"Lord City Lord, this is the tenant information I have compiled!" After knowing that Bai Ye was out of the customs, Hu Xueyan immediately asked to see Bai Ye with the documents.

Bai Ye picked up the plan book and flipped through it casually

"God of Food World, Stephen Chow, apply for the God of Food Hotel ......".

"Little master world, little master, apply for chrysanthemum downstairs ......".

"Condor World, Huang Rong ......".

What surprised Bai Ye was the last one, "Xueyan, what's going on with this Tong Xiangyu and Tongfu Inn?"

"Lord of the City, after observation, although the cooking skills of the Tongfu Inn are not outstanding, they made a living from the inn in the original world, and they are very experienced in serving customers, so their subordinates decided to let them enter the Heavenly City. "

Bai Ye nodded, said no more, and looked at the nature of entertainment again, "Shuanglong World, Guanxuan, apply for the ...... of the Heavenly Demon Dance Hall."

"Love apartment world, Zeng Xiaoxian, apply for the ...... of Zhutian Newspaper".

"Special Forces World, Ye Cunxin, Apply for ......".


"Did you find Naruto?" Sarutobi sat in the empty Hokage's office, snorting.

"Report Hokage-sama, there is no news of Naruto Uzumaki for the time being. "There was someone else's voice in the room, it was Konoha's dark ninja.

"Where the hell did this kid go?" Sarutobi lowered his head, constantly thinking about where Naruto might go.

"Boom", a huge explosion sounded at the entrance of the village, only to see a behemoth suddenly descended at the entrance of the village, and the collision caused by the landing brought a powerful shock wave, followed by the screams of the villagers.

"What kind of monster is this......


"Help, ......


Izumo and Zitetsu are panicking right now.

Today, as usual, the two of them stood at the entrance of Konoha Village, looking at the villagers who came and went, and there was a sense of happiness in their hearts, "This is home!".

Just as he sighed, a huge monster suddenly fell from the sky, not only smashed the ground out of a deep pit, damaged most of the village gate, but even himself was blown away by the strong air current.

"Xiu Xiu Xiu", all the Venerable Master who stayed in the village appeared at the entrance of the village.

Kakashi looked at the monster in front of him in disbelief, as a disciple of the fourth generation, how could he not recognize the huge creature in front of him, "Bundai Man?".

That's right, the one who fell from the sky was the psychic beast Toad Wentai of the Water Gate.

After leaving the Heavenly City, the three of them returned to Konoha, for Naruto's childhood life, although Mizuto was very distressed, but in the end it was the village he grew up in and wanted to protect, Mizuto couldn't blame the villagers, just wanted to find the three generations and let him give him an explanation.

But Jiu Sinai is different, she is known as "Blood Red Pepper", she will not be as good-tempered as Watergate, and she will not be willing if she does not vent the anger in her heart fiercely.

Forced the water gate to summon the toad Bunta, and asked Bunta to jump hard towards the entrance of the village, thus causing this man-made earthquake.

Naruto is very happy now, because when he went to the Heavenly City, he not only knew that his father was the fourth generation Hokage, but also resurrected his parents with the help of the city lord, and felt the family affection that he had been longing for since he was a child, and couldn't help but hold his mother's little hand tightly, and a foolish smile appeared on his face.

"Teacher, Master?" Kakashi, who had the eyes of the writing wheel, easily saw the three people of Bo Feng Shuimen standing above Bunta's head, and muttered in disbelief.

Kakashi didn't understand why the teacher and his wife, who had died, suddenly came back to life, and he didn't understand why the teacher suddenly attacked Konoha, wasn't this a place that the teacher was desperately guarding?

With this thought, Kakashi kept staring at the wave of wind and water, and finally saw the child being led by Kushina clearly, "Naruto?" Kakashi understood, and then lowered his head, not daring to look at Kushina again.

"Kakashi, what are you afraid of?" Kushina asked, angry at this disciple of the Water Gate. Unlike the other villagers, Kakashi knew Naruto's identity, but not only did he not disclose Naruto's identity, but he never saw him stand up for Naruto when he was bullied.

Hearing his wife's question, Kakashi didn't dare to look up and muttered, "I'm sorry, but my teacher and wife ......"

Mizumon stood aside, although he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak, after all, in his heart, he was also a little disappointed in Kakashi.

Ape Fei Ri came to the entrance of the village non-stop, and just wanted to question the situation, but before the words could be spoken, he saw the Shuimen couple standing on top of Wentai's head, and at the same time, Shuimen and Jiu Sinai also saw the three generations, and for a while, the atmosphere in the air began to be weird.

Ape Fei Ri's face was full of disbelief

Bo Feng Shuimen's gaze at the three generations was very complicated, with respect and disgust

Jiu Sinai was much simpler, her heart was full of anger, and she couldn't wait to beat Ape Feiri right now.

Naruto, on the other hand, looked at the three of them in bewilderment......


Heavenly City

Bai Ye read the plan and made some suggestions, "That's it, let the people on the list prepare!".

Hu Xueyan nodded and replied respectfully, "My subordinates will notify me now!"

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