Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 816: Sound, sound, slow (4)

As the sky gradually brightened, the morning breeze blew through the mountains outside Linzhou City. The cold wind was slow and alienated, and in the air it showed a look that was not close to people.

It’s like this spring, and it’s not friendly to people.

The smoky smog and the clusters of squadrons spread in the mountains and hills. In the fields of fallows and along the roads, the blood that once flowed has become solidified, and the bodies are covered with a bump. In the corner of Tian Hao, the flame burned the cart into an icy shelf.

The presence of the Han army appeared, and two people came to each other and began to search for valuable things and fruit rations on the body. When they got to the edge of the woodland, one of them was alarmed, squatted, and listened to the distant wind. The sound inside.

"... I wish you a dying! I wish you a dying..." Someone in the woods gathered and shouted like this. After a while, someone shouted: "Ning Yi is dead! Ning Yi is dead..."

The bigger movements and more vocals came in the near future, and the two people were connected in the woods. The sound of the smother was getting closer and closer to the forest. The two Hans who searched the body were white and looked at each other. Then one of them ran away!

The other person then turned and ran. Someone in the woods ran out. It was a soldier who lost his helmet and abandoned the armor. Ten, twenty... only raised weapons in his hands, and fled outside without a fight. Some people in the woods chased after the shadows. Killed, more than a dozen people stopped at the edge of the woodland, here between the wild, fifty or sixty people are still rushing in different directions.

The shadows on the edge of the woodland supported the trunk and gasped for exhaustion. Soon after they climbed up and headed north, the flag held by one of them was black.

The small half-story Linzhou City has been burned black by the flames. There are large-scale squad marks on the west, north and east sides of Linzhou City. When the army that came from the west came out from a distant field of vision, thousands of Jurchen soldiers who had been assembled and burned in Linzhou City slowly reacted with the loss of this line, trying to start assembling and blocking.

Under the command of Wang Juyun, Ming Wangjun entered the city at a high speed, and the fierce slaughter spread in the city lanes. At this time, the Jurchen generals in the city, Ali Bai, worked hard to organize resistance. With the full arrival of the Ming Wangjun, he also gathered more than two thousand Jurchen troops on the northeast side of the city and thousands of Han troops burned inside and outside the city. A fierce confrontation.

Wang Juyun rode a horse and led most of the troops to the north along the city. He looked at the surrounding walls, battlefields, and the scenes that were far behind, and the brows were close. At the end, the old man who had never been angry was still Opened the mouth: "The seventh day... the first nine... how to make it like this..."

The speed of the siege was at noon in the seventh day of the seventh day, and now it is only the morning of the first nine. On the battlefield, there are traces of the most tragic hegemony everywhere.

He immediately learned about the passing of the wounded in the wounded. In the early hours of the morning, Huaxia Army launched a counterattack against the fiercely attacking Jurchens. Nearly 20,000 troops were desperately killed to the speed of the battlefield, and the speed of the column was also stubbornly resisted. After the battle took more than one hour. The main force of the Huaxia Army led by Zhu Xi and others, and the Jurchen army led by the speed of the law, turned to the northeast direction of the battlefield. On the way, an army entangled and stalked each other. Now the whole battlefield has no idea where to go. .

Of course, it is also possible that in the invisible place in Linzhou City, the entire battle has completely ended.

On the battlefield, the wounded Huaxia army wounded and injured, still trying to join the ranks of the battle, Wang Juyun looked coldly for a moment, and then people were lifted away. Ming Wangjun immediately pursued the past in the northeast. Huaxia, Jurchen, and the defeated Han soldiers are still smashing into a long journey on the ground...


Ten miles north of Linzhou, Wild Mushroom Ridge, large-scale slaughter continues under the cold sky. The snow in this barren ridge has melted more than half of it. There are large swaths of mud on the slopes. Together, more than 4,000 soldiers are rushing on the slopes. The soldiers holding the shields roll to the ground with the enemy in the collision. Start the weapon and forcefully sway.

Some people roared in hoarseness: "The speed of the squad is dead! The speed of the squad is dead..." It is the words of the Jurchen, but it looks bad. The Jurchen soldier in a leather felt hat hung his bowstrings with his fingers, shouting in the redness of his eyes, his fingers were already **** in constant combat.

Such a finger is still full of bowstrings. When you let go, blood and flesh splash in the air, and there is a figure in front of you, rushing forward, throwing a steel knife into his stomach, and the arrow crosses the sky and flies to the side above the slope. Broken black flag.

Near the black flag, it was also the most devastating place, and people smashed in the mud. I wish you a slash of the big knife that you snatched, and every time you slash your knife, you must overturn an enemy. On his body, it is already full of blood, and the arrow flies and plunges into his armor. I wished you a kick in front of the Jurchen man, and he pulled out the blood-stained arrow. The Jurchen soldier jumped on the left side of the body and buckled his arm. The knife on the other hand fell.

I wished that the body swooped and knocked the other side into the mud. The two sides fought a few punches with each other. He slammed and leaped, and the arrow in his hand plunged into the neck of the other side and pulled out. It is convenient to have a **** squirt before, and it will not rest for a long time.

The comrades-in-arms have come from the side, wishing you to reach out and pick up a big shield, and shouted: "Follow me -"

The battlefield is spreading. In the woodland three miles away from here, Guan Sheng leads thousands of people along the way. In front, the Jurchens are killed in different directions. Guan Sheng pulls the scout's clothes: "Where is the speed of the surgery? Where is it?"

The scout couldn't answer. He was covered in blood. He had two arrows in his back and his feet were shaking, but he still stood hard. Guan Sheng let go of him: "No matter, go to heal first... the rest will kill me with me-"

The wounded and wounded soldiers did not have too many answers. Some people held shields, some picked up handcuffs and went on the strings.

"Today is not their death...we are living! Haha." Guan Sheng said a joke, waved his hand and raised his knife forward.

Soon, they came out of conflict in the woods.


Opening the body, Xu Ning climbed out of the dead body and struggled to open the blood on his eyes.

There was a terrible pain in his left foot. He stood up with the handle of a short gun and knew that the bones of his calf had broken.

The field of vision is still swaying, and the body spreads in the field of vision. However, not far from the front, a figure is coming over here. He saw Xu Ning, squinting slightly, but still moving forward.

It was a Jurchen veteran who was bathed in blood. He saw Xu Ning, then leaned over and took a steel knife on the ground, and then walked to a horse not far away.

The Jurchen slowly climbed up the horse.

Xu Ning stepped forward and stepped forward. He leaned over and slid the hook with a short gun and held the end of the handle.

The Jurchen was squatting in the air, breathing for a moment, then the horse began to run, and the knife of the long knife slowly rose up in the air as it ran up and down.

Xu Ning's eyes were indifferent, took a breath, and hooked the gun at the front, his figure did not move. The horses are flying fast.

The Jurchen is a knife, and the horse is flying. The tip of the hook-and-gun was like a life-like jump from the ground. Xu Ning fell to one side, and the hooked gun crossed the thigh of the horse and directly hooked the horse's belly. Just listening to a long sigh, the horses and the Jurchens flew to the ground, and Xu Ning’s body was also rotated and taken out.

The horse with hundreds of pounds of horses rolled a few rolls on the ground, the blood stained the whole piece of land, and the half body of the Jurchen was pressed under the horse. Xu Ning dragged the hook and the gun slowly from the ground. climb up.

He stepped forward step by step, the Jurchen opened his eyes and saw the face almost smeared with blood, and the gun tip of the hooked gun came up to his neck. The Jurchen struggled a few times and reached for the steel. Knife, but eventually did not touch, he reached out and grabbed the gunpoint of the hook gun.

Xu Ning pressed the tip of the gun hard and his entire body was on the gun.

Soon, he fixed the broken leg with a wooden stick, climbed a horse, and slowly chased the past toward the mountains in front.


In the jungle, some people's footsteps came from different directions.

In the dilapidated temple, more than a dozen wounded soldiers perceive the voices of the coming people. They each brought up weapons. The wounded veterans pushed the young soldiers and let the other party leave. The young Huaxia soldiers shook their heads.

The battlefield is a place where people are tempered by life and death. They meet each other and gather all the spirit and strength in the knife. Ordinary people face such a battle, wielding a few knives, they will be exhausted. But the veterans who have experienced countless lives and deaths are able to constantly squeeze out the strength of the body in order to survive.

The young soldier has not been subjected to too many tests. He is not afraid of death in spirit. However, he has already exhausted his efforts. Instead, he has dragged his companion. He is ashamed. Therefore, he is not willing to go.

The Jurchen soldiers came from different directions. The young soldiers raised their handcuffs and, together with the wounded soldiers around them, fired the first round of arrows. The outside Jurchen fell down a few, and then began to avoid. More and more people are coming quickly, and rockets are flying toward the temple.

The flames burned and the veterans tried to stand up and then fell into the arrows and the flames. The young soldiers took the knife and rushed outside the temple.

He had two arrows in his body, but still yelling forward, a long gun passed through his abdomen, and then appeared in front of him, a portrait of a Jurchen general.

The speed of the hurdles stepped forward and opened the neck of the soldier. His gaze was also serious and fierce. After a moment of scouting, the speed of the sword threw away the map in his hand: "Find the ropes!" Where did he go! Ask him to come and join me - —"

At this moment, Soto is leading the most powerful female power, and in a few miles, with the troops of Qin Ming, Hu Yanzhuo, Shi Guangen and others.

In the fierce slaughter this morning, most of the Jinjun troops under Shi Guang'en have already left the team. However, he has been carrying out dozens of his own direct followers, and has been continually strangled by Hu Yanzhuo and others. Even if he is injured, he has not yet withdrawn from the battlefield.

"Ha ha ha, happy..." smashed a small round of a single girl in the vicinity, Shi Guangen stopped in the fierce battle and looked around. "You said, where is the speed of the surgery? Is it really killed by us?" No matter what the mother is, Lao Tzu has been a soldier for so many years. No one has been so happy. Brothers, today we are all killed here-"

He rushed to the front with a bunch of hands and feet around him.

The battle has been going on for a few hours and seems to be becoming endless. In this multi-hour, when both sides have been confused, the rumors about "Zhu Yu is dead" and "the speed of the surgery is dead" are constantly coming out. At first, they just shouted slogans. Later, even those who screamed at the exit number did not. Know if things have really happened.

At the time, the time was already 9:00 in the morning, and it was Li Jiaxuan who led the soldiers to encounter the actual speed of the speed. This is a member of the Huaxia Army who participated in the Battle of Xiao Cang River and accumulated military merits. In the last period of the Battle of Xiao Canghe, he led the team to harass Jurchens in the northwest, responsible for the partial break. Work, and later led the remnants of the soldiers to the Liangshan Zhu Xi.

In the battle, Li Jiaxuan's tactical style is extremely solid, both to kill the other side and to be good at protecting himself. When he was attacked from the city, he led a thousand Huaxia Army. He broke through all the way. At this time, there were a large number of casualties, and some soldiers gathered along the way, facing the speed of the soldiers who still had more than 3,000 soldiers. There are only six hundred people left.

The two sides launched a fierce battle, and Li Jiaxuan then continued to harass and turn around with the soldiers, trying to get rid of the other party's containment. After passing through a forest, he separated the more than 400 people under his hand and let them meet with the main Guanzhong, who is likely to reach the nearby area.

Li Jiaxuan led more than a hundred people, and began to resist stubbornly with the nearby hills and woodlands.


The eagle flies in the sky.

Lu Junyi looked up and observed its trajectory, then led the eight people around him and walked through the jungle.

The figure of the Jurchen soldier in the forest has begun to increase, and a battle is continuing in front. The nine people are like a shuttle, like the most sophisticated hunter in the deep forest, passing through the trees in front.

Among the crowds passing through the woods, a figure fell into view.

Lu Junyi stunned a little, then began to calculate his own chips. In the long slaughter, his physical strength has also been exhausted by 80%. This way he killed, he and his companions killed several generals in the Jurchen army, but in the Jurchen soldiers In the pursuit, the injury is not light, the place behind the bandage is still bleeding, the left hand hurt the bones, nearly half of the waste.

The speed of the surgery has not been too heavy, but the actress he is following is extremely savvy. At this time, he has been halved, and most of them are exhausted. The speed of the operation is brave. He waved the long knife and directed the soldiers around him. The team ventured.

Lu Junyi looked at the companion who followed him.

There will be no better chances.

He turned his head, pressed his left hand, and the pain became numb. On the side, two soldiers made gestures, and they circumnavigated in the distance. They first smashed out and set the target to a far post. The Jurchen Little Head. When the turmoil began, the speed of the instrument was immediately turned over. Lu Junyi and others leaned down and ran.

The first hand-cranked arrowhead brush flew over the woods, and the horses in the hips under the speed of the speed were long. However, the horse that followed the speed of the spell did not go crazy, but the eyes became blood red, and the mouth spit out a long white gas.

In the woods, the distance from the brush is close, the shadows are in chaos, and an arrow is opened by the speed of the machine. The guards around him rushed up to form a long wall of knives and guns, and the assassins who rushed up were knocked over. Some people rushed around the long line to the distance. In the chaos of the moment, Lu Junyi had already arrived, and a rifle in his hands was like a mad dragon coming out of the sea, suddenly stabbing the two people around him and overthrowing the third person. There are still two people in front of the rushing, the speed of the speed of the horse will leave, Lu Junyi's gun front fell to the ground, the whole person flew up in the air.

Above the horse, the speed of the knife was slashed, Lu Junyi swung in the air, and the handcuffs made by the steel were smashed. During the fire, Lu Junyi avoided the blade and the body slammed into the speed of the speed. . The horse slammed down and the two men slammed down the slopes of the forest.

The body fell and threw it up. Lu Junyi grabbed the speed of the knife and tried to slam the steel knife. However, he was unable to pull it out at the time. The impact only stopped, and the speed of the train went up and stood up. The long knife swayed, and Lu Junyi had already swooped forward, pulling out a detached bone knife from the back.

The knives and ping-pong continually rang, the speed of the hurricane slammed, Lu Junyi rushed, and the two female soldiers in the rear rushed up, slamming a pack of white lime powder in the air, smashing a soldier full of heads Full face, Lu Junyi's right hand slashed **** meat and smashed with white powder, the speed has been smashed a few scars, the rushing Jurchen soldiers tried to block, the wrists of the lower abdomen were opened with two knives At this time, behind the speed of the speed of the column, he slammed into the chest of Lu Junyi, Lu Junyi did not evade, the knife was cut down, and the soldiers next to him hugged Lu Junyi's legs, side, and the horse was long.

The speed of the warfare crashed into the air, Lu Junyi, long blood marks almost appeared in Lu Junyi's chest and speed of the head face, Lu Junyi's feet in the fly back to the ground two points, the knife in his hand To the horse's neck and body, the horse smashed Lu Junyi into the distance and fell into a pool of blood.

There are Jurchen soldiers killed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Lu Junyi stood up, cut the other side, his chest has also been stained with blood. On the opposite side of the trunk, the speed of the hand reached over the right face, and was sitting down in the ground, blood poured out, this brave Jurchen general was like a beast that was seriously injured and killed, and the left eye was still holding Lu Junyi.

Lu Junyi is also staring at the speed of the surgery.

He used to be the first master of Hebei guns.

I once thought that I would like to serve the country and make a contribution. However, this opportunity has never been seen before.

However, it was once the family broke and died, and it was filled with anger. In the face of Song Jiang, what is the taste in his heart, only he knows.

Ning Yi said that he had no courage. He had no choice but to join the bamboo record. Later, he gradually followed Ning Yi’s rebellion. Ning Yi did not let him lead the army.

He is not Lu Junyi of the year. Some things are understood, and there are regrets in his heart, but this time is not the same.

"Jade Kirin" Lu Junyi, the killing speed is here.

Shouting and killing sounds like anger, coming from the front of the field of vision...

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