“Because the meeting is held every three months~”

“For you who are about to face a major crisis, this is the most worthy of attention!”

After Hakuno finished speaking,

Hashirama and Tsunade on the side nodded in unison.

The second generation encountered a life-and-death crisis after returning.

If Tobirama can change his own history, it means that through the chat group, they will have unlimited possibilities!

However, Hashirama noticed a point at this time, and looked at Hakuno with doubts:”Fourth generation, if Tobirama still doesn’t change his fate after returning~”

“So, what will happen?”

Faced with this question,

Tobirama and Tsunade were also full of curiosity.

Now only their two worlds have had recent changes.

In this regard,

Hakuno pondered for a moment and then said:”If fate cannot be changed, for the second generation~”

“He should have died during the First Ninja World War, just like the historical records show.”

“And the chat group should lose a Naruto world~”

At this point,

Hashirama and the others understood that for the chat group, if they want to open more functions, they need to bring in more Naruto worlds.

If Tobirama still dies in the First Ninja World War after returning, then two more Naruto must be brought into the chat group to open new functions.

Thinking of this, several people looked at each other:”The most important function of the chat group should be to open the conquest of the heavens and all worlds, right?”

“But, do we have ten Hokage?”

For this question,

Hashirama and the others immediately widened their eyes with curiosity, even Tsunade was no exception.

She was already the fifth generation, could it be that Konoha would be passed down to the tenth generation?

Facing everyone’s gaze,

Hakuno shook his head very calmly.

“No, as far as I know”

“It was only passed down to the seventh generation at most.~”

“But there will be some episodes in between.”

“We can barely gather ten Hokage!”

At this point,

Hakuno’s eyes instantly locked on the second generation Tobirama

“So, if the second generation went back and still died in the First Ninja World War,”

“The chat group cannot add new Naruto world~”

“The chat group may never be able to activate the last function!”

Hashirama and Tsunade looked at Tobirama with a worried look on their faces when they heard this.

This was related to the subsequent activation of the chat group’s functions.

For Hashirama, it was so interesting to have such a magical place that he had to activate all the functions. Tsunade, on the other hand, had to use the subsequent functions of the chat group because Konoha in her world was about to face the moment of death.

“Tobirama, be careful when you go back!”

“Yes, Second Grandpa, please put your own life first!”

Facing the admonitions of everyone, Tobirama at this time naturally understood what was more important.

As the first generation of people in the history of Naruto with a spirit of exploration (the second generation was Orochimaru),

Tobirama attached more importance to the emergence of the chat group than anyone else, especially the function of the heavens and myriad worlds at the end.

After hearing his subsequent history, he learned that he died to cover those stupid disciples.

When he returned, as long as he did not take these stupid disciples with him, relying on the Flying Thunder God Technique, who could stop him?

But now,

Tobirama changed his mind in an instant.

“Don’t worry, everyone!”

“I won’t put myself in danger this time!”

Everyone nodded when they heard this, but the second generation’s next words made everyone’s faces change drastically.

“Everyone, I plan to abdicate when I return!”

“Let Sarutobi Hiruzen become the third Hokage~”

Before Tobirama could finish his words,

Tsunade on the side hurriedly interrupted him.


“Second Grandpa, you are confused! How can he become Hokage?!”

But Hashirama stretched out his hand to stop Tsunade who was about to say something.

Although he didn’t know what Tobirama wanted to do, he was sure that he had a plan.

Then he motioned for Tobirama to continue. Seeing this, the Second Hokage also continued:”Don’t worry, because the alliance ceremony in a month will require the Kages of both sides to sign it.~”

“Since I’m not going, naturally I need someone to sign!”

“Then let Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo go.”

“Ying is also there, and the alliance ceremony can be signed”

“As for whether he can come back alive~”

At this point,

Tobirama stopped.

Tsunade on the side suddenly quieted down, looking at her second grandfather with a shocked face.

Even Hakuno was quite surprised.

He was worthy of being the iron-blooded faction among the Konoha Hokage.

The second generation in his memory was the one who made Konoha develop rapidly, including the Anbu, the Ninja School, the Konoha Guard, etc.

Now look,

I still underestimated this second generation Hokage.

If he had not died in the First Ninja World War,

I am afraid Konoha would be even more terrifying than it is now.

After hearing this plan,

Hakuno couldn’t help but nodded:”A wise choice!”

Even Hashirama, as the eldest brother, expressed his agreement at this moment. It turns out that his younger brother is the one who plays with his brain.

Seeing that everyone agreed with his plan,

Tobirama was relieved.

Anyway, in history, a Hokage died, and the death of the third generation was also dead.

By the way, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo were solved together, which changed his own history and solved these two guys.

“Well, now that the second generation problem has been solved~”

“Does anyone have anything else to say?”

“If not, this meeting will end here and we will wait for the next meeting in three months!”

“Then we can open the world ranking function and cross-border mutual assistance function!”

After Hakuno said that,

Hashirama and the other two suddenly looked at each other and shook their heads.

They had already understood what they should know.

Hashirama still had two years, and by then there should be a way to treat his body in the chat group.

Tobirama was going to start his own plan immediately after returning, after all, his time was the most urgent.

As for Tsunade, she was looking forward to the two functions that would be opened after the second meeting.

Seeing that the three had no problems,

Hakuno chose to end the meeting directly.

As the colorful rays of light instantly enveloped everyone, and then the scene flashed, when Hakuno slowly opened his eyes, he found that he had returned to his office.

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