Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 778: Bone sputum blood burning (1)

The world is endless.

Every moment, some life is like a meteor, and if you stay in the world, you still have to continue his journey.

Shi Jin, who was in the south, arrived in Vaud. Compared with the death of the road all the way to the north, the reunion with his brother Lin Chong became the most joyful thing in his years. The ups and downs of the troubled times, speaking of the impassioned anti-Golden cause, all that is seen on the way is only the interweaving of sorrow and desolateness. The romantic book readers in life and death are more only present in others. Beautify. In it, the heavens and the earth are mud.

The only goodbye with Lin Chong is still angry. The survival of this brother, even enlightenment, makes people feel that there is still a way of life in this world.

He took over the responsibility of finding a child for Lin Chong. After coming to Vaud, he searched for the local snake and the Greenwood people to start looking for clues. Chifeng Mountain was not as strong as it was before, but after all, it did not operate in Vaud. It took some time to recover. When I heard the earth-shattering competition in Vaud, Shi Jin was going to laugh. Lin Zongwu’s life was very self-sufficient, and he always preached his martial arts world first. He searched for Zhou’s masters more than ten years ago. He was inexplicable after more than ten years, and he did not know that he was a What kind of mood and appearance?

Think again about the martial arts of the Lin brothers. Now, even after the good news, even if they don’t figure out big things, the two of them learn Zhou Zongshi in general, run for the world, and join the three-five scholars to kill the golden dog, only to do something as far as possible. It’s quick to laugh at the world.

With this plan, his mind calmed down for a while, looking for the whereabouts of Mu Anping, while waiting for Lin Chong's return, and then asked about the Qijiao's whereabouts. However, as time passed, Mu Anping’s whereabouts and Lin Chong’s news were not settled. The uneasiness of Shi Jin’s heart was still gathered. Even if he was forced to suppress, he occasionally could not help but rush again.

On the sixth day of arriving in Vaud, I still couldn't find the whereabouts of Tan Lu and Mu Anping. He estimated the martial arts of the Lin brothers, or sent things to them, or was intercepted in the middle of the road. In short, there should be some audio. Passed. I heard a message coming from the north.

One day ago, Wang Juyun’s ministry in the north of the squadron suddenly used troops to the southeast. The target was Yucheng in the east of Woo. The news came that Woozhou suddenly began to martial law. Soldiers went to the city and began to watch out for the other side’s sneak attack.

Feeling the chilling atmosphere of the martial arts, the people in the city of Vaud began to become uneasy, and Shi Jin was awakened by these atmospheres.

He understands what is going to happen.

The preparations for the Jurchen in the north are nearing completion, and many forces of pseudo-qi are more or less known to this. Yanmenguan is going south, and Jinwang’s site is still in the same way as Jurchen. However, privately, it has already been connected with the Black Flag Army. Wang Juyun, who has already played the anti-gold flag, also hid his figure in the Tianhu’s chaos last year. Although they are antagonistic, they have actually been privately accepted. Wang Juyun’s corps is approaching Vaud, and it’s impossible to start with King Jin.

In the direction of Yucheng, it is a sideline of the Confucianism.

The wind is raging, the last sword is arrogant, and your life has begun.

He thought of many things. In the early morning of the second day, he left the city of Wozhou and began to go south. The martial law had begun on the way. After half a day in the city of Vaud, he suddenly heard that the Moyun army that guarded the southeast Huguan had rebelled. The Moyun army is under the jurisdiction of Lu Hui, Yun Zongwu, etc., and vice versa, and the area in Huguan is playing.

Going further south, all the way to see the squadrons, a big chaos seems to be starting without warning. Many of the gentry, the people who were originally in the Jinwang system have been affected, and the army has opened up In the city, in a house of a mansion, the old and weak women and children were arrested and taken to the city. Some people in the city have begun to be beheaded.

In the past, the Jinwang system also had numerous power struggles, but the scale of the spread was probably not as great as this one.

Shi Jin is counted in his heart.

He took the information of the "Clown" of the Chinese army, and went all the way to the site of the King of Jin. The killing was fierce on the way, but the recipients were rare. Shi Jin’s heart will understand that most of the information is true. Otherwise, the forces in the south will not be so eager to jump over the wall. Because they know it well, when the news is delivered, everyone’s cards will be unveiled. It is possible to kill people halfway through the way, and many things can be rejected afterwards.

But this news is by no means only a copy of one's own hand. With the "clown" mentality, why put the eggs in a basket, the black flag army runs north, if you even send a message, you must find someone temporarily. That is really a joke.

You may be just a bait, and you will be tempted to show up in the dark, all the people who have a ghost, but there is nothing on the list, and maybe it will be revealed. Shi Jin did not complain about this, but now in the Jinwang site, this huge chaos suddenly started, only to prove that Tian Shi, Lou Shuzhen, Yu Yulin and others have already identified their opponents and started to launch.

Where did Lin Da Ge finally send the message...

At this time, the official road around it has been blocked. Shi Jin went all the way down to the city of Chuzhou. He sneaked into the city according to the past agreement, and found several old departments of Chifeng Mountain, let them scatter their ears and help them inquire - Shi Jin When he dismissed the old department, he was disheartened. If this was not an emergency, he would never again drag on these old men.

When he left the state of Chuo and turned eastward, he arrived at the Leping Camp near Liaozhou. Half of Yu Yulin’s army had already opened to Huguan. Outside the city of Leping City, it was also a murder. Shi Jin had been tempted for a long time before he let the old department shine its name and went to see Lou Shu, who happened to come to Leping.

Soon after, he knew the whereabouts of Lin Chong.

The messenger at this time has just been buried.

The autumn wind whimpered, Leping became outside and the city wall was still reinforced. On this day, Shi Jin felt great sorrow. It was not the sorrow of the earthen jars on the battlefield that never smashed from the well, but everything was sinking into the darkness. The sorrow of despair, beginning with the moths of Zhou Zongshi and others, more than ten years ago, all the good things he saw in the past ten years were shattered in chaos, and those who struggled once stood shoulder to shoulder. Combatants, loved ones, people with past friendships...

After more than ten years of trajectory, Lin Da Ge was finally swallowed up by the darkness in the days after the reunion.

Jurchen south, black flag communication...

In the military camp where blood remains, Shi Jin can almost hear the other party’s shouts. Li Xiaoyou’s rebellion was unexpected. If he came over himself, he might be deeply involved, but Shi Jin also felt that such an ending seemed to be pursued by Lin Chong.

He stayed in the military camp for a long time and went to see Lin Chong's graveyard. On this night, Leping’s wall was full of fire, and the workers were still working to reinforce the wall. The shouts were filled with fearful voices. The female prime minister named Lou Shuzhen was on tour to schedule the progress of the project. Soon after I have to rush to the next city. She has the heart to see him again. Shi Jin has something to do with him.

"...There was no assistance in the journey down the south, and I also asked the history heroes to forgive me. All of them were really true and false. The self-proclaimed information sent to the South was not only one person and two, but also the Jurchen God also sent people together. In fact, I took the opportunity to see a lot of hidden traitors. The Jurchens are not here to take the opportunity to make people express their wishes. The people who want to sway, because there is no room for swinging this list."

The fire on the wall is extinguished. The woman in a black dress with a cold expression seems to be strong. Only Shi Jin and other martial arts can see the physical exhaustion of the other side. As she walks, she speaks, although the words are cold. Surprisingly, there is a calming and powerful force: "At this time, there is no turning around in the next place. The woman is really imminent, and the world is in danger. The hero of the history of the Chifeng Mountain is still influential. I don’t know if I am willing to stay. Fight side by side with me. I know that the hero of history has hurt his friend's death, but this time... I also ask the history hero for forgiveness."

Looking at the exhaustion and strength of the other side of the eyes, Shi Jin suddenly felt that his business in Chifengshan did not seem to be as good as the other woman. After the Chifeng Mountain guilty, a fire, Shi Jin was forced to leave with the public, but there are still tens of thousands of people left on the mountain. If the power of the King of Kings helps, it is not a problem to recapture Chifeng Mountain. For a moment, he did not agree to it.

"If it is normal, Shimou will never quit on this matter, but my brother, this fashion has a kinship in the hands of the traitor, has not been rescued, Shimou died, but in any case, to do this thing ... This time, I asked the girl in the building to help one or two..."

Shi Jin arched his fist and said the story of Lin Chong. Lin Chong’s child fell in the hands of Tan Lu, and he went alone to find a needle in the haystack. At this time, it was too urgent. If not, his character would never ask for help. As for Lin Chong’s enemies, it’s a long time to kill.

Lou Shuzhen listened quietly and nodded. "Because of the roster, the surrounding land is probably going to be chaotic. I don't want to be a hero. The Qiqi family has already relied on Jurchen. In the north, I support Li Xizhi. On the Jinwang side, It is also the center of this clean-up. If Qi Qi is really close to the house, I am afraid I have already been arrested. I will ask you soon. As for the search for people, the military disaster is imminent, I can’t send someone to deal with the hero of history. However, I can prepare a warrant for the hero of the history, so that the local government can cooperate with the history hero to investigate the case. This situation is chaotic, many local snakes and greenwood people should be arrested and questioned by the government. With this warrant, the hero should be able to ask Some intelligence, I don’t know if it is."

"Girls are big and big, and Shimou will report again." Shi Jin arched.

"Historical heroes sent letters to the south, and they were Daede. These are the hands of the hands. There is something in the heart of the building..." The woman also arched the hand: "Tonight, I have to rush back to Liaozhou City. Not much to say, he has a fate, hope the battlefield. See you."

Her indifferent face smirked a slight smile, and then left to leave, officials waiting to report around were waiting. Shi Jin looked at this strange woman and left, and looked at the busy scene on the edge of the city wall. The husbands dragged the boulders, shouted the horns, strengthened the walls, and the women and children who were organized were also involved. In the shouts and noisy, there were many fears of the unknown in the faces of people. More than a decade ago, when the Jurchen first went south, similar sights seemed to have been seen by themselves. In the panic, people seized every opportunity to build a line of defense. For more than ten years, everything has been sinking, and the hope of that ambiguity is still embarrassing.

More than ten years ago, Zhou heroes went to death generously. After more than ten years, Lin Brother died the same after he reunited.

In the past ten years, the huge darkness has never faded, and it will come again after all. Even if you greet it, I am afraid it will only be another round of death.

When is this world, when is it the end?

The world will be in chaos, remembering to find Lin Chong's children, Shi Jin left Leping again north, he knows that soon after, the huge vortex will completely smash the order in front of him, and the possibility of finding a child will be even more embarrassing. .

But what about it...

The same July.

A few thousand miles away, the black flag is shaking between the rolling hills. The small and small mountains in the southwest, the settlement of the Nis, are also in a state of intense chill.

Since June, the black-flag army Liu Chengzong led eight thousand troops to jump out of the Liangshan area, and went to Xuzhou. The Wushu army guarded the southwest. The Wujun army, which had several degrees of friction with the Black Flag Army, began to press under the leadership of the general Luqiaoshan. At the beginning of July, nearly 100,000 large soldiers forced the Jinsha River basin near Liangshan, and directly driven the Huangpi, the hinterland between Liangshan and Liangshan, to block the road.

At the same time, under the instigation of the scholars Li Xiannong and others in the hinterland of Liangshan, several small and large-scale tribes began to be active in the mountains, and they sent warriors to the border of the Black Flag Army. Arsenal, harassment, assassination, or raging in the vicinity of the black flag army that was originally maintained in the mountains, attacking the caravans or killing the black flag soldiers who had placed the orders. In a month, the business activities that the black flag originally maintained have been Less than 50% of the original.

Located in the hinterland of Liangshan, the rice in the four towns of Jishan, Hedeng and Blei are familiar. In order to ensure the upcoming autumn harvest, the Huaxia Army adopted the strategy of inward defense. At this time, the residents of Dengsan County were mostly foreigners, with the largest number of members in the northwest, Xiaocanghe and Qingmu Village, as well as the families of soldiers who were moved from the Central Plains. People who have lost their homes and their backgrounds are particularly eager to take root. In a few years, they have cultivated a lot of agricultural land and cultivated them with great care. In the fall, the Laoshan people attacked and destroyed the fields. For the purpose of the house, the murder is second. The people in the surrounding fourteen townships gathered to form a militia, and together with the Chinese soldiers to defend the field, conflicts between large and small have occurred from time to time.

The chaos in the north of the Central Plains, the hungry ghosts in the south, the "anyway" in Liu Yu, the active preparations in Jiangnan and the sudden tension in the southwest, and the eight thousand black flags that hopped to Xuzhou at this time... Today, there are not many people who can see the many things that are inherently connected. Located in the east of Liangshan Mountain, Cangzhou Prefecture is the most important town in northern Sichuan. It is the second largest in Sichuan-Shaanxi 4th Road, and the core of Wuyijun.

Due to this large-scale operation of the Wuyi Army, the situation in Ganzhou Prefecture has become tense. However, due to the lack of action of the black flag, the security and commerce of the city have not been greatly affected. The two rivers in the Kaijiang River of the Minjiang River pass through the city, and the ships are constantly coming and going, the market is flourishing and the market is busy. The most lively market in the city, the best brothel "Yannan Building" is brightly lit. On this day, the scholars and the great Confucians from the east gather here, while talking about the wine and talking about the many situations. News and intelligence, the rally of the rally, even the many heroes and celebrities in the local area of ​​Cangzhou have come to accompany them.

In the past few years, under the efforts of many people to make a living, the annihilation and the game against the ruling of the monarchy have finally advanced to the moment when the guns are red.

In the lobby above the brothel, the most prominent person in the audience at this time is a middle-aged man in his thirties. He looks handsome and calm, and his eyebrows are under the jaw. Folding, I only saw him raise the glass at this time: "The current trend is that I finally cut off the arms and ears of Ning's big rebellion. Although it is strong, it faces the Niang heroes in Liangshan. Just as a strong man enters the quagmire, he can't make it strong. I just need to wait for the sorrowfulness of the sect of the dynasty, continue to convince the Nepalese people, and gradually break the rest of their hands and feet, and the roots of their food and grass. Then they can't make it weak, thin and even thin. Starving to death. I have nothing to do with the big things. I have to wait and see, but things can have progress today. One of my generations must not forget... Please all the ladies to raise their glasses and congratulate the Cheng Mao brother!"

When he said this, everyone nodded their toast and convinced that they would congratulate the people in their mouth. Qin Zheng, who had visited Li Feng earlier in Linan, was also in the crowd at the moment. He raised his glass and listened to the man’s speech.

"...There is a big battle against the strong, not to be underestimated. Now I am assisting the Lu Daren to send troops. It seems that I have found a rebellious lifeline. I have to fight and cut off one by one. I don’t know how much effort I have spent. I don’t know how many of my generations are there. This is the murder of the evil spirits. You, the road ahead is not good to go, but Long is here, walking with the kings, even though the front is the sea of ​​knives and mountains, my Wu dynasty is inseparable and ambition--"

The voice of the voice, the vibrating and screaming, the person who spoke in front of him, was the one who had personally entered and debated, and then ran around, inspiring many army to fight the Liangshan, and he called the "Chengmao" among the population. It is the squad of the Nigers and the local people who fight against the black flag of the great Confucian Li Xiannong. The two originally ran away with each other's blood, and later became more and more powerful, and finally became the leader of the scholars who echoed each other. Long Qifei once persuaded the parties to have no effect. This time, the court finally decided to send troops. Long Qifei took out the secretly collected black flag information and cooperated with the Wuyi Army Luqiaoshan, finally finally operating the Black Flag Army for many years. The business route was smashed one by one, and in the Liangshan, Li Xiannong lobbied the success of the leader of the Langshan lang, and also dropped a key piece for this strategy.

The black flag army is strong, but after all, the eight thousand elite has already attacked, and at the crucial moment of the autumn harvest, the only resources that are lacking in the ordinary and the three counties can only passively shrink at this moment. On the other hand, Long Qifei also knew that the Wujun army of Luqiaoshan did not dare to touch the black flag army, but only the Wuyi army temporarily cut off the supply of the black flag army. He often used to persuade Luqiaoshan as long as he would The truth that "the general will do these things, the black flag will not be good", "just open the mouth, the black flag is not invincible" continues to be said, I believe that the general will definitely decide to fight against the black flag one day. Confidence.

Over the years, the Black Flag Army has been arrogant, and the devil head has been arrogant, and Long Qifei has been against the black flag. It was originally based on blood and indignation. When this step is taken, the black flag seems to be dull and unspoken. Long Qifei knows that once the other party counterattacks, the consequences will not be good. However, for those people in front of us, or Confucian scholars who are eager to be at home, or passionate grandchildren, to raise their horses and throw their pens, facing such a powerful enemy, these words are enough to make people excited. .

As long as the enemy in the mountain can shed the first drop of blood, and then a large number of scholars will go to the city with generosity, and then let some of them return to the capital, please fight for the battle, believe that the Tang Dynasty Wuchao, will be launched, not only this The 100,000 people of the army will not only have this scene in front of them. As long as the world works together, such as the ocean and the sea, this southwestern chaos will inevitably be unstoppable, and once it can remove this sinister rebellion, re-erect the spine, even if the northern Jurchen is coming again, the martial arts devotees to the millions of people, I believe this I can also have the power of a battle...

He slammed, and in the call of the crowd, put the glass back on the table, and he was very proud.

Long Qifei’s generosity did not spread too far.

The night is like water, separated from the Wuyi army camp in Baizhou, and the military account, the general Luqiaoshan is having a cordial conversation with the coming people in the mountains.

"...The matter of closing the mountain, the driver also knows that the order on the court has come down. Lumou can’t do it. But from the moment, Lumou is under great pressure, and the order on the court can be more than It is on the outside of Xiaoliangshan, and it has been cut off from Jinshajiang Shanglu. In the past few years, everyone has not been easy. Should they understand each other? After all, Lu is very admiring the gentleman..."

The light in the tent was dark and the land was burly. Sitting on the spacious Taishi chair, he leaned slightly, his appearance was flat, but the slippery corner of the mouth always gave a smile, even if it was crossed. A knife has never disturbed this look. Sitting on the opposite side is an ordinary man in his thirties with two beards. The man stands on the 30th. It seems that he is on the watershed between young people and middle-aged people: At this time, Su Wenfang’s eyebrows are upright and sincere. Facing the generals of this army, he is not humbled by the children of Jiangning City who were absolutely unthinkable more than ten years ago.

"...the whole thing, of course, knowing the embarrassment of General Lu, Mr. Ning also said that you and I have been very happy in business over the past few years. The character of General Lu, Mr. Ning is also full of praise in the mountains. However, Since I moved to the southwest, I am only a self-protector on the side of the Chinese military. It is very difficult to say that it is really a firm foothold. General Lu also understands that the business of business, on the one hand, we hope that the Wu Dynasty can resist the attack of Jurchen, and On the one hand, this is the sincerity of our Huaxia Army. I hope that one day, you and I can fight against the enemy side by side. After all, we are in the name of China, and we never want to succumb to the Wu Dynasty. The relatives are hurting and the enemy is fast."

"Mr. Ning said it makes sense." Lu Qiaoshan nodded again and again.

"Now this business road has been interrupted." Su Wenfang said: "Hedeng three counties, the original grain production is not much, we sell iron cannons, and often need outside the grain to come in, it is enough to live in the mountains. This is a must General Lu, you broke the grain road, and the mountain will have problems sooner or later. Mr. Ning is not a three-headed and six-armed man. He can’t change the ration of 200,000 people. So we certainly hope that everything can be solved peacefully, but if it cannot be solved, Mr. Ning said that he is afraid that he can only go down the next step. Anyway, the problem is to be solved."

"The next strategy?"

"Going to the army."

"Oh...under the siege." Luqiaoshan thought for a long time, nodded, then turned his head and changed his face: "Mr. Ning threatens me?"

"Don't dare like this..."

"Mr. Ning threatens me! You threaten me!" Lu Qiaoshan nodded his head and grind his teeth. "Yes, your black flag is very powerful. I can’t beat you with 100,000 martial arts, but can you see me like this? The mountain is a small person who is greedy and afraid of death? I am a hundred thousand army, now you have iron cannons... I have taken such a big risk for Mr. Ning, I don’t say anything, I admire Mr. Ning, but Mr. Ning looks down I!?"

He leaned forward and explored his body. His eyes finally became fierce. He stared at Su Wenfang. Su Wenfang sat there and his expression remained unchanged. He smiled and looked at Luqiaoshan. He said: "You see, General Lu, you misunderstood..."

"Of course it is a misunderstanding." Lu Qiaoshan sat back and smiled and waved his hand: "It is a misunderstanding. Lu also feels that it is a misunderstanding. In fact, the Chinese military is strong and strong, and my martial arts army dares to fight with one..."

"The generals of the land have misunderstood. When I came out of the mountain, Mr. Ning talked to me about this matter. He said that I am not afraid of anyone, but if I really want to fight with the Wuyi army, I am afraid that it will only hurt both sides. The result of this." Su Wenfang said seriously, Luqiaoshan's expression slightly stunned, and then sat forward: "Mr. Ning said?"

"I personally said."

Lu Qiaoshan was obviously very useful, smiled and thought about it, then nodded: "The two lose."

"We will do everything we can to solve this problem." Su Wenfang said, "I hope that General Lu can also help. After all, if peace and harmony can not be resolved, in the end, we can only choose to lose both."

"What can I do, I can help, and I can let go."

"Some little busy." Su Wenfang smiled, not waiting for Lu Qiaoshan to interrupt, has already said, "I Huaxia Army, now has the business as the top priority, many things, signed a contract, promised others, some have to come in Some have to be shipped out, and things are changing now. We will not sign the new contract for the time being, but the old one will have to perform. General Lu, there are several businesses, you should take care of it here, give a face, can’t you?

"Hold it, stop and stop..." Lu Qiaoshan reached out. "Respect, confession, I want to help. I hope that your affairs will be small, but the situation is different. You know that this is the southwestern place. How many people, how many eyeliners, and those who read, one can't wait to take my position immediately, they personally command the army into the mountains, and then Ma Ge wraps the body. Lu is under great pressure, not only the order in the court, but also The eyes behind this. These things, I intervened, can't cover the wind, Lumou can't hold back the thousands of people behind this... In wartime, the enemy is attacked, and the family is destroyed."

"Everyone is not easy, General Lu, can discuss."

Luqiaoshan is just waving his hand.

Su Wenfang is in color: "General Lu, you don't have to always shirk it. Let's talk about it. When I went out, Mr. Ning once said that this time, he really didn't want to fight, the reason is very simple, female. The real people are coming, they really want to come! Eating the Lushan Ministry and eating you is really hurting both. We hope that the real power will be placed against the Jurchen, and the Jurchen will be settled. There is room for negotiation, the Jurchen is flattening us, and the Chinese nation is ruined by the country. General Lu, do you really want this?"

Lu Qiaoshan clasped his hands and thought for a moment, sighed: "I don't think so, but ah... I said, my question, Mr. Ning, you can see it, you can see it, it is better... we are careful Land, discuss it well, discuss a compromise, no one is bullying, okay? To be honest, I admire Mr. Ning’s wisdom, but he counts too much, you see, there are so many behind me. The eyes, the court ordered me to hit you, I refused to go forward, secretly still help you to do things, even if it is a small matter... What should Mr. Ning take it out?"

Su Wenfang is about to talk, and Lu Qiaoshan reaches out: "The heart of Lu Xiaoren, the heart of the villain."

"The way can always think." Su Wenfang said.

"I think it is like this, but I have to find time and find ways to communicate." Lu Qiaoshan smiled and said: "Actually, you don't know. When you discuss things here, the Luzhou government is lively. Very well, on the 'Yannanfei', Long Qifei is afraid that he is making a big banquet. To be honest, this time they are all troubled, a bunch of ruined Confucian eyes! The Jurchens have to fight, or Thinking about fighting! Otherwise, Lu Mou’s news, the black flag is out, and they have counted them in one pot. Haha...”

Lu Qiaoshan said, laughing at the same time, Su Wenfang also laughed: "Hey, this is just a matter of them, Long Qifei, Li Xiannong, these things, Mr. Ning does not know, but he also said, in order to force, mad What's wrong, we don't want to be so narrow...and, this time, it's not what they can do..."

"Oh, in order to force it, what is wrong with the heart disease? What did Mr. Ning say?" Lu Qiaoshan asked.

Su Wenfang nodded.

"There are philosophies, philosophies... write it down, write it down." Luqiao said in the mouth of the mountain, he left the seat, went to the side of the desk, picked up a small book, pinched the brush, began to put this sentence on the head Seriously remembered, Su Wenfang frowned, had to follow the past, Lu Qiaoshan praised this sentence a bit, the two discussed the whole thing and after a while, Lu Qiaoshan sent Su Wenfang .

It was not a big account, and the surrounding area seemed to be remote and quiet. After Su Wenfang and Lu Qiaoshan left, they turned away and walked away. The face was calm and there was no expression. Lu Qiaoshan stood outside the tent and smiled and waved. After Su Wenfang left for a while, some people came out of the tent and walked behind him. Luqiaoshan’s face was already solemn and majestic.

What appeared behind it was the chief of the Luqiao Mountain, Zhijun Hao: "The general thinks that the sentence that the messenger said is true, which one is false?"

"What is your brother?"

"It refers to things that are not stable and difficult to support in the three counties. Is it deliberately showing weakness, or is it telling the truth?"

"Ning Yi is only a mortal, not a god, the road is rough and the resources are scarce ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He is uncomfortable, it must be true."

"How did the general choose?"

"... knowing the brother, the black flag army in front of us, in the southwestern part of the country, seems to have been female for six years, but the small calculations, the Xiao Cang River war, was completely over three years ago. This army is in the north Hard to fight against the millions of troops, the battle for the end of the room, the resignation of the record, but in the past only three or four years. Long Qifei, Li Xiannong, these people are just innocent rhythm, thinking that cutting off the business, is the world's pressure People, they don’t even know who they are arguing, the black flag army is good with people, but the tiger is awkward. This person is right, the tiger will not always fight... the black flag army is forced into the worst result. The monks will be crushed."

Zhijun Jun looked at Luqiaoshan on the side, and Luqiaoshan spoke and looked down at the book in his hand. Regarding his Jing Yang Ning Yi, and occasionally remembering some strange words of Ning Yi, it has been circulated in the top-level small circle. Black flag and the Wuyi army have been doing business for a long time, and many close people know it. However, not many people can understand that since the Black Flag Army settled in the southwest, Lu Qiaoshan repeatedly inquired and studied Ning Yi, thinking about his ideas, speculating his psychology, and repeatedly imitating and The situation of the match...

"If possible, I don't want to rush to my head and consider what is going on with the Black Flag Army. But, brother!" Lu Qiaoshan looked up, and the burly body also had a fierce and firm atmosphere.

"... know the brother... the name of China, can you be captured by a group of such rebellious?"

His voice is not high, but under this night, the ones that match him, there are also endless hunting, the flag of hunting and hunting, which is almost invisible to the side, the 100,000 army, the wolf smoke, has been smashed like the sea.

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