Zhui Xu

Vol 16 Chapter 844: Boiling the sea (3)

In the eleventh year of Wu Jianyu, Linan has been in martial law since the beginning of the New Year.

The people inside can't get out, and the people outside can't get in. For several days, there are all kinds of rumors flying in the city: there are many people who have killed at the moment, and there are millions of people outside Lin'an. The people want to enter the city, but they are blocked outside the city gate. It is said that a few days before the banned army, they shot and killed the people outside the city. They also talked about the horror of Jingping’s shame, and now everyone is blocked. In the city, I am afraid that in the future, there will be more and more fierce... All these kinds of things are different.

People in the city's restaurants and teahouses, in the courtyards of the houses, and the big cities where nearly 1.5 million people live, even if they are occasionally martial, they cannot last forever. The people have to eat, the materials have to be transported, and the prosperous business activities in the past have temporarily stopped, but they still have to keep the minimum demand. The large and small temples and Taoist temples in Lin'an City are prosperous in these days, just like the scenes before and after each war.

Although the propaganda power of Li Feng and the Princess House once promoted the harm of the "Tianshi Guojing" in the past, people's sense of powerlessness in the face of such a major disaster is difficult to dismiss. In the middle of the market, there were many rumors of the defeat of "Guo Tianshi" in the same year. Similar to Guo Jing Guo Tianshi, although he had great magical powers, the Jurchen rose rapidly, but it also had a demon protection, such as the "Gu Shen" Wan Yan Xi Yin, if not How can a fairy demon be called "Valley God"? In addition, there is a small description of the city, Guo Jing, who was seduce by the seductive female demon, and smeared the great supernatural powers of the Liujia Shenbing, so that the story of the ruin of the city of Liangliang was ruined, and the contents of the **** palace were sold with the book. In these days of Lin'an City's martial law, one time is in short supply, Luoyang paper expensive.

There is nothing new in the world. The fools and fools spend their money, ask for the protection of the gods, the charm of peace, and then bring them to the family that cares the most. Looking forward to this robbery, they can safely Over. This kind of humbleness is sighing, but it is also inconceivable.

On the sixth day of the first month, Zhou Pei stood on the wall of the imperial city and directed a huge hot air balloon to rise above the city. She grinned and raised her head and stared at the huge object rising into the sky, worrying if it would fall.

When Ning Yi was a monarch, he used a hot air balloon to carry a few people to fly over Miyagi. For these things that could cross the emperor's residence, the Wuchao Chaotang was quite taboo. Therefore, after the military moved to Wudu, Junwu made a hot air balloon, this is the first time it rose on the sky in Lin'an.

In the southeast and southwest of Lin'an, a total of eight hot air balloons swayed in the cold winds of winter, and the city pool suddenly rose. The people walked out of the courtyard and gathered everywhere. They looked up and looked at the miraculous things like miracles. There was a lot of discussion. For a time, the crowd seemed to fill every open space in Lin'an.

Zhou Pei’s eyes put all this in his eyes.

In order to advance this matter, Zhou Pei spent a lot of effort in it. The Jurchen is approaching, the hearts of the people in the city are low, and the morale is low. Among the officials, all kinds of minds are more complicated and different. In the theoretical sense, if the people in the dynasty rushed to the south, they would have no problem if they were bent on the Linan. However, the situation in the Wu dynasty was complicated, and Zhou Yu’s death was complicated. The situation is piled up together, is there anyone who will sway, and no one will turn it down, but no one is sure.

To a certain extent, the Wu dynasty at this time is also like Liang Shan, who was once overwhelmed by Ning Yi. Before the test, no one knows if he can hold it.

Zhou Pei lobbied the majors in a few days. As for the idea of ​​raising the hot air balloon to cheer up morale, everyone’s words were hesitant. Lu Yihao said: “The lower minister thinks that this matter may have little effect and is easy to produce unnecessary things. Of course, if His Royal Highness is useful, the lower minister thinks that it is not a bad idea." Most of the rest are.

Under such circumstances, Zhou Pei-ling made a suggestion in the court, and forced Chen Xiangyu, who took over the ceremonial department after Hou Shao’s death, to endorse and only raised the hot air balloon in the air. The imperial guards were not allowed to watch in the direction of the palace. Peeking into the conditions of the palace, and fixing the matter under the silence of the people. However, when he talked at the court, Qin Lan came out to reconsiderate, and the enemy was in the current situation. When he was doing something very important, he forced the proposal of Zhou Pei hard, which made Zhou Pei feel a little more good to him.

The resistance to the church was removed, and there were still weather factors that prevented the hot air balloon from rising. At this time, the weather in Lin'an City was still cold, the wind in the air was not small, and the possibility of failure after the hot air balloon was lifted increased accordingly. On the day of the sixth day, the cavalry of the martial arts had already bypassed the line of defense and approached Lin'an. The technicians at the Institute finally decided to choose a little wind to take off, and the eight hot air balloon operators who would be outside the life and death will be in the second moment. The balloon rose.

It has been more than ten years since the first hot air balloon lifted in Lin'an, but there are still not many people who have seen it. The streets of Lin'an have a lot of people, and some old people shouted "Heavenly Heaven" to kneel down. Zhou Pei looked at it all and prayed in the heart not to have problems.

This time, the destiny finally stood on the side of the Wu Dynasty. Eight hot air balloons hang in the sky for a quarter of an hour before they slowly fell, and there was no possible failure in the middle. The propaganda power of the Princess House and Li Feng has also begun to take action. A preacher has calmed the hearts of the people in the streets and lanes. Tomorrow, more newspapers will follow.

On the other hand, in Lin'an, the first hot air balloon lifted off, and the influence of the future objects will always expand even more. Zhou Pei's psychology in this respect is not as good as her brother's dedication, but she can imagine how happy it would be if Jun Wu heard it if he did it before the war began.

Arrange the next various things, and encourage and reward the hot air balloon technicians who took off today. Zhou Pei returned to the Princess House and began to write a letter to Jun Wu.

At this time, Jiang Ning was being attacked by Zong Fu’s army. Zhenjiang had repeatedly sent troops to rescue. Jun Wu and Han Shizhong personally passed to invigorate the morale of the Jiangning army. In the letter, she took the younger brother’s attention to the body and took care of herself, and did not have to be the capital. When I was too anxious, I and I would like to keep this well. He also mentioned to him the hot air balloon today, and wrote that the fool in the city thought that the hot air balloon was a squadron, and he could not help but ridicule a few words, but in the purpose of inspiring the people, the role is not small. Although the impact of this matter must be measured in the long run, it is also gratifying to think that Junwu, who is far away from the danger.

The letter was sent out that night, and the next morning, Cheng Zhouhai came over and placed more information in front of her. The Huaxia Army passed the resolution on the 30th, and the first day passed a Taiping Spring Festival. On the second day of the second day, the murderous declaration of warfare has already been made through the bright face: now the Jurchen is unjust, the Chinese people are not living, the Jiangnan war All the Chinese people in the whole world should unite and unite to the outside world. However, there are people who are greedy and fearful of death. They are arrogant and arrogant, and they raise their swords to their compatriots. For those who have already broken through the bottom line, Huaxia Army calls on the world. All Han people attacked...

In this essay, Hua Xiajun listed a number of "war criminals", most of whom used to play the pseudo-Qi regime, but now the team is the leader of the Jin Guonan levy, and there are also several Wu dynasty forces that confessed to the Golden State. ... For these people, the Huaxia Army has dispatched an elite team of tens of thousands of people out of Sichuan, and they must be beheaded. While calling on the world to celebrate the feast, they also called on all the people of the dynasty to be vigilant and guard against all the shameless traitors who tried to attack the enemy in the war.

Zhou Pei took the morning light and quietly read the essay. She looked at Cheng Zhouhai, but she couldn’t see her expression on her face: "... really... or fake?"

"There is a change in the Chinese military. When the news was issued, it has been determined that several elite teams have assembled from different directions. The team ranges from tens to one hundred and two hundred people. It is the lineup of 'special operations' specially developed by Ning Yi over the years. Based on the cooperation of Zhou Hao’s array of law in the past, it was specially designed for the green forest confrontation of 100-person scale..."

Zhou Pei blinked his eyes: "He used to be stabbed in the shackles of the year..."

"Well, he was concerned about the Green Forest and he also offended a lot of people. The teacher said that he was not doing business... The people around him were initially trained on this matter, and later formed the Black Flag Army. This kind of practice is called For special operations, the enemy emirates in the war, very powerful, as early as two years near Xiangyang, the team of more than 100 masters of the Jurchen party, robbed a pair of children of the generals, but just happened to meet the sway of the Jin Dynasty Yi, these masters of the Jurchen were killed, and the murderer Lu Tuo was called the Grand Master on the rivers and lakes. When he met Ning Yi, he was slapped.

Zhou Pei quietly listened. Over the years, the princess and the prince have been very famous in the folk. Under Zhou Pei’s men, there are naturally a large number of masters and heroes who have acquired the martial arts and art for sale to the emperor’s family. Zhou Pei occasionally acts as a thunder and uses death. Scholars are often among these people, but relatively speaking, the "professionals" on Ning Yi's side are more like the legends in this line. Just like the Chinese army with less wins, it always creates fear. In the record, in fact, Zhou Yu’s fear of the Huaxia Army did not come from this.

After Cheng Zhouhai finished his previous remarks, he paused: "It seems that Ning Yi is really **** this time."

"How do you say?" Zhou Peidao.

Cheng Zhouhai smiled and smiled: "There is such a **** hard faction that shows the essays to kill people. It does not meet the conditions of the Huaxia Army at this time. No matter how much we play here, the Chinese army is finally in the southwest, and Ning Yi issued this. Yan Wen, who sent people to engage in assassinations, will certainly make some swinging people dare not move, but it will make the people who have already turned to the Jurchen side more determined, and these people are not worried about the Wu Dynasty, but Yes... this is a man who has a lot of weight in the world. He is pulling the burden to his side..."

Zhou Peiwei smiled and smiled. At this time, the Ningren Tu, which was popular among the people, was notorious. This is the result of the joint suppression between the Jin State and the Wu Dynasty in the past years. However, in the eyes of the top leaders of various forces, what is the name of Ning Yi? Just a "some" weight? He first killed Zhou Wei; later, he directly subverted the Tianhu regime of Jindi, so that the tiger king of the hero of the world died in the black prison; then he drove the Liu Yu, who was nominally the "king of a country", and took him from In the palace of the 汴梁, it was caught, and the whereabouts are still unknown. The black pot was also buckled on the head of Wuchao...

Is this some weight? In fact, if the Ning was slaughtered and said "not dead", there are several people in the whole world who can really sleep well.

The smile on Zhou Pei's face flashed away: "He is afraid that we can't hold it early, and I am tired of hiding in the southwest."

Cheng Zhouhai nodded: "It’s also blaming... oh, it’s also the previous practice of the squad, so that he has no choice over there. He said that sending 10,000 people, this must be a bluff, but even thousands of people are now China. The elite forces that the military has been extremely difficult to cultivate, since they have been killed, there will be losses. This is also a good thing... In any case, the situation on the other side of the Prince’s Court, the situation on our side, can be alleviated."

Zhou Pei nodded and his eyes turned on the big map in front of the house. His mind counted: "He sent so many people to disturb the Jurchen, and the Jurchens will not sit still. Those who have already turned their backs must also regard him as In the eyes of the nails... Yeah, this time, the whole world must be fought, and no one will fall... Well, Mr. Cheng, I am thinking, we should arrange a group of people..."

Cheng Zhouhai laughed: "I think so too..."

Zhou Pei went to the front of the map: "In the past few years, many people in Sichuan and Chongqing have had business dealings with Huaxia Army. I suspect that the Huaxia Army dared to go out of Sichuan, and must first use these forces to gradually kill them. He is arrogant. The flag, in the case of the eyes, the average person should close one eye and not blindly, but the killing of each road will not be less. We have to send our people, shilling the various government Do not hinder the actions of the Huaxia Army. If necessary, you can cooperate with these people of the Huaxia Army and give help. First try to clean up the dross that is intimate with the Jurchen, including those we have previously counted. If it is not convenient, then Just throw it on the head of Ning Moe."

She said that she has already laughed, and Cheng Zhouhai nodded: "Ren Shangfei... The old man is very thoughtful, he can take charge of this matter, and cooperate with the Huaxia Army..."

"Take them out and write them down." Zhou Pei took the paper and smiled. She looked at the big map. "So, even if one day, the two sides will fight..."

Her words are low: "We have a bottom in our hearts..."

"..." Cheng Zhouhai stood in the back and looked at her for a while, her eyes were complicated, and then she smiled. "I am going to arrange people."

"Laughing Mr. Cheng..."

Zhou Pei finished this sentence and looked at the map for a long time. When he turned around, Cheng Zhouhai had left the room. Zhou Pei sat in the chair and looked at the essay and the accompanying information. The essays seemed to be well-formed, but the contents were scary and fierce.

For a long time, in the face of the complicated situation in the world, Zhou Pei often feels powerless. She is proud of nature, but her heart is not strong. In the face of the devastating and devastating situation of the world, especially in the face of the fiercely killing Jurchen and the Ning Liheng who was once called a teacher, Zhou Pei can only feel it. Her own distance and smallness, even with half the strength of the Wu Dynasty to support, she never felt that she has the qualification to compete with these people at the level of the world.

In this respect, his own brother who is desperate to go forward may have more powerful strength.

When the Huaxia Army did not hesitate to buckle the black pot of the Qiqi Emperor Liu Yu to the head of the Wu Dynasty, Zhou Pei felt the coldness of the world. On the level of the game in the world, did the teacher ever have emotional feelings? Last year, the weakness and fear of the father of the emperor made Zhou Pei aware of the cold reality. She sent the boat to the southwest to strengthen herself in the form of compromise. Nowadays, Linan will face the moment before the martial arts, internal and external troubles, but the movements of the Huaxia Army, more or less, let her feel the warmth.

Even if the devil in the southwest is based on cold reality, even if she knows in the end that there will be a battle between the two sides, at this moment, he finally "had to" extend a helping hand, but I can hear it soon. The younger brother of this message, as well as the soldiers around him, will feel gratified and encouraged.

On the other hand, in the deepest part of her heart, she wants to laugh badly. Although this is a bad thing, she never thought about it from beginning to end. The father’s wrong move would make Ning Yi, who is far away in the southwest, “have to make such a decision. She can almost imagine it. What kind of mood is the other party’s decision at the time of the decision, perhaps even yelling at the father’s emperor.

In any case, this is definitely a strange eating for Ning Deer. Everything the world can't do, the father has done it in this way. Think about it, Zhou Pei feels happy.

This happy mood lasted for a long time. The next day was the eighth day of the first month. The cavalry of the martial arts arrived in Lin'an. They drove some people who could not leave, and launched a small-scale attack on Lin'an. Zhou Pei sat in the Princess House, combined with the staff of the various aides, while keeping an eye on the situation in Lin'an City and even in the court. One commanded the order outside the city, and the rescue teams of Xu Lie, Shen Cheng and others did not have to worry~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Stabilize your position and slowly complete the intimidation and encirclement of the scorpion.

Even if someone in the house was embarrassed and showed up in front of Zhou Pei, Zhou Pei only told them calmly and confidently:

"It will be held."

In her mind, the intellectual side is still complicated and embarrassing, but after so many years, after she experienced such long repression and despair, this is her first time, seeing a little hope.

After so many years, since the midnight of many years ago, after the farewell in the city of Yongliang, Zhou Pei never saw Ning Yi again. She went back to become a pro, stayed in Jiangning, he went to Liangshan, annihilated the suffering of Liangshan, followed the grandfather of Qin, and later killed the emperor, and later defeated Xixia, against the Jurchen and even against the whole world, he became more and more The stranger to come, standing opposite the Wuchao, made Zhou Pei feel fear.

But at the same time, in her heart, there is always a picture of the girl who had said goodbye and the teacher.

At that time, Ning Yi turned and left. She looked at the back, and she always understood: No matter how difficult the thing is, as long as he appears, there will always be a warm hope.

That night, she dreamed about the night.

When the next morning, all kinds of new information were sent, and Zhou Pei stayed for a while while seeing a message. The information is very simple. It was yesterday afternoon when the father called Qin Qin and Qin to enter the palace.

After falling out with the group, Zhou Hao was too lazy to hide in the palace. Yesterday, the sorcerer launched a painless attack on Lin'an. Zhou Yuzhao met with Qin 桧 - of course there is information in the middle, so below The intelligence personnel handed the news up, but in general, it was not a big deal, and there was a lot in mind.

Zhou Pei left an impression in his mind, and then put it aside...

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