Hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan scratched his head and asked:

"Uncle Lin, I still need time to practice my inner breath, and I can't spend all my time on physical training, right?"

Uncle Lin waved his hand and said:

"Don't worry, I will arrange everything. During your free time of physical training, you will still have enough time to practice Qi."

At this point, Uncle Lin looked at Li Xuan and asked:

"Why don't you just move to my place? In this way, with your Aunt Lin's care, your life will be more convenient."

Hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan quickly shook his head and refused without hesitation:

"No, Uncle Lin, I'm more comfortable alone , and I am not a child anymore. If I move here, it will be bad for Shiyu's reputation. "

After hearing this, Uncle Lin was silent for a while and said:

"Your father and I are like brothers, and the reason why I can survive is also thanks to Brother Li.

You and Shiyu don't have to be too stressed. Whether you are together or become siblings in the future, your Aunt Lin and I support you. "

Li Xuan has no thoughts in this regard for the time being, and said:

"Shiyu is still young now, let everything go with the flow."

The two chatted for a while, and Shiyu and her daughter came back with full of ingredients in their hands.


The next day, Li Xuan opened his eyes in the crowing of the rooster. Looking at the ancient furnishings in the house, Li Xuan blinked his eyes and got up nimbly.

"Eight Vajra Kung Fu" was a secret of Taoism in the past. It was not for increasing combat effectiveness, but for strengthening the body and prolonging life.

Moreover, it is best to practice twice a day, in the morning at sunrise and in the afternoon at sunset.

So, when the rooster crowed, Li Xuan got up obediently, ready to go to Uncle Lin's house after practicing the "Eight Vajra Kung Fu".

After practicing facing the morning sun, Li Xuan slowly finished the closing posture, and after feeling the inner breath in Dantian becoming stronger, he couldn't help but feel happy, with a sense of future in his heart.

When he walked out of the house, he suddenly found that there were many people on the street, some rushing to the morning market, some eating breakfast, and some going to private schools, bustling and lively.

Li Xuan bought some new sweets in a popular sweets shop and came to Uncle Lin's house.

Shiyu, who opened the door for Li Xuan, saw the sweets in Brother Xuan's hand and took them with a smile.

Shiyu was at the age of loving sweets, and she had no resistance to them.

However, she did not open it in a hurry, but came to her mother, fed her a piece first, then happily took out a piece, and wrapped the rest up to eat slowly later.

Aunt Lin complained about him first, then invited him to have breakfast together.

And Li Xuan was not polite, so they ate together.

After breakfast, Li Xuan pushed Uncle Lin to his yard.

Since Uncle Lin mainly practiced body training, there were more tools for practicing body training in his yard, which was why he practiced body training at Uncle Lin's house.

After they stood still in the martial arts arena, Uncle Lin asked Li Xuan:

"Xuan'er, after you went back yesterday, did you practice the inner breath according to the inner strength mental method in the "Great Zhou Wu Jing"? "

Li Xuan nodded and said, "Well, after I went back last night, I practiced it, but it was still a bit difficult to open the small Zhoutian, and it will probably take some time."

Uncle Lin nodded and said:

"The small Zhoutian is relatively easy. As long as you study hard, with your qualifications, it will take less than a year for you to open the small Zhoutian and form a small circulation in your body, which will be the level of a third-rate master."

Li Xuan opened his mouth and wanted to say that he felt it would not take so long. After all, there were only a few acupoints. When he entered into meditation last night, he was about to open the first acupoint. Judging from the degree of collapse, he would be able to take down the first acupoint in less than three days.

However, Li Xuan opened his mouth and swallowed the words. He decided to wait until he really opened it.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan asked:

"Uncle Lin, if you open the small Zhoutian, you will be a third-rate master? What about me now?"

Uncle Lin laughed and shook his head when he heard his words.

"You are at most a low-class master now. Outside, people like you can't even become masters."

At this point, Uncle Lin said:

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, take the blood pill, and we will start to practice the body."

Uncle Lin asked Li Xuan to take the blood pill he had prepared long ago, and said:

"Physical training is to practice the blood and qi in the body. It is different from practicing qi. Physical training is divided into skin, flesh and blood., bones, blood, and organs, from outside to inside, from shallow to deep, from easy to difficult.

First, we have to practice the "Rough Bull Fist" in the "Great Zhou Wujing".

"Rough Bull Fist" is the boxing method we need to practice in the first two levels of body training. There are four levels in total. After practicing the first two levels, it is considered that the skin is well trained. After you have practiced all four levels, you have practiced both the skin and the flesh.

After you have practiced this boxing method thoroughly, you will not only have the defense and strength of a rough bull, but your blood and qi will be ten times stronger than that of ordinary people, which is considered to have reached the level of a third-rate master. "

"Now, while your blood and qi are boiling, practice quickly. "

After hearing Uncle Lin's words, Li Xuan quickly got ready. Before that, he had memorized the movements of "Rough Bull Fist" in "Da Zhou Wu Jing". After taking the blood pill, it was the time when the blood and qi in his body were gushing out, which was suitable for practice.

"First move, Rough Bull Headbutt"

With Uncle Lin's shout, Li Xuan quickly began to practice.

However, although Li Xuan had memorized all the moves before, he was a mess when he did it.

Therefore, Uncle Lin, who was sitting next to him, held a thin and long pole in his hand, and gave timely guidance if there was any non-standard practice.

Of course, if you make a mistake again the second time, there will be an extra red mark on it. .

As he practiced the Bull Fist, Li Xuan's breathing became more rapid, and the blood and qi in his body also gradually merged into the epidermis of his body, making Li Xuan feel swollen.

When the sun was high in the sky, Li Xuan, who was practicing the Bull Fist, looked a little pale, which was due to excessive consumption of blood and qi in his body.

After seeing this, Uncle Lin nodded and asked Li Xuan to stop practicing. When he took off all his clothes except for a pair of shorts, he drove him into a large bathtub that had been prepared long ago.

The water in the bathtub was steaming hot and smelled of Chinese medicinal materials. It was the medicinal bath that Uncle Lin prepared for him.

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