Zhui Xu

: Earth thunder (2)


Time returned to the fifth day of the first month, outside the city of Zhangzhou, the car Ma. After the lapse of time, the wounded soldiers pulled from the front line began to enter the city.

The snow was only shoveled in a hurry, and the ground was covered with mud marks, and the pitted road spread along the figure to the distant mountains. The blind commander wearing a red armband let the heavy-wounded person carried by the oxcart or the stretcher pass, and the lightly injured waited on the side of the road.

The lightly wounded people with bandages on their heads or their bodies stood by the road, their eyes still looking in the direction of the northeast. Not many people spoke, and the atmosphere seemed anxious. Some wounded people even solved the bandage on their own body and were stopped by the health worker.

"My injury is already good, I don't have to go to the city."

The wounded had a word and a word, so the hygienist could not persevere for a time. The commander then came over and gave them a death order: "Advanced city, wounded, and then accepted the order after the reorganization! The military order did not listen?" ”

In the Huaxia Army, the military order is like a mountain. The wounded can only listen to it, but some people gather around.

The commander said: "The first division's cavalry team has been cleared. The fourth division is also interspersed. What's wrong, but you can't believe yourself?"

"Why can't we take back the position of our second division... I shouldn't stay in the wounded battalion..."

Some people are angry and some are upset - these are the wounded who were removed from the battlefield by the second division. In fact, after more than two months of fighting, even the soldiers who remained on the battlefield did not have injuries, and almost no more. Those who can enter the wounded battalion are seriously wounded, and it takes a long time to turn into a minor injury.

These are also considered veterans. In order to fight this battle with the Golden State, the political work and public opinion work of the Chinese military has been done for several years, and everyone is in a state of sighing. In the past two months, Huang Ming County, like a nail, was nailed to the front of the Jurchen, and the Jurchen general who dared to rush to the city, regardless of how famous it was in the past, was killed on the wall.

This is a battle for the air movement that has destroyed the Jurchens of the whole world. It can bring Jurchens to this level, and all the soldiers have great pride in their hearts. Even if the wounds are plagued, it is quite difficult for the soldiers to stay in the city day by day, but everyone has an immortal temperament in their hearts. They firmly believe that the difficulties they feel will be fed back ten times as many times as the opposite. The enemy’s body has to be supported until the side collapses. The Huaxia Army has never been afraid.

Their pride is based on solid facts. For more than two months, Yushuixi and Huangming County have been attacked at the same time. The best result on the battlefield is the defense line on Huangming County. The result of the battle on December 19 was passed to Huang Ming. The hearts of the two divisions of the Second Division also took a sigh of relief - in fact, in addition to the celebrations, the officers and men in the military also encouraged morale - to be better than the Rain Creek at some point.

Who knows that on the day of the fourth day, the line of defense of the collapse belongs to one side of the party, and the wounded in the injured barracks at the rear are almost shocked. On the way to the transfer, people analyzed that when the front line collapsed, the reason was that the strength of the front line was tight, and some young wounded soldiers even screamed and cried on the spot.

From the evening of the third day to the morning of the fourth day, the fierce competition in Huangming County is beyond words. In the middle of this, the most self-blaming Pang Liuan rushed to the city with the cadres for six or seven consecutive times. When he was forcibly pulled down, he became a **** person. After receiving the forced retreat order from the rear, he was willing to withdraw Huang Ming. county seat.

On the day of the fifth day, the front line of the battle has been handed over to Han Jing of the first division and the righteousness of the fourth division.

The second division commander, Pang Liuan, and the chief of staff, Guo Wei, who had been removed from the front line, had not returned to Ganzhou. The first group of people who entered the city were the wounded of the second division. For the time being, they did not notice the difference in the situation in the city of Zhangzhou. On the way, when they entered the city, Ning Yi stood on the head of the city and looked at the road ahead. Many people in the staff department temporarily went to the city wall.

In the city of Luzhou, the current state of being extremely emptied, the first division of the original mobile reinforcements has been pushed forward to Huang Ming to cover the retreat of the second division. The righteousness of the channel leads the small stocks to find the Jurchen in the mountains with complex terrain. A chance for a knife. On the side of the rainwater stream, the fifth division still holds the situation for the time being. Even a lot of new recruits have been sent to the rainwater stream, but Ning Yi did not take it lightly. On the fourth day of this fourth day, the army commander He Zhicheng took the life force of more than 5,000 in the city. Going to the rainwater stream.

The martial law in the whole city of Luzhou is ready to fight.

Zonghan has appeared in the rainwater stream, expecting them to eat Huangming County will be satisfied, it is too naive. Jurchen is a wolf who has fought a hundred wars. He is the best at risk and can best grasp the fighters. As long as there is a little flaw in the rainwater creek, the other party will definitely rush to the ground and bite the neck.

The order to convene the meeting has been released. The staff of the staff department has gathered together on the side of the city building. There are not many people, so they will gather soon. When Peng Yueyun came over to Ning Yi’s report, he saw Ning Yi on the side of the wall. In the distance, whispering something. Mr. Ning’s expression is serious, but the voice in his mouth is extremely careless.

"... Dear Mom and Dad... How are you? I am very handsome... er er er..."

"...the people are here."


Ning Yi turned around and put his hand in his pocket and went over the city. Entering the tower, several tables were put together. The staff of the staff came to more than ten people including Li Yi, the chief of the general staff. Ning Yi had a greeting with everyone, then sat down and his face was not good-looking.

"I presided over the meeting. I know that everyone is busy today, and there is something in hand. The topic of this urgent call has one...or a few. You know, the second division is being withdrawn, Pang Lu'an, Guo Wei, they are this afternoon. May also come, what is the main reason for the loss of Huangming County, in our internal, how to deal with the first step, I want to hear your thoughts..."

The head of the office is responsible for the actual affairs, or the staff in key positions. When the Huangming County War Office is in a hurry, everyone is already aware of the situation. After Ning Yi finished speaking, everyone followed the order and spoke in succession. Some people talked about the powerful use of the troops. Some people talked about the mistakes of the frontline staff, Pang Liuan and others. Some people mentioned the tension of the troops. When he went to Peng Yueyun, he He raised a riot in the rainwater stream that surrendered to the Han army.

"...In the case of the rainwater stream, the December 20th war was initially decided. At that time, considering the problem of prisoners, some work was done, but the number of prisoners was too much. On the one hand, we must treat our wounded soldiers, on the one hand, we must consolidate The rainwater creek's defense line, the captives were not completely broken up in the first time. Then from the 24th, there was a riot in the back of us. At this time, the troops were even more tense. The rainwater creek was in a second round of rebellion. Moreover, it coincided with the time when Zonghan went to the rainwater stream, and there was a big problem in the middle..."

"...I am thinking now, there is no Yan Xiyin who has arrived at the front line. In fact, it is not completely unprepared for the Han army problem among the Jurchen people. When he realizes that these troops are not credible, how can he On the surface, we saw that he clearly defined the rewards and punishments, and he did things in a hurry to let the Han army return to his heart. But in private, I think he probably chose several of the most 'trustworthy Han troops', and did private prevention... ..."

"... For example, if you want to smash these small parts of the Han army in advance, when the current line is in a big rout, simply don't resist, and return to our side, so that they will at least have a chance to hit. We see, In December 20, the rainwater stream was disastrously defeated. Then we rebelled in the rear. On the 28th, Zonghan summoned the men to scream, saying that they should be kind to the Han army, launching the offensive from the speed of 30, and the riots in the rainwater stream on the second day. And Zonghan has already reached the front line..."

Peng Yueyun said: "...they are rushing to the time. Once the two 20,000 Han troops have been completely digested by us, the arrangement of Zong Hanxi Yin will be defeated. But these arrangements are all after we defeated the rainwater stream, all of them. It broke out... We won the rainwater stream, and some of the traitors who were still watching from the back could no longer hold their breath. They took the risk of the year and we were watching the 20,000 prisoners. They were nervous, and the rainwater stream raided the rear riots. Our strength is tight, so we can't resign in Huangming County to make the strongest offense. This is actually the result of the comprehensive layout of Jurchens..."

The whole meeting, Ning Yi eyes serious, hands on the table did not look at this side, to Peng Yueyun said here, his gaze moved, and Li Yi nodded: "Xiao Peng analyzed very well Then, do you think that Pang and Guo’s chief of staff have problems with the command?”

Peng Yueyun was silent for a moment: "The battle in Huangming County, the opportunity is fleeting, I ... personally feel that the second division has tried its best, non-war crimes, but ... the battlefield always wins with results..."

When he said it, it was quite tangled. Ning Yi knocked on the table and looked at it. It looked mild. "That should be said."

"I think that when there are certain penalties, it should not be too heavy..."

Ning Yi nodded, and then let the rest of the people speak. After everyone said it, Ning Yi nodded and tapped his fingers.

"I don't talk nonsense. In the past ten years, our Huaxia Army has experienced many battles between life and death. From Dong Zhijun to Xiao Canghe for three years, it is said that after a hundred battles, it is barely worthy. But like this time. In the same way, we are the first time to do this size with Jurchen."

He waved his hand: "The three years of Xiao Cang River are not counted, because even in the Xiao Cang River, playing very fiercely, but the intensity and formality are not comparable to this one, the so-called Central Plains million army, combat effectiveness It’s not as good as 30,000 women. At that time, we took the troops in the mountains and interspersed with them to collect the troops that can be recruited. The most important thing is to take advantage of the space and life...”

"Jurchens are different. For 30 years, the formal amnesty is also a battle. The mobilization of the country is a common practice for them. To be honest, thirty years, the same as the big waves. After training, I can get to the Jurchen generals today, Zong Han, Xi Yin, and pull away. The comprehensive ability is far higher than ours. We are only in the training ability, and the organization has exceeded They, we use the staff to counter the wisdom and intuition that these generals have brought out for more than 30 years, and overwhelm their wildness with the qualities of the soldiers, but they really want to say that they use the soldiers, they are the top names who have been ranked for thousands of years. On our side, the experience of polishing is not enough."

"But we are actually proud."

Ning Yi’s hand patted on the table: “In the past two months, I’ve really played a high-spirited spirit. I also feel very excited. After the battle of Yushuixi, this excitement reached the extreme, not only you, but I also neglected. In the past, I met this kind of victory. I used to calm down. I think that this time, anyway, I will not say anything unpleasant, let you be happy for a few days. It turns out that this is My question is also a problem for all of us. Jurchen Dad gave us a lesson."

He paused a little later: "In the past few years, we have played the big bang, the worst and the biggest is Xiao Canghe. At that time, in Xiao Canghe, three years ago, I saw the familiar one day. People fell down like that. Pang Luan was responsible for many frontal defenses, saying that he was good at it, but we talked many times and saw that the comrades around us fell down in a round of offense, it is very difficult, Huang Mingxian He has been guarding for more than two months, and his strength has been decreasing..."

"As for the speed of his separation, the two-month frontal attack, a little fancy, did not make it, he also quietly stared at Pang Lu'an for two months, whether through analysis or through intuition, he seized Pang Shichang The weakness of this is very powerful. Pang is in need of reflection, and we must also reflect on our own mindset and psychological weakness."

"There is another point. It is very interesting. The second division of Pang Liuan is the most exquisite teacher of our artillery. Huang Mingxian has arranged two defense lines for him. The first line of defense was sore years ago. Hundreds of holes, at least the second road is still well established. We always think that Huang Ming County is the place with the greatest defensive advantage. As a result, it first became the breakthrough point of the enemy. What is the middle of it? In the current state, Don't be superstitious about equipment leadership, the most important thing is still people!"

Ning Yi said that his eyes are still getting more serious. He looked at the recorder on the side: "Have you remembered it?" After affirmative answer, he nodded.

"Well, take this defeat as an opportunity ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ from the commander of the army, all officers must be fully reviewed and reflected." He took a few sheets from his arms, "This is my personal review." , including the record of the meeting, transcripts to convey the various departments, the smallest to the ranks, organized by the literate commanders, read, discussed... I want this review from top to bottom, everyone is clear. This is Are you clear about what you are going to do next?"

At this time, everyone naturally understood and got up and accepted the order.

At this time, there is still snow on the ground outside the city. Under the gloomy sky, there is a small rain that gradually falls. The rain and snow are mixed together, and the whole climate is amazingly cold. In the second half of the month, the war situation in front of Luzhou was like a porridge of ice and fire. The ice, the blood, the flesh, the life and death... were all cooked together in a mess, and both sides were struggling. The competition for the next balance point, including the Seventh Army, which has always maintained its deterrence, is also moving.

Until the 20th, the balance between the attack and defense of Huangming County and Yushui River has not been formed. Ning Yi did not succumb to Zhangzhou, and the more sinister sports battles, battles and staggering staggers were swiftly launched in the new year...

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