The Sand Village battlefield was completely over the moment Hashirama Senju appeared.

The entire Sand Village was directly crippled by Hashirama’s True Thousands of subordinates.

Nine out of ten ninjas who came to invade Konoha this time died directly at the hands of True Thousands of subordinates.

Even the Second Kazekage was killed on the spot.

Except for the Sand Ninjas who escaped in advance, the remaining Sand Ninjas looked at the scene on the battlefield and knelt down to surrender.

How could they fight?

The Kazekage died in the battle. What could they use to fight the God of the Ninja World?

It would be better to surrender early, maybe they could survive.

Soon someone took the lead, and others responded one after another.

Those who were not dead knelt on the ground one after another, trying to get the forgiveness of Hashirama Senju. Hashirama did not waste these people. He directly arrested all the ninjas of Konoha on the battlefield so that he could exchange resources with the Sand Village.

After all, these ninjas were made up of resources.

Now the major ninja villages are just in the early stages of establishment, and every ninja is a precious resource.


“”Tobirama, let’s go to the next battlefield!”

After dealing with the problems in the Sand Village,

Hashirama came to Tobirama again.

With Tobirama’s Flying Thunder God Technique, he could completely shuttle on the battlefield.

Tobirama didn’t hesitate to hear that. He took Hashirama with him, and the two disappeared in an instant.

On the battlefield of the Cloud Village, the Second Raikage was leading a large number of elite Cloud Village warriors and was constantly rushing towards the territory of the Land of Fire.

In the eyes of the Second Raikage,

Hashirama Senju was dead, and he must seize this opportunity. These are all precious resources.

Among his troops, the brothers Kinkaku and Ginkaku were even more powerful.

Relying on the ninja tools left by the Six Paths Sage and their own Nine-Tails Chakra, the two were like perpetual motion machines, madly slaughtering the ninjas of Konoha Village.

The Konoha ninjas who had just arrived at the battlefield had never encountered such a lunatic.

“Hahahaha, brother, this Konoha ninja is not that good!”

“Tsk, kill them all in one go!”

For a moment, under the leadership of the brothers Kinkaku and Ginkaku, the Kumogakure army was unstoppable, killing the Konoha army and continuously shrinking the defense line.

Swish – just when the Kinkaku and Ginkaku brothers were killing happily, a blue light suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

As the light disappeared, it was replaced by the first generation Hokage Senju Hashirama and the second generation Senju Tobirama who came from the Sand Village battlefield.

“That is?!!”

“Senju Hashirama?! He’s not dead?!!”


Seeing the two figures suddenly appear, the second generation Raikage who was in charge of the central army instantly widened his eyes.

As the second generation Raikage, he had witnessed the terrifying strength of Senju Hashirama before.

Now seeing that Senju Hashirama was still alive, he couldn’t sit still for a moment.

“Quick, quick, quick!!! Order the troops to retreat!!!”

“Everyone retreat!!!”

At this moment, the Second Raikage could not care about so many things.

Although the ninjas in the Hidden Cloud Village were all reckless, recklessness did not mean stupidity.

Hashirama Senju was called the God of the Ninja World, but that was not his own name. He really killed his way through the Ninja World and was given that name by others.

Facing such a person, the Second Raikage had no mood to continue the invasion.

Soon, the Second Raikage’s order was quickly conveyed to the frontline combat troops.

When the order was sent to the brothers Kinkaku and Ginkaku, they sneered and did not take the Second Raikage’s order seriously at all.

“Tsk, what a bullshit Senju Hashirama!”

“The title of God of Ninja World is just exaggerated in my opinion!”

“Brother, now we not only have the Nine-Tails’ chakra, but also the ninja tools left by the Six Paths Sage!”

“Who cares about Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama? Kill them, and we two brothers will be the strongest in the ninja world!”

The two crazy guys discussed it, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

As for the order of the Second Raikage, if they gave him face, he was the Second Raikage.

If they didn’t give him face, the two brothers would send him directly to see the Sage of Six Paths.

“Come on, brother!”

“”I understand, brother!”

After that, the two of them also instantly activated the Nine-tailed Beasts mode.

At this time, the Second Raikage was furious when he received the reply from the Kinkaku and Ginkaku brothers.

They actually ignored his orders.

Looking at the two brothers who were transforming into Nine-tailed Beasts on the battlefield, the terrifying momentum, the Second Raikage also snorted coldly, the God of Ninja World is not something you two can shake, catching the nine tailed beasts is like a chicken, and the man who can arbitrarily distribute the nine tailed beasts to the five major countries, if it is so easy to deal with, he is not called the God of Ninja

“Leave these two lunatics alone!”

“The entire army retreats!”

“Otherwise, everyone will be left behind to be buried with these two lunatics!”

Following the order of the Second Raikage, all the Kumogakure ninjas on the battlefield began to retreat, leaving only the elite troops of the Kinkaku and Ginkaku brothers.

The two brothers did not care about this at all.

The two who had transformed into the Nine-Tails completely turned into two lunatics, and their eyes instantly locked on Hashirama Senju on the battlefield.


The two men kept roaring like wild beasts, and the two men wearing the Nine-Tails Chakra coats instantly rushed towards Senju Hashirama.

Looking at the two men rushing towards him,

Senju Hashirama did not even activate the Sage Mode this time, and clapped his hands.

“Wood Style: Woodman Technique!!!”

A giant wooden man that was even more terrifying than the Nine-Tails appeared on the battlefield in an instant.

At this time, the brothers Kinkaku and Ginkaku, who had transformed into the Nine-Tails, were no better than little chickens in front of the wooden man.

The two brothers, who had originally fallen into madness, saw this scene. Under the tailed beast’s coat, their big eyes revealed great astonishment, and they were completely stunned.

Who could tell them what this wooden man that was bigger than the Nine-Tails was?

Looking at the two guys in front of him wearing the tailed beast’s coat, Hashirama directly controlled the wooden man, and his huge hands instantly grabbed the two brothers Kinkaku and Ginkaku.

At this time, Hashirama felt the two brothers struggling in the hands of the wooden man, but he ignored them and unceremoniously controlled the wooden man to increase the strength in his hands.

“Click, click, click——”


As the sound of broken bones resounded on the battlefield, the two brothers were instantly crushed by the wooden man before they could even scream , and turned into two balls of blood mist!


“Is this the God of Ninja World?”

“Are we really like God, and we are actually enemies of God?”

“How to fight this?”

Looking at the brothers Jin Yinjiao who turned into two balls of blood mist, the elite troops, who were originally in high spirits, were all stunned at the moment.

Seeing this, Hashirama was not polite and ordered the people of Konoha to capture these guys again.

After dealing with the matter of Kumogakure,

Hashirama was ready to rush to other battlefields without stopping. Before he set off, the news that came made Hashirama laugh and cry.

The Hidden Rock Village and the Hidden Mist Village received the news from the Hidden Cloud Village at the same time.

Because the second generation of Raikage retreated first, the news on the battlefield quickly spread to the ears of these two villages.

Knowing that the God of the Ninja World, Senju Hashirama, faked his death, the two villages also called Senju Hashirama unethical and faked his death to deceive them.

For a while There was panic in the air, and the army immediately withdrew to their respective villages.

Before withdrawing, they cleaned the battlefield carefully, fearing that Hashirama Senju would settle accounts with them.

The funniest thing was that a fight broke out between the Second Tsuchikage and the Second Mizukage, resulting in the death of both of them.

Not only did they not get any benefits, but their own Kage was also killed in the battle.

Soon the First Ninja World War ended hastily, and Hashirama Senju’s reputation once again resounded throughout the Ninja World.

Waiting for the other four countries was the huge resource compensation demanded by the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, but due to Hashirama Senju’s face, the four major countries could only swallow their anger and gather the resources to compensate Konoha.

“The ninja world is full of tricks, and the tricks of Hashirama Senju, the God of the ninja world, are even more complicated!”

“He actually faked his death to deceive them!”

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