Li Xuan's eyes were fixed on the soaked secret book on the desk. Although there was no water dripping from it, it was still wet. It was obvious that it had no value.

Li Xuan waited for a while, and saw that the book still had no movement. After hesitating for a while, he slowly reached out and took the wet book in his hand.

After a careful inspection, Li Xuan still found nothing. There was really nothing eye-catching except the blurred handwriting and the colorful and unattractive illustrations.

Li Xuan frowned slightly. Since nothing could be seen on the surface, the secret should be hidden inside.

With a slight force from Li Xuan's fingers, the cover of the book was torn in half, and just after the cover was torn, the hidden things inside were finally revealed.

Seeing a corner of the cover leaking out, the thin gold paper, Li Xuan grabbed this corner without hesitation and pulled the gold paper out.

As the whole piece of gold paper was pulled out, Li Xuan was also startled by it.

The gold paper hidden in this small cover is quite big. When the gold paper is opened, it should be half the size of a desk. Moreover, it is densely written with tiny characters. The most important thing is that in the middle of this gold paper, there is a lifelike portrait of Buddha.

This discovery made Li Xuan's heart tremble. He picked up a treasure. This is a complete adventure. Who would have thought that in this secret book written by the master himself and with the will of martial arts, there would be such a treasure hidden.

No matter who gets this secret book, they will keep it well and will not let it be damaged. Moreover, this gold paper must be the master who wrote this secret book. With his superb palm power, the gold paper and the cover are pressed as one. If it weren't for the coincidence that the book was soaked in water, I don't know when this treasure will be able to appear in the world.

Li Xuan carefully looked at the gold paper in his hand. He was a little unsure about its material. Anyway, it was definitely not ordinary gold, because although ordinary gold is very ductile, it is very easy to deform. If it is used to record text and images, it is very easy to deform, and then you don’t know what it records.

Secret gold, according to legend, can only be refined by masters of the heavenly realm. It is said that only a little bit can be refined from a thousand kilograms of gold.

It is said that Buddhism likes to use secret gold and secret silver, and the value of secret gold is still a hundred times that of secret silver. Just this little bit in Li Xuan’s hand may be equal to the value of the entire Yunzhi County.

Just this piece of secret gold in Li Xuan’s hand may make the master-level masters jealous.

Li Xuan took a big sip of herbal tea, barely suppressed his excited heart, and looked at the content on the gold paper. Since the material is so valuable, then the value of the things recorded on it is definitely far greater than it itself.

There were a few slightly larger characters written on the top, which should be the name of this secret book. Li Xuan recognized the five big characters that made his heart beat wildly.

"Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu"

The most powerful body-building technique in the Buddhist Tantric Sect, and there is no other.

Even in "Jiuzhou Zhi", this body-building technique is highly respected and is considered a representative technique of Buddhism.

Li Xuan swallowed his saliva and continued to read on. However, for the sake of safety, Li Xuan did not turn on the desk lamp before, so this kind of tiny characters made him quite strenuous to read.

At this moment, Li Xuan suddenly remembered that just now under the moonlight, the golden light of this secret book flashed all over the room, accompanied by bursts of Sanskrit sounds, which made him a little eager to try and see if there was anything strange about this treasure.

Looking at the moonlight coming in from the window, Li Xuan took two quick steps and came to the range of the moonlight. Then, Li Xuan spread out the gold paper in his hand under the moonlight, and stared at the gold paper tightly, not missing a single change.

As the moonlight flowed on the gold paper like a spring, it was like spring water flowing into dry land, without reflecting a little light, and was absorbed.

Then, the whole piece of gold paper was like being injected with a source of energy, slowly emitting a golden light, the light was soft, and full of a reassuring atmosphere.

Then, the tiny words on the gold paper also slowly lit up, as if they were cast with magic, attracting Li Xuan to look at it intently, wanting to remember all the words in his heart.

And just as Li Xuan was looking at the words absentmindedly, the Buddha portrait in the middle seemed to come alive, not only flashing regularly, but also sounding bursts of Sanskrit.

And with the sound of SanskritAt this moment, the golden paper seemed to have found its target, trying to absorb the energy of the moonlight, and the golden light on it became brighter and brighter, as if it was trying to accumulate energy. As the Sanskrit sound in the golden paper became louder and louder, and the speech speed became faster and faster, the light on the golden paper became brighter and brighter, and finally gathered on the portrait. "Thus I have heard: At one time, the Buddha was in the Vulture Peak Mountain in Rajgir, with 12,000 great bhikkhus..." Along with the Sanskrit sound, the golden light on the portrait slowly gathered into a swastika symbol, and emerged on the golden paper, and finally turned into a golden light, shooting into Li Xuan's brow. Just when Li Xuan was hit by the golden light, Li Xuan's consciousness woke up in the sea of ​​consciousness. Although Li Xuan's consciousness came to his own sea of ​​consciousness for the first time, when he woke up in the sea of ​​consciousness, he naturally understood where he was.

However, when Li Xuan's consciousness looked up, he found that the whole sky had turned golden, and the center of this golden color was the majestic figure of the Buddha.

Just as Li Xuan was shocked by the figure of the Buddha, the whole sea of ​​consciousness began to appear bursts of Sanskrit sounds, just like a tight hoop spell, ringing in Li Xuan's ears.

"Thus I have heard, so I have heard, so I have heard, so I have heard..."

And Li Xuan's consciousness was like falling into a bottomless quagmire, being dragged deeper and deeper by the Sanskrit sound, and had no ability to resist.

And just as Li Xuan's consciousness became more and more sluggish, his eyes were about to be covered by golden light, and his mouth murmured "Thus I have heard",

In the deepest part of Li Xuan's sea of ​​consciousness, a sound like a morning bell and an evening drum suddenly came to mind.


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