Above the Giant Canyon, the Xiongbing Company and many soldiers were attracted by this strange sight.

"Oh my god, there are so many angel beauties."

Ge Xiaolun saw the long white legs dangling in the air, and a tear fell from the corner of his mouth

"Yes, there are so many angels. How great it would be if I could marry one of them."

His best friend Zhao Xin also echoed beside him, his eyes almost popping out.

Many beautiful angels surrounded a queen sitting on the throne. She was wearing white autumn pants, with her legs crossed, and was casually exploring everything about the history of Blue Star. The angels behind Kaisha frowned when they saw that the Galaxy Force, who was highly expected by the queen, looked so wretched and loser.

"War, war, your Blue Star's history is full of wars. No wonder the God of Death Carl likes this place so much."

"Am I right? The power of the galaxy."

Kesha's white eyes returned to normal, and she looked at Ge Xiaolun calmly and said

"Ah? You ask me? I.....I don't know!"

Everyone's eyes were on Ge Xiaolun, making him feel uncomfortable. He looked left and right, and answered hesitantly.

"Queen Kesha, may I ask what brings you to Blue Star?"

At this time, Chen Tianqi and the other two came out of the Giant Gorge. Dukao looked at the figure in the sky and asked in a dignified voice:

"Oh? Dukao, your presence makes me wonder why wars often happen on Blue Planet."

"Humph, you are not ashamed to mock me? You angels have fought wars for tens of thousands of years, and you are not ashamed to act so noble here?"

Although Dukao was extremely dissatisfied, he did not want to conflict with Kaisha easily considering the other party's identity - after all, he was the king of gods. However, he received Chen Tianqi's message asking him to fight back, so he had to fight back.

Chen Tianqi was eating melon seeds, ready to watch the show.

Kaisha was a little surprised at this time. She didn't expect that Dukao had the courage to argue with her. She didn't get angry after hearing it, and said lightly

"That was the righteous battle waged by the angels"

"Look at you, wars are everywhere because of selfish interests."

"That is also the process that Blue Star civilization must go through in order to develop. You are not qualified to judge!"

Dukao retorted loudly.

Seeing that Dukao was a little angry, Kaisha smiled.

"Well, there is no need to say this to a war maniac.

Then he turned his attention to Ge Xiaolun again.

"Galaxy Power, we are here to destroy the evil god Morgana."

"Now I know her location, I can launch a great trial to eliminate her at any time"

"But after all, this will be your territory in the future, so I need your authorization."

After that, Angel Yan flew high in the sky at Kesha's signal, raised the flaming sword, and began to charge.

Inside Demon No. 1, Morgana had been monitoring Kesha's actions since the moment she set foot on Blue Star.

When she heard that Kesha had locked her location and was preparing to launch the Great Judgment, Morgana was extremely angry and her emotions were as excited as the raging tide in the storm.

She cursed indignantly, her voice full of dissatisfaction and hatred towards Kesha.

"Damn it, this bitch is targeting me again."

Suddenly Morgana had an idea.

""Little guys, teleport Demon No. 1 to the sky above Juxia City!"

On the Juxia side, Ge Xiaolun was confused when he heard that Kesha needed his authorization. Was he that awesome? He had to authorize such a person.

Suddenly, a huge projection of a shamatte aunt appeared in the sky, and started to speak the quintessence of Chinese culture, swearing at Kesha.

After a long time of abuse, Morgana put her hands on her hips, as if she was awesome, and said

"Bitch, I'm over the Grand Canyon now, come here if you dare"

"Let others see the hypocritical faces of you angels!"

For a moment, Ge Xiaolun, who was still hesitant, became even more undecided after hearing Morgana's words. If this shot goes down, millions of lives will disappear. He immediately turned his eyes to Dukao and begged for help. After hearing this, Kaisha remained calm and looked at Ge Xiaolun indifferently.

"It is worth sacrificing millions of lives to destroy an evil god."

"I.....I will listen to the chief."

Ge Xiaolun was at a loss and directly gave the choice to Dukao.

Hearing this, Kaisha couldn't help but feel a little disappointed and sighed. After all, he was just a child in his twenties who hadn't grown up yet.

Chen Tianqi looked at this scene, and an idea came to his mind. He began to send a message to Dukao.

Dukao didn't care about sacrificing millions of lives, but in order to maintain his own personality, he was about to refuse, but he received another message from Chen Tianqi.

Dukao's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. After thinking for a moment, he looked up at Kaisha and said


"Lao Du! Commander! Are you crazy?!"

As soon as these words came out, several people in the Xiongbing Company looked at Dukao with incredible eyes and cried out in surprise.

Dukao ignored them and continued with an unchanged expression.

"But there is a condition!"

"You angels have been chasing the demons for tens of thousands of years but have not been able to destroy them. Now you want to sacrifice the lives of millions of us to bring down the Great Judgment in an attempt to destroy Morgana."

"I doubt whether you angels will do the same useless work this time as before, and only increase the killing in vain."

"So please Queen Kesha guarantee that after this great judgment, the demon civilization will no longer exist in the universe!"

"Otherwise, please ask the righteous angel civilization to make up for our losses, deliver weapons and resources to Yan Country to resist the invasion, and provide resources for all the super soldiers of Xiongbinglian to upgrade to gods!"

Dukao's words were beyond Kaisha's expectations. She never thought he would say that, and she felt a headache.

If Morgana appeared in front of Kaisha, Kaisha could still keep her and kill her by herself.

But now it's uncertain.

After all, Morgana has been upgraded to the fourth generation of divine body by Carl, and her time and space technology is not covered. If the Great Judgment goes on, it is likely that Demon No. 1 and the demon gg inside will be involved, and Morgana herself will get away.

In addition, Carl may be peeping, and he may rescue Morgana.

In this way, if Morgana doesn't die, the demon civilization will appear again.

And her own angel civilization will bear all the resources connected by Xiongbinglian, but if the Great Judgment is given up now, the prestige of the angels will inevitably be hit.

Just when Kaisha lowered her head and pondered whether to release the Great Judgment, Morgana saw her like this and jumped in her face to sneer

"Bitch, look at these hypocritical angels! They hesitate when it comes to issues related to their own interests. They don't even consider you Blue Star people as human beings!"

When Kaisha heard Morgana slandering the angels, she already had the answer in her mind. The prestige of the angels cannot be lost.

"Yan, start the great trial!"

""Fuck you!"

As soon as Kaisha finished speaking, Morgana cursed. If she had known, she would have kept silent. She turned off the projection and the computer began to calculate frantically, trying to escape with Devil No. 1.

But after a long period of energy gathering, Angel Yan had already prepared for the Great Judgment. With Kaisha's order, she swung down the flaming sword, and the Great Judgment suddenly fell.

"Queen, please run away! We will not die unless you die!"

Seeing that the great judgment was approaching, Atuo persuaded Morgana who was performing wormhole calculations.

"Shut up, I'm just a little short of it."

Morgana shouted angrily. She couldn't let her Demon No. 1 die here. It was her only property after working so hard for so many years!

But the Great Judgment had arrived. The fierce energy mixed with high temperature gradually shattered the barrier of the Demon No. 1, and the hull structure was melting and disintegrating.

Just when Morgana was reluctant to leave her family business and had no time to run away, and was about to die with the Demon No. 1, a skull appeared in the void beside her, swallowed Morgana in one bite, and disappeared on the spot.

The energy beam of the Great Judgment lasted for a moment, and then slowly disappeared. The huge Juxia City and the Demon No. 1 turned into ashes, leaving only an extremely huge deep pit, and the sea water continued to pour in slowly.

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