Others are not clear about the power of Commander Yan, so how could the head of the Wang family not be clear? The reason why he was clear about it was that he was so polite to the Yan follower who brought him a message even though his youngest son's hands and feet were broken.

Thinking of the message his aunt in Wangbei County sent him, the head of the Wang family still suppressed his anger and said to the two people next to him:

"The matter of Zixian ends here. Shunzi, don't send that letter. Just treat the thing I told you never happened."

Hearing the words of the head of the family, Shunzi was relieved and took the letter out of his arms and put it on the desk.

After putting the letter away, the head of the Wang family sighed a little unwillingly, and then said to his eldest son:

"Zihou, go and persuade your mother not to make her too sad. As for these things, I will talk to her later."

Hearing his father's words, although Wang Zihou was a little unwilling, he still nodded and left the study.

After Wang Zihou left, the face of the head of the Wang family, who had been calm, gradually became gloomy. He looked at the pen holder on the desk without saying anything.

Shunzi, who was standing next to him, waited for a while. Seeing that the head of the family did not speak, he called him cautiously. "Master."

Hearing Shunzi's call, the head of the Wang family also came back to his senses. Seeing Shunzi looking at him worriedly, he waved his hand tiredly to comfort him:

"It's okay, it's just that there are too many troubles, and I feel a little tired. You go down."

Shunzi heard the master's words, looked at him worriedly, and went down too. However, when he left the room, he faintly heard a long sigh.


Li Xuan didn't know these things yet. After he finished his meal at Uncle Lin's house, he returned home with the things sent by the Constable's Office.

After respectfully offering incense to his parents, Li Xuan came to the room where his parents lived. After looking at the familiar furnishings in the room for a while, Li Xuan went directly to a wardrobe, but he did not open the wardrobe, but picked up the wardrobe in front of him and gently put it aside.

Then, Li Xuan ignored the wardrobe and came to the wall behind the wardrobe, stretched out his hand and knocked back and forth on the wall.

Not long after, when Li Xuan knocked on a blue brick, he felt that it was different from other places, so he stopped.

After he removed the wall brick, a rather delicate wooden box was revealed inside.

Li Xuan took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to take out the box, and put it on the table next to him.

The location of this box was still told to Li Xuan by Li's mother when she was about to die, but at that time Li Xuan was full of sadness and grief, so he put the matter of the box behind him.

Today, when Li Xuan was chatting with Uncle Lin, Uncle Lin told him that the Li family should have a set of swordsmanship and archery, and both were quite good. They were all the special skills of Li's father when he was alive, so he could learn them.

After all, Li Xuan's affinity for swordsmanship is still good. What's more, whether it is spearmanship or swordsmanship, they are all used in close combat. If you can have a good archery, even if you have long-range ability, if you encounter an enemy, you will have a certain advantage.

After hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan recalled what his mother had told him, and then he came to his parents' room and found the wooden box.

After wiping off the loose soil on the wooden box, Li Xuan opened the wooden box.

What caught his eye were three books. If Li Xuan guessed correctly, there should be the swordsmanship and archery that Uncle Lin said.

Li Xuan did not hesitate and took out the three books directly. Under the books, there was a stack of silver bills, which seemed to be one hundred taels of silver bills.

Li Xuan ignored the banknotes and directly arranged the books in his hand on the desk.

"Returning Wind Sword Technique", "Falling Star Arrow Technique", "Hundred Herbs Classic"

When Li Xuan saw the last book, he raised his eyebrows in surprise. Judging from the title, it should be either a medical book or a medicine book.

Li Xuan stretched out his hand and swiped across the covers of the three books, and finally stopped at "Hundred Herbs Classic".

There was no need to worry about martial arts for the time being, as he had better gun skills, so Li Xuan focused his attention on another book.

Li Xuan flipped through the contents of the book casually, and as he expected, it was full of introductions and pictures of various herbs, which made him quite puzzled. He didn't know why his father put this book in a wooden box until Li Xuan flipped to the end and understood the reason.

Because at the end of this "Hundred Herbs Classic", not only a lot of magical medicines and pictures were introduced, but also some very practical prescriptions.

ButHowever, Li Xuan was not interested in medicine, so he quickly put down the medicine book in his hand and took the "Falling Star Arrow Technique" in his hand.

What Li Xuan did not expect was that this "Falling Star Arrow Technique" was a second-class martial art.

You know, in a small family like theirs, having a second-class sword and knife technique can already be regarded as a family heirloom.

So Li Xuan thought that the quite good arrow technique mentioned by Uncle Lin should be a third-class martial art. The reason why he found this martial art was just to have another means of attack. What he did not expect was that there was an unexpected surprise.

After putting the "Falling Star Arrow Technique" in his arms, Li Xuan looked through the "Returning Wind Sword Technique" with great expectation.

But after he flipped through it hastily, he sighed and put it back in the box.

This sword technique book was not beyond his expectation, it was really a second-level sword technique.

Although this sword technique book was pretty good, it was still far behind the book "Suzaku Surprising Spear" given to him by Commander Yan. It would be better to practice spear technique instead of this sword technique.

Moreover, Li Xuan's sword technique compatibility was barely at the upper level, while his spear technique talent was at the super level.

That is to say, if Li Xuan practiced sword technique and spear technique for the same amount of time, and his sword technique proficiency increased to 100, then his spear technique proficiency could reach 300 to 500.

That is because the spearmanship given by Commander Yan is of the first grade, which is difficult to practice. Even with the martial arts will bonus left by the master, it is much more difficult to practice than the second grade martial arts.

Otherwise, with Li Xuan's talent for spearmanship, if he changes to a second grade spearmanship, even if he can't practice it to the level of great success, he has at least reached the level of proficiency.

However, the first grade martial arts are not given for nothing. Even if Li Xuan has only practiced it to the level of pure success and minor success, he can still crush the proficiency of the second grade martial arts.

Of course, the practice of martial arts is different from the competition. In the competition, not only the level of martial arts should be considered, but also the person using the martial arts should be considered.

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