Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 767: My heart is not separated from the mountains and seas (below)

(To correct a mistake in the setting, the father of Yan Yanqing, who wrote the original face, should be the ancestral mother of the King of Wu. Pen & Fun & Court www.biquge.info)


The evening breeze contains the warmth of summer nights, the lights are bright, and the stars are squinting. Southwest and Dengxian are entering a warm night.

Looking down from the mountainside, a little light is accompanied by the spread of the mountains. The square in the distance is crowded. In the theater on the side of the square, a new drama called "Autumn Winds" is being staged. The Chinese soldiers from Blei County are coming. In groups, merchants, workers, and farmers from the mountains gathered with their families and gathered here waiting for admission. Above the theater, the windmill with a complicated structure dragged a huge horse-drawn lantern slowly.

Although Zhuji first promoted the intelligence network with words such as storytelling, singing, juggling, etc., compared with the outside world, the cultural activities inside the Huaxia Army are quite rich, but this theater in Hedeng is still the most formal of all entertainment. It is.

The theater is open to everyone inside the Huaxia Army. The fare is not expensive. It is mainly a question of indicators. It is very good to get one or two tickets per person per year. The people who were poor at the beginning used this as a big day. The mountains and rivers came to the water, and every night in the square was lively. Recently, there was no interruption because of the tension in the outside world. People in the square laughed and laughed. The soldiers talked with their companions while watching the suspicious circumstances around them.

An attempted arson attempt occurred two days ago, and it seems that it has never happened before.

People who may have experienced the baptism of war have also found the embarrassment of living in these situations.

In the family area on the mountain, it seems a lot quieter, a little light and gentle, occasional footsteps walked through the street. On the newly built two-story building, a window on the second floor is open and lit with lights, from which you can easily see the square and the theater in the distance. Although the new drama was welcomed, the women who participated in the training and took charge of the drama never went to the backstage to see the audience's reaction. In the swaying lights, the woman with some sly looks was sitting on the bed, bowing her head and sewing a small dress, and the needle thread was worn through the lead, and the hand was already tied twice.

The footsteps rang softly, and someone pushed the door open. The woman looked up and saw a gentle smile on the woman coming in from outside the door. She was dressed in a light black dress and her hair was bunched up behind her head. The image is a man's dress, but it looks like a hero: "Red sister." Comes from Lu Hongti. Although the martial arts are strong at home, the temperament is the most gentle. It is a type that occasionally bullies. Jiner and She can also get close.

"How is your body? I will see you when I pass by."

"I have been fine for a long time."

"That's good." The red side sat down to the bed, and then folded her legs and looked at the fabric on her hand. "Do you want clothes?"

"My craft is ugly." Jiner's face was red, and the clothes were hidden in his arms. The red smile followed, and she probably knew the meaning of the clothes. She did not talk and laughed. Jiner then followed. Take the clothes out. "The child is gone, it doesn't go away. I remember, I didn't do anything for him..."

"Yeah." Red reminded me for a moment. "In any case, I just haven't been pregnant. I don't know anything. Let Liheng be with you again."

"I want a boy."


The red sighed slightly, and probably wanted to say that this was not a casual choice. Jiner sneered out: "Well, red sister, I am not sad."

Red reveals the helpless look that has been teased. Jiner flutters forward and hugs her hand: "Red sister, you are so handsome and handsome today, or you are worried about me." I have to stretch into the other's clothes, and one hand falls on the waistband. I want to stick in the back. The red smiles and folds up my legs to avoid it. After all, Jiner’s recent energy is not good, this kind of boudoir woman’s joke Then I will not continue to open.

"This is a night dress. You are so good, I am relieved." Red raised the clothes and got up. "I still have something to do, I have to go out first."

"You must be careful with the red sister." Jiner waved her hand. "I will seduce your man when you come back late."

"The man is dealing with things, it will take some time." Red smiled and finally yelled at her: "Drink more water." Going out of the room, Jiner looked out from the window, and the red figure gradually disappeared. A small group of people came out from the shadows and followed the red to leave. The martial arts high-powered Zheng Qiming and others were among them. Jin Er gently waved his hand at the window and watched their figure disappear into the distance.

Occasionally there will be such a thing when there are many people. The enthusiastic Xiaoning珂 took care of his mother for a few days, and was taken to the office by Ning Yi. The Yunzhu stayed in the library to start the resurgence. The book is still in charge of some of the internal affairs of the Huaxia Army. Even Xiaoyan has been busy recently. Of course, the most important thing is that Jiner needs rest and rest during this time. There are not many people today. To disturb her.

The night passed quietly, when the small clothes were almost the same, a small argument came in, and then the door was the Ning and Ning Ning, the little sisters who were only four years old because of their age. Similar, always play together, at this time because of a small squabble dispute, come and look for Jiner evaluation - the temperament of Jiner in the weekdays is lively, like a few junior sisters, who have always been loved by the little girl, Jiner couldn't help but mediate for the two. After the atmosphere was harmonious, the female soldiers who took care took the two children to take a rest.

The night is getting deeper. On the lower square, today’s drama is over. People are coming out of the theater. Jiner picks up a small piece of clothes, wraps up in a small bag, goes out at the door, and guards the middle-aged woman outside. Standing up, Jiner smiled at her: "I want to go to the back hill, Qing sister, follow me."

"Yes." The female soldier named Li Qing nodded and picked up the seedlings, fire, and other things that she carried. This is the Miao female from Miaojiang. She used to follow the tyrants. She used to be a master of Liu Dazhao. It’s really necessary for an assassin to come. It’s hard to ask a few people in the rivers and lakes to find it cheap. It’s a master like Red, and it takes a lot of effort to get her down.

All the way through the streets of the family area, the people watching the movie have not yet returned, there are not many pedestrians on the street. Occasionally, a few young people walked on the streets, and they also carried weapons with them. They greeted them with Jin, and Jiner laughed with them. Smile and wave.

"Auntie Jin, you have to be careful not to go far, there are bad people recently."


"You can rest assured that even if there are bad people, we will not let him destroy it!"

"That's thanks to you."

"Hey, Jiner’s aunt has Li Qing’s follow, and I don’t need you...”

In such an atmosphere, I went all the way, and I passed the family area and went to the back of the mountain. The back mountain of Hedeng is not big. It is connected with the Martyrs Cemetery. The inspections on the outside are actually quite strict. There are military camps in the farther areas. It is not too much to worry about the infiltration of the enemy. But than before, after all, it was a lot quieter. Jiner passed through the small woods and came to the pond in the forest. The bag was placed here, and the moonlight quietly sprinkled.

Li Qing has disappeared from the field of vision. Jin Er sat on the grass in the forest and leaned against the big tree. In fact, she did not think about what she was going to do. She just sat for a while and got up and dug. Pit, take out the small clothes in the bag, gently put them in the pit, and buried them.

Then I sat for another moment: "You...on there, you have to live well."

There was tears reflecting the soft light of the moonlight, falling from the white cheeks.

This child has not even had a name.

After that, Jin Er thought about the child's business, thinking about such a thing, and did not know how long it took. Some people's footsteps came from the woods. Jiner looked at it. Ning Yi's figure passed through the woodland, walked to her side for a moment, and then sat down.

"Amitabha." He rubbed his hands against the little coat and shook his hands twice.

Jiner wiped her eyes and smiled at the corner of her mouth: "How come you."

"Hurry to sneak, always have to steal a lazy one." Ning Yi reached out and touched her hair. "The child is gone, there is no more. In less than a month, he has not had your nails big, can't remember Things will not hurt."

"I know." Jiner nodded and was silent for a moment. "I think of my sister and my brother. I am jealous of my mother."

"Well..." Jin's past, Ning Yi knew, the family was poor. At the age of five, Jin's parents sold her to the brothel. Later, Jiner went back. My mother and her brother were dead. My sister married. Giving the rich man a servant room, Jiner left an ingot, and never returned to it. These past events have been mentioned once or twice with Ning Yi, and have not been mentioned since then.

"I am a mother, brother, they died so early, I hate them in my heart, I don't want them anymore, but just..." She wiped her eyes. "Just... I remembered the dead baby, I suddenly remembered They are, Xiang Gong, you said, they are so pitiful, they lived that kind of day, sold their daughters, and no one sympathized with them, my brother, is so small, he died of illness, you said, Why didn't he wait for me to take the ingot back to save him? I hate that my mother sold me and didn't want him, but my brother was very sensible. He didn't cry when he was young... Hey, my sister, You said how she is doing now, the soldiers are chaotic, she is stupid, is it dead, they... they are so pitiful..."

She held Ning Yi's neck and opened her mouth. "Ah, ah," as the child cried, Ning Yi thought she was a miscarriage of the child, but she did not expect her because the child remembered her family. With his wife’s words, the eyes were slightly warm and tender, holding her for a while, whispering: “I am going to help you find your sister, I am going to help you find your sister...” Her sister-in-law, My brother, after all, is already dead, perhaps with the aborted child, going to another world to live.

The moon was star-studded, and Jiner held her husband and cried for a long time at the small lake.

Under the same night, the black figure stops like a ghost in the shadows between the mountains. Under the cliff in front, it is a small group of travelers who are also hidden in the darkness. This group of people each armed with a knife, looks fierce, some ears wearing a gold ring, the head is covered with hair, some face tattoos, weapons are weird, but also domesticated Haidongqing, the ordinary wolf dog mixed. These people did not ignite a bonfire at night, apparently to hide their whereabouts.

At some point, the wolf dog is arrogant!

The knife light was raised on one side, and the blood was flying with the broken arm. This group of strangers fluttered in the darkness. In the back, Lu Hong’s figure broke into it, and the message of death hurriedly pushed the road away. The wolf dog rushed like a little lion, and the weapons and the shadows rushed together in a chaotic manner...


Xue Guangcheng, who was covered in blood, was taken out of the cell. In the room next to him, he sat down in the central chair and spit out a **** foam on the ground.

Looking at the front, it is the Jurchen leader who finally saw it.

"Ali is a general, you are more and more like a girl. Have you ever seen a person who knows that he is going to die, will he be afraid of death?"

The general of the Jurchen Ali, who is shameful for six years, is known as Wu Yong.

"The ambassadors of your Han people think that they can swear by the tongue, and ask for mercy after the punishment."

"Then you have seen it, there are such people in the Chinese army?"

Ali looked at him, his eyes were like steel knives, and Xue Guangcheng spit a **** foam. His hands were on his knees and he sat on his back. "Since I came over, I have already set aside life and death. However, one thing is certain, I will not return." Go, I will give me a funeral when I am finished, this is the promise that Mr. Ning has given me."

"Used Yan Qingyi alone, and changed the life of the people in the city, plus you. Are you thinking too well?"

"Because the people who are squatting are not important. You and I are against each other, and you are doing everything right. It is also a righteous move. Grab Liu Yu, you lose to me." Xue Guangcheng pointed his finger at him, "killing Liang Ren, is The anger of your losers, the Huaxia Army saves people, out of morality, but also gives you a step. Ali is the general, you and the King of Wu are also old, save his son, it is good for you."

"Don't say that the people of Liangliang are not important to you." Ali laughed. "If this is the case, you will not come today. You are black flagged to rebel, and finally throw them away, these are deceived. But they are all hating you!"

"I Huaxia Junjun rebelled, to morality can leave a good reputation, not moral, but also the husband's move. Ali shaves the general, yes, catching Liu Yu is my decision, leaving some bad reputation, I will give up my life and do my best. Your Jurchen is going south, it is not to destroy the Central Plains. You can also kill a big one in the city of Liangliang today. Like a woman, kill me and vent your anger. And then let your women really spread the cruelty."

"Or, or," Xue Guangcheng stared at Ali and was aggressive. "--Or, in the future, I will let you know on the battlefield what is called upright! You are old, and I won't win. Wu, but I Huaxia Army, one day sooner or later, will regain the Han Dynasty, break into the Golden State, and beat your sons and grandchildren to the ground-"

"You are looking for death--" Ali scraped his hand and flew the table in front of him, striding forward.

"Let you know what is truly invincible -"

The figure is moving forward, the steel knife is swaying, roaring, and the voices are constantly communicating. Facing the figure that was killed in the blood of the corpse, Xue Guangcheng speaks and stands up against the steel knife. With a bang, the steel knife slammed on his shoulder. He was sentenced, and his body was slightly biased, and he stood still.

The blade that had to be on his neck turned into a blade at the last moment, only a loud noise, and the blade stopped at his neck.

Xue Guangcheng's body took another step forward, staring at Ali's shaved eyes, as if the boiling blood was burning, the atmosphere was chilling, and the two tall figures were squatting together in the room.


When Yan Yanqing entered the study under the guidance of the soldiers, the time was already in the afternoon. Ning Yi stood at the window and looked at the sunshine outside, carrying his hands.

"Little prince, don't have to be polite, just sit down." Ning Yi did not turn around, I don't know what to think, just say a word. Wan Yanqing also did not sit down naturally. When he was arrested in the southwest for nearly a year, the Huaxia Army did not abuse him. In addition to letting him participate in labor to earn a living income from time to time, the life he had spent in the past was many times better than the average prisoner.

However, under the long-term labor, he naturally did not have the arrogance of being a young prince. Of course, even if he had, after seeing the domineering of Ning Yi, he would never dare to show it in front of Ning Yi.

"Being born in this year~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is a man's misfortune." Ning Yi was silent for a long time before he turned his head and said, "If you are born in peace and prosperity, how good it is... Of course, Xiao Wangye may not Think so..."

Wan Yanqing looked at the man who showed a trace of weakness in front of him with some vigilance. According to the experience of the past, such a person in power might be murdering.

"I don't know... why Mr. Ning sighs like this."

"My wife, shed a child." Ning Yi turned around.

Wan Yanqing also heard about this, but at this time it was a mistake: "Wife is like clothes, Mr. Ning would not want to say that he is feeling for this kind of thing?"

"Relentlessness may not be a true hero. How can you not be a husband? You may not understand." Ning Yi looked at him gently and smiled. Then he said, "I want you to come over today, I want to tell you, maybe you have a chance to leave, Xiao Wangye. ""

"Or... I hope you can safely leave here..."

The summer sun sprinkled in from the window, and the scholar stood in the light, slightly raised his hand, and in the calm eyes, he had the weight of the mountain...

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