Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 787: Autumn winds blew up (4)

In Lin'an in August, the weather began to cool down, and the warm and tense atmosphere in the city never fell.

The voices of Yasukuni, Xing Dawu, and the Northern Expedition have not been lowered. The students are going to the streets several times a month. The storytellers in the teahouses in the city are telling the story of the **** tragic and strong woman. Playing, most of them are patriotic poems. Because of such propaganda, the dispute between the North and the South, which once became fierce, gradually softened and was replaced by people's enemy psychology. The pen has become a slogan in the middle of the scholars. There are also famous businessmen and tycoons who donate their family property and contribute to defending the enemy. It is a good story.

After the end of July, this warm atmosphere is still warming up, and time has been pressed with a horrible breath. In the past month, in the appeal of His Royal Highness, several troops of the Wu Dynasty have already arrived at the front line, preparing for the battle with the Jurchens, and the news of Zong Fu and Zong Yi’s army was followed. It was followed, and the war between the southwest and the banks of the Yellow River finally started.

For the arrival of these things, Qin Hao did not have any excitement, and the pressure on his back was just a heavy pressure. Compared to his active activities six months ago and in recent months, everything is now out of control.

As a Privy Council today, Qin Yu has the highest military authority in Nanwu. However, under the suppression of Zhou’s imperial power and anti-gold “big righteousness”, Qin can do limited things. A few months ago, after the Black Flag Army seized Liu Yu and threw the black pot to the anger and fear caused by the Wu Dynasty, Qin Hao tried his best to implement the plan he had been planning for years: try his best to smash the black flag. Use the sword with the black flag to protect the Jurchen. If the situation is good, or can kill a **** way.

The Jianye Emperor Zhou Wei, who was scared by the black flag, once agreed to this plan. The long princess Zhou Pei once stood on his side. However, in the near future, the whole plan was hindered in the implementation process. The lobbying of some of the troops privately handed over to Black Flag was not a big deal. The sudden hesitation of Zhou Yi’s will made Qin Hao feel powerful and difficult. In the end, the result of the 100,000 martial arts army being ordered to attack the southwest made Qin Hao feel wrong. During this period, he almost launched the power of the entire dynasty, and finally he was devastated by the attitude of rumored.

The Black Flag Army resisted the repeated attacks of millions of troops in the northwest, and even defeated the millions of Qiqi troops. What is the use of 100,000 people? If you can't do your best, it's better not to do it!

He was puzzled by the change in Zhou’s attitude—although Zhou Wei was originally a man of arrogance—in the beginning, he thought that it was the Prince Junwu who secretly lobbied, but later discovered that the relationship was from the Princesses’ Palace. . Zhou Pei, who was once frustrated with the black flag, finally gave his father a very indifferent remark.

"...Ning Yi once killed the first emperor Zhou Wei in the Liang Liang, and then arrested Liu Yu in the palace. If you really ignore the threat of the Golden State, and pour all your efforts to crusade, when Ning Yi is desperate, what is the safety of the father?"

The three parties are vying for each other. The Wu dynasty must first destroy the black flag and then reelect the Jurchen. This was originally a highly controversial strategy. Others, regardless of the fact that the princess really touched Zhou Wei, I am afraid this is something like this. You are anxious to Ning Yi, is it safe in the Royal Palace of Lin'an? However, Zhou’s timid character is deeply rooted. On the one hand, he did not dare to push the black flag to the extreme. On the other hand, he had to separate the various military forces that had been privately handed over from the black flag. Finally, the entire strategy was placed on the Wushu Army.

The plan of the relationship with the black flag has indeed become a beat of many military forces. After implementation, Qin Lan has also promoted the order to purge the disciplines of various military forces. However, this is only a matter of reconciliation. In a few months, Qin Lan has always wanted to add to the war in the southwest. For example, two more troops will be transferred, and at least 300,000 people will be added to suppress the black flag. However, Prince Junwu took the anti-Golden justice, strongly promoted the North Defense, refused to excessive internal consumption in the southwest, and by the end of July, the news of the official opening of the southwest came, Qin knows that the opportunity has been missed.

Since this time, the actions of the court have not been without achievements. With the separation from the southwest, the attack on various armies has increased the authority of the central authorities, and the Prince and the Princess have been under pressure from the Jurchen, trying to ease the increasingly tense North-South conflicts, at least in the Jiangnan area. Great role. The long princess Zhou Pei and the prince Jun Wu are doing their best to force the Wu dynasty itself. For this incident, Qin Hao has also negotiated with Zhou Pei several times, but the progress is not great.

This is also the collision of the thoughts of the Wu Dynasty and the Jurchen in the war, humiliation and introspection. The literary style of Wu Dynasty flourished. At one time, it was too much to ask for strategy and change. After more than ten years of beatings, I realized that there are more and more people who are strong in themselves. These people are more expecting the miracle created by the unyielding and strong. It is not the last moment that things should be borrowed as much as possible.

The idea of ​​the Prince is very young, and this kind of thinking is the most obvious. Compared with the excessive use of the outside world, he values ​​the internal unity and pays more attention to the strength of the Southerners gathered together under the banner of the Wu Dynasty. The strategy of playing the black flag and then playing the female is also the most disgusting. The long princess Zhou Pei was able to understand the reality at first. She was not a staunch North-South fusion school. More often, she was cleaning up a mess for her brother. Many times, she was better coordinated with people who understand the reality, but in Liu Yu’s After the incident, she seems to have also turned to this aspect.

Although the black flag is taken first, the queen of the real female is also a kind of ruined boat, but when she is not strong enough, Zhou Pei has begun to subconsciously reject. During several deliberations, Qin Lan realized that she also hated the black flag of the southwest, but what she hated even more was the weakness and disunity within the Wu Dynasty. Therefore, the strategy of the southwest was reduced to a beat and purge of the army. The woman’s real pressure was directed by her to the North-South contradiction within Muping. If it is in the past, Qin Hao will nod her.

However, time is not enough.

In a few months, Qin Yu’s head had more than half of his white hair, and the whole person suddenly slimmed down. On the one hand, it is worrying in the heart. On the other hand, the political struggle in the court is not calm. After the southwestern strategy was dragged into four, the impeachment of the Qin dynasty was also appearing in the DPRK. People with a variety of ideas to view the strategy of the southwest of Qinhuang. At this time, Qin Lan, although in the heart of Zhou Yi quite a position, after all, is still not comparable to Cai Jing, Tong Guan. When the news of the southwestern monk army entering Liangshan came, he wrote a fold, and he pleaded guilty.

Regarding his resignation, Zhou Wei did not accept it and immediately dismissed it. As a father, he believes and supports his son in all kinds of affairs, but at the same time, as a child, Zhou Wei also trusts Qin Zhen’s stable character. His son must fight against the enemy on the front line, and he must have a trustworthy behind. The minister fought. Therefore, the Qin dynasty's fold was handed over, and was dismissed by Zhou Wei.

Qin Yu twice resigned. Although the Southwest strategy has changed since now, it was originally proposed by him. Now it seems that Lu Qiaoshan will be defeated, and the situation in the southwest is deteriorating. He must be responsible. Zhou Wei was furious at his frustration in the court. He privately comforted Qin Hao for a while, because at the same time as the resignation, the news from the southwest came. Twenty-six, Lu Qiaoshan army was attacked by tens of thousands of black flags in the Xiufeng area of ​​Liangshan, and more than 30,000 people in Chen Yuguang’s department were defeated by a single blow. The broken soldiers were scattered into Liangshan. Later, 70,000 people in Luqiaoshan were attacked and divided by the Black Flag Army. Luqiao Mountain was defended by the mountains and dragged the war into a deadlock.

On the fourth day of entering the mountain, the southwestern war situation turned sharply. Qin's prophetic foresight saved him many faces. On this day, many colleagues came over to comfort and retain him. It has also been said that Lu Qiaoshan is smart and powerful. After being attacked by the black flag, he was caught off guard, but finally stabilized his position. As long as the strategy was adjusted in time, the situation in the entire Liangshan situation did not change. Qin Hao just shook his head and sighed.

After sending the colleague in the middle of the DPRK, the old wife Wang came over and comforted him. Qin Yu sighed: "After more than ten years ago, the mood of the first right-hander, the source of the public, may be similar to that of the husband. The world is not as good as it is, There are nine out of ten, but with the heart of the boxing, can you surpass the repeated intentions?"

Wang’s silence for a while: “The brothers and children in the family are all outside. If the lord is retiring, he should give them a voice.”

"Retiring, how easy is it? In the past eighty-one years, there are no homes in three thousand miles, and all the flesh and blood are in the world, looking at the tears of Shenzhou..." Qin Xiao smiled and shook his head, but in the mouth, it was the death of the first generation of power minister Cai Jing. Poetry, "Golden Temple Five once worshipped, Yutang ten-degree rumbling, reminiscent of the past and prosperous, and turned into a dream... This turned into a dream, Mrs. Cai Yuanchang Quan Guanchaotang for decades, one person tens of thousands Above the people, they were finally starved to death."

When the Jurchen was in the south, Cai Jing was smashed south. He was the first person in the temple for decades. The Wu Dynasty collapsed and the charges were mostly on his body. Eighty-year-old Cai Jing went all the way south, spending money to buy rice can not buy, and eventually lived in the starving Tanzhou Chongjiao Temple. For more than ten years, the outside world said that his misdeeds have led to the resentment of the people, so he can't buy food if he has money, which highlights the loyalty of the world. In fact, where does the people come to see the eyes of the autumn?

At that time, Cai Jing was in the forefront, and many of the party struggles in the dynasty were attended by two people. Even though Qin dynasty was stable all the way, it was not a bird. Today, he is already a leader. The tribes, the students, the DPRK officials must rely on eating, and they really want to retire. I don’t know how many people want to go back to Cai Jing’s old road.

"However, the lady does not have to worry." For a moment, Qin Hao waved his hand. "At least I don't have to worry about it this time. I am worried about my heart. This Southwestern event, for the husband to pay, will finally stabilize the situation and will not lead to Cai Jing." But the responsibility still has to be borne. This responsibility is taken up for the sake of squatting, and it is cheaper to eat. The outsiders don’t have to pay attention to it. The old man confessed to the punishment and let them be beaten. The world is..."

He paused: "...all of them are broken by some unknown children!"

This evening, the lights of Lin’an in Beijing were bright, and the rushing undercurrents were hidden in the bustling scene, still seemingly obscure.

In the southwest Liangshan, on the sixth day after the war, the explosion sounded in the ravine after the night. In the distant mountains, there were layers of camps built by the Wuyi army. On the periphery of the camp, the torches were not dense, defending The sharpshooter hid behind the wooden wall and did not dare to speak quietly.

The woodland opposite the camp was dark, I don’t know when, there was a subtle voice in the darkness: "What happened?"

"Don't worry, see a big one..." The young man in the tree, with a long, almost taller musket, patrolled the distant camp through the telescope. This is Yuwen Feidu who is next to Ning Yi and has a leg. After he was injured in his leg, he has been practicing the arrow method. Later, the gun technology was broken. Under the advancement of Ning Yi, a group of people in the Huaxia Army were selected to practice the firearms. Yuwen Feidu is also one of them.

In the R&D department of the three counties in the southwest, although the muskets have been able to be manufactured, the requirements for steel are still very high. On the other hand, the machine tools and the squall line have only just started. At this time, Ning Yi gathered the entire research and development capabilities of the Huaxia Army, and produced a small number of long-range guns and telescopes. Although these guns can be far away, each performance is still uneven, even by each special projectile. The difference in impact, the shooting effect is slightly different. But even if the accuracy is not high at a long distance, relying on the quite spiritual shooters such as Yuwen Feidu, in many cases, it is still a strategic advantage that can be relied upon.

"You don't shoot indiscriminately." Under the tree, the land was laid in the hidden place, and the black partner with him raised a telescope and whispered, "Actually, according to me, the scorpion you took this shot, now it is a waste, every After playing a few small squats, it is still not very accurate, and people are wary. If you say that if you get to the north, you can kill Yan Zonghan with one shot.

"The wind should be long-sighted... The teacher said, the war will promote technological progress. Now, this thing, three shots outside the Baizhang, only one shot, each shot can not be used for too long, just to this place to mix hands Go back and think more about how to improve. Hey, in the future, when I am three hundred feet, whoever fights, everyone has to call me. Grab one."

Yuwen Feidu’s voice fell, and the trigger was triggered. The sudden flash of fire in the night, the trunk moved, and Yu Wenfei crossed the long gun like a monkey, and there was a riot in the camp. . Xiao Hei whispered under the tree: "Go to your mother to go to your mother, ask you to be cautious, is it a big head?"

"Looks like, I am waiting for a night."

"Isn't that hit?"

"I don't know, I didn't see it clearly, and I left."

"Go over there, you want to be killed."

"You are black and black, nothing is going to be thundering, and sooner or later there is retribution."

The two men lost each other and walked along the dark mountains. They didn't run far, and the place where they were hiding suddenly came a bang, and the light bloomed in the woods. It was probably the scout that touched the opposite side. Touched the thunder that left by Xiao Hei. The two men looked at each other and smiled toward the camp of the Huaxia Army in the mountains.

On the second day of August, the sixth day of the Xiaoliangshan war, the battle continued, saying that it was a stalemate, more like a kind of restraint of the Huaxia Army. In addition to July 26 and 27, the fierce division of the entire martial arts army was swallowed up. When Luqiaoshan contracted the army and began to fully defend, the offensive of the Huaxia Army became restrained and organized.

The so-called restraint means that the Huaxia Army has used a superior force to climb the camp one by one, to harass the night, to bury the mine on the mountain road, and to launch a large-scale storm.

In the past ten years or even more than two decades, the Wu Dynasty and the Liao Kingdom have gone to the setting sun and will bear a nest. Starting from the river shop, the end of the Yan Bing A Bing rate of 3,700 people to fight the Liao soldiers 100,000, and then to the guardian Dagang, 20,000 people to kill 700,000 people, with less wins more myth, has not stopped . The woman was really the first Nanzheng, and the tens of thousands of troops under the squadrons had killed the million troops and the army. The second time, the south levy broke the scorpion beam, and the third time they had been killed in the south of the Yangtze River. The army of the Wu Dynasty was defeated like a mountain. The Black Flag has once overturned the millions of people in Daqi River, and it seems to be easy to use. It seems to be a convention to use superior forces to win less.

But I have to admit that when the quality of the soldiers reaches a certain level or more, the defeat on the battlefield can be adjusted in time, and the situation of the reeling of the bead curtain cannot be formed. The situation of the war is not as simple as solving the problem. In the past few years, the Wushu army has been rectified and the military law is extremely strict. After the first day's defeat, Lu Qiaoshan quickly changed his strategy, so that the army continued to build fortifications, and the various departments of the army responded to each other and finally made the Huaxia Army. The offensive intensity slowed down. At this time, the 30,000 people led by Chen Yuguang and others were defeated. The entire Luqiaoshan line was only 60,000.

In a few days, the Huaxia Army glimpsed the weakness of the martial arts defensive team. Every day, a camp of thousands of people must be drawn. Lu Qiaoshan worked hard to defend the defensive, and constantly gathered the defeated soldiers, which only stabilized the situation. . However, Lu Qiaoshan also understands that the reason why the Huaxia Army did not make a strong attack did not mean that they did not have the ability to attack. It was only that the Huaxia Army constantly destroyed the will of the Wuyi Army and reduced the resistance to a minimum. In the southwestern army for several years, Lu Qiaoshan believed that he had done his best. Now the Wuyi Army and the original oil of the army have already undergone a complete change. Therefore, he can have some confidence and swing into the Liangshan.

In his original imagination, even if the Wushu army lost to the black flag, at least it would allow the other party to see the will of the Wu Dynasty to make great efforts and painstaking pains, and to cause enough trouble for the other party. However, I did not expect that, on July 26, the Huaxia Army’s first blow would be so fierce. Chen Yuguang’s 30,000-strong army maintained the most determined defensive, but was attacked by the troops of 15,000 Chinese troops in the eyes of Luqiaoshan. The land is killed and defeated. The 70,000-strong army’s full-fledged counterattack in this head, under the squad of less than 10,000 people, throughout the afternoon, until the opposite of the field, the smoke filled the blood, the blood flow into the river, failed to surpass the Xiufeng half-step.

This is the real head-and-drink. After that, the restraint of the Huaxia Army is nothing but the coldness and sorrow of Ning Liheng. The entry of the 100,000-strong army is like direct injection into the mouth of the behemoth. It is swallowed step by step. Now it is difficult to turn around and return.

It was already early in the morning, the fire in the middle of the army was uninterested, and Lu Qiaoshan, who had a bandage on his forehead, worked hard under the lights, recording the things about the Huaxia Army discovered during the war:

... The black flag iron cannon is fierce. It can be seen that in the past transactions, it was not the best to sell it to our iron cannon. The gun used by the black flag in this battle has a range of ten to twenty steps better than ours. I attacked with the fine soldiers and seized the other two guns. I hope that the rear can recover.

... The soldiers cooperated with each other and the spirit of war was far higher than ours, and it was difficult to resist. Or the ones facing this time are the veterans of the other side of the Northwest War. Nowadays, the iron cannons have been born. Many tactics in the past are no longer secure. The infantry is difficult to form on the front, and the soldiers who cannot cooperate with each other are afraid to withdraw from the future battles...

... There are also the firearms used by the Black Flag soldiers on the battlefield, and they are not able to resist. According to some sergeants, suspected that there are a number of firearms, the battlefield can be far above the hundred feet, must not be carefully examined......

... As you can see now, the law of the object is used in the battlefield, and there is a ghost and **** effect. After the battlefield confrontation, there will be more novel things appearing, and those who are poor will be able to take the lead. We should be poor and uplifting...

In the night, there are mosquitoes called ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The fire is raging, and the continuous sound is repeated. Luqiaoshan has not stopped for a few days, and his face is pale, but his eyes are not written in the slightest rash, trying to use the monk. The experience of the military’s fiasco was retained and sent out, alerting others. Soon, a soldier came over and reported that the leader of the Lushan Ministry, Lange, was brought back: the martial arts leader of the martial arts high-ranking squad leader led the scouts who were unfortunately thundered and bombed when they smashed the black flag scout, and now the injury is not light. After listening to Lu Qiaoshan, he continued to write and ignored it.

The camp where tens of thousands of people are stationed, in the Xiaoliang Mountain, is one by one, and the campfire is extended. The campfire was so vast that it looked far away, but it was like the sunset light. It was about to go out in this mountain.

After dawn, on the side of the Huaxia Army, there was a messenger who came to the front of the Wuyi Army camp and asked to meet with Luqiaoshan. It is said that there is a black flag messenger coming, and the injured Lang brother is also brought to the big camp with a stretch of body, biting his teeth.

The messenger is more than 30 years old, and he is even more gnashing than Lango: "I am Su Wenzhao, the cousin of Su Wenfang. This time, I came here to represent Mr. Ning, referring to a way of life. Of course, I can arrest me and torture him. Put it back, like this, when you die... my conscience is safe."

As a messenger, he is not good at words, his face is uncomfortable, and the expression that you are best not to talk to me is clearly a sinister trick in the negotiation. The face of Luqiaoshan was also gloomy for a long time. Lang Ge is the most embarrassed, sighed, and opened there: "You... cough, go back and tell Ning Yi... cough..."

Su Wenzhao glanced at him: "Who are you, sinister ghosts to die, **** your mother!" Seeing death, full of swearing.

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