Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 874: Wasteland (on)

Around midnight, there was light rain in Zhangzhou, and the gray rain covered the earth.

A group of people who visited the defending site went to the city wall and did not come down for a while. Ning Yi looked out through the window on the tower, and there were only a few small spots left on the wall in the rainy night.

A little light every tens of meters, outlines the vague city. The soldiers who had changed their defenses wore robes and walked along the wall to the distance, gradually drowning in the darkness of the rain, and there were even shattered vocals.

The inner walls of the high walls, the shadows of the city's buildings stretched far and wide, and the blue-grid gray walls and small courtyards in the daytime gradually melted into one piece at this moment. In order to defend the city, dozens of feet near the city wall should not have been built, but the Wu Dynasty was flat for more than two hundred years. The southwestern city of Zhangzhou had never had a military disaster, plus the main road, commercial development, and residential Gradually occupied everything in the field of vision, first the poor households, and later the rich families.

The upcoming war has scared away 30% of the people in the city. Residents living near the northern wall are given priority, but in the courtyards of large and small, throwing can see the sparse lights, I don’t know if the master is still up late. Even, if you look carefully, there is a trace of the left behind in the small courtyard near the owner.

The two husbands carried lanterns and shunned under the eaves outside the uninhabited courtyard.

From the first Jurchen to the south, more than ten years have passed, blood, battle, life and death... The drama of the scene is taking turns, but for most people in this world, everyone’s life is still ordinary. Continuation, even if the war is coming, people who are bothering people will still have tomorrow's rice and oil.

Before arriving in Ganzhou, Ning Yi received a failure message from Jiangnan.

Since the Huaxia Army has smashed the scope of Liangshan and entered the Chengdu Plain, the Jiange has always been a key point in the next step of the strategy. It has always been carried out for the fight and lobbying of the Swordsman Shouxian.

Si Zhongxian is loyal to the Wu Dynasty. He is wise and not merciful and flexible. In the past, the Huaxia Army communicated with the outside world and sold weapons. Most of the business is going through the Jiange line. For the list of regular troops supplied to Wucha, Si Zhongxian has always given convenience. For some families, tyrants, and private goods that local forces want, his attack is quite severe. The ability to distinguish and pick these two types of business proves that this generalist has a considerable overall view.

The overall staff of the Huaxia Army General Department is biased towards the overall perception of Si Zhongxian. Therefore, Ning Yu and Ning Ji will also think that this is a good general who is worthy of fighting. But on the reality level, the division of good and evil will not be so simple. It is a matter of deliberation that the single loyalty is loyal to the world or to the loyalty of the dynasty.

In short, in the first half of the year, through the conviction of Si Zhongxian, it was a matter of course to leave the Sichuan 4th Road to attack the Jurchen. The 10,000 people of Liu Chengzong also went to Xuzhou with the cooperation of Sizhongxian. This is in line with the fundamental interests of the Wu Dynasty. However, in the second half of the year, the Wu Dynasty was weak, Zhou Yu passed away, and the orthodox court was still divided into two. The attitude of Si Zhongxian was obviously shaken.

There is a more complicated situation in the middle.

Si Zhongxian was originally from Xiuzhou, Zhejiang Province. His father, Si Wenzhong, once served as a minister of the military department more than ten years ago. After his official arrival, the whole family has been living in Pingjiang Prefecture, the later generation of Suzhou. The Jurchen attacked the capital, and Si Wenzhong took his family back to the countryside of Xiuzhou.

In July, Wan Yanxi Yin took the Jurchen army to attack Xiuzhou. After the city broke, please go to Si Wenzhong and give a job to the Ministry of Rites. Then he sent Si Wenzhong to the sword court to persuade. At that time, there were not many people in the Jiangnan area. The Ning Yi ordered the front line to respond. After careful investigation, he handled it as appropriate. He repeated the cautiousness of the matter in the order. He was unsure or even gave up the action, but the front line personnel. In the end, I decided to save people.

In this operation, the Chinese military has folded five people and the family has suffered casualties. After the front-line action report and review were sent back, Ning Yi knew that the balance of the Jiange negotiations was already leaning toward the Jurchen.

At this time, Ning Yi could not help but review his shortcomings in organizational construction. The construction of the Huaxia Army mimics the army of the later generations of China in certain contours, but there are a lot of differences in specific links.

In essence, the main axis of the Huaxia Army stems from the management system of the modern army, the strict military law, the strict supervision system, and the management of the ideas in place. It is more similar to the modern American army or the modern planting army. As for the initial The Red Army, Ning Yi, could not simulate its unshakable belief system.

In the world where Ning Yi used to be, there are too many things in modern China that cannot be copied. In that era, the West was an ever-changing technological development. China was a backward thinking and political system. More than one hundred years of deep humiliation and pain in the bone marrow, countless People constantly hit the wall and look for the road, and finally cast such an army with a firm belief in the proletariat.

The humiliation experienced by the Wu dynasty is still too small. The collision of more than ten years has not made people realize the urgency of taking another route, nor can they let several kinds of thinking collide, and finally come to the result - even the first The time for a one-stage consensus is not enough. On the other hand, Ning Yi could not give up the industrial revolution and the germination of capitalism that he had been training.

For these reasons, the Huaxia Army broke with the old bulls. For these reasons, the Huaxia Army is more like a big company in the future. In some cases, Ning Yi also carries out a large number of "Huaxia" concept propaganda, but it really supports Everything is a professional system that transcends the times, a professional way of doing things. After experiencing one victory, the officers in the army have high morale and a spirit of optimism that is almost proud.

For such a spirit, Ning Yi has done a lot of rectification, but the effect is of course limited. There is no humiliation for a hundred years, no countless failures, no forty-two massacres, no embarrassment that has always been at a disadvantage, and conviction in this embarrassment, unable to cultivate the persistence and seriousness in the deep marrow. After defeating Luqiaoshan and easily taking most of the Chengdu Plain, some Chinese soldiers even had contempt for Jurchen.

The external work in this year has a higher casualty rate than Ning Yi’s expectations. In such a situation, generosity and heroism are no longer worthy of publicity. Each kind of doctrine has its advantages and disadvantages, and each kind of thought will lead to different directions and contradictions. In the past few years, what really plagued Ning Yi’s thinking has always been the connection and turning point of these things.

How to let people understand and profoundly accept the necessity of the study of science and society, how to make the emergence of capitalism, how to put down the "democracy" and "equality" thinking in the germination, so that capitalism goes ruthlessly At the extreme, there is still another kind of relatively warm and orderly check and balance...

And Si Zhongxian's things will also determine the direction of the whole world.

The saints are indifferent to the dog. Until this day came to Chenzhou, Ning Yi discovered that the most troubled and concerned about him was not all those big things in the world.

The news about Ning Ji came. What he was worried about was that the second son saw the chaos of the world and began to become murderous and murderous. Ning Yu would like to pass the news back. The fear in the vagueness is probably this. After the meeting, the child’s confession made Ning Yi understand the truth of the matter.

As a warrior, after seeing the confusion of this world, the child has been keenly aware of the way to become strong, and the wildness in the subconscious is growing out of the safe range that his father and brother have compiled for him. I want to go through the battle, I want to be strong, I want to accept the challenge of equality when the other side is out of life.

This is a thought worthy of praise.

Ning Yi came along this road, and it was also killing all the way.

He is not a true desperate.

From the dock outside Jiangning City, to the post-Jun Jun, today, confronting the Jurchens, fighting countless times, not because he is a natural life-threatening person who does not put his life in his eyes. On the contrary, he not only cherishes his life, but also cherishes everything in front of him.

However, countless experiences in the past have told him that it is only a basic condition to kill people and kill them in this ferocious world. Those who do not have this condition will lose a higher probability and have a lower probability of winning. He is only calmly pushing up the probability of every victory, using cruel reason and suppressing the fear of danger. This is the instinct of repeated training in the experience of the previous world. If he does not give up his life, he will only lose more.

Whether in the prosperous world or in troubled times, the essence of the world's operation is always a ranking-oriented trial. Although it has continuity and complexity in actual operation, the fundamental nature is invariable.

There is a second generation of rich second generation in this world, which is a manifestation of continuity.

To do things well in this world, we must not only try hard to think hard, but also have the right direction and the right way. This is the embodiment of complexity.

For mediocrity, many things in this world seem to depend on luck. Someone has chosen a certain direction, so he succeeded, and his timing and luck have problems... But in fact, the real choice of people, It is a serious observation of the world and a serious reflection on the law again and again.

At the top of the world, smart people are thinking hard, choosing the right direction, and then exposing their lives to overdraw their own results. Even if Ning Yi contacts the last world, relatively peaceful, every successful person, capitalist, and leader will have certain characteristics of mental illness: perfectionism, paranoia, consistent self-confidence, and even certain anti-humanity. tendency……

The mental health defined by ordinary people is just the general empathy and weakness of the public. In the Shengshi people, the bottom line was raised by order, so that even if people fail, they will not be too embarrassed. Corresponding to the depression of the ceiling and the solidification of the rising path, the public sells the "possibility" that they do not urgently need, in exchange for Be able to understand the stability and practicality. The world is so magical, its essence never changes, people just make adjustments like this after understanding the rules.

Ning Yi knew all this clearly, so he broke his life.

By now, it is his turn to be a child.

The 13-year-old Xiao Ningbo wants to choose the "possibility" and give up the security and practicality. This idea is not reflected in the reckless death, but it will definitely determine his choices in the face of danger in the future, just like before him. The choice is to kill the enemy instead of being protected. Ning Yi knows that he can also choose to kill his idea here - that way, naturally exists.

This night, under the ginkgo tree in the medical hall, he talked with Ning Ji for a long time, talking about Zhou Wei, talking about the master of the red, talking about the father of watermelon, talking about such a thing. But until the end, Ning Yi did not try to kill him. He only had three chapters with his children. He hoped that he would consider the mother of the family and learn to go to the age of sixteen. Before that, he would slightly retreat in the face of danger. After that, after that, He will support any decision of Ning Bo.

"I hope that two years later, your brother will find that Xi Wu can't save China. It's time to be a doctor or a novel."

After chatting with Ningbo this night, Ning Yi once had such a joke with the eldest son. But in fact, even if you are a doctor or a writer, there are many evils that they will face in the future. As the son and family of Ning Yi, they faced the greatest risks from the beginning.

A few years ago, Ning Yu, more or less, also had the heart to be tempted, but as an eldest son, his parents and people around him set a direction from a small paradox and atmosphere, and Ning Yu accepted this direction.

In the end, with the help of Chen Kuizi and others, Ning Yu became a relatively safe trader. Although he did not face the danger and bloodshed like Ning Yi, this will make his ability not comprehensive enough, but he will eventually make up for it. Methods. On the other hand, when one day he faces the greatest danger, he may also pay the price.

In the past few years, Ning Yi has become a frank but bachelor to the outside world, such as Li Feng and Song Yongping. But in fact, whenever such imagination rises, he certainly cannot avoid the painful emotions. If these children really have something to do, what should their mother be like?

Taner has always been strong, and maybe it will fall down. What will happen to the gentle little beggar? Until now, Ning Yi can still clearly remember that when he first arrived in the world more than ten years ago, the little bounced with him on the streets of Jiangning...

In a few years, I am afraid that Wen Wen and Ning Yu will gradually let him get a headache.

Even if the big world repeats, the children will walk through their own trajectories, grow up slowly, and gradually experience the storm. On this night, Ning Yi looked at Chenzhou in the darkness on the tower and was silent for a long time.

Going back to the other end, crossing the open space outside the city of Zhangzhou, in the far mountain tower, the light of the most subtle light, the construction site of the fortifications everywhere, is in the rain of the night...


Even if the big world repeats, the children will walk through their own trajectories, grow up slowly, and gradually experience the storm...

When the young people named Ning Ji in the southwest made the decision to face the wind and rain, another child thousands of miles away in this world had already been wrapped in the wind and rain, and was on the road.

Mu Anping, who was born in Wu Jianzhen for three years, is eight and a half years old this year. It has been more than two years since the night when he lost his parents. He was renamed Ping An by Lin Zongwu, shaved a small bald head, and went alone in the chaos of Jindi. It took more than a year.

In September of the eleventh year of Jianye, he returned to Hezhou, where he had lived for many years, but he could not find a house where his parents had lived. In the assault of the Jurchen, the division of the Jin Dynasty, and the continuous military disaster, the Vaud State has completely changed its appearance. Half of the city has been burned, and the skinny people live in this city, spring and summer. At that time, there was a tragedy that had been eaten by Yizi, and it was a fall, but it was slightly relieved, but it still could not cover the death of the city inside and outside the city.

The little monk dressed in the city looked for two days in the city, and could not find the memory of his parents when he was in the past. The food was exhausted. He sneaked tears in the dilapidated house in the city, and slept for a day. Going to the streets again. At this time, he wants to see the only monk he can rely on in this world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But Master has never appeared.

On the street ten miles away from him, Lin Zongwu, wearing a large robes, was handing a small bag of coarse grain to the front of the savage martial arts.

Soon after, the warrior followed behind the little monk and pulled out his knife when he was nowhere.

Peace came back, tears still hanging on his face, and the knife light shook his eyes. The skinny wicked man stopped a little, and the bag on the side of his body suddenly broke. Some of the food fell to the ground, and the adults and children could not help but swear...

In the corner of the street, Lin Zongwu folded his hands and smiled.

In order to hunt, the tiger and leopard must grow claws; the crocodile must grow scales for self-protection; the apes go out of the woods and build sticks...

In the storm, people's blood will flow down, and before they die, people can only try to change themselves to be stronger.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

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