Just below the platform, when Jiang Xiaofu and Li Xuan were talking, changes began to occur on the platform.

Although Li Feijun, who used a long sword, was very strong and his swordsmanship was very sharp, when he fought with Liu Haidao, his bright white sword energy filled the entire platform.

However, the gap was the gap. Even though Li Feijun's fighting will was very high, he was still inferior to Liu Haidao who had already comprehended the sword's power. When fighting with him, he was slowly suppressed.


Li Feijun himself was naturally very clear about his disadvantage at the moment. He knew that he could not continue like this, so after using all his strength to chop Liu Haidao out with a sword, he moved his mind and used the secret technique.

Secret Technique - Disintegration of Gas Technique

After Li Feijun roared and used the secret technique, his aura suddenly increased greatly, his face flushed red, and he swung much more sword energy at Liu Haidao not far away.

Facing the sudden burst of Li Feijun and the sword energy that was about to reach him, Liu Haidao also held a long sword in his hand and dodged the dense sword energy in a somewhat embarrassed manner. If he really couldn't avoid the sword energy, he would swing the long sword to split the sword energy, but after splitting the sword energy, he would be shocked back by the sword energy.

Seeing this, Li Feijun's face, which had been flushed red, showed a happy look, but his eyes showed a touch of cruelty, making the smile on his face carry some tyranny.

As Li Feijun's mind moved, his aura suddenly increased greatly, and even his eyeballs were filled with red bloodshot, making his eyes turn fiery red.

Then, the sword energy Li Feijun released was not only more dense, but also much larger in size than before. It was not only twice as thick and long as before, but also changed from bright white to a touch of scarlet.

After seeing Li Feijun's performance, even Li Xuan and other onlookers understood that the secret technique used by Li Feijun had deepened. Even if he defeated his opponent, the price he paid would make his next game more difficult.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaofu, who was watching, suddenly slapped his palm with a folding fan, and suddenly realized:

"The swordsmanship used by this Li Feijun should be the "Eighteen Styles of Jade Sword". This swordsmanship is a top-grade Huang-level martial art, especially good at emitting a large amount of sword energy. It seems that he has spent a lot of time on this martial art and uses it well."

After hearing Jiang Xiaofu's words, Li Xuan looked at Li Feijun. At this time, Li Feijun's face was already full of an expression of victory.

Li Feijun knew that although he did not comprehend the sword momentum and his understanding of martial arts was not as good as Liu Haidao, on the road of martial arts, not only superb comprehension is required, but also a high will and determination to be the best.

Just like Liu Haidao, it was just a matter of a thought. When he was bombarded by Li Feijun's sword energy, he did not adjust his mentality in time and used the method of dodging, which made him fall into an absolute disadvantage now.




At this time, Liu Haidao had no other choice but to bite the bullet and dodge the dense sword energy of the opponent. The sword energy that could not be avoided was blocked by his long sword.

However, the sword energy at this time was no longer something he could easily resist. Every time he blocked the sword energy, he would be shocked several steps away by the sword energy. After only blocking a few sword energies, he was shocked to the edge of the platform. According to the rules of the game, as long as he was out of the range of the platform, he would lose.

Facing his own predicament, Liu Haidao could no longer remain calm. After resisting the sword energy again, he was behind the platform~


Liu Haidao held his long sword horizontally, ignoring the sword energy that passed by his ear, his eyes were fixed on Li Feijun not far away, holding the long sword tightly in his hand, and with a huge momentum on his body, he chopped directly at Li Feijun.

As Liu Haidao moved, a huge fiery red blade light extended from his long sword, slashing towards Li Feijun with the force of a mountain.

At this time, sword energy also flew towards Liu Haidao's body.

Seeing this scene of both sides being hurt, Li Xuan, who was standing under the high platform, shook his head secretly.

With the fighting style of these two people, no matter who it was, they could no longer participate in the next game.


At this moment, everyone present suddenly heard an angry hum., the voice was so loud that it shocked everyone, and even Li Feijun and Liu Haidao on the platform were stagnant.

Then, everyone saw that a whirlwind suddenly blew up on the platform, and both Li Feijun and Liu Haidao were blown off the platform by the whirlwind and rolled on the ground in a mess.

"Li Feijun, Liu Haidao, this game is a tie, and both are considered eliminated."

When the two rolled on the ground in a mess and stopped rolling in dust, everyone heard this majestic voice.

After hearing this majestic voice, Li Feijun and Liu Haidao fell silent, but did not refute. After honestly bowing to a place higher than the platform where the voice came from, they walked out in a mess. Among them, Li Feijun's body was trembling a little, which should be the side effect of his secret technique.

However, the two of them did not waste time. They hurried to rest and adjust their condition as soon as possible, because there was still a challenge match in the future. As long as they got a good ranking in the challenge match, they could continue the competition.

At this time, Li Xuan also looked at the highest place.

In that place, there was a simple shed, and under the shed, there was a middle-aged man with a majestic face and a beard sitting on a horse and a golden sword. Next to this man, there were several people serving him, fanning him slowly, and on the table next to him, there were some snacks that looked delicious, and a cup of tea.

But for some reason, Li Xuan always felt that this majestic middle-aged man had a sense of disobedience, because although he sat there with a sense of oppression, Li Xuan always subconsciously ignored him, as if he was not important at all. If it weren't for the sound he made just now, Li Xuan would not have noticed him.

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