hero who was born. Qin had confidence. Today, I am excited and painstaking. The day will be able to defeat the Jurchen and regain the Central Plains. It is only a matter of all things. I am defeated by the Wu Dynasty. I started from the devil's head, and I want to invigorate the Wu Dynasty. These devils are not dead, and I am always in the throat, and it is hard to say, therefore, The younger brother believes that before the defeat of the woman, it is necessary to first shun Ning Yi, kill the sacrifice flag, and sue on the sky, so that Tiandao can once again protect my Wu Dynasty!"

Li frequency was silent for a moment, and he could only smile and nodded: "Xiandi Gaojian, the dumb brother should think deeply. However, there are some things, in my opinion, it is now possible to do... Ning Yi, although slandered, However, he is very knowledgeable in human nature. He has educated everyone under many methods. Even for the soldiers who are under the head, there are also many meetings and courses, instilling in them the idea of ​​fighting for themselves, so as to provoke morale before they can play. However, his arguments are actually problematic. Even if they stimulate the blood of the people, it is difficult to govern the country in the future. The idea of ​​autonomous people is not something that can be done, even if it seems to be shouting. It’s crazy, it’s going to be awesome, and one day, it’s bound to fall apart...”

"The devil's head against the world's general trend, can not be long!" Qin Zhengdao.

"But, this means and methods to educate the world, but it may not be desirable." Li Pin said, "My Confucian way, I hope that one day, everyone can understand and become a gentleman. The saints have a good meaning and have educated some people. After all, it is difficult to understand. If you always seek the beauty of this righteousness, there will always be many people who will not be able to reach the avenue. I have seen the soldiers of the Black Flag Army in the northwest, and later followed the migration of many refugees. I have seen the appearances of these people, the fools and fools, the peasants, the men of the next nine streams, those who have seen a man who can’t say a word, I thought in my heart, is there a way to make these people, How much do you understand?"

"On the other side of Ning Yi, at least one is right: the method of the things can make the world's materials full and full, and carefully study the laws, papermaking, printing, and there is much to be done, then, the first one, when the people of the world can Reading literacy..."

"This is a good thing, but I don't think it is created by the devil."

"...If you can read and read literate, the paper is full. Then, there is another problem. The saints are very vocal. The ordinary people are just literate and cannot solve their meanings. In the middle, can there be more convenient methods to make people understand the truth? This is also One method used by the Black Flag Army, Ning Yi called it 'white vernacular', and expressed the language written on paper with me. In this way, everyone can easily understand... I am in the Mingtang Bookstore. Printing the story of the story, and the tone of the book is generally the same, in the future can be used to annotate the classics, detailing the truth."

"You can do this!" Qin Zhengyan's eyes widened. "The story of this story, but... but the game, the words of the saints, the words of the righteousness, but the... but there must be no deviations! Detailed explanation, solution As if you are talking... no, you can't!"

"Why not?"

After all, Qin Zheng has some skills. The brain is in a chaotic moment: "For example, if I talk, today, here, to say this, these things can be determined. At this time, I am quoting the words of the saints, saints. The words correspond to the specific meanings I have said. But the words of the saints, it is the meaning, it is everywhere, you are solved today, the ordinary people looked, can not distinguish, they thought that the meaning of the words, just use Here, the righteousness is reduced. How can we do this!"

"Qin Xiandi’s words are extremely, but I think, it’s not impossible to start with this..."

"No, naturally not..."

"When I want to come, I can use the story first to try to explain its meaning. I can make more metaphors and statements... Qin Xiandi, this matter is going to be done after all, and it is imminent, I have to do..."

Qin Zheng is just shaking his head. At this time, teaching and learning are mostly based on reading and reciting. Students have doubts. There are not many teachers who can directly explain the words of saints by words. Because of the four books and other works, The truth of the story is often not small. After understanding the basic meanings, it is necessary to understand the logic of thinking, and to make children or young people truly understand, often can't do it. Many times, children are recited and they can understand one day. Can understand. There are many teachers who endorse the book, and the teacher who directly said "This is the meaning of a certain, you give me a back" is none.

Qin Zheng was educated at this time since he was a child. He was also awed when he was teaching his children at home. He could not do it. At this time, he only thought that Li was deviant and unreasonable. He originally thought that Li Feng lived here to be a hope, but unexpectedly today, when he heard the other party say such a thing, his thoughts suddenly became confused, and he did not know how to treat the "Great Confucianism" in front of him.

Li Feng said what he thought in his mind for a moment. He once saw the Enlightenment of the Black Flag Army. The way of saying "everyone is responsible", shouting slogans, and stimulating blood, mainly used as a tool for snoring, is far from being responsible for real people. But it is a beginning. After he broke away from Ning Yi, he finally thought that the true Confucian way is to ask the truth to be practical and to make everyone understandable. In addition, there is no other thing. Everything else is illusory.

So he learned Ning Yi's style, in order to make the world able to read. After reading, how can people make a real reason, then let the narrative simplify, use the story, use the metaphor to truly integrate into the human heart. Ning Yi's technique is only instigating, and he has to talk about the real road, just to say that everyone can understand - even if it can't be done temporarily, but as long as it can go one step, it is also going forward.

These things can be solved step by step. The popularization of books has simplified the narrative. Next, there will naturally be more vivid expressions and better stories. As long as the principle of transmission is the principle, we will continue to break through. After all, one day, the Confucian way will be realized.

In these days, for the many arguments of Mingtang, Li Fan has made people's narratives, and published in vernacular texts. In addition to vernacular, there will also be a written version for Confucian scholars. Everyone sees vernacular texts as ordinary people's spoken language. They only think that Li Pin and Nai Ning have learned the law of pragmatism and incitement. They seek for fame and fortune among ordinary civilians. Sometimes they secretly laugh at each other. This is really hollowing out the mind for fame. But where do you know that this version is the real road for Li Pin.

Li Pin said these things and said what he had seen in his years. Qin Zheng’s heart was boring, and he couldn’t listen to it. After a while, his fame was not big. At this time, his thoughts were inconsistent with Li’s frequency. After all, he was not easy to blame too much, and he was afraid that his eloquence would not work. It became a laughing stock, only when leaving. "Mr. Li, can you beat Ning Yi?" Li Feng just silently, then shook his head.

"Can you beat the Jurchen?"

"It takes a lot of work... but it is a century, a thousand years..."

Li Feng’s statement sounds like a sophistry.

Qin Zheng’s disdain, after leaving Mingtang, spit on the street: “What Li Dexin, famous for his reputation, I see that he is clearly afraid of the Ning Devil in the northwest, looking for some excuses, what avenue, I Hey... Sven scum! Real scum!"

He said this with his entourage. After he said it, he said, "Hey, look at him like this. How do you make a black flag? I don’t think it’s because of the anti-internship sent by the Ning Devil? No wonder. In those years, the Black Flag Army’s news was so well-informed. No, I waited to go to the southwest. I couldn’t follow what I had thought before. I also had to remind the southwestern righteous, which might have swindles...”

So muttering forward, next to a figure collision will come over, Qin Zheng did not react to it, and the person touched, squatting back a few steps, almost fell in the stinking ditch on the side of the road. He took a look at his body and looked up. There was a team of more than ten people in the rivers and lakes. He was wearing a short fight and fighting. Just hit his big man and look at him: "Look what? Little white face, look for a fight?" As he said, go straight ahead.

When he was only hit, Qin Zheng knew that the other martial arts was strong. Although he was young and full of enthusiasm, the green forest was fiercely violent. He wanted to kill Ning Yi’s fame, and he was killed on the street and the coward. Lost and not interested, at this time hesitated for a moment, but it was awkward.

He knows that he and his entourage may not be able to beat this group of people, but he is not worried about killing the Ning Devil. It must be done in the first place. Secondly, it is really murderous. The first one is not martial arts. It is a policy. In the heart, I smashed the green forest grass several times, and it was rude. It’s no wonder that it was slaughtered by the heart and the like. Go back to the inn to get off the ground.

Here, Li frequency sent Qin Zheng and began to return to the study to write a small story about the Analects of Confucius. Over the years, many scholars have come to Mingtang. His words have been said many times. Some of these scholars are ignorant, some leave with anger, and some break on the spot are commonplace. People who live in the glory of Confucianism can't see the terrible things that Ning Yi did, and they don't realize the despair in Li Feng's heart. The high-level scholarship can't enter everyone's heart. When Ning Yi masters the way of communicating with ordinary people, if these studies can't go down, it will be really ruined.

Since the word is created, the purpose of language and text is to convey the experience of the people. Therefore, all the branches that hinder the transmission are defects. All innovations that are conducive to transmission are progress.

Li Dexin knows that he has already reached the path of deviant. He can only convince himself every day.

I may not be able to beat Ning Liheng, but only this deviant road...may be right.

Only in the heart to convince myself once, the next person to report, the iron Tianying iron to help the Lord.

Since several cooperations in the northwest, the friendship between Li Pin and Tie Tianying has never been broken.

In the northwest implementation, Li Feng broke away from Ning Yi in Xiao Canghe, and Iron Tianying felt desperate in Ning Yi’s means. He no longer wanted to fight against the Black Flag Army, but in Li Feng’s “The Road to the World” How many feelings of sorrow in the crying, after leaving the northwest, the two separated, and Tian Tianying left the criminal department. When Li Feng stood up in Lin'an, and Iron Tianying appeared again in front of Li Feng, it became a green forest in the Weihe River. Helper.

In short, he led a group of refugees along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and started a gangster. On the one hand, he helped the northern migrants to go south. On the one hand, he heard the news from the north and passed it to the south.

At this time, the Central Plains was already a land of Daqi. The warlords of various roads prevented the refugees from going south and blocked the north and the south. This is the case, but nowadays, the localities are still composed of the original Han Chinese. In some places, there are two light and dark. Tie Tianying was arrested for his total time in Yanliang. He has been operating for many years. At this time, pulling up the team and infiltrating the north and south is still not difficult.

In the criminal department for many years, he has been used to all kinds of ugly things, and he is already tired of the officialdom of the Wu Dynasty. After the chaos in the world, after leaving the six doors, he was reluctant to be controlled by the imperial court, but for Li Feng, he was finally respected.

After Zhou Pei and Jun Wu took power, they restarted the Secret Investigation Department. They were responsible for Cheng Zhouhai and Wen Renfu, and spy on various information in the north. The Lihe River behind Li Feng was due to the presence of Tie Tianying. Become a well-informed source.

Although in the past few years, in the debates on learning and avenues, Li has always had a shadow of despair in his heart. However, in addition to learning, the name that confronted Ning Yi did not necessarily have a name, but stood behind Li. In fact, there are also the support of several large families. The last Daru Zuo Duanyou who established the Secret Investigation Department had had many contacts with Li Feng before his death, and it was clear that the horses and horses stood up for Li frequency platform, although the elderly have begun to understand Ning Yi before his death, but also turned his reputation as a nutrient, passed to the younger generation worthy of support. If there is no such background, even if Li Fei and Ning Yi's deeds are so legendary, he has already been swallowed up by the entire Confucian school.

Of course, these forces have little meaning before the Black Flag Army is absolutely strong.

"It’s not a good person to come and talk with you!" In the yard, Tie Tianying has strode in. "When you go out from here, you say bad things on the street! I can't see him, but I have taught him!"

"There is often something, why should the iron helper make a fuss." Li frequency smiled and greeted him.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to the southwest to kill the devil, there are a lot of people here." Li frequency smiled. "It has been hard work. What is the status of the Central Plains?"

"Without a cup of tea, I asked what I was going to do, Li Dexin, how do you treat friends like this?"

"It's my fault, it's my fault. The iron helper sat down to drink tea." Li Feng was a good friend and apologized.

Iron Tianying sat down and took the tea, and his expression gradually became serious: "Hungry ghosts are very powerful."

He finished this sentence and took a sip of tea: "Guanzhou, Shuaozhou, Caozhou and other places, skyrocketing. The spring has not yet made this look. After the spring ploughing, Wang Shitong commanded the hungry ghosts to launch an attack. Wherever the town was burned, the Liangtian was destroyed, the nearby food was eaten up, and the survivors were forced to be involved in the hungry ghosts. A large number of hungry people and refugees scattered, once spread to the shackles... but Liu Yu did not have the grain and disaster, these people then Become a hungry ghost."

Li frequency opened his mouth: "Da Qi...The army? Can there be a slaughter and a hungry?"

Tie Tianying shook his head and lowered his voice: "It is not the case. Gongzhou and other places have sent troops. Wang Shitong sent hungry people to battle. They are hungry, have no longevity, and have few weapons... ... last year in Jiangbei, the hungry ghost army was broken up by the Tianhu army, and it was still a drag on the house, and it collapsed at one touch. But this year... facing the rushing army, Daxin, you know how... they are not afraid of his mother. dead."

Iron Tianying paused: "Mother's, there is nothing... only fear of death."

"So..." Li Pin felt that his mouth was a little dry, and his eyes had already begun to think of something.

"So, 5,000 people have killed 50,000 people, and then... have been eaten..."

Li Feng followed the sluts. These people were silent and weak most of the time. They did not dare to resist when they were slaughtered. They fell and died like this, but he also understood that at certain special times, these people will also appear. A situation that is dominated by despair and hunger, loses reason, and does anything crazy.

"Last year in Jiangbei, Wang Shitong wanted to go south. At that time everyone was hitting him. He just wanted to run away. Now he may have found out, there is no place to escape. I see the arrangement of the hungry ghosts during this time. He is I want to... spread out first." Iron Tianying raised his hands and made a complicated and unspeakable gesture of pushing out. "This is just the beginning."

"Pave it up... how to spread it out..."

"Turn everyone into a hungry ghost." Tie Tianying raised his teacup and took a swig, made a squeaking voice, and then repeated, "I just started... I am sad this year."

The sun is shining, the silence in the courtyard is unspeakable. Here is the peace of Taiping. It is hard to imagine the situation in the Central Plains, but it can only be imagined. Li Fan is silent, and after a while, he clenches his fist and hits the stone table. On, and then another fight, his lips are close, his eyes violently shaking. Tie Tianying also grinned and said: "In addition, the black flag army of the beam, some strange movements."


"They have been rigorously in private. I haven't studied it well, but I have seen the wind... The black flag has come, people may want to do something." Tie Tianying thought, "It may be a big event, I feel very bad." ""

Tie Tianying is the old head of the criminal department for many years. His tactile acumen is sharp. The Black Flag Army is naturally in the Liangliang. The Iron Sky Eagle is no longer facing the black flag since the northwestern incident, but how many can detect some underground The clues. He was vague at this time, Li frequency shook his head: "For the hungry ghosts? Ning Yi in Tianhu's site ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and Wang Shitong should have had contact."

Then he said: "Why can you go to the squatting beam... kill another emperor?"

He said that Ning Yi’s business has always been difficult to smile. At this time, it was only a slight glimpse. In the end, he suddenly realized what it was. The smile gradually became stiff on the face. Tie Tianying was drinking tea and glanced at him. I also noticed the other side's thoughts and the silence in the yard. For a long while, Li’s voice sounded: “Isn’t it?”

"... De Xinfang said that there are a lot of people going to the southwest recently?"

“Is there a connection in the middle?”

"I don't know." Iron Tianying spread his hands and his eyes were a little confused. He was still trying to connect these things.

Li Pin has stood up: "I am going to ask for the Princess of the Long Princess."

Soon after, he knew the news that Zong Fuzong wanted to invade.

The huge disaster has begun to brew, Wang Shitong's hungry ghosts will wreak havoc in the Central Plains, thought it was the biggest trouble, but some clues have already sounded the alarm of this world. It is just a prelude to the upcoming chaos. In the deep water, two opponents separated by a thousand miles have already begun to make moves.

On this night, Tie Tianying rushed out of the city and began to go north. Three days later, he arrived at the beam that seemed to be still calm. The six doors of the past always caught the traces of the activities of the Black Flag Army in the dark. Just like the city of Liangliang, his movements were still slow.

Three days later, a big chaos that shocked the world broke out in the city of Liangliang.

What no one expected was that after the defeat in the northwest, the Black Flag Army, who had been silent for three years in the southwest, suddenly started its action shortly after Ning Yi’s return. It slaps a slap in the face of the invincible gold country.

Then the pot was buckled on the head of Wuchao...

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