Zhui Xu

: Haotian (1)

As the sun sets, the green fields in the distance sway slightly in the wind, crawling over the hillside in front of us, and looking at the wildflowers. In the early summer of the Chengdu Plain, it was too peaceful and quiet.

Ning Yi and the head of Niutou County, Chen Shanlu, walked over the ridge and walked away. Chen Shanlu pointed to the land ahead and introduced his work to Ning Yi.

This Chen Shanzhen was in his early forties, and his appearance was right. He was born in the book of Xiangmen, his ancestral home in the Central Plains, and the family died after the Jurchen knife joined the Huaxia Army. At the beginning, the will was depressed for a period of time. When I came out of the shadows, I gradually showed extraordinary transactional ability. I also had my own cultivation and pursuit in my mind. It was the key cadre of the Chinese military, and stayed in China. When the army and the three counties were killed, it was logically placed in a key position.

"...After last year, I killed the big landlord, who was originally here, and then continued to open more than 4,000 acres of land. There are more than 2,000 acres on the river side and one on the other side of the county. Together, they all gave people who were overpowered... People from nearby villages and counties often came over. The Wu Dynasty used the people on this border as enemies, always beware of them. Last year, the floods washed the fields and suffered disasters. The Wuchao government did not care, saying that they took the court’s food and turned to fear that they would cast a black flag. Oh, then we will go to relief..."

"... So when this year, the hearts of the people will be together. Spring farming is what we bring. If you don't fight, you will get a lot of food this year... In addition, in the middle of Zhongzhi County, the Wuchao County Order has never dared to take office. Yan Pingbang took a group of people with ruthlessness and complaints. Many people have come over and asked us to preside over justice. Recently, they are preparing. If the situation is good, Mr. Ning, we can take Zhongzhi..."

"...Niutou County is also called the old bull head. Only after we came over will we know that it is the name taken from the hill under our feet. Mr. Ning, you see, the main vein is the head of the cow, let’s bend it down, it’s one of the bends. Bent horns... The head of the cow is drinking water, and there is a rich and rich mood. In fact, the place is also good..."

A group of people walked over the ridge, and the river in front of it bypassed, and it was already possible to see the sunset glow like a fire. When the ridge of the mountain came, the singer came over and said that he could eat far away. Chen Shanlu will have to leave, Ning Yi will pay: "There are still many things to talk about, stay and eat together, in fact, you are doing it anyway."

Then I went back all the way, and when I could see the dining in the courtyard below the county, the red clouds on the horizon gradually disappeared, and the torch burned. Chen Shanzhen talked about the good deeds that happened in Niutou County. Ning Yi listened and smiled.

Chen Shanzhen’s character is passionate. He often helps people around when he is in the county. This warm spirit has infected many companions. The old bullheads distributed land, abandoned land, and built water conservancy last year. They launched many people and there have been many touching stories. Ning Yi ran to recognize advanced individuals at this time. There is no Chen Shanzhen on the list, but in fact, many things are brought up by him. The resources of the Huaxia Army have gradually become less scarce than before, but Chen Shanzhen’s style in the weekdays is still frugal. In addition to his work, he has the habit of reclaiming farmland and raising chickens and raising ducks. Of course, the soldiers are still busy when they are busy. The meat after raising the baby was mostly distributed to the people around him.

The Confucian education in Wu Dynasty did not advocate excessive frugality. Chen Shanyu’s habits such as asceticism were gradually developed after the Huaxia Army. On the other hand, he also quite agrees with the democratic thinking of everyone in the Chinese military that has caused discussion. However, because his habits in learning are relatively stable and introverted, he did not show this edge in Hexian County.

At this point, the sky gradually darkened, Chen Shanzhen put down the tableware, and took a moment to mention the topic he wanted to say.

"...In the past few years, I have always felt that what Mr. Ning said is very reasonable."

Under the eaves in the yard, the torch was burning on the pillar. On the side of the small table, Ning Yi was still eating fish. At this time, he just looked up slightly and smiled: "What?"

The look on Chen Shanyu looked relaxed and smiled and recalled: "That was... when I was in Jianli for four years, I was there in Xiaocanghe. I joined the Huaxia Army and the outside was already playing. At that time... I listened to the third lesson that Mr. Ning told me. Mr. Ning said the issue of fairness and production materials."

Ning Yi took the fishbone and smiled and nodded: "Chen Xiong is also the first student of Shuxiangmen. I can't talk about any lectures, exchanges... Well, in retrospect, Jianye four years, when the Jurchens were coming over, the pressure was compared. Big, and they are all very big questions."

"No, no, my book is a fake door. When I was a child, I didn't read much." Chen Shanyu smiled. "To be honest, there was a problem in the past. I was not very worried about what I said at the time." I don’t understand... Those things didn’t go down until Xiao Canghe’s defeat. When I arrived at He Deng, I suddenly remembered it. Later, I’ve confirmed it, and what Mr. said is really justified...”

He slowly said that the voice of the words gradually went down, reaching out to the tableware in front of him, and his eyes were traced back to some of the things in memory: "My family... several generations are the scholarly door, saying that it is the scholarly door, In fact, it is also the landlord of the surrounding ten towns and eight towns. After reading the book, people are good people, grandfathers, grandparents, parents, grandfathers, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents, grandparents When I am sick, I will go to the door to visit and give medicine to the doctor. All the people around me pay tribute..."

"The doorstep of the family is rigorous, and the fathers and grandfathers have said that the benevolent family can be a hundred generations. I have been upright since childhood, hateful and hateful, and the book is not well read, but I have always been proud of the kindness of the family... After the family was in trouble I am sorrowful and sorrowful. I think of the corrupt officials and thieves. I have seen many evil things in the Wu Dynasty. I think it is the martial art dying. My family is so kind. When the tribute and the Jurchen are coming, they donate half of them. I couldn’t protect my family well. In this way, I went to Xiao Canghe..."

He looked at the tableware on the table and seemed to unconsciously reach out and touched the chopsticks that were slightly biased: "Until... one day I suddenly understood the truth that Mr. Ning said. Production materials... I suddenly realized that I am not an innocent person..."

Ning Yi nodded, and the speed of eating was a little slower. Then he looked up and smiled: "Well." Continue to eat.

"The words can be beautiful, and the family can always be benevolent. But for generations, those who work in the farm are still living in broken houses. Some people are surrounded by the family. When I am born, I can be different from them. In fact, what is different? If the farmer's children can have the same opportunity to study as I do, they are much smarter than me... Some people say that this is the way the world is, and our ancestors have also eaten hard and slowly climbed up, they also have to This way, but for this reason, Wu Dynasty was swallowed up in the Central Plains, my family's wife and children... **** still dead..."

Ning Yi put the tableware down.

Chen Shanlu muttered in the opposite direction: "There is definitely a better way. This world will definitely have a better look in the future..."

In the Niutou County, the cool night wind started, and the residents who had eaten dinner gradually took to the streets. Some of them exchanged their eyes and walked slowly toward the river. In the military camp on the other side of the county seat, it was the fire that was bright and the soldiers gathered together and was about to practice at night.

In the courtyard of the old bull's head on the mountainside, Ning Yi sat opposite Chen Shanyu. Chen Shan's mouth slowly said his thoughts with a smile. This is a communication that seems to be friendly and calm.

"As Mr. Ning said, people are actually the same. I have good things and give them to others. Others will know what they are. I will help others. Others will know how to repay. In the old bulls, everyone always looks at each other. Help, slowly, so the willingness to help people will rise up, the same people will be more, all in the education, but really want to be educated, in fact, not as big as the big guy thinks..."

Ning Yi smiled and nodded: "Actually, after Chen Xiong went to He Deng, he initially managed a piece of business. He had a few things in his house, but he always gave help to everyone. Everything was given to others... I heard that I got a little brother to be a relative, you gave him the bed, and then lived on a broken bed. Chen Xiong was so bright that many people touched it."

Chen Shanyu smiled slightly: "At first, I didn't figure it out in my heart. It was a kind of ethos that I developed from childhood. I lived happily. The days are better than others. But when I think clearly, I won't stick to it. Mr. Ning, I have found enough vision for a lifetime, whether the bed is good or bad, the tea is thick and light, what do you care about..."

He continued: "Of course, there are also many relationships. With a moment of enthusiasm, the enthusiasm of one person and two people can't support too much situation. The monks in the temple also help people. After all, they can't benefit the earth. These ideas are until the former. In a few years, I heard people talk about a past event and finally finally figured it out."

"What is going on?" Ning Yi asked curiously.

"At that time, I had not yet arrived at Xiao Canghe. I heard that Mr. and Zuo Gong, and Li Pin and others sat down and talked about it. I once mentioned a matter called playing local tyrants. The original Mr.’s heart has long been concerned... In fact, I am old. After the bulls, I finally slowly thought about things thoroughly. Why don’t you do this?”

"There are no high points in this world. But if everyone in this world has the land to plant, and then practice education, then this world is the world for the people of the world. When they come out, they naturally move forward. Just like the teachings of my Chinese army. Mr. Ning, the change of the old bull's head, you also saw, they are no longer embarrassed, willing to help others, so much more, they are divided, naturally, there is a responsibility in the heart With responsibility and education, they will slowly become aware, awaken, and become better people... Mr. Ning, what do you say?"

In the light of the torch in the yard, on the side of the dining table, Chen Shanzhen’s eyes contained Ning Yi in anticipation. His age is a few years older than Ning Yi, but he can't help but use the name "you". The tension in his heart replaces the previous smile, expecting more, or the enthusiasm from the heart. Sincerely, Ning Yi put his hand on the table and looked up slightly for a moment.

"There is no land in the world to open up, but in most places, there are already masters. Many of them are not the evil people like Huang Xiaoyao, and many of them are the kindness of your parents and ancestors, just like you. Said, they have experienced many homes that are hard to get down. If you play local tyrants, do you only fight evil people, or do you even fight with good people?"

There is no hesitation in Chen Shanzhen’s eyes: "My family is good for generations, but when the Jurchen is coming, they are also inevitable. Because the whole Wu Dynasty is wrong, they do things according to the rules, and they have come in the wrong rules. This step... Mr. Ning, the world is already like this. If there is to be a new world, there must be a new rule. It is a good person, possessing so much production materials, and it should not be, of course, for good people. Our means can be more gentle, but the fairness of the means of production should be the core of this world."

"...Let everyone return to a fair position." Ning Yi nodded. "If it is a few generations, the smart people go further and the new landlord comes out. What should I do?"

"All unfair conditions come from the unfairness of the means of production." Still no hesitation, Chen Shanzhen replied that at the moment he answered, Ning Yi’s eyes looked at the stars in the sky outside the courtyard, this moment, the sky The starry image is a sign of eternal meaning. Chen Shanyu’s voice echoed in his ear.

"Therefore, the new rules, when it comes to eliminating the unfairness of means of production, the land is the means of production. Since then, the means of production have been returned to the country and no longer private, but it is therefore guaranteed that the cultivators have their own fields. Only to become a country of the world -"


There was a soft sigh from Ning Yi’s throat. I don’t know when, the red alert sound came over: “Li Heng.”

The figure of her sword fell in the yard. Ning Yi stood up slowly from the table. The voice of the person came from the outside. Something was happening. Ning Yi walked through the yard, but his eyes stayed in the sky. The good voice of Chen Shanzhen is behind.

"Over the past year or so, for these ideas, Shan Hao knows that many people including the General Staff including the people who came to the southwest have already had several rumors. The gentleman is very kind, and he is too arrogant and can't bear to see the world. Flowing into the river, the most important thing is that I can't bear to do things for the benevolent landlords. But the world is in chaos. For the future, I can count on these things, and when I live in the world, I am equal. The landlord, the gentry, and the benevolent, possesses as much production information as it should be. This is Tiandi Avenue, and the explanation is... Mr. Ning, you once told people about the change from primitive society to slavery. The change from slavery to feudalism, the commonality of the means of production, is the same as the ups and downs of change... Shanshan is arrogant and arrogant today, willing to ask questions and rumors to Mr., please lead me, etc. This is enough to benefit the feat of a thousand years..."

His voice for Ning Yi ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ seems to be ringing far and far away, Ning Yi went to the courtyard door, gently pushed open the door, accompanied by the guards already in the head knot In the wall of people, and on the side of the wall, the people gathered together stood in the open space, humble or stunned. People just whispered and occasionally cast their eyes on it. Ning Yi’s eyes crossed the head of everyone, and for a moment, he closed his eyes.

Everything still looks mild, but behind this, it is deeply nurturing the restless turmoil, and it is possible to see the poor at any time. At the back, Chen Shanzhen bowed his head and bowed. He was still talking: "They are not malicious, and the gentleman does not have to worry..." Ning Yi did not care about this nervous thing.

What flashed in front of him was the snowy night many years ago, when Qin Yuyuan moved out the four books he had annotated. That is the light.

Hey, old Qin.

he thinks.

Look here...

The breeze on summer nights is intoxicating. Further, there are troops rushing over here, and the old bull's head at this moment is like a boiling crater. The coup broke out.

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