"There is no such thing as a gratuitous achievement, and the amount of harvest depends on the effort you put in. "

"Talent can only determine a person's growth, but where you stand depends on how hard you try. "

"I believe that the future of the culinary world will be a world that is constantly changing, but at the same time colorful, and I will stand at the top of the mountain, waiting for you to come and challenge!"

Erina's beautiful eyes swept over the freshmen in the audience, and then she turned around gracefully and walked towards the audience.


At this point in the entrance ceremony, only one last process remains.

Kohei Chuangzhen will speak in front of all teachers and students as a representative of the transfer students.

With his signature smirk on his face, Kohei Soma came to the stage step by step.

"That.... Suddenly I was asked to say a few words, and I really didn't know what to say. "

"But since I'm here, I'll just say a few words. "

"My name is Kohei Soma... I am a new transfer student who entered this year. "

"At the time of the entrance exam, I heard from some of the students around me that Erina Nagikiri-san was the most powerful chef in this school. "

"Growing up,I've always been in my own restaurant.,Serving guests with food.,When my father told me,Let me come to this school to study,,I was a little unhappy.。 "

"I think that a chef like me, who has grown up under the guidance of customers, is much better than those of you who have never even met a guest. "

"Before the entrance exam, I thought I should pass it successfully, but I didn't expect that the dishes I tried my best to make were actually only 70 in the eyes of Nagi Cut. Oh no, it's only 60 points, just reaching the passing mark. "

"Here,I'm going to take back my previous contempt for this school park.。 "

"So, I've set myself a goal now!"

"Since I'm here, I'm going to take the first place!"

"As the Commander-in-Chief said before, most of the people here are stepping stones on the way forward for the very few people. "

"And I, I want to be one of those very few!"

"Whether it's Nagikiri-sangi or anyone else, I'm going to surpass you one by one!"

"Finally, I would like to say that in the next three years, I hope to have a good time with all of you, and I ask you to take care of me....."

What Kohei Chuangzhen said may be just nothing, but the content he expressed is indeed a bit too pretending to be B, not to mention that the freshmen in the audience are angry,

Even Erina, who had just walked backstage, frowned.

"This Kohei Soma, where did the courage come from. "

"Although his father is a senior of Caibo, he is a transfer student, so he shouldn't say such things on this occasion... Does he know that you have to keep a low profile when you are a man?"

Hearing Erina's words, Scarlet Sand pursed her lips and smiled:

"I heard Uncle Fuyuki say that more than 20 years ago, Senior Caibo was the kind of character who was not afraid of heaven and earth in the academy, and it is likely that Kohei Chuangzhen also inherited some of the pride of Caibo's predecessors..."

"But I just don't know if he can reach the height of his predecessors..."

After listening to Scarlet's words, a trace of disdain flashed in Erinami's eyes.

"Is it up to him? It's not like we've never seen the dishes he makes...... Even the lowest level of the Ten Masters is far from being reached... Still trying to treat everyone as a stepping stone?"

"For the sake of Caibo's predecessors' help to his father back then, I can guarantee that he will graduate smoothly and safely, but if he messes things around, then we will leave his affairs alone. "


A person like Kohei Sojin, who only has a tendon in his head, can't realize how many people at school he hates.

He was now holding the admission slip in his hand, asking passers-by one where the Polestar House was.

But Kohei Chuangzhen was very puzzled, why everyone was reluctant to talk to him, so there was no way, Kohei Chuangzhen could only rely on his own intuition and searched all over the campus.

At the same time, Blowing Snow, who was sitting in the office, received a call from Mrs. Wenxu.

"Blowing snow, are you free now?"

"Mrs. Wenxu, what's wrong? Are you looking for me?"

"Well, I want you to come to the Polestar House, aren't you coming back from vacation? I brought you some souvenirs from my hometown, you can come and get them..."

"Okay, then I'll go over now. "

After hanging up Mrs. Wenxu's phone, Blowing Snow put on her coat and walked towards the Polestar House.

When she arrived at the Polestar House, she saw Mrs. Wenxu standing on a bench with a chicken feather blanket and dusting the ceiling.

Seeing this, Fuxue hurriedly helped Mrs. Wenxu down.

"Mrs. Wenxu, aren't there so many young people in the Polestar House? you are so old, how unsafe it is to climb up and down..."

"The kids haven't come back yet, I thought, isn't this a new school year? Polestar House may be coming again, I'm not old enough to walk the road, so I'm going to clean up first and give everyone a more comfortable environment, but you're really fast when the snow blows, I thought you wouldn't come here until at least I finished cleaning!"

"Mainly, I haven't been to the Polestar House for a few days, so come and see Mrs. Wenxu, come, I'll help you with the sanitation here, you sit down and rest!"

Fuxue put down her coat, then took the chicken feather blanket from Mrs. Wenxu's hand and helped her clean up together.

In fact, when reading the original book, some people may not like Mrs. Wenxu's character, but after knowing Mrs. Wenxu for so long, Chuixue has already noticed that Mrs. Wenxu is really a woman with a knife mouth and a tofu heart, she will make some actions to care about everyone in many places that others can't see, maybe her assessment is a bit strict, but this also shows that everything she does is for the good of the children......

Seeing that Fuxue was helping her clean up, Mrs. Wenxu's eyes also showed a trace of tenderness.



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