"Boss, will you really purify !?"



The two were about to cry excitedly.

"Boss, how do I think this magic stone is not the same as ordinary magic stone!" Chuan Jianguo held the magic stone for a long time and suddenly realized this.

"Yeah, this blue crystal ring seems to be a little different, more shining, more gorgeous!"

"Is there any problem with the boss's purification character!"


"Then there is only one possibility, the magic weapon and magic stone purified by the boss are better than the general quality!"

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the horror and surprise in the other's eyes.

"Would you like to identify it?" Chuan Jianguo suggested.


"Yes, appraisal ..."

After two people explained, Wang Yin knew that there was a profession of appraiser in this Marfa world.

Because the magic weapon exploded on the monster is good or bad, it is also a blue crystal ring, which may increase one point of attack or two points of attack. This is random, so there are good and bad points.

The appraisal agency is specialized in distinguishing between good and bad.

Three people came to the laboratory together.

"Ordinary magic tools are one thousand gold coins at a time, and intermediate-level magic tools are 10,000 gold coins at a time. What magic tools do guests want to identify?"

"One thousand gold coins ?!" Chuan Jianguo and Ao Guanhai haven't been authenticated by LOW beeps, and they were taken aback.

The market price of a blue crystal ring is only two thousand gold coins, and the identification is one thousand? Grab money?

"What about the advanced magic weapon?" Ao Guanhai asked curiously.

"Does the guest have a high-level magic weapon?" The service staff showed an unbelieving expression.

"It's always okay to ask!" Ao Guanhai was a little weak.

"There is no uniform price for high-end magic tools, and the price is determined individually according to the magic tools! It may be one million or one hundred million!" Although the people who looked down on the Olympics and other people, the service staff still maintained a good service attitude and answered. .

"100 million?" Ao Guanhai was stunned.

Wang Yin was unmoved. He took out two blue crystal rings and gave them to the service staff, "Identify these two!"

"Okay, guests, a total of two thousand gold coins!"

Wang Yin looked at Austrian Guanhai and Chuan Jianguo.

Ao Guanhai and Chuan Jianguo had convulsions on their faces, but still painfully counted the gold coins one by one and put them on the counter.

The service staff accepted the gold coins with a smile, and secretly scolded in my heart, I'm afraid I didn't encounter a fool.

Entered the hall, and the clerk met the boss.

"Why are you laughing?"

"This is the case, boss, there were a few fools just now, who said they would identify two blue crystal rings!"

"Identify the blue crystal ring?" The boss was puzzled. "Isn't the market price of the blue crystal ring two thousand? It took one thousand to identify?"

"Yeah, so I think it's just a few fools!"

"No, there is something wrong with this matter, you first come up with the identification, and report to me first when the result comes out!"

"Okay, boss!" Although the boss did not know why the bosses were so interested in the fools, the clerk nodded obediently.

Waiting for time, Wang Yin returned to the inn and purified all the magic tools and stones in the bag.

Put a crystal clear and purified magic stone in the palm of your hand, Wang Yin sat cross-legged, and began to run the Nine Nine Fu Long Gong to absorb the energy of the magic stone.

"Good pure energy!" Wang Yin felt that this energy was no worse than the crystals of his great Qin world.

If used for comparison, the energy of this magic stone is more pure than the top grade crystal, which is equivalent to the top grade crystal!

Actually found the best spar here!

Soon, Wang Yin has absorbed the energy of the whole magic stone.

Took out another magic stone purified with the purification symbols of this world and began to absorb it.

"The purification degree of this magic stone is too low, and there are too many impurities in the magic gas, which is only equivalent to the inferior fine stone!" Wang Yin gave up absorption.

The same magic stone can be purified to the highest quality by Lin Zhengying's purification symbols, and only the inferior quality can be achieved with this world's purification symbols!

Wang Yin seemed to think of something, but the thought only appeared in the brain for a moment and then disappeared.

Forget it, let's count it right now.

Wang Yin has made up his mind, the magic stone has been purified for his own use, the low-level magic weapon can be sold, and the high-level magic weapon is not sold!

"Boss, the appraisal result is out!" The clerk handed an appraisal result to the boss.

Blue crystal ring, destroy 1-0, magic defense 0-2.

Blue crystal ring, destroy 2-0, magic defense 0-4.

The boss wiped his eyes vigorously, could it be wrong?

Is wrong, right.

The difference between the two rings is so great!

The upper one is normal data, what does the lower one mean? Double attribute? Are you sure you call the blue crystal ring?

"Boss, shall we ..." The clerk made a gesture of grasping by hand, which was to blacken the ring.

"Are you a fool? Can such a person offend?" The boss sneered.

"People who can play this kind of attribute ring are likely to encounter those legendary monsters, so he will find that after purification, it will be different and identified!"

In the eyes of the boss, the reason why the two rings are different is because the one with good attributes comes from those legendary monsters.

Rivers and lakes are rumored that the same magic weapon comes from different monsters, and their attributes are different.

One of the monsters from the legendary monster ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The properties will be high and people will go crazy.

Will they be able to offend people who can kill legendary monsters?

Do n’t talk about them, even the head office, be polite to such people!

"Go, let's go to meet the owner of the ring!"

At the front desk, the boss respectfully handed a verification result to Wang Yin.

Purify the blue crystal ring with the purification symbol of this world, destroy 1-0, magic defense 0-2.

The blue crystal ring purged with Lin Zhengying's spell, destroyed 2-0, and magic defense 0-4.

Double the attributes directly!

Aoguanhai and Chuan Jianguo were instantly dull.

"Boss, you are the reincarnation of God!"

The boss looked at the two people's eyes and knew that Wang Yin was the real "big brother".

"Dare to ask the distinguished guests how to call them?" The boss was very respectful of Wang Yin, and even kind of pleased.

"Wang Yin!"

"Wang Gongzi, please sit inside!" The boss was very polite to Wang Yin.

"Good!" Wang Yin entered the laboratory of the laboratory under the personal guidance of the boss.

Wang Yin sat down in the first place, and the boss personally served tea with a very respectful attitude.

"I don't know which strong son Wang Zizi is ..."

"My origin boss, you don't have to ask, if you like this ring, I can sell it to you!"

"Like it!" The boss smiled, his intention is this.

Slightly pondered for a while, the boss said: "The property of this ring is very strong, so, I personally give 200,000 gold coins ...

"Poof!" Ao Guanhai sprayed directly out of the water.

200,000, the ring originally worth only 2,000 gold coins actually sold 200,000!

One hundred times!

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