Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 839: Grab the ground (10)

At the last moment before dawn, the flame circulated above the earth.

Mountains, woods, rivers, city walls... Long queues are tuned in the dark, the sound of the order, the sound of the footsteps, the humming of the horses... all kinds of sounds boiled the night and brought together.

In the middle of November, Wu Jianyu, in the northwest of Fancheng, hundreds of thousands of troops are gathering in the same direction.

Here is the battlefield of the Jurchen West Road Army led by Yan Zonghan and the Western Army, led by the Rebel Army. The whole battle has lasted for nearly three months.

The battlefield of the West Road is based on the Xiangyang and Fancheng systems on both sides of Hanshui River. On the side of the Jurchen, Zonghan Nanzheng’s main force is 260,000 people. In line with the original 400, the Han army, which can be mobilized by the warlords, has a total strength of 700,000. At the core, there are more than 800,000 defensive positions formed by dozens of troops around.

The number of troops has water, and the power is also uneven. But even if the imaginary number of nearly half is cut, there are nearly a million troops in front and back, stuffed in the range of a hundred miles near the two cities of Xiangfan, and they hit three in a solid manner. More than a month.

If we measure the strength and record of the Jurchen when we were founded, it is only the core team of 260,000 people, which is already a terrible force that can sweep the whole world. However, for a while, one has experienced three times of southern invasion. For the woman is really terrible, the Wu Dynasty also has a certain psychological preparation. Secondly, under the efforts of the main war party and the prince Jun Wu, eight years, Nanwu Half of the tremendous power generated by economic expansion has been invested in combat readiness. The Yangzhou, Zhenjiang and Xiangfan systems are the most important.

The defensive power piled up by the country's material resources, at this time for the Wuchao won a certain breathing space.

Within a few years of regaining Fuyang, Yue Fei did not hold the idea of ​​staying and staying in the two cities of Xiangfan. Based on Hanshui, more than 20 towers and water houses were built on the banks, mountains and dangerous places on both sides of Xiangfan City. During the period when the female was really coming south, the defenders of the West Road stationed in the various city walls and garrisoned each other, echoing each other. On the one hand, the benefits of the city defense weakened the Jurchen attack. On the other hand, Yue Fei transported the soldiers with Hanshui, echoing the various places and even taking the initiative. Attack. The weak points of attacking the Jurchen army and the Han army participating in the war.

In more than three months, the Pipa Army has played nine major wins, defeating the main force of the Copper Wolf Army led by Yan Sabai, once defeating the speed of the front, and then fighting with Yin Shu and Zong Han. Retired from the whole body, the Yue General who was only in his early thirties was not only brave and determined, but also the military law was strict and the road was like a mountain. On the battlefield, there were those who had to step back and squat, and those who had shaken the army, The retreat, the embarrassment, the non-compliance, the embarrassment, the slow-moving, the official squad, and the pioneer...

In August, a battle of the defensive flank of the generals Li Huai’s 60,000-strong army was defeated by a command blow. After the war, Yue Fei made Li Huai bet on the spot and killed it. In mid-September, Fancheng’s northwest Xiangcheng Village was The Jurchen army set fire, and more than 4,000 people took the lead to flee. Yue Fei ordered the back of the army to suppress the battle. The crowd fleeing without ruthlessly slashed the sword, and successively killed nearly two thousand soldiers, so that the remaining two thousand The remaining soldiers stopped their lives and many people were scared and daring. They would rather turn to meet the Jurchen, and they would not dare to run to the back of the army.

In October, Peng Haiyou’s nephew Peng Hai’s nephew Peng Hai delayed the military due to alcoholism. Yue Fei arrested several officers who had been drinking alcohol at the same time, and pulled out the long sword that Jun Wu had asked from Zhou Wei, which would delay the military aircraft. People are all killed.

In the past, Yue Feifei had heavy weapons and operated Xiangfan. His army was law-abiding and even strict to the point of inhumanity. The rest of the army only heard about it. In many ordinary events, Yue Fei and other martial arts are not serious. He is strict with the rules of the military. Everyone only thinks that he is in the territory of his own one-acre three-point land.

Who knows that this war started, Junwu sent the troops of the West Road to Yue Fei's unified leadership, and this military law actually fell on the battlefield to the heads of others.

Li Huai led a soldier of 60,000, and he was also a general of the Wu Dynasty army. He talked about the level and Yue Fei level, and his qualifications were even older. Yue Fei, who was extremely low-profile and respectful to him, actually arrested him because of his command mistakes. I cut my head with a knife.

On the battlefield, the military enforcement of the military laws is also strict. However, the defeat of Xiangcheng Village has been presented on the same day. Facing the army that is not under its own control, the reciting army did not hesitate to slash the knife. This was originally a taboo. Who knows that four thousand people have escaped, and that the back-to-back army has actually killed half of it. If the rear two thousand people have not stopped, everyone can see that Yue Fei can even kill them on the spot, such a decision, It’s really scalp.

Peng Guangyou's military department Shangshu, there are countless relationships among the army, and Yue Fei also has a good relationship with him. After Peng Hai’s accident, he also participated in the battle in Xiangfan. Liu Guangshi, who had the most senior qualifications and reputation, also found Yue Fei. He expressed his feelings for Peng Hai. Yue Fei took out the sword of the Son of Heaven and gave it to Liu Guangshi with his hands: “If you want to save Peng, Please use this sword to kill me." Put Liu Guangshi's stomach full of words in his throat, and finally leave his sleeves.

Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of troops mobilized from the rest of the country. Even in this period of time, even inside the army, there are many soldiers who suffer from strict military laws. After all, even if they are training, the number of people under the hand is not as good as possible. Over the years, I feel the pressure from the north, and the rebel army has expanded to 140,000 people. It is hard to say whether it is more than half.

In the three months, Xiangyang is like a huge Shura field. The number of war dead on both sides has exceeded 100,000, and the casualties are constantly pushing up. However, many people have already been able to see that without these strict military laws and regulations, there is no rebellious army in which it is active. The Han River defense in Xiangfan’s front line may have already broken down.

Since the beginning of the war, the power of the Jurchen army's offensive has been amazing.

As a veteran who followed A-Bing, the long-time leader of the Jurchen army, when Yan Zonghan set aside his hand, the Wushu army on the front line of Xiangfan faced tremendous pressure.

As in the past, Lu Qiaoshan felt the general situation in the southwest. With the emergence of new weapons such as artillery and large-scale application, the situation on the battlefield has changed a lot. A team of soldiers who could only be bound by a square matrix can easily make huge losses in front of a large number of placed artillery. If it is just a slap in the face, the infantry squad will not be able to fight for a long time.

Although some people believed that the cavalry was restrained in the early stage of the artillery, due to the limitations of the artillery's position and slow transfer, the high-speed maneuvering offensive and flexible tactics were put on the top agenda, regardless of cavalry or infantry. Morale or lack of training, the quality of the "old soldiers", in addition to hiding in the city wall can play some role, on the battlefield, has lost its meaning.

If you return to the first Tokyo defending war more than ten years ago, the million-million-strong army near Yanliang will be vulnerable to more than 100,000 reciting troops.

In three months, the rebel army played nine large-scale wins, but in the vicinity of Xiangfan, Zonghan, Xiyin and others continued to pull out the camps outside the city with a fierce attack. By November, most of the cities were in November. The village has been abandoned or broken. On the night of November 13th, near the city base of Fu Niu City, Wushui Wuhui’s battalion commander Shi Yunpeng led the 40,000 troops to encounter the Jin Guo army on the way. The two sides had reached the night and stopped each other. Under the pace of turning in, the two sides have been frictional on a small scale, but each has sent troops for help. Behind Shi Yunpeng, Funiu City stationed Liu Guangshi’s 60,000 main force, and more than 100,000 in the distance. The army can be mobilized.

On the morning of November 14th, when the eastern sky lined out the first squid belly, Jinwu and the two sides had nearly 400,000 troops rushed to the vicinity of Funiu City. Yue Fei led the 40,000-backed army to be elite, and Xi Yin and Yin Shu can Waiting for the Jurchen elite to enter the battlefield.

The war broke out in the morning from this day. Since then, nearly 200,000 people have come from all over the country, which has opened the curtain of the largest battle since the beginning of the war in Xiangfan. The whole battle lasted for more than ten days on the bank of Hanshui. Yue Fei commanded the army to constantly open up the battle and build a defense line. The battlefield was gradually transferred to the vicinity of Fu Niu Chengzhai, relying on geographical advantage and strength to confront and attack the Jurchen army. On November 17, Zonghan led his 30,000 soldiers, Tushan Wei, to join the battlefield, and the rebel army covered the rest of the troops and launched a battle.

This Tushanwei is the most elite guardian of Zonghan’s business for many years. More than 30,000 people are the best of the Jurchen soldiers. Some even have a 40-year-old courage. Although they have lost their strength, they have reached the awareness and courage on the battlefield. peak. Yue Fei led the rebellious army and fought for half a day, and finally lost.

Since then, the Wu dynasty army has been defended according to the Fu Niu Zhai Village and the Navy. The siege equipment of the Jurchen army has also been pressed here. By the end of November, both sides have accumulated huge casualties. This city was The Jurchen was removed, and the Wu Dynasty army retreated to Xiangfan, but it still controlled the right to control Hanshui.

In the tragic and tenacious tug-of-war of Fuyang, at the end of November, several major events broke out in the world.

In the southwest, Zhangcun, the center of the Huaxia Army, when Ning Yi saw the martial art ambassador who came to the sneaky scorpion, after listening to the other party's whimsical plan, Ning Yi was also in the state of blasphemy.

The secret of the Wu Dynasty ambassador was called Cao Ji, and his appearance was sleek, but his eyebrows seemed to be agile and smooth. He represented the Emperor Wu of the Wu Dynasty to release goodwill. In the mouth of the other party, according to Zhou Yi’s thoughts, they have also dealt with each other before, even after seeing it – it was time in Jiangning – since Ning Yi is a teacher of Jun Wu and Zhou Pei, that is a family. People, nowadays, are really big, and the Wu Dynasty is in dire straits. The Huaxia Army said in the previous essays that when the crisis is at a time, it must be consistent with the outside world. Zhou Hao hopes that the Huaxia Army will be able to send troops and fight against the Golden Dog to fulfill its promise.

Of course, as for the details of how to send troops, Zhou Hao himself does not have much charter. He only said that if there is a will on the side of the Huaxia Army, the Wu Dynasty must cooperate fully. As for how to cooperate, Zhou Yi thinks that the ideal state is that Ning Yi can find someone to come out. When he is in such a difficult situation, he will mediate it. Anyway, he will do more propaganda. He is there, as long as there is a step, he will follow the trend. Can come down... Barabara, that's what it means.

Ning Yi repeatedly asked several times, and finally confirmed that there was no participation of Junwu or Zhou Pei in the middle. Considering that the fierce battle was taking place at this time, Ning Yi negotiated with the General Staff and other officials to give a book to Zhou Wei. The letter sincerely informed the difficulty of the matter, and stressed that if Zhou Yizhen really has such an idea, he will hand over the whole matter to Zhou Pei or Jun Wu, and everyone will talk about it carefully and openly.

In the ten years of Jianye’s ten years, this thing is like a wonderful joke. Ning Yi always can’t help but laugh when he thinks about it. He feels full of quirky irony and illusion, like a spicy and interesting Allegory. Of course, no matter who he is or who is involved in this matter, he still has not thought of the nightmare consequences that this incident may have.

In December of this year, Jiangnan was less snowy, but the heavens and the earth were particularly cold.

Among the palaces in Lin'an City, Zhou Wei, the figure gradually lost weight, the emperor with white horns and decadent appearance received a reply from the southwest. This is Ning Yi's handwritten book, and the wording is not formulated. The words are kind and courteous, which makes Zhou Xin's heart warm.

At this moment, the table of the royal study room where Zhou Wei is located is already full of battle reports from all over the place. He even makes people hang a big map on the wall, marking the place in a way that he can understand. The situation. For the emperor, Zhou Hao has never been so diligent, but this half a year, he is watching these things every day. These things made him feel cold, not as good as the southwest letter.

What makes him feel cold most is not these battle reports. It is something that even his closest children have never known.

In the box at the corner of the royal study, there is a record of the shame of Jingping, the cousin Zhou Wei who has been arrested in the north, and all the tragic things about the Jurchen in these years. After becoming a monarch of the Wu Dynasty, some people think that he is incompetent. His ability is limited, but how can he be so ignorant?

At the beginning of the emperor, he just thought that the Jurchen was terrible, and soon he began to think about the status quo he was facing. He fled to Yangzhou and felt that he was far enough. He was drunk in the palace. However, the Jurchen quickly succumbed. He fled to the sea because the fear in his heart even dropped his child. When the Jurchen retreated, he returned. On the shore, I came to Lin'an. He seems to be stupid. In fact, for the outside world, I want to know what I want to see, and I can see it after all.

How good is the Jurchen, he knows, what the Jurchen will do to him, from the things that are passed from the north every year, he can see clearly, what kind of pigs the cousin Zhou Yi lived in the Northland. The days when dogs are inferior; the shame of Jingping, the kinsmen, the princesses of the emperor, what kind of encounters - if only when the story is heard, it may be worthwhile to gnash their teeth, but this is his future.

Even if you hide in the thickest wall, how about watching the soldiers outside the city? They can't beat Jurchen.

It’s really killing, and it’s really a day of defeat, I can’t hide.

Zhou Wei was a prince, he played the world and bullied the people, but even he could not do such a heart-wrenching thing. Now, these things have to fall on his head. Millions of soldiers? Ten million people? There are a lot of things to say, and I really have to lose. In a few months, I was on the way to the north.

He didn't know that his son had been watching the news every week for the past few years, and he felt extremely humiliating and angry. But over the years, Zhou Hao himself is actually in the dark corner, seeing those things every year, he feels the fear from the heart.

The battle report on the table, the things written every day of every day, he can understand, the contrast of the numbers, the defense of the line every day, the southern withdrawal of the day... The daughter is alone, has been ironic, the son has to fight everything, in front of the desperate, I want to make myself a father's reassurance, and he can understand these things.

Therefore, he sent an ambassador and secretly found a communication in the southwest. Of course, the matter is quite difficult. He does not know how Ning Yi’s sin is smeared, but the gentle attitude of the other party makes him feel that the beginning is not bad. As long as the other party has the heart, his emperor will kill, and how difficult other things can be.

Zhou Hao did not dare to tell Zhou Pei, this winter, and asked her daughter to knock on the side and said twice, Zhou Pei's words became harder and harder, Zhou Wei felt that her daughter could not communicate.

It seems that as an emperor, I can first release goodwill to the southwest. Zhou Xin thought this way, and then he felt more and more reasonable. He was an emperor. He said that if he started the matter, the courtier would not be able to suppress it. In the southwest, Ning Yi was so clever. Naturally, I will follow the trend and take things...

In this way, the seeds of disaster began to sprout in Zhou Xin’s heart.

At the same time, the end of Yan Zongfu's army crossed the Yangtze River and robbed the dock near Jiangning. It launched a large-scale battle with the Wuchao Navy and the Army. Both sides suffered casualties. In Wujiang, Jun Wu wrote a table for the imperial court of the court, detailed the strength comparison between the two sides, the advantages and disadvantages of each other, and pointed out that Jin Guo Wu Hao bought bed for nearly a year, the body went from bad to worse, Hanshui, Yangtze River defense At this time, it has not been broken, and our elite army has already had the power to come to me with Jurchen. In the coming year, we only need to drag the Jurchen army, even if the war is at a disadvantage, as long as the Jurchen is dragged into the quagmire, I will win in the Wu Dynasty, and the Jurchen will be defeated.

Although such a performance is partially exaggerated, the whole strategic thinking can not be wrong, and it is indeed a picture of the future that can be reached and realized in front of everyone. On December 16th, the table was not sent to the south. The battle of Jiangning continued. The urgent military sentiment came from the east and was sent to Zhenjiang.

Fourteen, the martial arts in Jiangyin, strong crossing the Yangtze River.

Jun Wu stood up from the room. After a while, he rushed out of the door.

"... intercept him."

Only this one thought reverberated in his mind. Of course, at this moment, he only subconsciously noticed that it was wrong, but he did not think about the huge chain reaction caused by the whole thing.

Southeast of Jiangyin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xiaoxue.

The huge cavalry bypassed the city and was heading south. On the hills, the scorpion is his fierce and serious.

The most elite cavalry units in the Eastern Route Army, more than 50,000 people, are all here.

The secret letter sent by Xi Yin was squatting in his sleeve, and the writing on the secret letter had almost become blurred. If in the past, Xi Yin did not like him, he did not like Xi Yin, but in many major events, Qi Shu had to admit He Yin's vision and wisdom. This time the Nanzheng, Xi Yin did not show too much hostility to the East Road Army. He communicated and planned the strategy with this side earlier. After the tragedy in the cloud, Xi Yin also sent urgent reminders and suggestions.

Zong Fu and Qi Shu adopted recommendations.

The young prince of the Wu Dynasty wants to drag the battlefield to Zhenjiang and drag it to the south of the Yangtze River, but the real battleground is not here.

In December, the cavalry of the martial arts avoided the decisive battle.

Pointing to Linan!

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