Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 799: Winter (1)

The setting sun fell, and the lights on Deng County were lit up. Updates are fast and no ads. On the mountainside, the vocals of the courtyards seemed to be lively.

Near the Huaxia Military General Political Department, a courtyard with two camellia trees is the place where Ning Yi used to work. When the business is busy, it is difficult to return early. In October, after the Huaxia Army attacked Chengdu, it had entered a temporary stage of rest and consolidation. On this day, Han Jing returned from the front, met in the day, and came over to meet Ning Yi at night.

Han Jing was originally the most outstanding person in the leadership of Qingmu Village. After being dissolved into the Huaxia Army, he is now the head of the First Division of the Fifth Army. This time, the first thing I talked about with Ning Yi was that I would rather have adapted to the military.

At present, it has been Jianye for nine years. After reuniting with his family and children, Ning Yi has been with him for more than a year. The situation in the world is chaotic, and the children are mostly beaten and beaten, not squeamish. In the relatively easy-going relationship between Ning Yi and his family, the feelings between father and son and father and daughter were not disconnected because of long separation.

The eldest son Ning Yu is now fifteen years old. He was fifteen years old at the beginning of the year. At the beginning of the year, Ning Yi set up a next marriage with him, and now Ning Yi is learning the various mathematical and humanistic knowledge arranged by his father under the trend of responsibility. In fact, Ning Yi did not care that he would cultivate him into a successor, but the atmosphere at the moment was so strong, and the child was motivated. Ning Yi was also happy to let him touch various educations such as mathematics and physics and history.

The eldest son does not let people do too much heart. The second son would rather be twelve this year, but it is quite a headache for Ning Yi. Since coming to the Wu Dynasty, Ning Yi wants to become a master of martial arts, and his achievements are limited. Xiao Ning avoids being courteous and courteous, and is more like a scholar than Ning Yu, but unexpectedly, his talents and interests are all on martial arts. Ning Yi has not been able to practice from a small age, preferring to teach the teachers from childhood, watermelon, and killing. After ten years of age, the foundation has been laid.

However, if there is a tree in the martial arts, it is not something that a good master can do. Red, watermelon, killing, and even Chen Fan of Miaojiang, etc., are all experienced in the life and death. Fortunately, there is no improvement before it is dead. When parents are willing to let their children run to death, in the case of Ning Yi, on the one hand, I hope that my children will have the ability to protect themselves. When they are young, they will practice martial arts, at least they will be strong and strong. On the other hand, However, it does not agree that children really develop the past on martial arts. Today, the arrangement of neglect has become a problem.

It was also his long time with the children to reunite, and he was forgotten. He began to brag about his martial arts in the world, and he passed the handle with Zhou Wei. He dismissed Lin Zongwu and later played with watermelon. He compiled several articles for publicity. The set of martial arts novels has strengthened Xiao Ning's thought of inheriting the "first in the world". At the age of eleven, the inner family has laid the foundation and the bones have gradually stabilized. It seems that although it is delicate, the man has begun to rise. After a few years of stability, it is estimated that we must catch up with Yue Yun and Yue Yinwan, two children of Ning Yi who have seen each other.

Ning Ji is the child of Ning Yi and Yun Zhu, inherited the face of the mother's beautiful show, after the ambition gradually settled, Ning Yi entangled for a while, after all, he chose to support him as openly as possible. In the Huaxia Army, the martial arts are also prosperous. Even if it is a young man, it is unusual to put it on occasionally. I would rather participate in it at this time. At this time, the opponent’s water release will not be a real effort. If you don’t release the water, you will have to beat the blood and always support it. Ning Yi’s Yunzhu even cried twice with Ning Yi, and almost came out as a mother to oppose Ning martial arts. Ning Yi discussed the red and watermelon with many times and finally decided to throw Ning Ji into the military team of the Huaxia Army to help.

Xi Wu can, first learn to cure the wound.

This is also the hard work of several parents. Xi Wu is inevitably facing life and death. The cruelty seen in the military medical team is similar to that of the battlefield. Many times, the pain and helplessness of it is still there. Ning Yi has more than once brought the children in the family to the military medical team to help. On the one hand, it is to promote the hero's preciousness, on the other hand, it is also the cruelty of letting these children know the world in advance. During this period, even Wenwen, who is the most caring and likes to help others, is scared every time, and wakes up. After that, I have to have a nightmare.

During the recuperation, there were not many wounded people in the military medical team. After the Huaxia Army and the Lushan Nissan officially started the war, the soldiers came out of the Chengdu Plain and the military medical team saw it, and it became the real Shura field. In the hedging of tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of troops, the elite army will inevitably be injured or injured. Even if the front line is on the way, the military doctors are still facing a large number of **** wounded. The head breaks the blood, the broken limbs are broken, and even the body is opened, and the soldiers who hang around the belly mourn and struggle between life and death, which can give people an inexplicable spiritual impact.

However, these are the heroes who are brave enough to fight.

Throwing an eleven-year-old child in such an environment is the most cruel way to grow, but it is also the only relatively "moderate" option that can replace life and death. If you can find it difficult to retreat, it is natural, if it is supported down... If you want to be an adult, you have to go to eat this bitter bitterness. Then let him go.

"...I want to say your thoughts on this experience, I naturally understand, but I don’t dare to make it to children like this... I don’t want to let my mother-in-law at home. Fortunately, this child is enough to compete. One year old, running around in a group of wounded soldiers, and being good to people, the soldiers under my command like him. I see, this way, after two, I will be a general."

Sitting down in the room, talking about Ning Ji after chatting, Han Jing was quite admired, Ning Yi poured him tea, and sighed when he sat down.

"There are other ways, who would want to let the children suffer this sin, but there is no way, the world is not peaceful, they are not good children, when I was in the shackles, I was assassinated several times a month, now It’s even more troublesome. A bunch of children, you can’t keep him at home all the time, let him see the world, let him have the ability to take care of himself... It’s indifferent to kill an emperor before, now I want to think which child will die any day. I feel uncomfortable in my heart, I don’t know how to explain to their mother..."

"... don't think so."

"I was psychologically prepared." Ning Yi paused, then smiled: "It’s also my mouth, or I would rather not want to be a martial arts master. Even if it is used by a great master, the future is not Greenwood. The era... In fact, there is no such thing as a green forest. I don’t want to say that I have not become a master. The probability of a half-way failure is even what Zhou Wei can do. I will engage in sports in the future, or I will go to the opera, neuropathy..."

He said harshly, Han Jing couldn't help but laughed. Ning Yi had a cup of tea like drinking. He touched him: "Children, Han Dajie don't want him to call him two, the younger brother is the image of early death. The most precious thing is still Resilience, when he first followed him to the military medical team, he had nightmares every night, and he couldn’t eat enough. In less than a month, he didn’t complain, he came over and started practicing martial arts. Children can have this kind of resilience, I can’t stop He... However, I initially hinted that he will be the era of muskets. If you want to be injured, you should follow the Uighur and ask for the arrow and the guns. He is good, the military team has been mixing for a long time, and the stalker is going to follow. Xiao Hei asks what Thirteen Taibao crosses the golden bell. Hey, he was the most handsome child in our family. It’s going to be ruined. I don’t know how to tell Yunzhu.”

Han Jing also laughed: "Thirteen Taibao Gong both inside and outside, cough, but also ... good."

"What is inside and outside, you look at Xiao Hei, you are dying..." He sighed casually, but there was still a smile in the smile that the child could hold on. After a while, the two men talked to the front line from the military medical team. After attacking Chengdu, the Huaxia Army was on standby for renovation, and all maintained the wartime state, but in a short period of time, it did not plan to attack Chenzhou.

"...block the border, consolidate the defense line, first do the household registration and material statistics of the occupied area, the law team has passed, clean up the accumulated cases, and the bullies that cause public grievances on the market first hit a batch and maintain a period of time. This process has passed. In the future, everyone will adapt to each other, and then let the population and trade flow circulate. The number of people who walked should be much less... We said that we went to Ganzhou, so we will not fight in Zhangzhou first, and we will take the initiative to maintain military action. The teacher is famous, as long as the state is still there, the process of sending troops is not finished, it is more convenient to deal with the card at that end... to promote peace talks with deterrence, if it can really force a negotiation, it is worth more than Ganzhou. ""

"I don't know the officials of the Wu Dynasty, but the possibility of negotiation is not big?" Han Jingdao.

"It's not big." Ning Yi nodded with a smile. "However, as long as Zhangzhou is still in their hands, there will be a lot of interest. These people will advise the court not to give up the southwest, and will blame the southwest." The people who are going to the church will be overwhelmed. Once the state changes hands, the matter is fixed. The words of these people are of little value... so let’s put it first, the situation is so chaotic, and take it next year. It’s not too late.”

Ning Yi said, looking at the huge map of Wuchao on the wall on the side of the room with Han Jing. A large amount of information has been made into one-sided flags and arrows, which are densely displayed on the map. The war in the southwest is only one glimpse. The really complicated one is the action and confrontation north of the Yangtze River and north of the Yellow River. In the vicinity of Damingfu, the yellow flag of the golden man is densely inserted into a small forest. This is the battle that Han Jing, who is on the front line, is also worried about.

Zong Fu and Zong Yi began to attack the famous government in September. In more than a month, the war was unsuccessful. Now the main force of the Jurchen army has begun to cross the Yellow River. The logistical end of Yan Yanchang rate of more than 30,000 female elite, together with more than 200,000 Han army in the area under the jurisdiction of Li Xizhi continued to be siege, it seems that it is ready for a long-term siege.

The latest information is reflected in the Central Plains West Line corresponding to the East Road. After Wang Juyun’s rehearsal, Jin Wangtian’s real driving and levy, and the army’s smashing to the Yanyan Gate’s Zonghan army The most powerful and most shocking revolt in the Central Plains. Han Jing had doubts about this, and he asked Ning Yi to ask, and Ning Yi nodded and confirmed.

The news of the direction of the Central Plains Jin Wang was conveyed by the five deputies who were in charge of the connection with Lou Shuzhen. With the opening of Tian Shi, the army of Jin Wang’s continuation of mobilization was as many as one million people. Tian Hu’s family for more than ten years.

With the dispatch of the army, the struggle under this local political circle suddenly became fierce. Although the slogan of resisting gold is heated, there are many people who are unwilling to take a life under the iron hoof. These people have moved.

On the day of the army's dispatch, the King of Kings began to martial law in the entire territory. On the second day, the original Zhan Xia, one of the oldest who supported the Tianshi rebellion, secretly sent the messenger, and went north to try to contact the Yan Yanxi of the East Road Army.

On the same day, Lou Shuzhen, who had already prepared the man, led his troops to the original home. The whole family was completely imprisoned. On the third day, it was convenient for Weisheng City to copy the old and the old, and at the same time, the court and the military system. Zhongfan’s people who are related to the original family have been imprisoned in countless places. Within a few days, the heads of the Weisong City can build a Jingguan.

These violent and violent means come from the hands of a woman, and even the exhibitions that are used to see the world are heartfelt. The female real army has not yet reached Taiyuan, and the entire Jinwang’s territory has been turned into a chilling Shura field.

Such a tense situation north of the Yellow River is also self-sufficient. After more than ten years of recuperation, Jinwang site can gather a million soldiers, and then rebel, although some Han people are bloody, but their eyes are in front of the battle with the end of the face, and now rule the half of the country The Jurchen military **** finished Yan Zonghan.

In contrast, the Jinwang site, in addition to its own million army, to the west is the northwest that has been killed by the Jurchens, and to the east, the revolt of the Damingfu even with the black flag army of Zhu Xi, but the area is fifty or sixty thousand To the south, crossing the Yellow River, you have to cross the Liangliang City and the road that is actually still in the hands of the Jurchen, to reach the Yangtze River Valley, which was actually controlled by the Wu Dynasty. The Million Army faced the face of Yan Zonghan. In fact, It is also a lonely army.

Everyone is making their own choices.

"...When I was in Luliangshan, I once met this Tian Jiagongzi. When I first saw it, I felt that this person was very proud and short-sighted. I was not paying attention. I couldn’t think of it, this person is also a hero. The girl is really... great."

When Tian Shi and Lou Shuzhen went to Luliang, Han Jing and others were still preparing for the battle called “Beat the Children”. At this time, looking at the numerous messages from the north, they could not help but sigh for each other.

Among these messages, there is a letter written by Lou Shuzhen, hand-written, and let the exhibition five come to the Huaxia Army. On the top of the letter, Lou Shuzhen's logic is clear, and the sentence calmly analyzes the intentions of Jin Wang and the situation faced by the Chinese military headed by Ning Yi, and at the same time states the fact that the Jin Wang troops will fail. After such a calm statement, she hopes that the Huaxia Army will be able to provide more support to the Jinwang troops in the spirit of being the Chinese people and guarding each other. At the same time, it is hoped that the Huaxia Army, which has been cultivated in the southwest, will be able to decisively send troops. Get through the road from the southwest to the Fuyang and Yuliang areas, or turn southwest from the southwest to provide practical support to the Jinwang troops.

Let the black flag army move out at the moment, directly open the entire territory of the Central Plains, and then confront the Jurchen army. This is of course impossible. However, in the calm statement and desperate facts of the other side, Han Jing feels more or less admired and guilty. When he looked at this letter to Ning Yi in a complicated way, Ning Yi looked at him like a smile: "How do you feel?"

"... great, and she is telling the truth."

"Yeah, great." Ning Yi smiled and passed the letter back to the desk. "However, this woman is a neuropathy. The purpose of writing this letter is only to bring disgusting people. Don't worry too much."


Han Jing’s heart is puzzled. Ning Yi has a different feeling for this seemingly normal letter. He is a decisive person. For the mediocre people, he is often seen as an improper adult. In Hangzhou, Ning Yi had no appreciation for this woman. Even if he killed the whole family, Ning Yi was absolutely reunited in Luliangshan. Don't care. It is only from the development of Lou Shuzhen in these years, the means of doing things can see the trajectory of the other's survival, and how cruel experience and struggle she experienced between life and death.

The Liangzi knots of both sides are too deep, but at this moment, they have to admit that the other party is a real person. Especially when this letter was written, she made a desperate choice. She also knew that the Chinese army could never swing northward and recover the Central Plains. This behavior of killing and killing is enough to make people feel admired, Chinese soldiers. While admiring her, Ning Yi’s mood is naturally disgusting.

This kind of almost abnormal sense of humor, but also let Ning Yi crying and laughing, resulting in a respect.

"I knew that I had killed her in the past... I’ve got a hundred..."

I talked with Han Jing for a while, and when I sent him out, the outside was already a starry sky. On such a night, talking about the status quo of the North, the fierce and cruel battle, actually talking about his own future, even in the southwest, how long can it be calm? The black flag and the golden man's hedge will come sooner or later.

In the ordinary starlight, going north and east, the traces of winter have already come on the earth. Over the distance of three thousand miles to the east, Lin'an City has a hundred times more sunshine than the mountains.

As the heart of the Wu Dynasty today, people from the south to the north gather here, and countless things that are related to the whole world are happening and brewing here. Right now, the temporary protagonist of a story that happened in Beijing is called Long Qifei.

In August, the Huaxia Army issued a slogan in the southwest, and it was announced to the world. Soon after, Longqifei returned to Beijing from Ganzhou, and the car and the boat were on the road. At this time, it has been back to Lin'an for more than ten days.

At the time of the death of the country, most of them were heroes. At this time, the Wu dynasty, the poets of the scholars were sharp and tragic, and there was a patriotic sentiment between the green forests. The chivalry was born, and the style of civil and military was more than that of the Taiping years. Great progress. In addition, various genres and ideas have gradually emerged, and many literati rushed around Beijing every day to sell their hearts to save the country. Under the inspiration of Ning Yi, Li Pin and others have gradually developed their education and newspapers.

Since the Jin people came south, the Prince Junwu left Lin'an and led the army to the front line. A steel wall was built in the north of the Yangtze River. The northward line of sight has always been the focus of the scholars. But for the southwest, there are still many people who are vigilant. Before the war broke out in the southwest, the Confucian scholars had propaganda about the deeds of Long Qifei and others. When the southwest war was in danger, Long Qifei arrived in Beijing. It has attracted a lot of eyeballs.

There may be doubts about these people fleeing, but after all, they are too far apart. When the situation is in danger, they need heroes. The propaganda for these people is mostly positive. After Li Xiannong was questioned and arrested in the southwest, Confucian scholars persuaded the Lushanni to fight against the black flag army, and most of them were the strategists of Longqifei. Facing the savage devil like the Black Flag Army, it is not easy to do these things. After all, it is also a kind of sorrow to kill the thief and the powerlessness to return to the sky.

This journey of three thousand miles, Long Qifei lost a circle in the uneasiness and high-intensity running. After arriving in Lin'an, the shape was pinned and the mouth was full of fire. The first thing he did after arriving in Beijing was to kneel down to all the Confucian scholars who knew him. The black flag was big. He was insulted and could only return to Beijing to express his feelings to the court, requesting more attention and assistance to the southwest.

These big Confucian hearts were the home country, and they pleaded guilty to the people, and immediately spread them in the capital. In the next few days, Long Qifei ran back and forth with the crowd, and continually appealed to the ministers of the DPRK, and also requested The help of many sages in Beijing. He stated the importance of the southwest, stated the black flag army's wolf ambitions, and constantly warned the DPRK to tell the story that the southwest could not be lost, and that the southwest died in the world. In more than ten days, it set off a big one. The patriotic craze.

Many Beijing-China members came to invite him to dinner. Even the governors in the Princess Office came to ask him to discuss and understand the specific situation in the southwest. A poem in the field sent him an invitation, and various celebrities came to the door to meet and talk. During this period, he visited the Qin dynasty who had urged him to go west. However, after the defeat of the dynasty, Qin dynasty had no power and no intention to promote the discussion of the southwest again, even though Jingzhong Many of the big names and celebrities have expressed great importance and respect to him. For the big event in the southwest, there are not a few important figures who are willing to make efforts.

In the middle of the night, Qingkou Lane, the red lanterns hanging high, the Qinglou Chu Hall in the laneway, the theater tea house still did not lower the enthusiasm, this is one of the lively social ports in Lin'an City, a family named "Sihai Society" In the lobby of the hotel, there are still many celebrities and scholars who come here. The convenience of the front of the Four Seas is a brothel. Even in the windows above the broth, some people listen to the music while paying attention to the situation below.

Finally, a carriage came in from the street and stopped in front of the door of Sihaishe. The body was thin and thin, and the hair was red and the reddish but still warm. Long Qifei came down from the carriage. His age was only four. Ten, in the rush of more than a month, all kinds of worries, heart and fire, so that the hair is half white, but it is also such a look, so that everyone respects him more. When he left the carriage, he held a wooden stick in his hand and stood up hard. The dark red lips were close, his face was angry, and everyone was surrounded. He just said nothing, and he arched his hand and walked toward the inn. .

Sending troops to the southwest is a complicated decision that determines the direction of a country. There are no results in more than ten days. He realizes that the momentum is not big enough, and it is not enough to make decisions such as Qin Daren and Chang Princess, but scholars and Beijing The people of insight in the end are on their own side, so this evening, he went to Mingtang to meet Li Feng Li Dexin, who once had an interview.

Li Dexin's newspaper is now influential in Beijing, but these days, for Long Qifei's return to Beijing, there are only some descriptive reports in his newspaper that are not salty. Long Qifei was dissatisfied, and felt that perhaps he did not show enough respect to him. He personally came to the door, hoping that the other party could realize the importance of the southwest, focus on state affairs, and promote the public opinion of defending the southwest.

However, Li Dexin rejected his request.

At this time, I went back to the inn. The people asked about the results of the negotiations. Long Qifei just walked in. When he passed through the lobby, he put the wooden pole on the ground. For a moment, he said: "Li Dexin... Generations..."

The words were resentful, but they were screaming. The people in the hall groaned and then began to whisper. Someone caught up and continued to ask, Long Qifei stopped talking and went back to the room. When I got back to the room, he came to comfort him with the name of Lu Guoer, who was in Beijing. He was silent and didn't talk, and his eyes were more intense.

"Master, this is the list of the adults who sent the post today... Master, the world is difficult, it is difficult, you don't want to hurt your body for these people..."

Lu Guoer is also a woman who has seen many things. After talking for a while, Long Qifei just waved his hand: "You don't understand, you don't understand..."

Some things, he will not say to the woman around. In the conversation with Li, today, he was so painful that he had spoken too much, and some of his words were too much, so that Long Qifei felt guilty. Since he returned to Beijing, everyone has regarded him as the leader of all expectations, but this is also due to the situation in the southwest. If the imperial court is really unable to retrieve the southwest in the practical sense, what significance does his opinion leader have?

Li Feng was famous for his reputation. He said how to wear a different day from Ning Yi. It is because the devil is too high in his position, but now it is a fake saying. In addition... the big members of the middle school are not things, including the Qinhui! At the beginning, he took his own way to the southwest and tried his best to deal with the Huaxia Army. Now, these people have done their best, arresting the messengers of the Huaxia Army, inciting the Shushanni, and dying for a lifetime... He can’t push the country’s encirclement and shoot The **** is gone, how can these people go?

The meat eater is jealous. The language of the saint is thorough. He listened to the indignation and arguments that were still faintly coming from outside. The gangs were inactive, and only those of them were rushing for the country... So thinking for a moment, he set his mind and began to look at those sent. When I saw one of them, I hesitated for a moment, let go, and soon took it again.

"...this seems to be Zhao Xianggong." Lu Guoer whispered aside. Long Qifei pressed the name and tapped his finger.

After a while, I said: "The gentleman is not a party, and there is nothing under it."

The name on the invitation is called Yan Yan, but the official position is not high, but it is the disciple of Zuo Xiang Zhao Ding, and Zhao Ding is said to be indifferent to Qin.

"... I have seen the article written by this strict man before, and I have the righteousness... maybe I can see you." Long Qifei sighed and said.

The whine of the night wind came from the window.

The boasting night wind plunged to the north for 1,500 miles. The cold wind blowing across the wall was blowing the flames in the night. The north wall of the Daming House and the continuous bombardment of the slinger opened a gap in the wall. Under the gap, the bodies, gravel, and the army that were constantly transported by the army piled up a **** of the **** along the wall. Under the urging of the Jurchens, the soldiers outside the city shouted and launched a wave of tides toward the gap. s attack.

On the wall, the fired artillery launched an attack on the outside of the city. The shells passed through the crowd, bringing splashing flesh and blood, bows and arrows, fire oil, rolling wood... as long as it was able to use the defensive method at this time inside and outside the fierce fierce The land is gathered, and on the ground outside the city, the slinger is still firing constantly, throwing huge stones to this high wall.

"Take the artillery over... you are here! The city is in the people, the city is dead and I am dead-" Wang Shanyue wears a white towel, snoring in the night, his body is already bloody, people around him As he shouted, he pressed against the gap in the high wall.

Damingfu is a strong city built for defending. The thickness of the entire outer wall is a few feet wide. Immature artillery cannot affect such a wall. On the contrary, the slinger has a little effect, and the city is bombarded outside the city. The artillery can create a huge defense advantage. Even so, for more than a month, the enemies who have gone to the city several times still need to fill in a lot of life. Wang Shanyue led the team to rush in the front several times...

This night is still so fiercely killing. At a certain moment, the cold things are descending from the sky. It is the small ice particles that the snow will reach. In a short time, it will cover the whole world, and there will be countless fires under the city. It was extinguished, and after a while, the murder in the darkness finally stopped, and the people on the wall survived, and began to clean up the slopes, and began to strengthen the wall by strengthening it~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Behind the siege camp, Wan Yanchang looked at everything in the dark under the umbrella, his eyes were cold. He did not encourage the soldiers to take this rare gap. After receiving the troops, the craftsmen went to repair the equipment for the stone throwing. When they left, they threw the order.

"Don't be idle, continue to throw me in the body!"

Going to the south for a few dozen miles. The long banner symbolizes a large army of hundreds of thousands of people. In the past, they began to cross the Yellow River. The lead in the scorpion rate first crossed the river, looking back at Bei Gu, the Yellow River and the water Taotao, the smoke of Damingfu has not been seen, but he believes that soon, everything in the city will disappear in the hundreds of thousands of Yan Yanchang led. The Han soldiers took turns to attack.

In front of the army, it was a ruined land that had only been displaced by the people not long ago. Except for the body and the plague, what is now raging on this land is a group of emigrants who are collectively referred to as "hungry ghosts."

Even the Jurchen army or the pseudo-qi troops that were once stationed in the south of the Yellow River can only rely on Jiancheng to be stationed on one side. Most of the small-scale cities are knocked open by the occupants, and people in the city have lost everything. You can only choose to survive by plundering and wandering. In many places, the grass roots and bark have been dulled. The people who died after eating Guanyin soil have skinny bones, and the belly has only rounded up and rotted in the wild.

These people who have lost their homes and lost everything can now rely on people who have plundered their lives. Today, in the land south of the Yellow River, there are millions of people without any brushstrokes to accurately describe their experiences.

Fortunately, winter has arrived, you can’t spend the winter, the snow is heavy, and the millions of displaced people will die one after another...

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