Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 772: Earthly autumn wind, fallen leaves (below)

The world is like the autumn wind, life is like a fallen leaf.

Some memories are faintly present in the last life of life. The past life will leave traces in today's life, but not many. If you think about it carefully, you can say that it is not.

In Vaud City, Lin Chong and his wife and children have lived in silence for many years. The scouring of time will make people's tattoos on their faces fade, because no one will talk about it, and gradually they will ignore the past.

In this time, many things have been born, but where is it not? Whether it is the imaginary Taiping, or the chaos and incitement of today, as long as the people are attentive and calm, no matter what kind of bumps, there will be places to go back.

In this world, people are suffering, real paradise, after all, there has never been...

"The rice in the house is going to be bought."

On the morning of the third day of July, when I had breakfast, Xu Jinhua said to Lin Chong. The child Mu Anping eats a steamed bun at the side. Lin Chong nodded. "It’s expensive recently."

"Let's talk outside, you have to fight again."

"It’s not the first time. The Jurchens have come over the capital and they have come over. There will be nothing. We have all dropped."

"It’s not too flat outside." Xu Jinhua groaned. Lin Chong smiled and said: "I brought a cold melon back at night."

"Expensive, don't spend money."

Lin Chong smiled and nodded. After using the breakfast, the old head of the surname Zheng came over to him, and he took the long shot of the white wax rod and went to work with the other side.

Woo State is located in the north of the Central Plains. On the boundary line between Jinwang and Wang Juyun, it is said that Taiping is not peaceful, and chaos is not chaotic. Lin Chong is doing things in the official government. Actually, it is not a formal catch, but a formal arrest. In the name of the head, instead of the patrol officer doing things. The situation is chaotic, the work of Tuen Mun is not easy to find, Lin Chong's character is not strong, and in the past few years, he has no idea in his early years, and he has taken care of the relationship to find this life. His ability is not bad after all, in the city of Vaud. In a few years, I finally got a good life.

Zheng Chuantou, who is with him, is a formal public. When he is older, Lin Chong calls him "Zheng Da Ge." In the past few years, the relationship between the two has been good. Zheng’s arrest also persuaded Lin Chong to find some way and send something. Get a formal public identity to protect your later life. Lin Chong finally did not get it.

He has lived well, but he is afraid of the dirty.

"The matter of the small official, it must be done." On the way to Tuen Mun, Zheng Dao and Lin Chong said things that are commonplace. His son Zheng Xiaoguan, 18 this year, learned some martial arts on weekdays, and also wanted to go to the door to do things, dredge the master of Tuen Mun, and found a better way, that is the son of the big family outside the city of Vaud Proud to be recruiting, this proud family is a big family. The big family has once swayed the big family of Hebei and Hedong. After relying on the great Confucianism, after relying on Jurchen, there is still a great force in the Central Plains.

Through such a relationship, I can join the Qi family. With the Qijiagongzi doing things, it is a bad future: "Today, the master will have to greet Qi Gongzi at Xiaoyan House, and let me bring a small official in the past, and let I arranged a girl for Qi Gongzi and said that I want to be full."

"Then go to the Golden Building to find one." Lin Chongdao. When catching up for so many years, he knows nothing about the various situations in the city of Vaud.

"I have to find a head card." Zheng's patrol was extremely serious in relation to his son's future. "The martial arts hall also said hello. I want to ask Xiaobao's master to ask Tian Zong to be a companion. Unfortunately, Tian Zongshi has something to do today. No, but Tian Zongshi also knows Qi Gongzi, and he has promised that it will be a few words for Xiaobao.

Lin Chong nodded, Tian Weishan, is a famous master of martial arts near Wozhou, and also has a face in the government and the military. This is the relationship that Lin Chong and Zheng patrol these people can't climb on weekdays. They can use it once and there is no worry in life.

In such an argument, I came to Tuen Mun and it was an ordinary day of patrol. At the beginning of the seventh lunar month, Sanfutian is continuing. The weather is hot and the sun is drying. For Lin Chong, it is not uncomfortable. In the afternoon, he went to buy some rice, spent money to buy a watermelon, and first placed it in the door. When it was late in the evening, the master asked him to work overtime to investigate the case. Lin Chong also agreed to look down and watched the teacher and Zheng. The catcher left.

This evening, I had a very common thing.

In our lives, we sometimes encounter such things. If it has never been born, people will go through this life in a normal way. But somewhere, it will eventually fall on someone's head, and others will continue to live simply.

This year has been the construction of the Wu Dynasty for nine years. It was separated from the former Jinghan Dynasty by a long enough time to forget many things. On the third day of July, Lin Chong’s life went to the end. The reason is this:

On this day, Chen Zeng, the official of the official residence of the Vaud State, invited the son of Qi’s son to be arrogant in the Xiaoyan Building in the city. The guest and the host were full of joy and food, and Chen Zeng’s position made Zheng Xiaoguan come out to play a set of boxing. When things were settled, Chen Zeng went to Zheng to patrol the father and son to leave. He accompanied Qi Gongzi to Jinlou to spend the rest of his time. On the way, Qi Gongzi, who was drinking too much, got out of the carriage and drunk on the street. Xu Jinhua took the water basin and came out of the room and fell down the street. A few drops of water splashed on Qi Gongzi's clothes.

Qi Ao walked into Lin Chong's home.

When Zheng patrolled the father and son over here, things are coming to an end. There are not many people living in the streets nearby. Because of the existence of Qi Ao’s guards, most people have hid in the house, but there are bound to be people who have seen the things going through. Chen Zeng took the Zheng patrol that he wanted to make progress. Zheng patrolled: "This is Mu Yi's home."

"...Qi Gongzi is drunk, I can't hold him." Chen Zengqi said, he hasn't had much contact with Lin Chong in the past few years. The government's opinion on this temperamental colleague is only "how much" I will do some work." I thought about it and said, "You have to settle things."

Then, Qi Ao came out of the house, swaying, finishing his clothes, and stumbled into the carriage. Qifu’s family will be left to pick up and finish. Zheng Zhengcun and Zheng Xiaoguan went in with the man. He introduced the situation of Lin Chong that he knew: “It’s a person who doesn’t want to cause trouble, but... he’s mostly martial arts. The strength is great, and there are tattoos on his face. When he was in the Wu Dynasty, he was a big man..."

"Then you have to find a way to handle it."

"Hey...hey..." Zheng patted and continued to sigh. "I will talk to him first. I will talk to him first."

In the room, Xu Jinhua is already dead. The blood of a place, the child Mu Anping fell on the floor of the room inside. It seems that he was stunned by Qi Gongzi. At this time, he woke up and shouted. Zheng patrolled and hugged him in the past: "Do not shout, don't shout, I am Zheng Bobo..."

The voice of the "Yiang Niang" children was fierce and sharp. Zheng Xiaoguan, who had some contacts with Lin Chong's family, experienced such a tragic thing for the first time. Some of them were at a loss. Zheng patrolled and stunned Mu Anping again and gave it to Zheng Xiaoguan: Faster and faster, first wait for Anping to go to other places to look good, and ask your uncle and uncle to come over and deal with this matter... Mu Yi usually has no temper, but his skills are powerful, I am afraid that he will be guilty, pressure Can't live with him..."

Zheng Xiaoguan left Mu'an Pingfei and left. He ran fast, and called people to come quickly. The old patrol had not had time to figure out how to deal with Xu Jinhua. The voice came from outside Zheng Xiaoguan: "Mu, Uncle Mu, you ... you don't go in..."

"What do you want to go in, come, I bought a cold melon, come to eat together, you..."

There is something that stops here.

That's not just a sound.

Zheng did not think about what to say, and the watermelon fell on the ground, similar to the color of blood. Lin Chong went to his wife's side and reached out to touch her pulse. He groaned and touched it several times. The body of Ang Zang suddenly sat on the ground, his body trembled and he sifted.

"Fake, fake, fake..."

Then in the faint, he heard Zheng Shutou say something. He didn't know what the words meant, and he didn't know where to start. The earth is like the autumn wind, life is like a fallen leaf, his leaves are falling, and everything is falling apart.

Some memories, no matter how far apart in life, can be as clear as yesterday. The young and the young, the helplessness and grief after being framed, the humiliating tattoo, the high sorrow, the high temper, the displacement, the Liangshan, the troubled times, the sword and the sword stabbed over, the Jin Ge iron horse, they rushed from the gray The stab in the curtain. Xu Jinhua, and children, they fell in a pool of blood.

The scouring of time will make the tattoo on the face fade. However, there will always be something, like the sacral bones lurking on the other side of the body. Every day, the backlog of each day is there, causing a pain that cannot be felt.

"... These things are not the first time... It’s such a world of Mu brothers... and then one, and then a better one... You think, we are all small people, there is no way, the emperor Let the Jurchen catch the North as a dog, Mu Brothers, you are not the first day in Tuen Mun, you have to think about it..."

In the sound of numerous collapses, the noise was occasionally mixed. Lin Chong’s body squatted for a long time, picked it up and slowly climbed forward. In front of Xu Jinhua’s body, there was finally a cry in the throat. However, facing the corpse, his hand did not dare to extend. Zheng’s patrol dragged a quilt over the exposed body. Someone came to drag Lin Chong, someone tried to help him, Lin Chong’s body swayed and shouted loudly. Not many people had heard that a man’s crying could be so cold.

The crying continued for a long time. In the room, the two cousins ​​who Zheng patrolled supported Lin Chong, and Zheng Xiaoguan and others surrounded him. Zheng patrol occasionally gave a few words. In the night outside the room, someone looked over and someone left. Lin Chong was helped to sit on the chair, and many things were falling down. Many things came up again. The voice made sense. In fact, in the past few years, this kind of thing has been two pieces. . When Tian Hu was still there, it was not surprising that Tian Hu’s relatives snatched in the territory. When the Jurchens came, the people killed and the people who died were more than one. This was originally a troubled world. The powerful people naturally oppressed those who have no power. He saw it in the government, and he only felt, looked forward to, and looked forward to these things, and he would not fall on his own.

It’s clear that the chaotic years have passed peacefully.

Why are you born...

In the room, Lin Chong dragged Zheng’s patrol, and the other side struggled. Lin Chong grabbed his neck and pressed him to the wooden table: “Where is it...” His voice, even his own Can't hear.

The people around have come up, and Zheng Xiaoguan has come over: "Uncle Mu, Uncle Mu..."

"Mu brothers don't want to impulsive..."

"Don't mess around, let's talk about it..."

There are so many arms that stretch out, push him and drag him. Zheng patted the hand on the neck, Lin Chong reacted, let go of him, and the old man got up and comforted him: "Mu brother, you are angry, I know, but we can't do anything..."

The heavens and the earth rotate, the vision is gray, and Lin Chong’s soul is not on himself. He mechanically reaches out and grabs the right hand of “Zheng Big Brother” and tears his little finger off. Two people on the side grab him. One hand, but Lin Chong did not feel. The blood was shot, some people screamed, some screamed and shouted, and Lin Chong was like taking a piece of dough and throwing the finger away.

"Where is it?" The weak voice came out of the throat, and the side was a chaotic scene. The old man shouted: "My finger, my finger." Bending over to pick up the fingers on the ground, Lin Chong does not let him Going, the side continued to be chaotic for a while. Someone waved the stool and squatted on him. Lin Chong folded the old man’s finger and tore it off: "Tell me where?"

The huge pain caused the old man to urinate and was incontinent. Someone was punched in the back. Zheng Xiaoguan also screamed and gave Lin Chong two punches. Lin Chong looked at him in confusion and confused, until Zheng Xiaoguan shouted: "Mu Anping, you don't want Mu Anping. ?? Lin Chong's stunned eyes have some reaction, surrounded by mess, some people hold the stick down, some people are quite arrogant, waved a long knife to cut down, Lin Chong unconsciously waved his hand, the wooden pole broke into several sections The long knife also flew out and flew out. Somebody's body slammed into the wall, and a hole was knocked out in a loud noise. Lin Chong caught Zheng Xiaoguan's hand: "Where?"

"Being taken by the people of Qi Gongzi, they... They said... If you are willing to collect the money, you will return it to you... Uncle Mu..."

Lin Chong’s eyes let him go, and went to see Zheng’s arrest. Zheng’s patrol said Jinlou: “We can’t do anything, we can’t do anything, the small official wants to go to his house to do things, Mu brothers...”

Lin Chong nodded and then cried again. He nodded: "Cheng Da Ge, you are right, you are right..." Then the old patrol was pressed on the table, reaching out to touch his throat and turning his throat Grabbing and tearing down.

Zheng Xiaoguan screamed and rushed from the side and slammed into Lin Chong's hand. However, Lin Chong's body was like steel. The basic thread did not move. Zheng Xiaoguan climbed up from the ground and fumbled and grabbed a steel knife. Down, Lin Chong waved his hand, the steel knife flew up the beam, the blade went through, and Zheng Xiaoguan was pressed by Lin Chong on the table, and the slap in the face, the head was hollow, red and white When the things came out, Lin Chong was a palm again, and the original wooden table that the head of the man and Lin Chong personally made bursted.

There was still a man with a long shot of a white wax rod. Lin Chong just took it and took a few trips. There is no such thing in his mind, and Xu Jinhua is lying quietly. He had a sloppy acquaintance with her, and the separation was so sloppy that the woman could not even leave him with a single sentence. These years, the soldiers are in danger, and he knows those things, maybe one day will come to his own head.

Why do you have to fall on your own head, if there is no such thing...

Lin Chong picked up the body of Xu Jinhua, who was covered in blood and went out of the door, but did not know where to bury the woman at this time. When I went out in the morning, I said that I had to buy rice. I wanted to buy cold melon. How can people who want to die buy rice? Lin Chong couldn’t figure it out. And their son, Mu Anping, he has such a son, do they have such a son?

If you didn't have this thing...

He thought about this, and finally only thought: the wicked...

the wicked.

Lin Chong walked toward the Golden House with his blood...


Weishantang. On an ordinary day in the third day of July, an unexpected big day was ushered in.

Lin Zongwu went north and came to Vaud, only half a day. After meeting with Wang Nanda, I saw the local snake in Vaud. He is now in the green forest is really invincible in the world, martial arts is high, Wude is also good, he is willing to come, Tian Weishan who also hangs a guest in the Daguangming teaching is very happy.

They saw a group of disciples performing in the martial arts hall. Lin Zongwu occasionally spoke with Wang Nantuo and talked about the changes that have occurred in the north in recent days. He also asked Tian Weishan's opinion.

"...not only the Qi family, but several big people are said to have moved. They want to intercept the black flag army passers from the north. Don't say that there is no shadow of the Jurchen in the middle... can make such a big battle. , indicating that there must be no information on the person..."

"If you can get it, when it is useful." Wang Nanda also said, "By the way, you can beat the black flag army's arrogance..."

Lin Zongwu nodded: "This time I will personally see who can walk through the Central Plains!"

During the conversation, the performance of the following is still going on. Lin Zongwu looked at a few eyes and then smiled and pointed out the martial arts of a group of young people. During this period, Tian Weishan’s great disciple Tan Lu also came back once and saw Lin Zongwu and Wang Nantuo. On a hot summer night, Lin Zongwu pointed for a while and took a break. At this time, there was a riot outside, and someone came in.

It was a wretched and dejected body, carrying blood, holding the body of a wounded person with an upper limb in his hand, almost pushing a few disciples of Tian Weishan. A person looks swaying, and the six or seven people can't push it. It's just a glance. Everyone knows that the other person is a master. It's just that there is no **** in this person's eyes, tears on his face, and no one can see the master's temperament. . Tan Lu whispered a few words to Tian Weishan: "...Qi Gongzi had some misunderstandings with him..." This kind of world, everyone knows some reasons.

"Where is Qi Ao, where is Tan Road, the wicked..."

The man looked around and said something like this. In the martial arts hall, someone has already brought the knifeman over. Tan Lu stood up: "I am Tan Lu, brother, you are heavy..." He is responsible for the finishing of the deal. Arranged for his men to wait in the Golden House, he came to the Master's side, it is prepared to have a lot of skills. At this time, the words had not been finished, Tian Weishan waved his hand, and then said to Lin Zongwu: "Looking up." Come over.

"This hero, the singer Tian Weishan, today, no matter what contradiction between you and Qi Gongzi, you are daring to mediate for two, and ask the hero to sell a face of Tian, ​​what do you have, sit down and say..."

Lin Chong looked at the man full of the courtyard and looked at the strong man who came over. The other party was Tian Weishan. Lin Chong was arrested here for several years. He had seen him several times. In the past, they could not speak. At this time, they are blocking the front.

the wicked……

His tears fell again, and the picture in his head was always broken. He remembered the White Tiger Hall and thought of Liangshan. The injustice since this road reminded me of the kick that was kicked on the chest by Master on that day...

I know that nothing bad has been done...

Why do you have to be me...

How can people live well?

Why do you have to fall on me...

the wicked……

Unknowingly, he has already reached the front of Tian Weishan, and the two disciples of Tian Weishan came over, each mentioning a simple knife and trying to separate him. Tian Weishan looked at the man, and the intuition that flashed in his mind for the first time was to let him lift the boxing frame. He felt that it was not right in the next moment. With his position in the green forest of Vaud, he could pose this action for the first time. However, the next moment, he heard the sentence from the other side: "The wicked."

"Ah!" Lin Chong opened his hands and rushed up.

In an instant, it was the pressure of the sea. Tian Weishan’s head was erected, and his body shape was steep and then retreat. In front, two warriors with swords on his chest could not react. The body was like a rock that collapsed on the mountain. Hit it, and flew in the blink of an eye. At this moment, Lin Chong was holding two arms and holding two people and pushing it to Tian Weishan.

When it was said that it was too late, Tian Weishan stepped on and stepped back and forth. The footsteps in front of him stepped through the courtyard like a thunder. In a flash, four figures ran across the courtyard of the martial arts hall. Tian Weishan flew back to the courtyard. Next to the pillar, I want to turn.

The huge voice passed over everyone in the courtyard. Tian Weishan and the two disciples were like being hugged by Lin Chong alone. The shells hit the red wooden pillar that supported the gallery. The pillars were in the turmoil of the infiltration. The collapsed, the tiles, the weights down, for a time, the sights are dust, the dust is filled with people choked, and after a while, everyone can faintly see the figure standing in the ruins, Tian Weishan has been completely pressed In the following.

I have seen such a scene in the entire courtyard of the Weishantang warrior. Even if the members of the Great Guangming Church brought by Lin Zongwu and others are stunned, Wang Nanda smiles: "Okay, you pick me up." A punch!" The voice is heroic ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He walked to the wolverine figure.

Lin Chong swayed to Tan Lu and looked at the person who came across from him. He waved a punch at him. He held out his hands and blocked him. The body still went forward, and then it was two punches. The punch was very powerful. Then, Lin Chong blocked two times.

Why do you have to be me...

In his mind, there are Xu Jinhua's face, a living face, a dead face, they are together, they flee together, they built a home, they gave birth to a child... for example, another life that exists in fantasy.

Why do you have to come to me?

If everything is not born, how good is it... When I went out today, everything was fine...

Lin Chong went to Tan Lu. The fist in front was still hitting, Lin Chong blocked a few times, reaching out and staggering the other's arm, he grabbed the other's shoulder, then pulled over and hit the head.

A head squatted on the face of Wang Nanda.

The other hand reached out to open him, and the double fists danced like a screen, and then they came over again. Lin Chong walked forward, just wanting to catch the Tan Road, asking Qi Gongzi and the child’s whereabouts, he will slap each other’s fists. A few times, however, the boxing style was like endless. Lin Chong grabbed the other's clothes and grabbed the other's arm. Wang Nantu twisted his body and tried to get rid of him. He tried to wipe his fist. Lin Chong's forehead brought out blood. Lin Chong's body was also staggering and almost unstable. He irritatedly lifted Wang Nanda's body and then slammed it into the ground.

With a bang, the blue bricks near the ground were all broken, and Lin Chong bumped a few times and staggered forward...

The world is like the autumn wind, and life is like a fallen leaf. Where will it drift, where will stop, it is only a fate. Many years ago, the leopard head came here and bumped all the way. He finally has nothing to say...

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