Zhui Xu

Vol 17 Chapter 917: Song of Ice and Fire (5)

On the afternoon of the first day of March, Ning Yi and Yan Zonghan met in front of Shiling, and the wind was not too slow.

In the small wooden shed in front of the position, occasionally there are people from both sides passing by, passing each other’s will and conducting preliminary negotiations. On the one side of the conversation is Gao Qing, and on the other is Lin Qiu. It is about an hour from Ning Yi’s threat to kill the oblique insurance. On the one hand, Jurchen is trying hard to put forward conditions, threats, intimidation, and even jade The gesture, trying to save the diagonal protection.

Even in the case of only two parties, Gao Qingyi tried to talk with Linqiu, first to test the other's family situation, and then tentatively promised to make a profit, trying to let the other party release some information on the bottom limit, but Linqiu Not moving.

"My family, mostly died in the turmoil after the fall of the Central Plains, this account is on your Jurchen, it is not awkward. Right now I have a sister, one eye, the high general is interested, can Send someone to kill her."

Instead of Ning Yi’s negotiating Lin Qiu sitting there, facing Gao Qing’s, the tone was calm and cold. Gao Qing knows that there is not much significance for all threats or inducements to this person.

For more than ten years after the fall of the Central Plains, most of the Central Plains people and the Jurchen were filled with unforgettable blood. Such hatred is beyond the reach of words and sophistry. For more than ten years, the Jurchen side has become accustomed to the weakness of the enemy in front of it, but for the black flag, this set will not work.

If faced with other forces of the Wu Dynasty, Gao Qing can rely on the other's guilty or unreliable, in exchange for the huge interests that are irresistible in exchange for the hostages who accidentally fall on the other hand. But in front of the black flag, the benefits that the Jurchen can provide are meaningless.

When these people are all the world's enemies, they can throw out the sentence of "the swearing, who is dead," who is full of the taste of the sentence. Ning Yi was able to kill the chamber in the northwest ten years ago, and was able to be almost desperate. The Yanzhou City’s head is killing, and when it comes to the moment, he said that he will blow the head of Yan’s slanting insurance, and he will be able to blast the head of the slant.

"...The Central Plains fell, you and I have been enemies for more than ten years. I am arrested, not only the captives in front of me, but also the members of your black flag in the territory of Dajin, or the heroes of the Wu Dynasty. Family, but you can exchange names if you can name them, or we will propose a list for us to exchange them."

The total number of Jurchen camps was summed up. Finally, Gao Qing’s proposal was put forward: “I know that if this matter is to be carried out, it will be long-lasting, but it will only have to leave a life-saving life. With his relationship with the coach, we have no Things can't be discussed. Why not kill him today... You can't decide on this matter, hope to turn to Ning Yi, and he will make another decision."

In the front of the position, the soldiers came and went. Various proposals and responses came and went. The people in the Jurchen Camp did not waste an hour of repression of the atmosphere. On the one hand, everyone proposed that the black flag could be moved. The conditions - even recalling the list of potentially valuable Chinese prisoners, quickly sent them to the front of the position to give Gao Qing as a bargaining chip; on the other hand, various information inside the camp was also sent around.

Zonghan stood in front of the camp, looking far away from the figure above the high platform. Under the cloudy sky, the staggered white hair danced in the air.

Time is approaching the time of one minute and one second.

Among the Huaxia military camps, there were also a team of commanders who came out from the rear and rushed to the various Chinese troops who were still tired.

"...Tell Gao Qing, I have no discussion."

After the proposal of the sixth consultation came, Ning Yi made such an answer after listening to it, and then told the staff of the staff: "The next proposal is to respond to all the proposals."

“Is it not necessary for them to send the offer back?”

"Of course, it is necessary to pass it back." Ning Yi, who got up from his seat, put on his coat. "The communication itself is a kind of temptation. In order to save the incense, the Jewish people put forward the chips, there are not many things we don't know. The situation. In addition, it is time to give them some hope."

He said, went out of the room.

Along the road between the battlefields, through the hills, through the rigorous Huaxia military positions, Ning Yi stepped on the simple wooden platform along the ladder. The oblique guard was being held on the head. His face was full of blood, a few teeth were missing from his mouth, his eyes were broken, and he was tied to the table. The oblique protection is a great northern man, even if it is beaten, at this time, looking at the front, there is actually a strong and tragic atmosphere.

On the other side of the position, in fact, I was able to see the figure before the Jurchen account, and Yan Zonghan looked over his son over there, and I was looking at my father here.

Ning Yi stood by, and looked at it from a distance, then sighed.

"Yeah, this kind of war is really cruel... who said no?"

He said, pulling out a handkerchief, it was a perfunctory rubbing of the blood of the eye, and then throwing away the handkerchief. There was a big movement coming from the Jurchen camp. Ning Yi took a wooden shelf and sat down on the side.

"You have a lot of exchange conditions on the other side, I hope to change you back. Your brother is dispatching troops and wanting to kill you in front of you. Your father also hopes that such deterrence will be effective, but they also Know, kill it... it’s to die."

Below the wooden platform, Bing Ge was killed, and the Hua Xia Army had already prepared for the battle. It was not taken lightly because the other party might be bluffing.

The oblique guard turned to look at Ning Yi, Ning Yi torn off the cloth that blocked his mouth, and the oblique insurance was in the unskillful Chinese saying: "Dajin, will avenge me."

Ning Yi shook his head: "The biggest problem before you is how to run back from this mountain. The expedition of the laborer, deep into the enemy's hinterland, and then go forward, you can't go back, I killed in front of your father and brother today. You, your father and brother can only choose to withdraw. Next, the morale of the Jurchen will plummet, and one is not good. It is very difficult for you to return to Huangming County and Yushui River."

The gaze of Shi Bao was slightly embarrassed. He was taken to this high platform. He might have imagined the next fate, but Ning Yi gave an understatement to tell him the fact that he will die, and it still caused some impact on him. After a while, he laughed.

Ning Yi’s eyes were indifferent. He took the telescope and looked at the front. He ignored the laughter at this time. I only listened to the slanting smile for a while and said: "Well, you have to kill me, good! The slanting protection of the light enemy will advance, the loss of the soldiers will cast a big mistake, it is time to die and sin, Ning Yi, don't forget! I am in the foundation of the gold industry. What a weak situation to kill! Just use the blood of one person, invigorate the morale of my big money, break the boat and slay the soldiers will win, I am waiting for you under Jiuquan!"

"Don't move, say what a mourning soldier." Ning Yi put down the telescope. "The so-called mourning soldier will win. It is for all the soldiers to understand that they are at a disadvantage, and that they will only be worse when they are desperate. You still feel yesterday. Laozi is the best in the world. Grab the money and grab the grain to grab the woman to go back and enjoy it. You brought the 30,000 army to come and kill me. Today, I suddenly said that you are not the best in the world, and you have to become a mourning soldier. Lay your mother, put this When things are said, everyone will not blame if they don’t run out."

"The battle of Wangyuan Bridge, 30,000 people have a battle, you have no chance in front, but now you know this, just a few of your father and brother and high-level people. Your father has the power to recognize reality, will How many talents to die is something he needs to consider. Of course, I hope that your father and brother can really be aroused the sorrow of the soldiers, stay here for the army, and kill your family of three, my heart is much more comfortable."

He said this, holding a telescope and smiling again: "The style of your soldiers is thick and thin, and the brain is still easy to use. I will understand these things."

The oblique protection was silent for a moment, and a **** smile was revealed: "I believe my father and brothers, they are the heroes of the world, and they will surely go over when they encounter difficulties. But it is a sinner, killing, killing, you Finding me is like a villain, and it makes people feel ridiculous."

Ning Yi did not think that he was awkward and nodded: "The order of the staff has been sent out. The conditions for negotiation at the front line are like this, or you can use the captives of the Huaxia Army for you..." He simply rehearsed with the incense The problem that gave Zong Han ahead.

"As I said, the war is cruel. Look at you. He is all the way to the blue sky. When he comes here, he will endure the pain of the white-haired people to send the black-haired people. You will also fight for life. Finally, I will see you here. Entering a dead end...The battle in the southwest is fruitless, Zonghan and Xiyin return to the Golden State, and you have to become the meat of Zongfuzong’s mouth. But there are more people in this decade. In, it has experienced far more pain than you."

"My father looked at his son's death, his son converges on his father's bones, the husband and wife are separated, the whole family is dead... After so many things happen, let you feel the pain, it is my personal respect and nostalgia for the victims. From a humanitarian standpoint, such pain will not last long, but you will die in despair. Zonghan and your other family members, I will send you to see you as soon as possible."

"Ha ha ha ha..." The oblique protection came over and smiled openly. "That is right, Ning Yi, that is me, killing many of you, countless Han people are dead in my hands! Their wives and daughters are I am adultery, and some are doing together! I don't know if I have ever been to your loved ones! Hahahaha, Ning Yi, you are so sad, who must have been killed and done by me? Give me a happy, I will tell you -"

He said that he was about to make a happy look and continued to say that Ning Yi reached out and squeezed his chin, and slammed his jaw off.

The slanting face was twisted and stunned, and the pain shook. Ning Yi took out the blood and saliva that wiped the hand: "Yeah, snoring is like this. The loser loses everything, and the winner, just I won the opportunity to sit here and remember the comrades in arms. What you said... makes sense."

He looked into the distance and stayed quietly with the oblique protection, no longer talking. After a while, some people began to loudly pronounce various crimes such as "killing", "sexual adultery", "arson", "abuse" and so on.


Gao Qing’s fist slammed his fist on the wooden table: “If the slant is dead, I will say that all the Chinese military soldiers who survived in Dajin will die! When I return to the army, I will kill them one by one. !"

Lin Qiu nodded: "We still have 20,000 people to change."

"Except for the oblique protection, no one will change! You quickly tell Ning Yi, if you kill the diagonal protection, I will let you regret it -"

"Good." Lin Qiu summoned the soldiers. "You have something to add, I will let him convey it."

"The oblique guarantee can't die -"

The shouts of Gao Qing’s people almost reached the opposite platform.


In the real camp of the women, the company has gathered the troops and has been fighting hard in front of Zonghan.

"...If the negotiations on the tongue are unsuccessful, Ning Yi may have to kill, and the father can not entrust all the hopes on the negotiations. The original parents of the children led the army and made the last stroke... Bao, I can't sleep anymore from now on. Father -"

Zong Han carried his hands and looked at the high platform. His lips were close and he did not say a word.

Han enterprises first waited for people not to be outside this big account. They were making other arrangements and deployments to the army under the orders of Zonghan. Numerous orders were issued nervously. When they arrived near the shackles, some people walked out of the camp. Looking at the high platform from afar.

Although in the past few years, the Huaxia Army has had all kinds of malicious acts against women, but in the battlefield to kill the diverticulum, resigning such things, and the situation at the moment, after all, is still different.

In the face of Zong Han, killing his son, Shi Bao, this is an insult and a provocation, something that has never happened in the past few decades. Zong Han’s son, before Zong Han’s death, could be involved in countless interests. After all, in the past few decades, Zong Han was the hero who really crushed the whole world.


The southwest is long, and when it is near, the sun sinking in the west breaks through the clouds, and the slanting light slanting toward it reveals the pale light. Wang Yuanqiao, Shiling, Xiukou... The command of Ning Yi and the command is one after another. Passed through the troops.

"... After the World War I, the Jurchens were approaching, and they must seek a way out, but our military departments must not be taken lightly. Under the most probable deduction, the Jurchens will organize an organization. The large-scale offensive, whose purpose of attack is to transfer the Han army to the front line, and to transfer the Jurchen troops to the best position to retreat..."

"...so your team must be prepared to withstand the offense, not to rule out the possibility of encountering a Jurchen act, and to break the boat. And while preparing to defeat the enemy’s first wave of attacks, organize the elite All the plans for abrupt and annihilation, from Xiukou to Yushuixi, Shiling to Huangming, will become the key areas of annihilation in the next few days, and we must resolutely do our battle determination and planning..."

"...For the Han army, adopt a strategy of recruiting, expelling, and rebelling. For all the important roads and customs, we must resolutely intersperse and cut off, and seize time and break the road with the enemy..."

"...intelligence, scouting the ministries, using all forces, liaising, approaching, and rebelling against all the generals who may be in any way, even if they can't rebel, they must pass this situation clearly and forcefully to the other side's eyes..."

"...Two divisions and two brigades, in the next battle, responsible for defeating Li Rulai's department..."

"...The five divisions are responsible for attacking the army of the Daban Department in front of them. In line with the channel of the Zhengzheng and Chen Yu, the direction of the rainwater stream is pushed forward, causing tremendous pressure on the enemy, so that it cannot easily turn around..."

"...Wangyuan Bridge Department..."

A variety of orders, from the command to the division, from the division to the brigade, from the brigade to the regiment, one level and one level of distribution, at the moment after the end of the battle of Wangyuan Bridge, all units have entered In a state of more chilling and eager to move, the swords and guns are sharpened, the guns are on the river, and the rivers near the Wangyuan Bridge are guarded by the captive vessels.


The sunset shines from the end of the mountain.

In the small shed, Gao Qingshi held his breath, and on the high platform there, Ning Yi has gone down. On the other side of the camp, the gate of the camp, the end of the set of horses and horses armed with guns, rushed out of the camp, he struggling to run, shouting.

Zong Han’s eyes in front of the big account were not instantaneous, and they did not move and clenched their fists. Many people look over from different directions.

Many people actually have luck in their hearts. Perhaps this is Ning Yi’s pretending gesture.

Perhaps he will keep the **** in exchange for more benefits.

Perhaps, he allowed the slant to live alive and have more ways to each other.

After all, this is a national war, and the sane leader should leave more room for it.

The long gun barrel pointed at the back of the incline, the sunset was pale, and the wind in the sunset was not too slow.




The head of the oblique insurance exploded and the body fell down.

There were roars and roars, and they rang in the battlefield. The voices of the Jurchen Camp exploded. Ning Yi listened to this angry roar. Over the years, there have been countless angry roars. He closed his eyes and took a long breath of the air of the day.

"Give the head...to him..."

After the Chinese New Year ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ went for a thorough physical examination.

This is the first time in more than a decade that such a thorough medical examination has been done. It was originally planned to be hospitalized, operated, or even told to be unwilling to hear the news. After all, in the past ten years or so, various kinds of work have been reversed, excessive brain use, and overdraft have reached the limit. However, after the physical examination, the results were good. Except for the abnormality of various indexes such as gallstones, moderate fatty liver, blood uric acid and other indicators, blood vessels and various internal organs, there is no big life. The problem, finally summed up, more exercise, more sun, more vitamins, more eye drops, everything will probably be able to maintain or have a certain improvement.

So I started a thorough work and change. I went to the gym and asked for a private tutor. I exercised for two hours every morning... Frankly, after a while I felt like I was detoxifying: back pain, concentration could not concentrate, sit down Dozing and the like.

Anyway, to this day, it is slowly adapting.

Well, no, go to twelve, go to sleep. I have to revisit it, I wish you all a happy look.

(End of this chapter)

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